Top 15 Apps Similar to My SEAT Mexico

My SEAT DE 1.6.0
Exklusiv für SEAT Fahrzeugeigentümerkombiniertdie MY SEAT App die Wartungsinformationen IhresFahrzeugs mitFahrtipps und nützlichen Funktionen.Mit nur einigen Angaben zu Ihrem Fahrzeug, u.a. demKennzeichenund dem Modell, passt sich der Inhalt dieser Appautomatisch Ihrenindividuellen Bedürfnissen und Wünschen an undstellt Ihnen dieentsprechenden Wartungsinformationen undService-Empfehlungen zuIhrem Fahrzeug bereit. Sie erfahren stetsals erstes von aktuellenAngeboten und Neuheiten bei SEAT.Weitere Funktionen:- Pannenhilfe- Park-Assistent „Mein Fahrzeug finden“-Erklärung der Symbole der Instrumententafel-SEAT Partner finden-SEAT Kundenbetreuung-SEAT WeltExclusively forSEATvehicle owners combines MY SEAT app maintenance data ofyourvehicle with driving tips and useful features.With only a few details about your vehicle, inter alia, themarkand the model, the content of this app automatically adjuststoyour individual needs and wishes and provides you withtheappropriate service information and service recommendationsforyour vehicle ready. You know always the first of the latestoffersand new products at SEAT.Further Functions:- Breakdown- Parking Assist "find my car"-Declaration The symbols of the instrument panelFind -seat Partner-seat Customer Care-seat World
Seat Clima Code
Aplicación que enseña como acceder aloscódigos ocultos de algunos climatizadores del coche.(seatleon,seat ibiza, seat toledo...)Muestra una la lista de los códigos para acordarnos de que es loquevisualizamos en el climatizador por ejemplo: Temperaturas,velocidadreal del vehículo, velocidad del motor(R.P.M.)....Valido para algunos coches de la marca seat o del grupo vag.Con la aplicación seat clima code tendrás todos loscódigosordenados y en tu móvil.En el programa de codigo oculto del clima, si manda la fotodelcoche marca seat podría ser elegida para las fotos delagaleria.Application shows howtoaccess the hidden codes of some car air conditioners. (Seatleon,seat ibiza, seat toledo ...)Displays a list of codes to remind us of what we envision inclimateeg temperatures, actual vehicle speed, engine speed (RPM)....Valid for some brand cars seat or vag group.With the application code seat climate have all ordained andcodeson your mobile.In the program code hidden climate, if you send a photo of thecarseat brand could be chosen for the photos to gallery.
My SEAT Italia 1.6.0
Solo per proprietari di auto SEAT, l'appMySEAT combina informazioni sulla manutenzione del veicolo insiemeainteressanti consigli di guida e utili funzioni.Bastano solo poche informazioni, come numero di targa emodello,e l'App My SEAT personalizzerà i suoi contenuti secondo letuenecessità, con informazioni sulla manutenzione e sui servizieaggiornamenti sulle ultime offerte e novità.Altre funzioni includono:- Assistenza su strada- Dispositivo ‘Find my car’- Guida ai simboli sul cruscotto- Trova un partner SEAT- Assistenza SEAT- SEAT Social MediaOnly for car ownersSEAT,the app My SEAT combines information on vehicle maintenancewithinteresting driving tips and useful features.It only takes a few details, such as license plate numberandmodel, and App My SEAT will customize its content to yourneeds,with information on maintenance and services and updates onthelatest offers and news.Other features include:- Roadside assistance- Device 'Find my car'- Guide to the symbols on the dashboard- Find a partner SEAT- Support SEAT- SEAT Social Media
SEAT Service 2.1.4
This application is the official application of SEAT Service.
Mijn SEAT 3.0.2
Let op! De Mijn SEAT app is alleengeschiktvoor geselecteerde SEAT modellen die vanaf 2016 leverbaarworden.Kijk op voor een actueel overzicht.Met de Mijn SEAT app ben je in een handomdraai verbonden metjeSEAT. Zie op afstand of je SEAT op slot staat, waar jehebtgereden, hoeveel je verbruikt, wanneer je moet tanken, of hettijdis voor onderhoud en wat de status is van debelangrijksteautofuncties. Open de app en je weet het.DASHBOARD.Je kent het ongetwijfeld. Het gevoel dat je bijna zeker weet datjeSEAT op slot staat. Gelukkig kunnen de veiligheidsfuncties vandeMijn SEAT app je direct geruststellen. Je hoeft de deur nietmeeruit om het te checken.PARKERENDoor samenwerking met Parkmobile heeft de Mijn SEAT app eennieuwefunctie gekregen. Je krijgt automatisch een melding op uwtelefoonwanneer je voor een parkeerplek op straat moet betalen. Debetalingvoor de parkeeractie stopt automatisch wanneer de autoweerwegrijdt of als de maximale parkeerduur is verstreken. Jebetaaltdus nooit meer te lang voor parkeren.MIJN RITTEN.De Mijn SEAT app biedt je een duidelijk overzicht van al jegemaakteritten. Inclusief afstand, tijd, gemiddelde snelheid en degeredenroute. Zo kun je eenvoudig je ritten bijhouden. Je weetprecies ofeen rit privé, woon-werk of zakelijk was.RIJSTIJL.Met de Rijstijl-score in de Mijn SEAT app krijgt zuinig rijdeneentotaal nieuwe dimensie. In één oogopslag wordt inzichtelijk hoejerijgedrag is ten opzichte van andere SEAT rijders. Van hetverbruikper kilometer tot aan de gemiddelde snelheid. Brandstofbesparenwas nog nooit zo leuk.LOCATIE.Dankzij de locatievoorziening van de Mijn SEAT app zie je exactwaarje auto is. En waar je bent. Via de getoonde route op de kaartbenje zo weer bij je SEAT. Onmisbaar in grote steden of opvakantie inEuropa. En misschien wel zo prettig als je je autohebtuitgeleend.ONDERHOUD.Enig idee wanneer je auto onderhoud nodig heeft? Gelukkig heeftdeMijn SEAT app altijd een antwoord klaar. Ook als er een lampjegaatbranden of als het tijd is voor een APK. En in geval van pechkunje via de app direct de SEAT Mobiliteitsserviceinschakelen.Dit is lang niet alles. Download de app en ontdek het gemak.LET OP: Negeer nooit brandende waarschuwingslampjesentekstmeldingen op het dashboard van je auto, dit kan totstilvallenvan de wagen in het verkeer, ongevallen of ernstigeverwondingenleiden.Pay attention! MineSEATapp is suitable only for selected SEAT models available check for an update.The My SEAT app you are connected to your SEAT in an instant.Seedistance or your SEAT locked state, where you drove, how muchyouuse, when you need to refuel, whether it is time formaintenanceand the status of key vehicle functions. Open the appand you knowit.DASHBOARD.You know the doubt. The feeling that you almost certainly knowyourSEAT locked state. Fortunately, the safety features of the SEATMyapp can reassure you immediately. You do not get out the doortocheck it.PARKINGThrough cooperation with ParkMobile the SEAT My app has anewfeature. You automatically get a notification on your phonewhenyou have to pay on the street for a parking spot. The paymentforthe parking action will stop automatically when the car drivesoff,or if the maximum parking time has expired. You will never paymorefor parking too long.MY RIDES.Mine SEAT app gives you a clear overview of all your tripsmade.Including distance, time, average speed and the driven route.Soyou can easily track your rides. You know exactly or rideprivate,commuting or was business.DRIVING STYLE.The Driving Style score in my SEAT app gets economical drivingawhole new dimension. At a glance, it becomes clear how yourdriverbehavior is relative to other SEAT riders. Consumptionperkilometer to the average speed. Fuel saving has never beensofun.LOCATION.Due to the location of the facility SEAT My app shows youexactlywhere your car is. And where you are. Via the route shown onthemap you're right back at you SEAT. Indispensable in big citiesoron vacation in Europe. And perhaps as pleasant as you loanedyourcar.MAINTENANCE.Any idea when your car needs maintenance? Fortunately my SEATappalways has an answer ready. Even if a light comes on or whenit'stime for an MOT. And in case of breakdown, you can switchdirectlyfrom the app SEAT Roadside Assistance.This is not all. Download the app and discovertheconvenience.CAUTION: Never ignore lighted warning lights and text messagesonthe dashboard of your car, it can lead to stagnation of the carintraffic accidents or serious injuries.
My SEAT Portugal 1.6.0
Em exclusivo para clientes SEAT, a aplicaçãoMySEAT combina os detalhes de manutenção do seu veículo comconselhosde condução e funcionalidades úteis.Com apenas alguns dados sobre o veículo, como a matrícula eomodelo, a aplicação My SEAT adapta o seu conteúdo àsnecessidadesdo utilizador, dando-lhe informação sobre a manutençãodo veículo erecomendações de serviço, ao mesmo tempo que lheconcede prioridadeno que diz respeito a atualizações sobre asúltimas ofertas enotícias.Outras características incluem:-Assistência em viagem-Localização de estacionamento "Encontrar o meu veículo"-Guia de símbolos do painel de instrumentos-Pesquisa de SEAT Service-Atendimento SEAT-Redes Sociais SEAT
My SEAT Polska 1.6.0
Aplikacja stworzona specjalnie z myśląowłaścicielach samochodów marki SEAT.My SEAT przypomni o terminie przeglądu i w łatwy sposóbpozwoliumówić się na wizytę w serwisie. Dzięki podaniu kilkupodstawowychdanych dotyczących samochodu pokaże Ci programserwisowania orazaktualne oferty specjalne i promocje dotycząceTwojego SEATa.Niektóre pozostałe funkcje:- wezwanie pomocy drogowej,- lokalizowanie samochodu na parkingu,- lokalizator ASO SEAT- przewodnik po symbolach na desce rozdzielczej- powiadomienia o najnowszych ofertach SEAT- latarka- dostęp do sieci społecznościowej SEATThe applicationcreatedspecifically for owners of SEAT cars.We SEAT remind about the date of the review and will easilyarrangea visit on the site. By giving some basic data about the carshowyou a program service as well as special offers and promotionsonyour SEAT. Some other functions:- Call roadside assistance- Locating the car in the parking lot,- Locator SEAT Dealership- A guide to the symbols on the dashboard- Notification of the latest offers SEAT- Flashlight- Access to social network SEAT
Volkswagen Media Control 3.54.20
Volkswagen AG
Total control everywhere: With the VWMediaControl app, your tablet or smartphone becomes a remotecontrol foryour Volkswagen Infotainment system. For example, youare able tosee your current position, the distance to thedestination and theremaining driving time on the display. So thequestion "Are wethere yet?" is answered within a blink of an eye.Google® searchlocations can also be easily transferred to thenavigation systemas the destination, such as an address from theappointmentcalendar or the phone book on your mobile device.Are you more in the mood for music? Balance, fading andvolumecontrol are in your hands. You can select any of theavailablestations either using automatic or manual station search,or tuningdirectly into the frequency. Of course you can also selectyour ownsongs and albums; it doesn't matter if it is throughtheInfotainment system or an external audio source connectedbyBluetooth. When your Infotainment system has anInternetconnection, VW Media Control also gives you access to theentireWorld Wide Web, where you can look up your favorite songsandartists. Don't worry - you can start and stop access throughtheexternal devices at any time in the Infotainment system. Thisiswhat the best Infotainment looks like!This Volkswagen app requires the vehicle-specific data interfaceofeither a "Discover Pro" or "Discover Media" radio andnavigationsystem. The range of functions may vary based on theInfotainmentsystem manufacture date. Please contact your Volkswagendealer withany questions.The screenshots shown are an example and the appearance andcontentmay vary from the actual application.
What’seat 1.3
The Zodiac Seats What'seat applicationisanaugmented reality platform that allows you to bringourseatsportfolio to life by turning static images into 3Dvirtualobjects.Experience our seats on a whole new reality level,enhancedwiththe latest technologies.Download What'seat and begin your trip!1. Download the free app to your device.2. Launch the app and point your camera atthebrochure'scover.3. You can enjoy the augmented reality experience and taptheseatfor animated functions.4. Take a screenshot and share your favorite features.The ZodiacSeatsWhat'seatis an augmented reality application platform ThatAllowsyou tobring our seats portfolio to life by turning staticimagesintovirtual 3D objects.Experience our seats on a whole new reality level,enhancedWiththe latest technologies.Download What'seat and begin your trip! 1. Download the free app to your device. 2. Launch the app and point your camera atthebrochure'scover. 3. You can enjoy the augmented reality experience andtaptheseat for animated functions. 4. Take a screenshot and share your favorite features.
SEAT Insurance 0.0.1
With the SEAT Insurance app you can reportanincident on the go using your free Ensurance cover – so iftheunexpected does happen the app is here to help you. After makingaclaim a dedicated Claims Manager will liaise with yourmotorinsurer, any third parties, and the approved repairer onyourbehalf.Key features:- Report a claim directly to SEAT Ensurance- Checklist of what information to record with your claim:- Incident location using the GPS tracker- Photos to take of the vehicles involved- Damage sustained to your vehicle- Details of people involved- Witness information- What to do following an accident- Save your insurance and car details- Parking meter reminderEnsurance is SEAT's free accident and repair cover. Itworksalongside your existing comprehensive motor insurance policy,nomatter who you are insured with, to help get your SEAT back ontheroad if it has been damaged in an accident or stolen. It’s freeforthree years and is available on both new and older models.Your free Ensurance cover includes:- Guaranteed use of a SEAT approved repairer and SEATtrainedtechnicians- Repair using only genuine SEAT parts- Cover for both fault and non-fault claims- A dedicated Claims Manager- Legal Expenses CoverIf you have not already activated your free Ensurancecover,visit
My SEAT Romania 1.6.0
Exclusiv pentru posesorii de autoturismeSEAT,aplicaţia My SEAT combină detaliile de întreţinere avehicululuidvs. cu sfaturi prietenoase de condus şi utilitarepractice.Folosind doar câteva informaţii despre autoturismul dvs., cumarfi numărul de înmatriculare şi modelul, aplicaţia My SEATîşipersonalizează conţinutul la nevoile dvs., oferindu-văinformaţiiprivind întreţinerea şi recomandări de service,punându-vă peprimul loc când vine vorba despre a primi actualizăriprivind celemai recente oferte şi ştiri.Alte caracteristici includ:-Asistenţă la drum-Utilitarul de parcare „Găseşte-mi maşina”-Ghidul simbolurilor de pe bord-Sistemul de localizare centre de service-Asistenţă SEAT-SEAT SocialExclusively for carownersSEAT SEAT My application combines details of yourvehiclemaintenance friendly driving tips and practical utility.Using only some information about your car such astheregistration number and model, the My SEAT personalizingtheircontent to your needs, giving you information on maintenanceandservice recommendations, putting you in first place when itcomesreceive updates on the latest offers and news.Other features include:-assistance The roadParking -Utilitarul "Find my car"-Guide Symbols on board-The Location of service centersSEAT -assistanceSocial -SEAT
My SEAT Danmark 1.6.0
My SEAT-app'en, som er eksklusivforSEAT-bilejere, kombinerer bilens vedligeholdelsesoplysningermedkøretips og nyttige hjælpefunktioner.Indholdet i My SEAT tilpasses, med blot nogle få oplysningeromdin bil, som f.eks. din nummerplade og model, til dit behov,oggiver dig oplysninger om bilens vedligeholdelsesamtserviceanbefalinger, og placerer dig forrest i køen til atmodtageopdateringer om de seneste tilbud og nyheder.Andre funktioner omfatter:-Vejhjælp-"Find min bil"-parkeringsfunktion-Symbolguide til instrumentbræt-Find servicecenter-funktion-SEAT Support-SEAT SocialMy SEAT app, whichisexclusive to SEAT-car owners, combines vehiclemaintenanceinformation with driving tips and useful utilities.The contents of My Seat adjusted with just a few detailsaboutyour car such. your license plate and model for your needsandprovide you with information about car maintenance andservicerecommendations, and put you first in line to receiveupdates onthe latest offers and news.Other features include:-Vejhjælp- "Find my car" -parkeringsfunktion-Symbolguide To dashboard-Locate Service-feature-SEAT Support-SEAT Social
My SEAT Ireland 1.6.0
Exclusively for SEAT car owners, the MYSEATapp combines your vehicle’s maintenance details withfriendlydriving tips and useful utilities.Using just a little information about your car, such asyourlicense plate and model, the MY SEAT app personalises itscontentto your needs, offering you car maintenance information andservicerecommendations, and putting you first in line to receiveupdateson the latest offers and news.Other features include:-Roadside Assistance-‘Find my car’ Parking Utility-Dashboard symbol guide-Service Centre Locator-SEAT Support-SEAT Social
Auto Connect 2.0 3.7.8
Buckle up your seat belt and forget yourphonein your pocket.This app will detect that you are driving within 90 seconds.Itwill connect your phone to the Bluetooth carkit/stereoautomatically. Optionally, it can play your music savedonSD-card.New in Auto Connect 2.0:Now you can control and navigate through playlists over yourcarstereo Bluetooth.By double pressing next/previous track buttons on your stereoyouwill be able to navigate through playlists created onyourphone.Features:1-Detects vehicle motion using the device's accelerometer.2-Connects to configured Bluetooth devices using Headset andA2DPprofiles.3-Plays music from device's SD-card now with full mediabuttonscontrol(Optional).4-Navigates playlist through car stereo.5-Disables WiFi when connected to car kit (Optional).6-Disables Bluetooth when device gets out of Bluetooth range(withoptional timeout).Note:The sensor will not work in these conditions (Which assumes thatyouare using the phone, so your motion wont bepredictable):-1- If you are having a phone call.2- The screen is on (except if displaying Auto Connectmainscreen).3- Airplane mode is on.4- Connected to optionally configured wireless networks.
SEATS 2.3.4
Globe Telecom
SEATS provides free and instant bookingsatyour favourite restaurants. Worldwide, online booking has beenthepreferred way of making restaurant reservations. Without theneedfor a phone or waiting for your calls to be answered, it’stheeasiest and most convenient way of finding and makingrestaurantreservations.Features:- Search for restaurants by name, location and cuisine- Convenient and easy to use; no need to log in to accesstheapp- Make table reservations at your favourite restaurantsforfree- Reservations are confirmed real-time, so need to calltherestaurants to confirm- Browse through restaurant listings and get access totheirinformation, pictures and menus- Get access to all of our partner restaurants’ promosanddiscountsFeedback:We would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Please emailusat: