Top 26 Apps Similar to MyVideo(TV) 影音隨看

手機版四季線上 4gTV 2.5.1
Provide users in Taiwan with more than 100 legal live TVchannels,including FTV, China Television, China Television,PublicTelevision, Zhongtian, Dongsen and other types of channels;freedramas, variety shows, animations, movies on-demandmovies,anytime, anywhere Look.
港人話電視 76
港人話電視 / 講人話電視 只有講人話既香港電視台,支援 Android TV8.0+m3u8直播源共享資料庫Picture-in-picture 播放 4台同播
台灣好TV (機上盒 STB/ 電視 / 智慧型電視) 7.1
《台灣好直播電視 TV版》 機上盒/SmartTV智慧型電視專用版本,提供80個電視及廣播電台,安裝即可免費收看部分影音頻道。手機版用戶各產品服務權限【愛放動漫館】【驚豔館】【舒活館】在機上盒TV也能看得到!!!。📢 HamiPass用戶及台灣好APP付費會員獨享,機上盒版透過【台灣好直播電視APP】掃描即可登入。※頻道清單※【新聞台】TVBS新聞台、非凡新聞、中天新聞、台視新聞 【財經台】非凡商業、台視財經、中華財經台、全球財經【電影台】時代影像電影、國際電影台 【卡通台】愛放動漫台、i-Fun動漫台2、i-Fun動漫台3、靖洋卡通、靖天卡通【戲劇綜合】臺灣電視台、TVBS、TVBS精采台、中天綜合、中天全民最大黨、中天美食旅遊、非凡美食、非凡旅遊、台視綜合、中視經典、中視菁采、靖天資訊、靖天戲劇、靖天綜合、靖天育樂、靖天日本、靖天國際、靖洋戲劇、靖天歡樂、原住民族電視、客家電視台、香港衛視、VTV4、幸福TV、美人好事集【音樂台】風潮音樂、風潮綜合、發現音樂MV、動靜音樂、大長城K歌金曲、台灣原創音樂、發現台灣好音樂、台灣好音樂【宗教台】十方法界衛視、華藏電視台、世界電視台、唯心電視台、生命電視台、寶島神明聽、全球媽祖盛事【其他】國會一台、國會二台、車訊TV、雷斯利TV、靜心瑜珈、RTITV、mem’s uno、在不瘋狂電視台、承影PlayTV【動漫館】、【驚豔館】、【舒活館】請安裝最新版5.8開放使用中。◎高畫質影音電視頻道陸續增加中 ◎目前陸續增加FULLHD1080P高畫質頻道。 ✔使用介面簡單 ✔頻道合法授權 ✔播送穩定流暢✔畫質清晰穩定 *注意*因頻道內容授權關係,部分頻道偶有調整, 若造成使用不便, 敬請見諒。 *連絡資訊* 親愛的客戶,若您有收視上的問題,歡迎透過郵件與我們聯繫。📧客服信箱最新消息請透過官網或官方FB粉絲頁查詢官網網址官方FB粉絲頁🏆正版直播電視頻道,立即下載並開始體驗。
friDay影音 TV-院線電影、韓日劇、韓綜、動漫線上看
If you apply for friDay audio-visual services, you can watchvideosthrough smartphones, tablets, computers, set-top boxes andotherdevices.
Fain TV – Mobile TV 6.2.2
VOD & TV channels (news, sports, drama, movies, animation…)
經典台語老歌 3.1.1
Taiwanese Old Songs is a music, audio and video playbacksoftwarethat collects classic Hokkien songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s,and 90s
台灣新聞台,支援各大新聞及自製媒體連結 2023.06
Too busy? Don't have time to watch news and find mediaprograms?Come and try this software, it provides the simplestat-a-glanceinterface, you can quickly and easily view the news andmedia linksyou want to know.
【免費高清下載-離線看】 支持離線觀看,流暢邊界,隨時隨地都能追劇!【海量視頻-免費看】全網聚合,電視劇,電影,動漫,綜藝,紀錄片盡在這裡,海量好劇任你看! 【更爽體驗-投屏看】支持電視投屏,大屏觀看更精彩!【精彩內容-此刻開啟】 《傳聞中的陳芊芊》趙露思丁禹兮破次元相戀《親愛的義祁君》張思帆狼系君上開啟強勢撩撥《長相守》於小彤毛小慧情陷雙生虐戀 《韞色過濃》糖分超標!北北時韞超甜同居《秋蟬》任嘉倫李曼共赴諜戰征途《安家》孫儷羅晉地產CP組團買房 《三生三世枕上書》熱巴高偉光再續前緣《幸福觸手可及》黃景瑜迪麗熱巴都市定製版愛情《陳情令》肖戰王一博忘羨cp俠義江湖 《慶餘年》張若昀陳道明,老戲骨新生代齊亮相《香蜜沉沉燼如霜》楊紫鄧倫因”隕丹”虐戀《知否知否應是綠肥紅瘦》趙麗穎協助明君鞏固政權《清平樂》王凱江疏影譜寫大宋繁華盛世《鶴唳華亭》羅晉李一桐演繹重磅IP,與君相守許一世繁華 《暖暖請多指教》古董總裁追愛暖萌少女《彼岸花》林允宋威龍開啟純美虐戀《少年的你》易烊千璽周冬雨:你保護世界 我保護你 《龍嶺迷窟》鬼吹燈系列ip張雨綺潘粵明驚險下鬥《致我們甜甜的小美滿》龔俊劉人語共譜甜蜜戀曲 《創造營2020》吳亦凡空降為女孩們撐腰《嚮往的生活》彭昱暢玩遊戲驚呆周迅更有《三生三世十里桃花》《東宮》《如懿傳》《古董局中局》《奈何boss要娶我》《小女花不棄》《老中醫》《逆流而上的你》《扶搖》《將夜》《新白娘子傳奇》《都挺好》《人民的名義》《雙世寵妃》《楚喬傳》《錦繡未央》《沙海》《延禧攻略》《 那年花開月正圓》《桃花劫》《公主駕到》《鬥破蒼穹》《斗羅大陸》《芸汐傳》《極限挑戰》系列《奔跑吧》系列《密室大逃脫》等精彩內容等你發掘,所有視頻內容一律免費觀看。
Vidol 1.9.120
Vidol - Watch this season of your favorite SET shows and thehottestnew dramas.
iNTD TV 4.2.0
iNTD TV is designed for Android TV and Tablet. Android phonecouldalso use it.
經典台語歌曲 5.4.1
Easy-to-understand MV player for Taiwanese songs, with manysongsand many singers
Vidol - 影音追劇線上看直播(TV版) 5.8.039
Vidol - a global Chinese audio-visual platform, the mostexcitingfilm and television entertainment includes Vidol original,livechannels (Taiwan, Metropolis, MTV), drama variety shows,gooddramas from various countries, and movies, etc., easilymastered atone hand!
TVB NEWS 3.4.0
“TVB NEWS” App keeps up with TVB NEWS anytime, at anywhere!
經典懷舊老歌 3.0.9
I miss the old songs in Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese inthe70s, 80s, and 90s
懷念台語老歌 閩南語歌 1.9
Many nostalgic Taiwanese Hokkien songs is your best choice
經典國語歌曲 3.1.1
Classic Mandarin song MV player, more songs and more singers,easyto use
MGTV-HunanTV official TV APP
MGTV presents you top rated Chinese varieties, seriesandentertainment videos.
懷念粵語老歌精選 經典廣東歌 流行音樂歌曲MV播放器 1.6
Classic Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese Songs The first tofamiliarizeyourself with your earliest tastes
iTalkBB TV - 北美首选华语视频平台 2.6.24
iTalkBB TV - 高清正版流畅体验 【优质内容】 * 热门电视剧,北美独家正版授权,每日更新 *高分电影,1080P高清画质,影院级体验 * 流行综艺,精彩同步,完美画质和音效 * 央视等直播台,七天回看,精彩不错过*独家热点短视频,每日新闻速递 * 独家原创栏目,分享北美生活资讯 * 精彩动画与音频资源,全家畅享 【贴心功能】*每日积分互动,赢取精彩礼品 *1080P 高清画质,尽享正版优质内容 * 多设备观看,移动端+网页版,自动同步历史记录*无线智能投屏,支持AirPlay及Chromecast * 互动评论社区,随时分享观影心情 *VIP会员用户无插播广告,精彩不间断!* 关注提醒,精彩不容错过! 【吐槽建议欢迎联系客服】您可以关注官方微信获取热门视频资源和更多福利,有任何疑问和吐槽也欢迎联系我们, 凡经采纳即赠送精美礼品1份。官方微信客服:iTalkBB-TV官方邮件客服如果喜欢我们,也欢迎给我们满分评价,我们一定会竭诚提供更优质的服务! **由于版权限制,当前所有视频仅支持在美国及加拿大地区播放 **如果您使用的是iPad,推荐您下载使用我们新推出的iTalkBB TVHD,体验更佳! ==================iTalkBB TV, your favorite streamingplatform to watch Chinese drama,movies, reality shows, live TVchannels, originals, and more. Whatyou’ll love about iTalkBB TV: •No Ad breaks: enjoy the content youlove without any mid-roll adbreaks • Popular Chinese dramas: Streamthe most popular dramaseries from Mainland China and Hong Kong •Exclusive andAward-winning Movies: Watch the top selection ofChinese movies in1080P FHD • Originals: enjoy high-quality news,lifestyle content,and trending video clips created by us on a dailybasis • WatchAnywhere: stream the way you like, whether that’s onyoursmartphone, tablet, laptop, or your TV (through AirPlayandChromecast) • Your Collection: Register to like, favorite,andfollow channels or episodes you love and never miss any update•Comments: Interact with other fans by leaving your comment underavideo • Legal Streaming: all content is legally licensed so noneedto worry about viruses Download iTalkBB TV and start watchingnow!Register to unlock more content and features by Free! **Forquestions or advice, contact us at Rateus5 stars if you like the experience. :) ** Regionalrestrictionsapply for video content. English version coming soon.
橙光互动 2.25.2653.1124
已開放全部地區,快來體驗吧! 【橙光互動特色】1、可互動的創新式閱讀橙光互動是以文字、音樂、圖片以及選項等為基礎,通過不同選項來體驗不同劇情的互動式閱讀。不再是通過單壹的文字閱讀來了解故事劇情。更有各種炫酷的畫面效果、互動玩法,帶給妳身臨其境看故事的感覺。2、超全作品庫數10萬原創精品,包含現代、古風、架空、明星、非遺、光影6大類別,更有上百種細分小標簽(如:宮鬥、穿越、逆襲、娛樂圈、懸疑推理、大逃殺、諜戰、商戰、科幻、網遊、女尊、男性向、經營養成、戀愛等等),網羅當下所有熱門題材,男女均可暢玩。輸入妳感興趣的關鍵詞,快速檢索妳想玩的類型,優質原創作品等妳壹鍵翻牌!3、豐富的正版素材資源作品中的所有素材,音樂、立繪、CG等都正版化,每壹部分都是心血之作,只為更好還原精彩劇情。極其豐富的素材庫,無論妳想創作什麽類型的故事,都能滿足妳的需求,有興趣來挑戰嗎?4、人人都可以參與創作無需妳敲代碼,無需妳懂繁瑣的技術,無需妳有很強的專業背景,小白都能參與創作。只要妳有好故事,就有可能成為下壹個炙手可熱的作者,讓更多人暢玩妳的作品,分享妳的故事,快來加入我們吧!5、超多福利可享站內有大量作品均可無限暢玩,首次下載橙光互動的新用戶可無門檻領取試玩券7張,更有活躍度獎勵編推精選作品任意玩。超多優惠福利放肆領,等妳入坑來玩!歡迎下載橙光互動,讓世界看到妳的想象力!聯系我們:問題反饋QQ群:418732706官方粉絲頁:客服郵箱:tousu@66rpg.com在線客服:
Latest blockbuster movies, series and more
神好聽台語老歌 免費懷念金曲 最多免費 懷舊 台語歌 最好用的台語歌App 1.9.2
聽來聽去,還是台語歌值得一再回味千萬網友,一致感動推薦的經典台語歌。你都聽過了嗎?每天推薦一套經典台語神曲,有喜歡就趕緊收藏,才不會錯過。全屏觀看MV,就是爽。海量歌曲,無限收藏。 持續更新選集:台語新歌精選,八點檔鄉土劇主題曲 ,台語女歌手,台語男歌手。。。 支援台灣Line /Facebook 好友一鍵分享500多位台語歌 歌手江蕙、黃乙玲、翁立友、喬幼、葉啟田、陳雷、詹雅雯、龍千玉、陳一郎... 等本應用遵守YoutubeAPI使用協議 :不得將視頻與音軌分離(無法提供背景撥放功能)不得修改任何視頻內容(無法提供去除人聲功能)不得拷貝任何視頻內容(無法提供線下撥放功能)本應用為Youtube串流撥放器,並無販售任何實體或虛擬產品。==========DISCLAIMER==========Thisis NOT an official app from thevarious media services, and thisisonly an unofficial 3rd-partyclient that complies with their3rdparty API terms of service.This app is NOT an affiliatednorrelated product of thoseservices. Per their APIdeveloperterms:"Youdo not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or topromoteAPIfunctionality in your application" provided that theguidelinesarefollowed.==============================此應用為第三方的媒體撥放器,我們並未發佈任何視頻,也無意侵犯版權1.此應用是符合YouTubeAPI服務條款的第三方撥放器所有視頻都是透過官方提供的API撥放器進行撥放以ContentID系統維護著作權人的權益若有未經合法授權的視頻被搜尋到,權利人可以向YouTube提交版權下架通知如果您有其他疑問,請與我們昆仑工作室聯絡 All videosare provided by the publicthird-partymedia service YouTube. Alltrademarks and copyrightsbelong totheir respective owners and areused here under the termsof FairUse and the Digital MillenniumCopyrights Act (DMCA). Sincethe appsimply links to content ontheir service via their 3rdPartyDeveloper API, the app does nothave any direct control oftheircontent. If there are any contentthat may infringe uponanyone'scopyrights, the following link canbe used to report thecontent:
“Watch your favorite contents - anytime, anywhere!” LINE TVisapremium video streaming service where you can watchallthecontents for ‘FREE’. You can watch high-quality video contentinavariety of categories such as TV dramas,entertainmentshows,movies, Y-series, music videos, and more. ◆Everything isFREE! onMulti-Devices You can download LINE TV app onsmartphones,tabletsand Android TV and watch all contents For Free!Just log inwithyour LINE email account on your device! To checkyour LINEemailaccount, go to LINE app > Settings > Accounts>EmailAccount Registration ※ PC Version :◆TrendingTV Shows Check out the most trending dramas,variety,movies andyour favorite shows from leading TV station onLINE TV.The moreyou watch, the better LINE TV gets at recommendingcontentsforyou, based on your watching history. ◆ LINE TVOriginalWatchexclusive LINE TV Original contents which are offeredfor LINETVusers only. ◆ Experience more with LINE TV on a biggerscreenYoucan enjoy LINE TV on big screen through Android TVandChromecast.※ For best performance, we recommend using LINE TVonAndroid TV OS8 or higher. ◆ Easy to explore by Category Findallthe latest andmost popular videos organized into categories suchasDrama, Movie,Music, Entertainment, Y-series, Lifestyle and more.◆Search withany words You can also search for specific videosbycontent’sname, clip title, genre, or cast members. ◆ Non stopMusicPlaylistEnjoy Music videos and shows from global partners onourMusicplaylist player! You can shuffle, play by order or evenrepeatitagain and again. ◆ Become a Fan of Your Favorite ChannelsBecomeafan of your favorite channels and be informed when newcontentisadded. ◆ Personal Video Recommendation Enjoyyourpersonalizedrecommendation of contents through FEED view onLINETV. ▣ In caseof any error, please send us your feedback withyourinformationbelow to analyze the problem. ※ Device Model ※OSversion ※ Carrier※ App version Your valuable feedback will helpusimprove ourservices For our latest content and moreprograminformation, youcan follow LINE TV social mediaaccounts:Facebook:*Content availability varies by countryand issubject to changewithout notice. ▣ Notes: ※ For bettervideostreaming, pleaseconnect to a Wi-Fi network. ※ Forbestperformance, we recommendusing LINE TV on Mobile APP OS 5.0orhigher / TV APP OS 8.0 orhigher. ※ LINE uses thirdpartyadvertising agencies to placeadvertisements. To measuretheeffectiveness of the advertisements,we install third-partymoduleswithin the Apps. We may also installthird-party moduleswithin theApps in order to help us understandhow the Service isused. Detailsregarding the Apps in which suchthird-party modulesfollow: -Installed on: LINE TV 3.1.0 andhigher for Android/iOS -Operator:Nielsen - Details Obtained:Advertisement Identifiers -Aims: Tomeasure audience of LINE TV inThailand - Sharing tothird-parties:No - To learn more about theinformation that Nielsensoftware maycollect and your choices withregard to it, please seethe NielsenDigital MeasurementPrivacyPolicy:(App)