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新天地粉絲APP 1.399
Appie Inc.
新功能範例:-QR優惠劵:提共多項優惠活動-GPS導航:輕鬆到達餐廳-立即撥打:按下立即撥話-訂餐系統:用餐,外帶,預購-預約服務:吃飯不怕沒位置-推播功能:隨時掌握最新資訊新天地發跡於 1945年,由歐有財、歐蔡對夫婦從梧棲的小麵攤做起,逐漸發展成現在的餐飲集團,並於 2009年掛牌上市,我們期許提供給貴賓多元的服務,不論是朋友相聚、工商聯誼、家庭聚餐、生日宴會,都有適合你的場所,讓你賓主盡歡。超越一甲子歷史的新天地,不斷推陳出新,有主廚特製的澎派大餐,也有業界首屈一指、氣派高雅的宴會廳和獨 立包廂,提供公司行號年終尾牙與春酒餐敘以及各式聚餐的頂級盛宴。目前服務據點涵蓋大台中地區,包含:崇德旗艦店、梧棲創始店、台中東區店、彰化員林店、璽悅時尚會館,以及南北的雅悅會館。主廚擁有精湛的廚藝,服務人員親切的待客,極簡奢華的會場,讓你每一場都是令人難以忘懷的饗宴。Examplesofnewfeatures:-QR coupon: mention of a number of promotions activities-GPS navigation: easy to reach restaurant- Immediately call: Press a call immediately- Reservation system: Dining, Takeout, pre-- Reservation services: dinner is not afraid of no position- Push function: keep abreast of the latest informationXintiandi fortune in 1945, by the European fiscalEuropeanCaiDuifu women from the Wuchi small noodle startgraduallydevelopedinto the current Restaurant GroupListed in 2009, our expectations to VIP diversifiedservices,whetherit is to meet with friends and businessfellowship, familydinners,birthday party,Have a place for you, so you sliced ​​fishes.Xintiandi, beyond the six decades of historycontinuestointroduce new, Chef Peng sent a special feast, butalsotheindustry's premier style and elegant banquet roomsandprivaterooms,Line number of the end of the year end banquet and liquordinnerwithtop feast as well as all kinds of dinners.Branches covered the greater Taichung area, contains:theZontaflagship store, the Wuchi founding shop, TaichungEasternshop,Changhua Yuanlin shop, Xi Yue Fashion Center, as wellas thenorthand south of Masaetsu Hall.The chef has a superb cuisine, gracioushospitalityservicepersonnel, minimalist luxury venue, so every gameisunforgettablefeast.