Top 9 Apps Similar to Eventos E-Commerce Brasil

Calendar Notes 4.86
Turn your device into a personal agenda
Simple Organizer 1.1.1
SALE: Simple Organizer Pro is now 50% off for a limited time!Simple Organizer is a powerful productivity app thatsimplifiesthe way you take notes, create and organize your dailytasks andmanage all your personal events on your Androiddevice."It syncs with Google, comes with a variety of widgets andissimple to use. ‘all under one roof’ solution." -"great Google Calendar syncing application that we can usetoorganize our life" - - Organizer PRO with Google Sync and many more featuresisavailable on Play Store.FEATURES* Beautiful and rich user interface on all versionsofAndroid* Create, edit and organize notes, tasks and events* Pin your notes, tasks and events to Android’snotificationarea* Search notes, tasks and events with instant results* Set a priority for each task and event* Sort tasks and events by priority, by name, by date and time orbylocation* Organize your events in 2 ways: List View or Calendar View* Create repeating or all day long events withadditionaldetails* Setup personal event reminders via notifications, alarmsoremail* Gmail notification options for personal event reminders* Option to automatically unlock device on reminder alarm* View event locations on Google Maps* Quickly create notes, tasks and events via the built-inhomescreen widget*** Simple Organizer Pro with Google Sync is available inGooglePlay, search "Simple Organizer Pro" to get it ***ADDITIONAL FEATURES in PRO Version* Full Sync with Google Calendar* Ad-Free* Import all content from Simple Organizer* Optimized for faster performance and less memory usage* Add images from your camera or gallery to your notes, tasksandevents* View image previews or open full scale images with yourfavoritegallery* Share notes, tasks or events with your friends* Instantly create notes after selecting text or event directlyfromCalendar View* Batch delete notes, tasks and events using swipe gestures* Organize your personal events by Type* Personal Agenda for quickly viewing and editingupcomingevents* Use swipe gestures while viewing notes, tasks, events orwhennavigating the Calendar and Agenda* Improved Main Menu layout* Change the default location for saving images* 2 additional widgets: monthly Calendar and Upcoming eventsWebsite:
Agenda Campos ULB 1.9
Aplicativo da Agenda dos Campos da UniãoLesteBrasileira.Agora você pode conferir de uma maneira prática e rápida todososeventos e programações do campo da sua igreja.Escolha o campo desejado e confira todos os eventos e datasparao planejamento anual.Ideal para departamentais, pastores, anciões, líderes de igrejaetodos aqueles que de alguma forma querem estar atualizados com oqueacontece na sua igreja.- Veja os eventos da sua associação;- Anote seus compromissos;- Sincronize os dados da sua agenda pessoal;- Confira os contatos dos líderes do campo;- Dados estatísticos para conferência;- Conheça as metas;- Mapa;- Instituições de ensino;E muito mais...Application of AgendadosCampos of the Brazilian East Union.Now you can check in a practical and fast way all the eventsandschedules the fields of his church.Select the desired field and check out all the events anddatesfor the annual planning.Ideal for departmental, pastors, elders, church leaders andallthose who somehow want to be updated with what happens inhischurch.- See the events of their association;- Write down your commitments;- Synchronize data of your personal agenda;- Check the contacts of the field leaders;- Statistics for the conference;- Know the goals;- Map;- Educational institutions;And much more ...
Awesome Calendar 1.0.8
YunaSoft Inc.
Awesome Calendar has arrived from iOS.Now you can automatically sync with all google calendars,writeyour todo list, create notes with photos, check the weatherandmore, all with Awesome Calendar! This elegant application keepsyouorganized, shows holidays and is even perfect forteamprojects.You’re away from the office but need to check your schedule.Whatdo you do? Open up Awesome Calendar, of course. It only takesasecond or two. The app automatically syncs with all googlecalendarsto let you know when you have time for that nextmeeting.Quick as a wink, you add the meeting to your calendar thencreatea note that will help you prepare for it. A fast snap of thecameraor visit to your camera roll and you add a picture of theproductyou’re quoting on, the item needing repair, or whatever youwant.Another tap and you share all the information with yourassistantback at the office, who can get the ball rolling onthisproject.You pride yourself on making things happen fast, that’s whyyouhave Awesome Calendar on your phone. In one speedy swoop,rightfrom the client’s office, you were able to set up dates andtimes,note all of the information, and get things underwayremotely. Onceagain, you are providing the five-star service youare knownfor.Awesome Calendar is the all-in-tool to help you manageyourpersonal and business life. View and edit your schedule, checktheweather, create a todo list, write in your diary, embed photosinnotes, check for holidays. This one does it all!Want to share your schedule and notes? Would you like tohavesomeone help you with your growing todo list? No problem, youcando those things from right inside the Awesome Calendar app.That’sright, it’s that easy and convenient. You never have to leavetheapp to use it most efficiently.The time management power and functionality of this appisamazing. It has an elegant, easy-to-use interface from whereyoucan organize your life and schedule. Aside from the tasksalreadymentioned, the application offers month, week, day and listviews,event alarms, collapsible weeks, holiday listings for 35differentcountries, and far more than what can be listed here.Check out just a few of the features offered inAwesomeCalendar:+ works with all google calendars+ Creating a todo and diary+ 3 apps in 1+ Multiple calendar control+ Month, week agenda, half-week, day and list views+ Rolling todo and todo carry over.+ Custom color for event and todo.+ Customizable calendar and event color.+ Timezone support.+ Quick popup on month view.+ Holidays noted for 35 countries. Multiple holidayselection.+ Powerful diary lets you type notes and embed photos.+ Full text search for event, note and todo.+ Easy-push event alarm and customizable alarm.+ Unlimited alarms.+ Weather information display – current and 5 day forecast+ print-Month overview, week, day and each event.+ Share events, notes and todo lists from inside the app+ Passcode lock+ Monday/Sunday... start option.+ Customized recurrence for event and reminder.+ Insert photo to note like Awesome Note.+ Sharing note via email.+ Badge alarm on icon. Number of today’s events, todos.+ Today's wise saying widget.+ Theme color.
Agenda AC 1.0
Agora você tem acesso fácil atodasasinformações necessárias para o bom andamento de sua igreja.Aplicativo ideal para membros, pastores e líderesdasigrejasadventistas para a região Sul de Santa Catarina.·Agenda anual da Associação Catarinense – Fique pordentrodoseventos e atividades do Campo de forma atualizada atravésdonossocalendário de atividades. Ótima ferramenta para quemquerseplanejar e acompanhar os eventos mais importantesdoCampo.Sincronize com sua agenda pessoal e coloque todososseuscompromissos em um só lugar.·Endereços de igrejas – Encontrar uma igrejaadventistaagoraficou mais fácil. Mapeamos todas as mais de 230igrejas denossaregião. Todas elas estão cadastradas nesteaplicativo porsistemade coordenadas de latitude e longitude, dandoa você alocalizaçãoexata via GPS (Sistema de PosicionamentoGlobal).·Lista de contatos – Disponibilizamos todos os contatosdosmaisvariados departamentos da Associação Catarinense afimdeproporcionar para você um canal de comunicação diretotãosomentequando achar necessário.·Notícias – Esteja informado de tudo que ocorre emnossaigrejanas mais diferentes áreas. Notícias locais, regionaisenacionaispara deixar você sempre atualizado.You now have easyaccesstoall the information necessary for the proper conduct ofhischurch.Ideal application for members, pastors and leadersoftheAdventist churches in the Southern region of SantaCatarina.· Annual Agenda Santa Catarina Association - Stay on topofeventsand activities updated form field through our calendarofactivities.Great tool for those who want to plan and trackthemost importantevents in the field. Synchronize with yourpersonalagenda and putall your appointments in one place.· Address churches - Find an Adventist church now easier.Wemapall the more than 230 churches in our region. All ofthemareregistered in this application by latitude andlongitudecoordinatesystem, giving you the exact location via GPS(GlobalPositioningSystem).· Contact List - offer all contacts of variousdepartmentsofSanta Catarina Association in order to provide youadirectcommunication channel so only at any time.· News - Be informed of everything that happens in ourchurchinmany different areas. News local, regional and nationaltoleaveyou up to date.
eCommerce Expo
This is the official mobile app foreCommerceExpo.The app is designed to enhance the experience of the attendeebyputting the following features and information attheirfingertips:+ full event schedule+ speaker listings+ exhibitor listings+ interactive floorplan+ social networking+ much, much, more...Make the most of your time at the event - download the freeapptoday and prepare for eCommerce Expo 2015!Taking placeSept 30 – 1 Oct 2015 at Olympia London,eCommerceExpo is the UK’s leading ecommerce event that unites theentireecommerce community and provides the ideal platform to gainthemost recent industry knowledge, experience the latesttechnologyand unique access to solutions that focus on each corearea ofecommerce.For more information on eCommerce Expo 2015, visit
eCommerce 2.5.12
Con esta aplicación conocerás en quéconsisteel e-Commerce y cuáles son las claves para tener una tiendaonlinede éxito a través de cinco módulos de formación:- En primer lugar, aprenderás sobre los principios básicosdele-Commerce y a crear una tienda online paso a paso.- A continuación, te mostraremos los pilares para desarrollarunaestrategia de marketing para tu tienda online, desde cómogenerartráfico a cómo pueden ayudarte las redes sociales en eléxito de tunegocio.- En tercer lugar, descubrirás los aspectos más importantes paralarealización de una compra en e-Commerce: características delapágina de compra, cuáles son los tipos de pago y cómopuedesgestionar el fraude.- Más tarde, aprenderás sobre la gestión de la logísticaene-Commerce: el diseño y la optimización, el almacenamiento,laentrega y los sistemas de integración.- Por último, te enseñaremos los aspectos más importantes paralagestión de la atención al cliente en e-Commerce; tambiénaprenderása configurar tu tienda para que tus clientes puedanacceder a losdiferentes canales de contacto que lesproporciones.Además, esta formación incluye interactivos con los quepodrásprofundizar en los contenidos de forma dinámica, y ejerciciosquete permitirán evaluar tus conocimientos a lo largo de cada unodelos módulos.With this applicationyouwill know what the e-Commerce and what are the keys to havingasuccessful online store through five training modules:- First, you will learn about the basics of e-Commerce and createanonline step by step.- Then we'll show you the building blocks for developing amarketingstrategy for your online store, from how to generatetraffic to howsocial networks can help in the success of yourbusiness. - Thirdly, you will discover the most important aspectsofmaking a purchase in e-Commerce: characteristics of thecheckoutpage, which types of payment and how you can managefraud.- Later, you will learn about the management of logisticsine-Commerce: the design and optimization, storage, deliveryandsystems integration.- Finally, we will teach you the most important aspects formanagingcustomer e-Commerce; also learn to set up your store soyourcustomers can access the different channels of contact youprovidethem.In addition, this training includes interactive with which youcandeepen the content dynamically, and exercises that allow youtotest your knowledge along each of the modules.
Respicon 2.0
For Speakers and Delegates: Personal Agenda, Feedback,AnswerQuizzes
Global E-Commerce Summit
This is the official interactive mobile appforthe Global E-Commerce Summit.The Global E-Commerce Summit is the leading internationaleventthat focuses on the most important trends and developmentsinglobal e-commerce, cross-border trading and omni-channelretail.After editions in Amsterdam and Monaco, the event settledonBarcelona, which has now been the home of the summit and theawardsceremony for the last years.This mobile app allows you to:* View schedules, explore sessions, and find afterparties.* Create your own personal schedule and access location andspeakerinformation.* Access interactive maps and find local places.* Check-in to sessions, meetings, keynotes, andexhibitorbooths.* View an entire feed of the event activity, includingattendeecheck-ins, photos, and more.* Earn points, badges, and prizes for being active on the app andatthe event.* Expand your professional network and have fun!Features of the App:* Status Update - a quick way to share photos, comments,whereyou are, and which session you’re attending* Activity Feed - keep your finger on the pulse of the event.Seewhat people are doing, view photos from the event, findtrendingsessions and topics, and “like” and comment on otherattendeecheck-ins* Agenda - view the full agenda and related information(sessiontime, room number, speaker info, etc)* Users - see who’s at the event, and connect with them ontheapp* Exhibitors - find exhibitors and sponsors, check-in toleavecomments and feedback* Profile - your official app profile, highlighting yourname,profile photo, title, and company* Leaderboard - see who has the most points at the conferenceandclimb your way to the top with check-insRemember, as you use the app, you'll earn points and badgesforparticipation. Enjoy the app and have a great show!The Global E-commerce Summit app was created by DoubleDutch,theleading provider of branded mobile applications forevents,conferences and trade shows worldwide. The DoubleDutchplatform isdesigned to thrill attendees and empower eventorganizers withpowerful analytics. Create engaging, memorableevents andconferences with a DoubleDutch mobile app today.