Top 17 Apps Similar to Healing Mudras

Mudras 1.6.6
Alex D
Full version of the manual on the Mudras, yoga and yoga toes.
실시간 교통정보 1.80
고속도로,서울,인천,부천,광명,안양,과천,안산,용인,시흥,부산,대구,광주,대전등 Providesreal-timetraffic information for major cities in the province
Mudras Lite 1.6.4
Alex D
Guide to MudrasMudras - the symbolic position of the fingers, eyes, or body-figuratively represent certain states of mind or processesofconsciousness. And these same provisions could lead to statesofconsciousness, which they represent.Mudra refer to specific areas of the brain (or our soul), and haveacorresponding impact on the body and spirit, helping to get ridoftheir ailments.Lite version directory contains about 30 mudras withdescriptionsand photos.English and russian languages.Full version: the application is not updated, try reinstall.
Mudra Therapy 4.0
Our body is made of Pancha Boothas or five elements and eachfingergoverns one element. Thumb represents Fire, Index fingerrepresentsAir, Middle finger represents Space, Ring fingerrepresents Earthand Little finger represents Water. Imbalance inany one of thesefive elements causes disease. Mudra Therapy is anapp that allowsyou to enter slowly deep into the world of Mudrasand its usage. Inthis version, you can find information about themudras and itseffects on acute, chronic as well as severeailments.Practicing theMudra helps to balance the five elements andmaintain our bodystress free and healthy. The Mudra activates theminor chakras inthe body there by bringing prana or chi energy inour body. Peopleof age group between 5 and 90 can practice themudras. It is veryuser friendly as you can use the mudra anytime. .Our commitment tospreading this application is aimed towards stressand disease freeUniverse. We wish you good health and wealth!!
Chakras Complete Guide 1.0
Complete Chakras Guide on ChakrasActivationandClearing. It includes,1) Chakra Location2) Chakra Senses3) Chakra Sensory Action4) Chakra Function5) Chakra other Functions6) Chakra Dimension7) Chakra Chanting Word8) Chakra Nerves9) Chakra Glands10) Chakra System11) Chakra Yoga Path12) Chakra Mudra13) Chakra Bandha14) Chakra Pranayama15) Chakra Asanas
Mudra Vigyan in Gujarati 1.1.2
Gujatati Hand Mudras posture - to balance your life!!
Yoga Doctor - Yoga Mudras 4.2.5
Pravin Yadav
Yoga doctor is a collection of various yoga mudras to empowertheinner consciousness which helps curing various illness relatedtomind, body and heart. The Yoga Mudras states that five fingersarerepresenting the five elements of the human body namely Air,Water,Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether / space). By joining thefingers indifferent yoga poses as described in different yogamudras, theimbalanced elements gets balanced and healing of mindand body isdone . Mudras gives relief from several somaticdisorders.This arehelpful in healing various skin disordersalso.Rheumatism patientalso gets relief with constant practice. Butthey should not givemore pressure to their hand while practicing.Ifthere occurs anyproblem they should concern hand rheumatologyspecialist. Headacherelief is basic need in many people.Forheadache relief instantlymany medicines are there with reportedside effects. But here bydaily practice headache won't be occurringfirst of all.Even if heoccurred with relief will be there. ThyroidNodule, the most commondisease in women nowadays is also cured.Forcuring this nodules inthyroid gland, there are three options inthis app. Doing Pranayamawith proper breathing techniques is alwaysan advantage. In somecases like the HEART ATTACK which occurs allof a sudden, mudrasworks as a FIRST-AID for curing it. Check it outin the app whichone it is.But at such times it may not be come inmind so asprecautions are better than cure, one should make routineof doingbreathing exercises or pranayama. So whenever any ofyoursurroundings gets a heart attack, advice him the pose forheartattack. Those who has frequent heart attack problems mustpracticethis daily. Women and men all around the world aresuffering fromsome or other skin disorders.The internal factors aremajor causeof those skin disorders. Pimples, acne, eczema and otherskindisorders can also be cured by simple yoga poses. Their may besomecases which may not be covered in the ailments provided by theapp,but if you know which body elements are imbalanced then youcanperform the specific mudra for balancing that element.Thyroidnodules are more likely to be cancerous.So proper treatmentmust bedone at initial stages.There is mudra in this app forthyroidnodules also. Alongside other medical treatment mudras willensurefaster recovery from thyroid. Breathing Exercise and HandYoga arealways there to heal, but depending on performingtechniquesproperly and certain exceptions of body conditions,practitionerMUST be consulted. The developer will not beresponsible if onedoes not observe precautions. One should stoppracticing afterhealing is done.
Mudra As A Medicine (Pro.) 1.1
Mudra are the hand postures whichcuresthediseases. Mudras have alot of capability that itcanevensubstitute the medicines.Most of the diseases can be cured from mudras.In this app you can find treatment for 400+ diseasesonyourfingertips.It doesn't need any money or special ability to be performeditjustneeds some patience.A human body has a lot of capability which humans dont evenknowlikecuring the diseases from inner power, Mudrasenablethem.Mudras dont have any side effects and can beperformedwheneversitting idle and are the best way to utilise idletime andcurediseases.There is no age limit to perform mudras, all age groupscanperformit (5-90)This app is a step by step guide with pictures.MAJOR FEATURES-Android n support.-Hindi support-Simple & sleek design.-Each mudra contains pictures and descriptionfor easy understanding.-Asans being provided complementary as forsome diseases.-Contains treatment for all diseases from hairstill toe.-Very small package (under 5mb).-Each mudra contains time limit to perform andpreventions too (if any).-Fast and reliable app.-Does not drain battery.-Works offline.-Simple UI for better understanding.-Diseases are being classified for better and easyunderstanding.-All diseases are named as per doctor languagefor better understanding.As this is our first app we urge your support. Pleaserateandreview.For any queries, suggestions, bug report contactusonmudraasamedicine@gmail.comMore apps coming soon....As the app is totally free you can donate us money whichwillhelpus to enhance the app and develop more free apps and serveyouinfuture.
Pijat Refleksi 6.0
panduan belajar pijat refleksi denganbaikdanlengkap dengan metode yang sangat mudah dilengkapidengangambarbeserta titik titiknya. di dalam nya terdapat pijatrefleksikakiyang menunjukan titik titik syaraf pada kaki dan tubuhmanusia.terdapat juga pijat refleksi tangan. yangdilengkapidenganpanduan titik titik yang tepat dan tepampang denganjelas.yangmepermudah anda untuk mempelajari ataupun mencobasendiripijatrefleksidi menu ke tiga terdapat terapi relaksasi mudra.denganmeditasipemulihan atau penyembuhan dalam gerakan khusustertentumambantutubuh anda untuk merespon titik titik tertendudanmciptakanstabilitas yang baik untuk kesehatan tubuh andadan menu terakhir terdapatnya mode getaran. andadapatmembuatperangkat anda menjadi alat relaksasi yangmenyenangkan.dapatbergetar sesuai dengan fungsinya. atau sesuaidengan yangandainginkan❖ pijat❖ pijat refleksi❖ pijat body❖ game pijat❖ layanan pijat plus❖ panduan pijat refleksi❖ refleksi kaki❖ titik refleksistudyguidereflexologywell and complete with a foolproof method comeswith apicturealong with dot dot. In him there are foot reflexologythatshowsthe points of the nerves in the feet and the human body.There are also hand reflexology. which is equipped withaguidepoint right point and tepampang clearly. which mepermudahyoutolearn or try yourself reflexologyin the menu to the three contained relaxation therapymudra.withrecovery or healing meditation in motion certainspecialmambantuyour body to respond to the points tertendu andmciptakanstabilityis good for your healthand the presence of the last menu vibrational modes. Youcanmakeyour device into a pleasant relaxation tool. canvibrateinaccordance with its function. or according to what youwant❖ massage❖ reflexology❖ body massage❖ game Massage❖ massage service plus❖ reflexology guide❖ foot reflexology❖ point of reflection
Healing Mudras Pro 1.0
This App deals with ten importantMudrasthatcan result in amazing healthbenefits.You can do this anytime, anyplace – in thebus, train, car, office or at home.Your health is, quite literally, inyour hands....
Yoga Mudras 15
VenDigs Media
Ten most essential Yoga Mudras that can result amazinghealthbenefits in life..
Om Meditation All-in-One! 17.1
The all-in-one Hindu/Buddhist Meditation Tool. Relax with OMmantrachant music.
Yoga Gujarati 2.8
Yoga in Gujarati App Collection Of Asan, Mudra, Bandha,Kriya,Pranayam in Gujarati writing with Rit, Time, Advantages, Ritinstep by step, Surya Namaskar, Rog ane upyogi Asana, all asanas,allmudras, all kriya, all pranayam Etc…. યોગ અને યોગાસન વિશેસંપૂર્ણમાહિતી સૂર્ય નમસ્કાર, આસન , મુદ્રા, બંધ, ક્રિયા, પ્રાણાયામરોગ અનેઉપયોગી આસનો યોગાસન રીત, બંધ રીત, ક્રિયા રીત, સાવધાની અને લાભઆસનવીસે માહીતી પદ્માસન, સિદ્ધાસન, વજ્રાસન, સર્વાંગાસન,હલાસન,ભુજંગાસન, શલભાસન, શીર્ષાસન, મત્સ્યેન્દ્રાસન, ધનુરાસન,મત્સ્યાસન,મયૂરાસન, પશ્ચિમોત્તાનાસન, શવાસન, બ્રહ્મમુદ્રાસન,મકરાસન,સ્વસ્તિકાસન, ઉત્તાનપાદ આસન, શલભાસન, તાડાસન, બદ્ધ કોણાસન,પર્વતાસન,પવન મુક્તાસન, ભદ્રાસન, ગર્ભાસન, ઉષ્ટ્રાસન,અર્ધચન્દ્રાસન,ત્રિકોણાસન, પૂર્વોત્તાનાસન, વક્રાસન, કટિચક્રાસન,પૂર્ણચક્રાસન,નટરાજ આસન, લોલાસન મુદ્રા વીસે માહીતી રુદ્ર મુદ્રા, કમળમુદ્રા,શાંતિ મુદ્રા, ધર્મચક્ર મુદ્રા, શક્તિ મુદ્રા, અંત:કરણ મુદ્રા,અભયમુદ્રા, પ્રગતિ મુદ્રા, દર્દનિવારક મુદ્રા, એકાગ્રતામુદ્રા,ભ્રમર(એલર્જી) મુદ્રા, ઈચ્છા મુદ્રા, અપાનવાયુ મુદ્રા, સહજશંખમુદ્રા,ધ્યાન મુદ્રા, લિંગ મુદ્રા, અપાન મુદ્રા, પૃથ્વી મુદ્રા,જલોદરનાશકમુદ્રા, જ્ઞાન મુદ્રા, વરૂણ મુદ્રા, સૂર્ય મુદ્રા, શૂન્યમુદ્રા, શંખમુદ્રા, પ્રાણ મુદ્રા, વાયુ મુદ્રા, આકાશ મુદ્રા બંધ વીસેમાહીતીજાલંધર બંધ, ઉડ્ડિયાન બંધ, મૂલ બંધ ક્રિયા વીસે માહીતી નેતિક્રિયા,ધોતિ ક્રિયા, બસ્તિ ક્રિયા, કપાલભાતિ ક્રિયા, નૌલિ ક્રિયા,ત્રાટકક્રિયા પ્રાણાયામ વીસે માહીતી ભસ્ત્રિકા પ્રાણાયામ,કપાલભાતીપ્રાણાયામ, અનુલોમ વિલોમ પ્રાણાયામ, ભ્રામરી પ્રાણાયામ,બાહ્યપ્રાણાયામ, ઉદગીથ પ્રાણાયામ, પ્રણવ પ્રાણાયામ • Asana inGujaratiAsana Information Padmasana (Lotus pose) Siddhasana (AdeptPose)Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)Halasana(plough pose) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)Purna-matsyendrasana(Spinal Twist) Ardha-matsyendrasan (Half SpinalTwist) Sirshasana(Head Stand) Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)Paschimottanasana (SeatedForward Bend) Mayurasana (peacock pose)Matsyasana (Fish Pose)Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) savasan brahma mudrasmakarasanaswastikasana utthan padasan salabhasana tadasana baddhakonasanaparvatasana pavanamuktasana bhadrasana garbhasana ustrasanaardhachandrasana trikonasan purvottanasana vakrasanakatichakrasanapurna_chakrasana natarajasana lolasana • Mudra inGujarati Mudrainformation Rudra mudra Kamal mudra shanty mudraDharm-chakra mudraShakti mudra Antahkaran mudra Abhay mudra PragatimudraDard-nivarak mudra Akagrahta mudra Bhrmak mudra IchchamudraApanvayu mudra Shaj Shankh mudra Dhyan mudra Ling mudra ApanmudraPrithvi mudra Jalodar-nashak mudra Gyan mudra Varun mudraSuryamudra Sunya mudra Shankh mudra Pran mudra Vayu mudra Aakashmudra •Bandha in Gujarati Bandha information Jalandhara BandhaUddiyanaBandha Mul Bandha • Kriya in Gujarati Kriya informationNeti KriyaDhauti Kriya Basti Kriya Kapalbhati Kriya Nauli KriyaTratak Kriya• Pranayam in Gujarati Pranayam information BhastrikaPranayamKapalbhati Pranayam Anulom Vilom Pranayam Bhramari PranayamBahyaPranayam Udgeeth Pranayam Pranav Pranayam Download overOtherPopular App also like Yoga Gujarati Yogasan in Gujarati MudrainGujarati Pranayam yogasan in gujarati Surya Namaskar
Yog Guru Ramdev 1.0
There is no winning or losing, there isonlyself-realization through Yoga and Meditation. Reach forinfinitehappiness through Yog Guru Ramdev App.Yog Guru Ramdev App is a unique app which covers Pranayams,Asanasand essential Health Tips as suggested by Yog Guru SwamiRamdev.You can easily learn the major 8 procedures of Pranayamathrough astep by step process.Along with the detailed step by step procedure of performing8Pranayams, 8 Asanas and some essential Health Tips we havealsogiven the detailed description of Asanas for Sitting andHandMudras while performing Pranayama.This compact package of Yog Asanas, Pranayama and Mudras fordailypractice takes about 45minutes and benefits people of all agegroupwith a wide range of mental peace, fitness and health.
Yoga tools from Sadhguru 1.0
Free guided yoga practices for health, peace, joy, love and success
Mind Maze Puzzle Quest 2.0
Navigate the Mind Maze with precision in this line-drawingpuzzlequest!