Top 13 Apps Similar to Containers Habitables

3D Floor Plan 4.0
Your bedroom forms the core of yourcomfortzonein the house. I am sure that you want it to be equippedwithall theamenities and designs that turn it into yourcomfortcocoon. Only youknow what you want and therefore, it'sbefittingthat you design yourown master bedroom.Designing a floor plan of your house is all aboutartfullyusingspace and resources to create a comfortable home. Youmaybeplanning to make a floor plan for a bedroom in your newhouseoryou may be designing a new one for your existing house. Itisnotnecessary that you take a crash course in architecturetodesignyour plans. The design effort it requires is withinthecapabilityof anybody who is willing to study and apply whathehaslearned.Designing TipsSimplicity, elegance, and economy are the hallmarks of agoodfloordesign plan. First thing to do, before you embark onthedesigningproject is study the architecture and the latter partisapplyingwhat you have studied. Here's what you'll need to do.Study Floor ArchitecturesVisit the library and get hold of architectural magazinesdevotedtointerior designing. Scan out the floor plans providedtherein.Getphotocopies of design plans that you like. This willgive you afeelof what you want in your own plans.Download Plans OnlineYou can get some master bedroom ideas from sites thatoffersuchplans for free. You can download and print out suchplansandinclude some features that you like, into your ownplan.Furniture & Fixture PlansOnce you have an idea about what kind of space you wanttocreate,you can decide on the furniture and fixtures. You needtodecidewhether you want to have customized furniture designedorbuyready-made. A customized set can give you an opportunitytomakeoptimum use of space. Measurements of floor spacewillputconstraints on your design and hence when it comestodesigningplans, you need to take it into consideration. Theotherthing tothink about is light fixtures and otherelectricalconnections,along with plans for an attachedbathroom.Flooring and PaintingFlooring and painting is another factor which you needtothinkabout. Colors matter when it comes to home interiors, astheyhavean effect on the overall ambiance. Also decide on thekindofflooring that you want for your bedroom.Draw Your PlansBuy a graph paper and start drawing the plan you have inmind.Youcan also use architectural software that helps you create3Dfloorplans. Last thing to do is make a pricing analysis ofallthefurniture, fixtures, and overall costs. You may need totrimyourdesign features according to your budget.Designing projects like creating floor plans can not only bealotof fun, but can also give you a firsthand idea of thebudgetyou canexpect to build one. Designing your plan is anactivitywhich you andyour spouse can do together and enjoy. Takeyour timeand make surethat you have the perfect plan, tailor-madeto yourrequirements andbudget, before you go ahead.
Arquitectura y Diseño 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Arquitectura y Diseño recoge en sus páginas el genio creador delosgrandes profesionales. Casas de autor que, inspiradas ennuevasformas de vida, hablan el lenguajes de la ecología ylasostenibilidad, que buscan la belleza en la fusión conlugaressingulares, en la utilización de materiales nobles oinéditos. Consecciones dedicadas a proyectos, entrevistas,tendencias, estilo devida y todas las novedades del mundo de laarquitectura de diseño
Modern Architecture 1.8
Modern architecture, created the original architecture ofthe19thcentury opposed to the pro Eklektisist is the general nameforallthe architectural movements. Eclecticism format as opposedtotheattitude that diverts the past, with all the modern trendsinthearchitectural style of the era of the opinion that workhardandare composed by current conditions. Modern architectureisaproduct of western civilization. On the end of theeighthcentury,it began to take shape with the modern era,revealingthedemocratic revolution and the industrial revolution.All periodsofmodern architecture such as the architecture, tocreate aspecialenvironment for human life, human thoughts andactions, isthat thebelief that has attempted to visualize or not asthey wish.Thefamous architect Otto Wagner, in 1986, a title giventobookspublished, then his father's name was an expression canuseall theart science. Began to emerge in the late 18th centuryironbridgesare considered the first authentic example ofmodernarchitecture.Building olaraksa to 1851 Paxton's CrystalPalace inLondon untilthe exhibition is not possible to showanuncompromising example.This exhibition exhibition covers an areaofapproximately 70thousand square meters, standardizedcomponentsfactory is thefirst major example of the iron fused glasscase.Indeed, in such ahuge building for 16 weeks, then tomiraculous,today wasconstructed and could be completed in a periodthat canbeconsidered surprising. Crystal Palace with variousfeaturesandattributes, is not wrong to evaluate it as one oftheinitiatorsand the ageless example of modern architecture. Thisdayhasreached the pinnacle of modern architecture, has benefitedfromallthe possibilities of technology. If you wish toobtainvisualinformation about modern architecture, take a look atourmodernarchitecture of the application. Ourmodernarchitectureapplication, at which point thecontemporaryarchitecture, you'llfind examples of great design andstylishideas. Download our appnow modern architecture and enjoy.
99Ideas de Arquitectura 1.3
99 Ideas:Mantente al día sobre lasúltimasnoticias de arquitectura, diseño y tendencias... Gracias a99Ideaspodrás estar informado de una manera sencilla ypráctica.99 Ideas: Stay onthelatest architecture, design and trends ... Thanks to 99Ideas canbeinformed in a simple and practical.
Arquitectura y Diseño de Inter 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
La revista que ofrece las mejores ideas de Arquitectura y DiseñodeInteriores, aquí encontrarás los espacios más bellos delmundo,diseñados por los arquitectos y diseñadores más prestigiadosademásde las tendencias de muebles, accesorios, telas,tapices,persianas, arte y todo lo que te ayude a tomar una decisiónen ladecoración de tu hogar.
3D Small House Design 2.0
Your small home design can offer everything that is important toyouin a home. Just be aware that growing desires can suddenlyaddsquare footage you didn't expect or want. Here's the best waytokeep your small house plan small. 3D App On the surface, allmobileapps might appear to be pretty similar - many of them supplythesame types of features, information, even user interfaces.However,when you really start comparing different apps, you'lloften noticelimited functionality, speed, and quality of display onmany appscurrently being utilized by small and large businessesalike. 3DArchitect If you are an architect and you need to designbuildingsand make architectural drawings, you need to know thatwith propertraining and experience, Revit is the best way toaccomplish this.The drawing quality is superior, the renderings areamazing, 3DRoom Planner How many times have you looked at abeautifuldecorated room and wonder how you could achieve that lookin yourown home. Consider an interior design online service thatcouldprovide you with the same services you get from a localinteriordesigner for a fraction of the price.
House Plan Container 1.0
Sunny Day NK.
House Plan ContainerApp ideal for people who want a new home from Container.Thank you.
Architecture Plan House 1.0
architecture plan houseget the best architecture plan house here!architecture plan house app is the process andproductofplanning, design, and constructs buildings andotherphysicalstructures. Architectural works, in the form ofbuildingmaterials,which is often perceived as cultural symbols andas worksof art.Civilizations history is often identified withtheirlastarchitectural achievement. Building or renovating a homecan befunbut it can be so challenging because a lot of things thatshouldbenoted before starting the project.Building a house is a major project no matter how smallthehouseand how little budget. In fact, one can be moreeffectiveinbuilding the house if she creating a home designplanbeforeintroducing changes in the house. A homeowner shoulderstandtakenote of the design house he will build and put into adesignpaper.In this way, he can avoid making mistakes that candesigncostsmoney and time is precious to him. Being in a hurryWhenBuilding ahouse can be detrimental to home design and so tothebudget. Aarchitecture plan house can be created by thehomeownerand thebuilder as long as he has the knowledge in drawingplans.However,if he has no idea about these things then it is bestto gettheservices of people who are knowledgeable inthecaseexamined.architecture plan house app is important to do thespecificationofthe design plan of the house is not really left tothediscretionof the designer. Shoulder home be a reflection ofthepersonalityof the residents and owners shoulder stand runningtohave a voicein the overall appearance of the house. Toavoidconflict while thehome design plan is being drawn, familyownconsensus as to whatthe motive or design they want for thehouse.They can choose fromvarious designs available like homediddescribe the state of lifeor can be minimalist or modern.
Modern Landscape Architecture 2.1
Landscape Architecture Designs –Longbeforegreen was good and sustainable was sexy, theworld’slandscapearchitects understood and practiced the disciplineofenvironmentalcustodianship. Still today, they work to restorelifeto a pollutedworld, doing so in our homes, our parks, ourofficesand even ourcities. To celebrate the good work oftoday’slandscapearchitects,you are probably a landscape architect, lookingatarchitectureprograms, a Landscape Architecture student or simplyafan ofanything landscape connected. You also probably haveyourfavouritestyle in landscape design, your beloved era andthelandscapearchitect you adore.Like any specialized industry, landscapearchitecturehasrepresentatives that marked milestones in itsdevelopment.Theseare the precursors of their era, the people whochanged thehistoryof landscape architecture, introducing new ideasandconcepts ordesigning the most famous parks and landscapes.
Arquitectura Corona 1.0.1
Arquitectura Corona esunapublicacióntrimestral dedicada a los temas más relevantes delaarquitectura,el diseño y la construcción, tanto en Colombia comoenel exterior.Abordamos proyectos de vivienda,institucionales,comerciales, dediseño interior y propuestassostenibles; recorremosciudades ennuestro país y fuera de susfronteras con profesionalesen estosámbitos; invitamos a reconocidosarquitectos así como ajóvenestalentos para que hablen con nosotros,entre otrostemas.Architecture Coronaisaquarterly publication dedicated to the most importantissuesofarchitecture, design and construction, both in Colombiaandabroad.We address housing projects, institutional,commercial,interiordesign and sustainable proposals; we travelcities in ourcountryand beyond its borders with professionals inthese areas;inviterenowned architects and young talent to speakwith us, amongothertopics.
Minimalist Home Plans 2.0
Building or refurbishing a home can be funbutit can also be challenging because of the many things that hastobe accounted for before starting the project.Building a home is a big project no matter how little the homeisand how meager the budget. In fact, a person can be morecosteffective in building his home if he creates a home designplanbefore introducing changes in the home.A homeowner should take note of the design of the house heisabout to build and put the design into paper. This way, hecanavoid committing design mistakes that can cost him moneyandprecious time.Being hasty when building a home can be detrimental to thehomedesign and also to the budget. A home design plan can becreated bythe homeowner and builder himself provided he has someknowledge indrawing plans. However, if he does not have any ideaabout thesethings then it is best to get the services of a personwho isknowledgeable in such matters.Of course, asking another person to make a home design plancanadd to the cost of building the home but it will be costeffectivein the long term because it will ensure that the home isproperlyconstructed technically and aesthetically.Creating a home design plan can be a technical matterandrequires research and preparation. The designer of a home planwilltake all aspects of the home when preparing the plan includingthelifestyle of the people who would be living in the home andtheavailable space.Leaving everything to the experts may be just the right thingforany homeowner. However, he should also take an active partinplanning the design of his home. While he does not knowthetechnicalities, he should be able to suggest what he wantsandwhere things should be placed.It is important that the specification of the home design planisnot totally left to the discretion of the designer. The homeshouldbe a reflection of the personality of the residents and theownershould thus have a say in the overall appearance of hishome.To avoid conflicts while the house design plan is beingdrawn,the family should already have a consensus as to what motifordesign they want for the house. They can choose from thevariousdesigns available like a home that depicts country living orit canbe minimalist or modern.Allowing the family to plan ahead can mean asmootherconstruction process. Making material changes after thehome designplan has already been drawn and while the home is beingconstructedcan result to a poorly built home. Plus, it can add tothe expensesof building a home.Once the family has arrived at a consensus as to thegeneralappearance of the home, they should appoint someone who willtalkto the designer and who will coordinate all the designandconstruction process with the designer. Having everyone inthemiddle of the construction phase can be disadvantageous as itcanresult to delays in the project.Anyone who is about to have his dream house built shouldmakesure he gets a good designer to create the home design plan.Thisway, the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the homeisensured.
Best 3D Home Plan 3.0
Your 3D home plan idea is truly a reflectionofwho you are. It is a place where you can relax, enjoy, eat,sleep,but most of all a place where you can be in your elements.Iremember the last time I decided to refurbish my home, Ithoughtthe first thing that I needed was a professional designerand so Ihired one. I got too caught up with the ideas that thedesignershad been showcasing and advocating. However, the day I sawtheentire plan on the blueprint, I realized that although thedesignlooked great, it did not appeal to me as my own home. Thatwas themoment I decided to do away with the designers, and takecharge ofthe designing process myself. Designing your own house canbe quitea task, but totally worth it since it enables you to givethe placea personal touch. Designing a house can include both theprimaryarchitectural elements as well as the interior designingelementsthat follow. In this article we will cover both the aspectthatwill assist you while designing your own 3D home plan idea.Architectural DesignArchitectural elements are vital if you are planning to buildahouse from scratch. The first thing that you need to doisundertake a detailed study of the space available toyou,requirement of rooms, the possibility of multiple stories,theroofing, as well as the locations of window and doors. In caseyoufind this intimidating, and are still willing to work withoutaprofessional architect, there are a number of softwareapplicationsthat can help you with this task. A simulation of yourplot areaand the possible positions and areas of multiple rooms canbe triedout using these designing software. You can easily drag thewallson the virtual interface until you finalize the layout andcome upwith your own final blueprint of the house plan.Once the house plan is ready, you can hire services of agoodresidential building company to materialize your blueprint intoanactual finished structure. While handing over the reins tothem,make sure you explain them the plan carefully and askforsuggestions. Once the plan is finalized and the builders areatwork, have a word with them on a daily basis so that thefinalproduct comes out just the way you wanted. However it isadvisablenot to interrupt their work very frequently and trust themwiththeir job.The FurnitureThere is a lot of variety in furniture available today-steel,wrought iron, contemporary, antique, and much more. Toavoidconfusion, finalize the theme or the look that you want foryourhouse and buy the furniture accordingly. In case you arewilling toshell out a few extra bucks you can get your furniturecustom-madeas well. Do think of the durability of the furniturealong with itsaesthetic appeal- you need both. Do not clutter yourspace with alot of furniture, instead define your storage andseatingrequirements and get the furniture that fits the bill justright.It is a common tendency that people pick out the most fancysofa orthe most extravagant center table for the living room. Whileyou dothat, think about the comfort factor as well as themaintenance.For example a white leather sofa might look veryappealing at thestore, but maintaining and cleaning it at home tokeep it sparklingmight be a big headache. Think chic but thinkconvenient as well!The bedroom, kids' room or the study furnitureshould be finalizedwith the same perspective, but shouldincorporate individualtastes.
3D House Floor Plan Ideas 3.0
Your house plan is truly a reflection ofwhoyou are. It is a place where you can relax, enjoy, eat, sleep,butmost of all a place where you can be in your elements. Irememberthe last time I decided to refurbish my home, I thought thefirstthing that I needed was a professional designer and so I hiredone.I got too caught up with the ideas that the designers hadbeenshowcasing and advocating. However, the day I saw the entireplanon the blueprint, I realized that although the design lookedgreat,it did not appeal to me as my own home. That was the momentIdecided to do away with the designers, and take charge ofthedesigning process myself. Designing your own house can be quiteatask, but totally worth it since it enables you to give the placeapersonal touch. Designing a house can include both theprimaryarchitectural elements as well as the interior designingelementsthat follow. In this article we will cover both the aspectthatwill assist you while designing your own house.Architectural DesignArchitectural elements are vital if you are planning a houseplanfrom scratch. The first thing that you need to do is undertakeadetailed study of the space available to you, requirement ofrooms,the possibility of multiple stories, the roofing, as well asthelocations of window and doors. In case you find thisintimidating,and are still willing to work without a professionalarchitect,there are a number of software applications that canhelp you withthis task. A simulation of your plot area and thepossible positionsand areas of multiple rooms can be tried outusing these designingsoftware. You can easily drag the walls onthe virtual interfaceuntil you finalize the layout and come upwith your own finalblueprint of the house plan.Once the house plan is ready, you can hire services of agoodresidential building company to materialize your blueprint intoanactual finished structure. While handing over the reins tothem,make sure you explain them the plan carefully and askforsuggestions. Once the plan is finalized and the builders areatwork, have a word with them on a daily basis so that thefinalproduct comes out just the way you wanted. However it isadvisablenot to interrupt their work very frequently and trust themwiththeir job.Tips to Remember:Although you have decided to plan your house on your own, youcannotbe aware of all the architectural design principles (unlessyou arean architect yourself). Hence, once you have finalized yourplan,get it checked from a professional and try to incorporatethesuggestions.Involve all the members of the house while the plan is beingmadeand consider individual requirements for their rooms. Thefinalplan should be convenient for every member of yourhouse.Study the natural lighting directions to ensure optimumnaturallight in the living room or the study room according toyourpreference. After studying the light pattern it would alsobeconvenient for you to finalize the placement positions of doorsandwindows.Choose accurate placement of walls. Avoid a cluttered plan,studyyour space, and don't try to include too many rooms withinlittlespace.With a little more research, try to incorporateunconventionalpatterns and styles into your house plan.The ColorsInterior designing for your own house plan is like giving youapalette of colors and a blank canvas. All you need to do isworkwith your magic brush, adding a stroke here and there until youaresatisfied with the end result.First of all, use a good quality water-resistant andlong-lastingpaint. Yes, choosing the colors for your house canseem like an easyjob, but it is advisable to put more thought intothe process.