Top 4 Apps Similar to Sopra Steria Experience

Digital Transformation
Sopra Steria
The Sopra Steria Digital Transformationappprovides easy access to Sopra Steria latest news, blogs andexpertsopinion.Sopra Steria, a European leader in digital transformation,providesone of the most comprehensive portfolios of end-to-endserviceofferings on the market: consulting, systems integration,softwaredevelopment, infrastructure management and businessprocessservices. Sopra Steria is trusted by leading privateandpublic-sector organisations to deliver successfultransformationprogrammes that address their most complex andcritical businesschallenges. Combining high quality and performanceservices, addedvalue and innovation, Sopra Steria enables itsclients to make thebest use of digital technology.
Sopra Steria Events 5.3.1
SOPRA STERIA EVENTS is an eventmanagementapplication used for Sopra Steria Events.This app provides information related to events,activities,location, contact person and complete schedule.Here are some list of features:• View permissible Events and corresponding activitiesdetails• View Attendees list and their profile details, ability toconnectwith them via phone call/sms etc.• Update user's profile information• Receive alerts related to activities marked as favorite.• Admin can send notification to all users on variousapplicationusers on various platforms• Receive notification for an event• See the map for location of the event.• Poll via activities like• Synchronizes local data with server dataData connection would be required for user validation and alsoforfetching data from server.Please send your feedback or to contact the developmentteam.
Sopra HR Immersion 3.0
Sopra Steria
Sopra HR s’inscrit comme un partenaire delaréussite de la transformation digitale des entreprises etanticipel’émergence de solutions RH 3.0 adaptées aux défis etpratiques dudigital.L’application Sopra HR Immersion permet une visite virtuelledumonde de Sopra HR. Il est possible de visiter 3 planètes grâceauxlunettes de réalité augmentée.La planète Sopra HR : Sopra HR, acteur de l’innovation, imaginelesRH de demainUne ville contemporaine se déploie, où la tour SopraHRpermet de découvrir les principales informations concernantSopraHR. Dans l’immeuble Sopra HR Lab , on comprend et on voit d’unclicce qui y est produit : publications, rencontres del'innovation,prototypes…. Sopra HR prend toute sa dimensiond’acteur del'innovation, qui investit et imagine les RH de demainen intégrantles innovations technologiques.Pour répondre aux nouveaux enjeux de ses clients, Sopra HRinvestitfortement en Recherche et Développement, renforceconstamment sonexpertise sur les nouvelles tendances et mène unedémarche deco-innovation participative avec ses clients pouranticiper etpréparer la nouvelle génération de solutions RH3.0.La planète Sopra HR 4YOU : une nouvelle génération des solutionsRH: les RH 3.0 Sur la planète Sopra HR 4YOU : on peut découvrirlanouvelle génération des solutions RH 3.0 adaptées pourlecollaborateur ou le manager, avec les nouveaux espacesRHindividualisés,....Les enjeux de la nouvelle génération de solutions RH 3.0sontdoubles : d’une part, accompagner la digitalisation de lafonctionRH et d’autre part, aider la DRH à porter le changement ausein del’entreprise. Il s’agit d’optimiser l’efficacitéopérationnelle etla communication RH, de favoriser ladématérialisation desdocuments et des processus, des pratiques etoutils de mobilité etde collaboration. Mais aussi de faire évoluerles organisationsvers plus d’agilité et de collaboratif, dedévelopper l’engagementdes collaborateurs, la marque employeur, lesmodes de management etde favoriser la capitalisation et latransmission descompétences.La planète du futur : la transformation digitale des RH, enjeuxetperspectivesDans les immeubles du futur, on partage la vision 2020 dessolutionsRH : prospective et partage des enjeux du monde aveclatransformation digitale pour les RH. La transformation digitaleestl’opportunité pour les RH de faire évoluer leur rôle commeacteurmajeur de la transformation digitale et partenairestratégique dela direction générale et aussi de mesurer les impactsdu digitalpour les DRH et les DSI.Sopra HR registers asapartner in the success of the digital transformation ofbusinessesand anticipates the emergence of 3.0 HR solutionstailored to thechallenges and practices of digital.The application Sopra HR Immersion allows a virtual tour oftheworld of HR Sopra. It is possible to visit 3 planets thankstoaugmented reality glasses.The planet Sopra HR: HR Sopra, actor innovation, imaginethecontemporary city demainUne HR unfolds, where the HR Sopra turntodiscover key information about Sopra HR. In the building SopraHRLab, we understand and we see a click that is producedthere:publications, meetings innovation, prototypes .... Sopra HRcomesinto its own as an actor of innovation, investing and imagineHRtomorrow by integrating technological innovations.To meet the new challenges of its customers, Sopra HRinvestsheavily in research and development, constantlystrengthening itsexpertise on emerging trends and leading aparticipatoryco-innovation approach with clients to anticipate andprepare thenext generation of HR 3.0 solutions.The planet Sopra HR 4YOU: a new generation of HR solutions: HR3.0On the planet Sopra HR 4YOU: you can discover the new generationofHR solutions tailored to the 3.0 employee or the manager, withthenew HR individualized spaces .. ..The challenges of the new generation of HR 3.0 solutionsaretwofold: first, support the digitalization of the HR functionandsecondly, help the HR to bring change within the company. Thisisto optimize operational efficiency and HR communication,promotethe dematerialisation of documents and processes, practicesandmobility and collaboration tools. But also to developorganizationsto more agility and collaboration, develop employeeengagement,employer brand, management methods and promote thecapitalizationand transfer of skills.The world of the future: the digital transformation of HR issuesandperspectivesIn buildings of the future, we share the vision 2020 ofHRsolutions: prospects and challenges of sharing the world withthedigital transformation for HR. The digital transformation istheopportunity for HR to develop their role as a major player inthedigital transformation and strategic partner of thegeneralmanagement and also to measure the impact of digital for HRDandCIOs.
Sopra Steria DigiLab 1.0
Sopra Steria
« DigiLab build the future of our customers »This application allows you to visit virtually, thankstothecardboard tool, Digilab Sopra Steria network all overtheworld.Thus, you can discover our expertise in innovation.Innovation at Sopra Steria - drivers of growth foritsclientsFor Sopra Steria, true innovation offers realopportunitiesforgrowth to its clients, more so than mere fleetingfads. Ourteamsprovide solutions that make the best uses ofdigitaltechnologiesin the areas of Mobility, Big Data/Analytics,CloudComputing,Social Media, Cyber Security, Smart Cities,DigitalIdentity andNFC Ticketing. They demonstrate energy andenthusiasmin assistingcompanies to enhance their development andcompetitiveedge.Sharing for InnovationWorking together with all the Group's business unitsandwithcommunities of experts, the role of Innovationisthree-fold:- To anticipate new uses of performance-enhancingtechnologies- To develop new offerings- To roll out innovation across the GroupIt is based on a network of innovation relays spanningallentitieswithin the Group, in order to stimulateinnovationthroughparticipation.Each business unit is therefore able to identify themostpromisinginnovations by market and to share bestpractices.Co-innovation is another approach developed together withourclientsto establish innovative uses of technologies fortheirbusinessareas.The Sopra Steria DigiLAB, building the future for itsclientsSopra Steria's DigiLAB showcases the group'sinnovationknow-howwithin a unique venue, connected to a DigiLABnetwork inFrance andEurope. Some 50 prototypes and projects aredemonstratedon thethemes of augmented reality, mobility, connectedobjects,newinterfaces, artificial intelligence, big data,cloudcomputing,cyber security, smart cities, etc.DigiLAB - a unique experience for future planningandcreatingvalueThe environment provided by the Sopra Steria DigiLABisconduciveto the emergence of new ideas and enables our clientstotranslatethese ideas into concrete solutions. This forumforexchanging andsharing information allows us to work in tandemwithour clients toanticipate their future needs and co-create themostappropriatesolutions.Working in a DigiLAB session lets us immerse ourselvesinanabundance of technologies. It allows us to assist ourclientsinfuture planning and in making full use of new technologiesinorderto generate value for their own customers or employees.100% of prototypes made by Sopra SteriaThe prototypes or projects showcased are illustrated bywayoffilms or animations demonstrating innovative usesofcutting-edgetechnologies. All of them were created exclusivelybythe teams ofSopra Steria during real R&D orclientprojects.