Top 11 Apps Similar to Prénoms en fête

ORDO: calendrier liturgique
For the traditional Catholic rite, with texts and lives of saints
TipStuff the family Agenda 26.0.0
Working out your parenting and your working life is a heavydailychallenge ! That's why we created TipStuff to help busyworkingparents to face this challenge. All the functions you needtoorganize your family life are here to save you time : >Quicklyschedules family activities, using the common calendar whichissynchronized with each one's organizer ; > Share with allfamilymembers your shopping or todo lists - to be done absolutelythisweek; > Share useful information about the household:babysitter phone, children's clothing size, etc. > Composeyourmeals for the week, and export ingredients to your shoppinglists.All these features are accessible everywhere via yoursmartphone,tablet or PC. Download TipStuff right now to easy peasyconnectyour whole family ! From the start TipStuff has put yourprivatedata at the center of its concerns (at the same time, we areafamily like yours, and so it is also our data we are talkingabout😉). As a result, unlike some of our "free" competitors, wewillnever sell your data. Never is never. This means never filessoldto merchants, never advertising, never linked to companies suchasFacebook or Google. Now this "never" comes at a price whichisentirely financed by Premium refills. The premium allows us topaythe developers who make the application, the machines that allowitto work, the storage spaces to put all your data, support whenyouhave a problem, etc. That said, we are aware that somefamilieshave moderate use of TipStuff. This is why we haveimplemented afree version which is however subject to certainlimitations: -Advanced features not available (stickers, multiplealarms, weeklyview, PDF export, global search, etc.) - 100 eventsper year (onaccount anniversary date) - 100 tasks per year (on theanniversarydate of the account) - 3 authenticated accesses maximum- 5contacts maximum - 2 weeks of calendar synchronization
CMFI Online 1.1
CMFI Online
A compelmentary Mobile Application for CMFI ONLINE ServicesandInfrastructures
Eglise catholique 2.0
Reference information on the Catholic Church in France.
Famileo 6.3.2
Create a family newspaper for your grandparents with just afewclicks.
Prions en Eglise
Prions en Eglise est une applicationgratuited’aide à la prière quotidienne qui s’appuie sur la liturgieenvigueur en France. C’est une App simple à utiliser, accessibleàtous, quelle que soit son expérience de la prière.L’App Prions en Eglise est la version enrichie du mensuel dumêmenom, édité par le groupe Bayard. Elle est réalisée par uneéquipequi rassemble prêtres, religieux, laïcs, tous animés par ledésirde rendre vivante et actuelle la Parole de Dieu. Elle proposeuncontenu gratuit ouvert à tous et un espace premium réservéauxabonnés.L’App Prions en Eglise vous donne accès gratuitement à :- L’intégralité des lectures de la messe du jour.- Le saint du jour.- Une photo à méditer.- Une sélection de prières pour le matin, le soir, enfamille,….- La possibilité d’archiver en favoris les photos, textesetcitations- La possibilité de programmer une ou plusieurs prières etd’activerun rappel de prière- La version audio de l’évangile du jour. (espace premium)- Le commentaire des textes du jour proposé par desauteurscontemporains : prêtres, religieux ou laïcs.- Les prières et oraisons de la messe du jour.- La méditation guidée (lectio) du dimanche.- La sélection des chants pour la messe du dimanche.(espacepremium)- Les grandes prières de la messe. (espace premium)- La lecture continue des textes du mois (espace premium)Besoin d’un outil simple et pratique pour faire unepausespirituelle à tout moment de la journéeEnvie de mettre la Parole de Dieu au cœur de sa vie et mieuxlaméditer, l’approfondir et la transmettre ?Essayez l’App Prions en Eglise, rejoignez notre communauté etdonnezun nouveau souffle à votre prière.Prions en Eglise is afreeapplication daily prayer assistance that builds on the liturgyinforce in France. This is a simple app to use, accessible toall,regardless of their experience of prayer. The App Prions en Eglise is the enhanced version of the monthlyofthe same name, published by Bayard. It is performed by a teamthatbrings together priests, religious, laity, all driven by thedesireto make it alive and present the Word of God. It offers freeopento all content and premium space available tosubscribers. The App Prions en Eglise gives you free access to:- The full readings of the Mass of the day.- The saint of the day.- A photo meditate.- A selection of prayers for morning, evening, family, ....- The ability to archive favorite photos, texts and quotes- The ability to program one or more prayers and activate aprayerreminder- The audio version of the Gospel of the day. (Premium space)- The comment texts of the day proposed by contemporaryauthors:priests, religious and laity.- The prayers and prayers of the Mass of the day.- The guided meditation (lectio) Sunday.- The selection of songs for the Sunday mass. (Premium space)- The great prayers of the Mass. (Premium space)- Continuous playback of the month texts (premium space)  Need a simple and practical tool for a spiritual break at anytimeof dayWant to put the Word of God in the heart of his life andmeditatebetter, deepen it and transmit? Try App Prions en Eglise, join our community and give new lifetoyour prayer.
Praise • Worship • Liturgy 0.4.52
Christian songs for praise and liturgical use | Chemin Neuf Music
Holidays and Vacations 5.1.3
You get information about holidays and school vacations for over50countries.
Faiseurs de secrets 3.2
The list of secrets makers, lights cup, Switzerland pain helmsmen
Sanctuary N-D of Lourdes
The official app of the Sanctuary of Lourdes. Translated into6languages