Top 19 Games Similar to 無雙戰紀 ─ 屬於你的三國

狂斬三國2 1.1.6
App Store 排名第一單機遊戲續作強勢來襲登陆Google Play市場!萬眾矚目之下,狂斬三國2榮耀歸來!更多精彩內容及礼包敬請關注Facebook:狂斬三國2輕操作ARPG單機手游,圓你三國英雄夢!日系動漫風格,融入塔防對推策略創新玩法!操作小白必備的極品單機遊戲!《狂斬三國2》全新版本強勢來襲。新增無盡模式、好友系統和世界排行榜等特色玩法。更能在無盡模式下邀好友助戰、查看好友裝備信息。趕快邀請好友,一起並肩戰鬥吧!一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一#產品特點#【劇情】5個主題+50↑關卡,敘趙雲傳奇,繪三國烽火【操作】只有點與劃,操作小白也能暢玩其中。【玩法】攻、退、守、護,多樣玩法豐富你的遊戲體驗【裝備】多元化的裝備養成,圓你披堅執銳的將軍夢!【傳奇】源於三國的故事創新,再現三國趙雲傳!【畫面】濃墨重彩中趙雲、呂布等三國名將輪番上陣【特效】華麗的狂斬,酷炫的技能特效,閃瞎你的雙眼【音效】扣人心弦的複古背景音樂帶你瞬間重回三國戰場一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一精緻的畫面,多變的玩法,殺敵破陣盡在你的點劃之下簡單的操作,粗暴的快感,方寸之間成就你的雄圖霸業厲兵秣馬,王者歸來化身趙雲,衝鋒陷陣點劃之間,攻城掠地血染河山,成就霸業三國亂世,等你稱王
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms 2.8
This title is an Action RPG
kingdoms war 1.4
The romance of The Three Kingdoms is set intheromance of The Three Kingdoms horizontal version of thearcadefighting games, describes a hero long war epic game, with apike inThe Three Kingdoms, showing elegantly spectacular, thrillingfightcloud chart, single machine can play well
捕鱼无双-pocket casual fishing game 4.0
Yue Studio
Fantasy fishing sailing world tour, joined the adventureofpeoplefishing, hunting boss traveled major fisheries species.Uptotwelve kinds of fishing levels, each fishery has to waitforthenew species was collected, unlock more advancedturrets,upgradethe skills of a higher order, were dripping fishingit!Fixedscreen: use fixed screen props, fish collective islocked,thentargeting enjoy fish caught; Speed: After usingspeed,endlessshells fired, with a range artillery use, butreallyinvincible,what fish can not escape; Laser Cannon: Lasertrailsfish are hurt,slight resistance is not strong fish will bereceivedas a foregoneconclusion; Gun range: wherever, Boss nemesis;clicktarget,artillery guns issued directed at target range,asubstantialincrease crit index and lethality, super heavyartilleryagainstflu. New online PK, four with fishing screenfishing Darentitlecontention; "Crusade" Let us embark on a journeyto conquertheboss, to become the strongest of people fishing!Officialfacebookpage: https: //
武媚娘-梦回三国 1.6.0
rao fahua
年度最具人气的宫廷史诗电视剧授权手游《武媚娘-梦回三国》,武媚娘穿越三国,化身绝美妖姬,携手历代美人,大小乔,西施,妲己等,助阵名将称霸三国!游戏内绝美时装,搭配姿色倾城的美女,给主公一个欲火焚身的超感体验!想统领江山,坐拥后宫三千?《武媚娘-梦回三国》内娇外嫩的妖姬等您一手掌控!本年度最让人撩拨人心的策略RPG手机游戏--《武媚娘-梦回三国》正式上线!武媚娘带您回到烽火四起的乱世三国,天香国色任您摆布,英雄豪杰上阵征讨八方。众多三国名将供您组合,打造属于您的最强队伍!妖姬入得厨房出得厅堂,共赴战场助您一战成名!经典战役任务等您征讨,群雄争夺只为万世流芳!华丽战斗技能闪耀夺目,再现沙场硝云弹雨景象!丰厚战役宝藏随手可得,武装上阵成为盛世霸主!游戏特色:武将系统:三国武将齐聚于此向您俯首称臣,调兵遣将统领群雄独霸江山!妖姬系统:美人后宫与您共枕同眠,燃点欲望之火,战场共同决战挡路敌寇!技能系统:特效技能炫丽呈现金戈铁马激战场景,主动招数威风凛凛,天赋技能如虎添翼!养成系统:猛将养成令武将潜能激发,妖姬培育共同扫荡战场!专属系统:名将传记开启各项神兵利器奇珍异宝丰富武将玩法提高战斗力!图腾系统:点亮星宿图腾武将属性得以全面发挥,战斗力更上一层楼!风林火山:疾如风,徐如林,侵掠如火,不动如山。资源调配考您神机谋略赢尽天下战役!军团系统:佣兵天下,称霸群雄。集结兄弟,凝聚力量。以贡献论功行赏,群策群力得转生秘宝!邀请系统:独乐乐不如众乐乐,Facebook共邀好友煮酒论英雄赢取丰厚奖励!年度最具人气的策略RPG手游巨献--《武媚娘-梦回三国》独特妖姬系统让您左拥右抱尽情调戏美人,妖姬更能助战给战斗带来更多悬念和逆转的可能性。结合排位策略、武将培养、三国剧情于一身的RPG玩法,名将专属神兵利器开启无限潜能,天赋技能扭转乾坤,星宿图腾属性提升让您打造一支只属于您的超群队伍。闯荡变幻莫测三国战场,掌控美人,傲视天下,一切皆在《武媚娘-梦回三国》。征战沙场如有疑问,请通过游戏内方便快捷的反馈渠道给我们留言,武媚娘将常伴您左右为您解决燃眉之急,同时还有多种游戏以外方式与我们联系哦!欢迎加入《武媚娘-梦回三国》充满艳遇的战场!year'smostpopular epic drama palace authorized hand tour "Wu Mei Niang-Dreaming Three Kingdoms", Wu Mei Niang across the threecountries,the embodiment of beautiful Enchantress, join the ancientbeauty,size Joe, beauty, Daji, etc., to help out star dominate thethree!Fashion beautiful game, with pretty Allure beauty, to thelord of ahorny super sense experience! I want to guide the country, sitting harem three thousand? "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Johnson outside and tender insidewaitingfor you to hand control Enchantress!Deeply moved the hearts of most people this year Strategy RPGmobilegame - "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming Three" formally launched! WuMeiNiang takes you back to the flames everywhere troubled timesthree,you are at the mercy of any Fantasy national colors, heroesbattlecrusade Octagon. many three star for your portfolio, create yourstrongestteam!Enchantress into the kitchen out of the hall, ride afamousbattle battlefield to help you!classic battle of tasks your crusade, warlords competeonlyfor the Greatest Story Ever Told!gorgeous fighting skills glitz, reproduce battlefieldscenenitrate cloud hail of bullets!Battle rich treasures are readily available, armed battle tobecomePrime overlord! Game Features:Generals system: three generals gathered here you vanquishtheirplans to dominate the country to guide the pack!Enchantress System: Sleeping beauty temple with you fellows,lightedthe fire of desire, common battlefield battle invaders outof theway!Skill System: dazzling special effects skills presentedarmoredcavalry battle scene, the initiative tricks majestic,naturalskills become more!Develop a system: the generals Reggie order to develop thepotentialof excitation, Enchantress foster joint raidsbattlefield!Exclusive system: open the famous biography rich treasuresmagicweapon to improve the combat effectiveness of thegeneralsplay!Totem system: Lit stars totem generals property to fullplay,fighting a higher level!Furinkazan: lightning-fast wind, Xu Rulin, invaders fire, donotmove a mountain. God machine provisioning test your strategy towinthe battle to make the world!Legion System: mercenary world, dominate the pack.Assembledbrothers, gathering strength. To contribute reward, teamwork wasreincarnated Mibao!Invitation System: Better Together alone, Facebook friendswereinvited to cooking wine Heroes win huge rewards! The year's most popular strategy RPG hand tour Juxian - "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Enchantress unique system allows youtoenjoy the left hold the right owner molested beauty, to fighttobring more suspense and better assist in reversingpossibilityEnchantress. Combined qualifying strategy, generalsculture, thestory in one of the three RPG gameplay, exclusivefamous magicweapon that open up infinite potential, natural skillsto turnthings around, the stars totem property promotion allows youtocreate a superior only part of your team. Threebattlesunpredictable battlefield, control of beauty, disdain fortheworld, and all are in the "Wu Mei Niang - dreams of theThreeKingdoms."Swords If in doubt, please convenient and efficientfeedbackchannels within the game give us a message, Wu Mei Niangwill oftenaccompanied by your side to solve your urgent needs, aswell as avariety of ways other than the game contact us Oh! Welcome to "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming three" fullAventurebattlefield!
街機王朝-制霸天下 2.1
===游戏介绍===风靡整个东南亚的最新横版格斗手游!热血格斗,无限连招,在乱世三国中享受更加爽快有趣的街机游戏体验!===游戏特色===★经典街机★你将体验到完美移植到手机的横版街机式格斗玩法,热血爽快战斗体验不输街机游戏厅!★盖世英雄★你将拥有多样化游戏角色养成体系,还能招募史诗将领成为同伴一起刷爆副本BOSS!★神兵利器★你将集成各式各样超强装备,收服威武猛兽为坐骑,合成传奇翅膀展现你的强大战力!★广交豪杰★你将与朋友在线组队抵御上古魔将入侵,和亲密战友誓死相随建立领地争霸乱世王朝!★群英争霸★你将参与到史上最爽快大型PVP战场,和其他玩家比武切磋,体验同台竞技的游戏乐趣!★粉丝专页★注意事项===《街机王朝》是一款完全免费的游戏,但游戏内有部分对象可通过真实货币购买。如果您在游戏中遇到任何问题,请通过游戏粉丝专页与我们联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。Game description======Popular throughout Southeast Asia, the latest version offightingcross-hand travel! Blood fighting, unlimited even strokes,enjoymore readily fun arcade game experience in the three countriesintroubled times!=== === Game Features★ ★ classic arcadeYou will experience the perfect horizontal version ported tomobilephones play arcade-style fighting, blood refreshingexperiencefighting arcade game room is not lost!★ ★ HeroesYou will have to develop a system to diversify the gamecharacter,but also to recruit epic generals become companions maxedcopyBOSS!★ ★ magic weaponYou will integrate a wide range of superior equipment, rein inthemighty beast as mounts, synthetic legendary wings to showyourstrong fighting force!★ ★ make HeroYou will team up with friends online to resist the invasionofancient magic, and a close ally of hegemony fight to go handinhand to establish territory chaos reign!★ ★ Beat hegemonyYou will be involved in the history of the most refreshing largePVPbattlefield, and learn from other players contest, competingagainstthe game fun experience!Fan page ★ ★ https: // === Notes"Arcade dynasty" is a completely free game, but there aresomeobjects in the game can be purchased for real money.If you encounter any problems in the game, the game fan pagepleasecontact us and we will be happy to serve you.
GBA Emulator 1.8
A free, easy to use emulator for the GBA
Total War Battles 1.0.2
BUILD, BATTLE AND AVENGE!Specifically developed for touchscreen platforms, TotalWarBattles™: SHOGUN is a new real-time strategy game from themakersof the award-winning Total War series.Total War Battles™ delivers quick-fire, tactical combatbalancedwith intuitive building and unit management. All set inabeautifully illustrated Medieval Japan.“This high-quality production dramatically streamlines theRTSgenre for mobile play, while making sure it's packed withenoughtactical depth to make its many skirmishes tenseandexciting” – 90% Gold Award“Total War Battles is a surprisingly beautiful and engagingmixof war gaming and puzzles.”Slide To Play – 4/41. COMPETE FOR THE SUPREMACY OF MEDIEVAL JAPANLead your clan to battle through more than 10 hours ofstory-drivencampaign set in the world of Total War™: SHOGUN 2;winner of “BestStrategy Game of 2011” awards from Gamespot, IGN,Gamespy andGameTrailers.2. BUILD YOUR ECONOMYDeploy and manage your bases to generate resources and recruitunitsincluding samurai, archers, ninjas and cavalry. Each victoryawardsXP to spend on building and troop upgrades that could makeadecisive difference to your future battles.3. A UNIQUE TAKE ON REAL-TIME BATTLESTotal War Battles™ introduces a new real-time battle systemthatfeels both familiar and fresh. The hex battle maps allowfornatural unit movements and deep strategy. However, as followersofthe “Bushido” code of conduct, your units can never turn back–this twist to classic RTS gameplay adds tension and intensitytothe action, making each victory even more rewarding.4. DESIGNED FOR TOUCHSCREENSIntroducing an interface designed specifically for touchscreens–drag and drop buildings and troops, swipe across the battlemapwith a flick, and pinch to zoom in and out.5. 1Vs1 LOCAL MULTIPLAYERPlay against a friend in real-time on a single device inthreedifferent multiplayer modes.6. SKIRMISH MODEPlay through six standalone battles in Normal, Hard orShogundifficulty. Compete against other players on the leaderboardsandunlock new Skirmish achievements.7. STRATEGY FOR ALLTotal War™ fans will naturally enjoy the intense, deep andrewardingaction-strategy gameplay, while more casual strategy fanswillappreciate the Zen simplicity of the opening tutorialbattles,scalable difficulty level and hint system that will soonmake thema tactical master.Play TOTAL WAR BATTLES on your big screen TV with for more information.
Series’ masterpiece “KOF ’98” finally joins the battle on Android!
Real Retro Games - Brick Break 2.9
Retro Games – Brick Breaker, the soul of video games.
Lep's World 3 5.4.7
nerByte GmbH
Wake up, Lep! Find his friends and items in this platformgame.Let's GO!
Fishing(Ace Games) Joy 1.5.24
Be fashionable in China in 2015, onehundredmillion loyal players, and has been awarded as the mostpopularmobile game many times by the chinese media!** Bullets bounce and never fall, abnormal version; the rewardcouldup to 10,000 times, super exciting!** Original arcade version, brand-new checkpoints! Just enjoythe100 different scenes!** 10,000 times cannon,Dasanyuan,Xiaosixi,Corsair,LightningChain,storm machine winnings.You can enjoy the arcade fishing gamesuper cool and super excitingin anytime and anywhere!【Game Features】"Bullet bounce": bullets can bounce back and does not fall,neverwaste coins!"Cool skilledness" 'Lock', 'Fury', 'Speedy','10000 times'and'Puase' to help you sweep BOSS!"qianpao arcade" Original fishing arcade game, bulletsunlimitedrebound, higher artillery level and more reward!"Hundred Versions" 'Toad Fishing', 'Monkey king',' Li Kuifishing','Aking', 100 versions, having everything you want ,andmassivereward when clearance the checkpoints!"painted eggshell"Dasanyuan,Xiaosixi,Corsair,LightningChain,Tai-sai game when killsBOSS ..., uncapped awards sendsnon-stop: there are mysteriousscenes and unlimited gifts.【Game Description】★ The hottest arcade game in China. Rich game contente withavariety of funny elements. There is not only touchingorientalmermaid and beautiful underwater world. Besides, you canalso enjoythe exciting of the arcade.Added Slot machines elements. The Roulette and a number offunnymini-games which will make you fondle admiringly!★ When you feel bored and you do not in party or withoutfriendsaround. You only have to download our game, and it will getrid ofloneliness and bring you happiness!★ If you chase lively, stimulate and pleasure from Gambling,evenfrequently go to casinos. You also only have to download ourgame,although we dont have Dice and Poker,we can provide theexcitingexperience of Casino through special features such asRoulette.Youcan enjoy the feeling of Casino without goingout.However, you haveto be lucky enough.★ Although,you were always bad luck. For example, you nevergetrewards in Lottery and you never win a prize in Lotteries. Theonlything you need is to accumulate slowly in our fishing,and youhaveto believe that the final Monopoly must be you!!!★ So,dont watting, invite your friends and play together!
深海捕鱼之千炮版 21.6.2
Sky Force 2014 1.46
The legend is back!
Bricks Breaker King 1.5.4
We invite you to the fantastic world of the block breaking.
A Game Player 2.3.3
wen guanxiao
"A Game Player" is a simple arcadegameplayer.Use this app, you can download classic arcade games and play.The arcade game time was such a classic time. In that time, whenyouwere asked the most love car. The answer may be Cadillac, orFord.But when you were asked the most love game, the answer mustbearcade.Being the king of arcade fighters. Let the classic timeregression.And have a good time!
STRIKERS 1945-3(STRIKERS 1999) 2.0.23073001
S&C Ent.Inc
Enjoy the 20th century's last classic arcade shooting game onyourmobile
Tank 90 1.2.0
[Grand Update] You must download this version of Tank 90 oryouwillmiss the marvellous joys here: 1) the long-time expectedWiFibattlevs friends is available now. Connect you to allAndroiddevice, likedroid phones and droid Pads! 2) Win one heartwhenpass on level.Collect hearts together for later configuration;3)Configure yourtank for life and power, 5 hearts will get 1 life.5hearts will get1 power up! 4) buy infinite wifi battle toplaycontinousely withyour friends! 5) and more joys to discover...Themost classic 90tank wars on App Store, and now is availableonGoogle Play Market!Tank 1990 is a different implementation ofNESbattle city, it hassome improvements, like enemy can eatthebonus. You, controlling atank, must destroy enemy tanks ineachlevel, which enter theplayfield from the top of the screen.Theenemy tanks attempt todestroy the player's base (representedonthe map as a bird, eagleor Phoenix), as well as the humantankitself. A level is completedwhen the player destroys all 20enemyTanks, but the game ends ifthe player's base is destroyed ortheplayer loses all availablelives. It contains 20 differentstagesthat are 13 units wide by 13units high. Each mapcontainsdifferent types of terrain andobstacles. Come and enjoy it,hopeit might remind you of the goodold days when you were a youngboy!
Break Bricks HD
VL Game
Destroy all the bricks to pass phase andenjoythe spectacular visual effects in this clone of the famousgameArkanoid or Brick Breaker were so popular in the 70's and 80'sandthat you can carry in your pocket everywhere.Destroy all the bricks to pass phase and enjoy thespectacularvisual effects in this clone of the famous game ArkanoidorBreakout were so popular in the 70's and 80's and that youcancarry in your pocket everywhere.There are two control modes ball: Classic, where the bounceangledepends on the point of impact on the racket (steeper as morefarfrom the center) and Demolition, where the bounce angle dependsonthe angle of incidence and the movement of the racket.Archanoid currently consists of 400 levels but will beaddingmore. To overcome them you will have various aids,althoughsometimes they can hinder you work, as can be changes inthe sizeof the racket or the speed of the balls multiplier balls,barrier,fireballs, gravity, change visibility bricks ...