Top 50 Apps Similar to Paradym: Self Therapy

LiveMore - for your wellbeing 2.26.1
Take control of your life!
Thinkladder - Self-awareness 2.4.1
Join thousands who are embarking on a self-awareness journeywithThinkladder.
Beautiful You: Mind-Body-Soul
How to be happy & find balance, You Deserve It!
Mind Reset - Just 2 min a day! 6.3.7
Mind Help LTD
Better sleep, clearer mind, relief from depression, anxiety,stressand trauma
Second Breath Daily Meditation
Mindfulness, prayer, & wisdom to stress less, connectmore,& live vibrantly
Meta Learn:Metacognitive Tools 2.1.4
Meta Learn
Metacognitive Therapy and Coaching - Techniques to improveyourmental health.
HappCo Meditations: Guided By Dr. Zach 2.4.2
Embark on a spiritual journey of guided meditations, led byamasterin mindfulness and meditation, Dr. Zach. Ameditativepractice isessential to living life to the fullest.That's why the"EmbracingYour Higher Self" guided meditation program(formerlyknown asJourney to Enlightenment) is for everyone!Embracing YourHigherSelf (EYHS) has 400 guided meditations that aredesigned tohelp youattain enlightenment. When we do almost any typeofmeditation, weexperience a taste of enlightenment as we gointothe alpha state.This however, is only temporary. Therealchallenge is to maintainthe connection with the "Higher Self"whenwe go about the rest ofour day. That's why we designed theEYHSprogram to activate theparts of the brain that create aconnectionwith one's "HigherSelf". As you progress through theprogram,you'll develop theskills to naturally activate these partsof yourbrain at will,leading to an overall state of enlightenmentandwell-being. Dr.Zach, CEO & Founder of HappCo,definesenlightenment as "beingable to be centered withintheconsciousness of your "Higher Self"for most of your day." Whenyouachieve enlightenment, your ego-mindassumes the new roleofserving your better, "Higher Self", notdominating it. Ifyou'reready to learn how to not only achieve, butmaintainenlightenment,which can also improve your emotional,spiritual andmental health,then download the app now and let'sbegin!
Mind Mends: Self-Improvement 3.34
Follow a journey of self-improvement with a passive &activeapproach.
Cheerly: Daily Wellness Game 4.7.2
Transform your life and habits with the ultimateself-improvementgame
PsychologyCompass 1.7.0
A cognition coach in your pocket to help you reach your peakmentalperformance
Be conscious 2.10.001
Peter Nemec
E.Tolle's "Here and now" and G.I.Gurdjieff's "STOP" will help youbeconscious.
The Never Settle Collective 1.21.00
Mindful Titan
People who live exceptional lives follow one essential rule:NeverSettle. The Never Settle Collective is the only group thathasexamined and combined the best behavioral science research fromthetop universities, such as Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Stanford,touncover the specific skills, habits, behaviors, routines&mindset of those that never settle in life, no matterthecircumstances. STOP TRACKING HABITS... INSTEAD MASTER THERIGHTHABITS Scientifically-backed habits, routines & mindsetcanhelp guide you towards: • Breaking out of your comfort zone•Increasing perpetual gratitude • Engaging in habitual positivity•Creating a morning routine for unwavering motivation •Improvingdecision-making • Uncovering daily inspiration • Deepeningyourself-awareness and mindfulness • Banishing procrastination&becoming organized • Building a proactive mindsetthoughtself-development & self-improvement • Establishinghabits ofhealth • Formulating a structured, daily routine forproductivity •Igniting motivation for the new year HOW TO MASTERTHE RIGHTHABITS: THE NEVER SETTLE COLLECTIVE’S 4-STEP SYSTEM Learnthe wayscience intended. Never Settle has developed a step-by-stepsystembased on neuroscientific research: 1) DAILY PRACTICE -Howworld-class musicians, athletes, business people & keypeopleof influence excel. Follow 200+ personalized,real-time,step-by-step mental workouts. 2) OPTIMUM MINDSET - Changeyour moodand mindset instantly. 80+ techniques & tools tooptimize mood,no matter the circumstance. 3) POWERFUL NOTES -Reinforceproductivity & positivity. The integrated journalhelps tosolidify skills and habits. 4) TRACK YOUR PROGRESS – Focusonresults for continued motivation. Discover areas thatneedstrengthening and where you already excel. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVETHECHANCE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY. We invite you to be part of theelitegroup of the Never Settle Collective: Those that take controloftheir lives, and have a blast doing so. Never wake up inthemorning again and wonder how you should organize your day orwhatdaily routine you should follow. Make the most out of every daytobe: Happier Successful Joyful Motivated InspiredResilientExceptional Your Best Self TAILORED FOR YOU Never Settleis aself-development app that can help lead a fulfilling life,allwhile supporting positivity, joy, success and empowerment.Yourjourney through the Never Settle app will be personalized tofityour needs, and will help develop your happiness,mindfulness,motivation, focus, habits of health, social skills andtechnicalskills. THE 5 PILLARS OF LIFE ACHIEVEMENT: 1 Happiness:Gratitude,Positivity, Resilience, Self-Esteem, Bounce Back fromAdversity 2Optimal Mindset: Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, PositiveMentalHealth, Self-Development, Self-Improvement 3 Productivity:Success,Focus, Motivation, Persistence, Life Achievement,Inspiration,Organized & Structured Daily Routine 4Perseverance: TransformObstacles into Opportunities, Expand YourComfort Zone, Bounce Backfrom Failure 5 Better Decision-Making:Create Perpetual Motiontowards Life Goals NEVER SETTLE IS FOR BUSYPEOPLE LIKE YOUHigh-achievers increase their likelihood of successand happinessby consistently developing their productivity,passion,inspiration, creativity, focus, morning motivation &dailyroutine. Never Settle gives you maximum results with minimaltimeand effort. ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU: Want to break out of yourcomfortzone? Need guidance on a tough decision? Findinstant,best-in-class advice based on the latest behavioral sciencein the“Tools” feature. It is almost like having an expert alwaysready toguide you. WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY One thing unites us:Each of usseeks to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Pleaselet us knowif we can make the experience better for you. Email Privacy policylink:
Personality Leaning Test 2.1.1
Ready to know Real You, Your Personality Type and TraitLeaningTests
Cayce's Dream Dictionary Lite 1.1.5
Edgar Cayce's Dream Dictionary Lite
CheckingIn: for Self Awareness 1.8.0
Mood & Emotional Mindfulness
iAwake® Technologies 2.6.8
Tools for focus & flow, relaxation, creativity,profoundmeditation, healing.
Socreates: Selfhelp & Growth 4.0
Heartfulness, introspection, self betterment, assessment,evaluationtherapy
MindBreaks - Relax & Recharge 5.0
Spatial Audio for Mindfulness
SoftSkillers Personality Test
New: Daily free mental power check as an additional offer toourpremium test
Zerobites- Productivity, Self 1.8
Key insights from the best articles, videos & books tobuildyour Life-Quotient
CBT Tools for Healthy Living 6.4.4
Excel At Life
CBT diary, mood log, healthy goals, articles all availablewithoutpaid upgrade! 3.0.2
The world's first app for developing emotional intelligence.
Theoriq - Ideas from the brightest minds 0.0.23
Theoriq apps
Theoriq let you learn new bit-sized concepts, ideasandthoughtsevery day, in psychology, philosophy, culture,society,science andeverything that we call LIFE. From the brightestmindsand authors,in an easy-to-scroll format just like any ofyourfavorite socialmedia app. >>> Remarkable views fromworldthinkers Whatif you could expand your knowledge bycasuallyscrolling throughquotes, book extracts or short essays; anduncoverfascinatingideas from the most remarkable figures of thepast, ornowadaysmost inspirational thinkers? Ideas usually hiddenin thepages ofthe books of your local library or bookshop. Theoriqis aspace tobrowse through the most inspiring quotes, bookspassagesandarticles excerpts. >>> For the idle moments oflifeWhatif every idle time becomes the opportunity to learnsomethingnew?A new theory, a new concept, food for thoughts to helpyougrow.Learn from the writings of authors and experts. Oureditorialteamhave scouted books to draw top quotes and passages.Wespendcountless hours every week to find the best articles ontheweb.Explore thousands of top articles found by users acrosstheplanet.If you are a literature non-fiction books fan, you willgetalsoget to know about new books. >>> BeautifulimageryUsingbeautiful imagery, Theoriq unveils all sort ofknowledgeabouthuman being and everything that we call life. Theoriqis in away alife experience, knowledge-sharing app. >>>Afully-fledgeapp - Clean and clear design - New entries in yourfeedevery day –quotes, book passages, concepts from renownedauthorsandacademics, - Share your own theories and favoriteslearnings-Inspiring and insightful articles, quotes and booksexcerptstoread - Bookmark your favorites articles - Create yourownlibraryof concepts - - Leave your own example to illustrateanytheory -Browse by category, authors, books and tags - Interactwiththecommunity - Get push notification for new ideas andtheories-Customize your feed according to your interest - Availableforfreefor everyone and anywhere >>> We curate Wecuratebooks.We scout the web. We select, study and synthesizeineasilydigestible nuggets, key concepts in human sciences,socialsciencesphilosophy and psychology:relationships,communication,creativity, life success, economy,sociology,innovation,management, etc... Principles and theorieswhich helpyou inunderstanding better the world around you byselectingreferencematerials and providing an engaging learningexperience.Much likea social feed, you can scroll through a growingcorpus ofideas,story and wisdoms nicely organized for you, whetheritisexplanatory diagrams, evocative images, short storiesthathavemade history, authors outstanding writings, ormemorablequotesfrom the greatest minds. Theoriq makes you able tolearn in afewswipes and you can go from little or zero knowledge tohavingaelementary understanding of any topic. >>>Acollaborativeplatform You can also share your own quotes andshortarticles ifyou like writing. If you are a writer, then this istheplace whereyou express yourself. Users can write and shareideaswith thecommunity. Would you like to participate into creatingtheworld’sfirst library of life principles? Anyone can share hisorherexperiences and knowledge to illustrate any principlebyprovidingreal life examples. Now feed your mind with areadingexperiencedesigned for an intrigued mind and a free spirit.If youanyquestion, then email us at our support
Mindfully: Improve Your Mood 5.0.12-56
Improve your mood by monitoring your emotions and changingyourhabits.
Teledipity 1.5.0
Personality report and monthly forecasts based on numerology.
Self Help for Trauma 15.0.1
HL Web
Welcome to Self Help For Trauma
Borderline Explained 10.9
A psychology app that explains BPD or borderlinepersonalitydisorder
Empathy - Loss Companion 1.15.5
We help you navigate loss, from funeral to probate, and easeyourburden.
SwipeJoy: Self Growth and Ment 1.0.2
More Self-Esteem, less Anxiety
Mind: Spirituality & Intuition 1.9.0
Gradoid DOO
Are you ready for spiritual awakening and lucid dreaming? Takesonly5min / day.
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.
Happiness Accelerator 10.13.0
HAPPINESS ACCELERATOR will help you to embrace your own meaningofHappiness
WellTrack Boost 2.49.1
A mental health platform for monitoring your mood & gettinghelpwhen needed
Awakened Mind: Mindfulness app 2.67
Awakened Mind is an app designed and developed by mindfulnessleaderMichael Bunting. As a professional with experience workingwith someof the most recognised corporate leaders in the fieldsofmindfulness and leadership, his insight and experience havebeenfunnelled into the Awakened Mind app. Today, it’s designed toequipyou with authentic, scientifically proven, andfully-guidedresources no matter what stage of the mindfulnessjourney you’rein. The Awakened Mind app caters to the needs ofthree distinctaudiences: • Mindfulness beginners. You belong tothis group if youare looking to develop a sustainable mindfulnesspractice and needguidance to begin. • Intermediate to advancedmindfulnesspractitioners. Our app is useful if you want to developyour growthmindset and master the four foundations of mindfulness.• You aredetached from the technical side of mindfulness and arelooking formore practical support in the form of guided meditation,and tipsto sleep better, improve your focus, and developmindfulcommunication. Our Neurosync™ feature is especially usefulif youbelong to this group. The app itself is suitable forbothindividuals and businesses in need of a corporate wellnessprogram.We know that a huge amount of time is spent in theworkplace andthat it’s a setting where you need to harness yourfull potentialand perform your best work. We can help you achievethat. As amindfulness app, Awakened Mind is easy to use andimplement. Allyou need to do is download the application, sign up,and then beginat your leisure. Whether you’re struggling withstress, leadership,communication or anything else that is taking atoll on you,mindfulness practices can help you overcome thesechallenges andmaintain your mental, emotional, and physical health.The AwakenedMind mindfulness app houses a range of programsdesigned to guideyou through your mindfulness journey and help youdevelop apersonal practice that works for you, at your own pace.The appincludes: • A Learning Center. • A library of 300+guidedmeditation tracks for sleep, managing thoughts, and evenkids’meditations. • Neurosync™ technology with 300+ tracks forsleep,focus and performance, stress and pain management,addictionsupport, and so much more. Our app also includes a rangeofprograms: • Sleep suite • Mindfulness essentials • Mentalwellbeingessentials • Pain and mindfulness • Illness andmindfulness •Kindness and compassion • Mindful stretching Ourprograms aredesigned to address what you may want to achievethroughmindfulness from leadership development to pain management.It alsofeatures a quick start program to introduce you to thebasics ofmindfulness. To achieve our goal of helping you reach yourgoals,our app makes it easy for you to chart your progress, pick upwhereyou left off, and get bite-sized sessions of mindfulnesswithouttaking too much time out of your schedule. Our guidingbelief isthat mindfulness goes beyond meditation or relaxation. Itcan helpyou transform your life and potential. Our mindfulnessapp’ssubscription terms and pricing: • Monthly automaticrenewalsubscription plan priced at $4.99 per month. • Yearlysubscriptionoption. Automatic renewal priced at $4.16 per month.The priceslisted above are applicable to our customers based in theUnitedStates. Pricing may differ according to your region.Yoursubscription to the Awakened Mind mindfulness app will renewitselfat the end of your chosen term. Your credit card will bechargedthe subscription fee through your iTunes account at leasttwentyfour hours before the end of your current period. Automaticrenewalcan be taken off at any time through your iTunes accountsettings.Please note, however, that refunds will not beadministered for anyunused portion of the term.
Compendium of Divinations 13.0.0
Compendium of Divination + Compendium of Diviners + Couple Affinity
Huddol – A coach for life 0.3.76
Go on your personal growth journey with the support from yourlifeMentors.
HypnoCloud: Hypnosis 1.4.22
Hypnosis for relieving anxiety, overcoming fears,buildingconfidence, and more!
Self-Esteem Blackboard 3.0
Excel At Life
Use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) methods to improveyourself-esteem!
EnneaApp 6.3
EnneaApp – A complete mobile Enneagram guide *Includes afreeEnneagram test
Easy Psychiatry : Online Clini 2.4
Mind assistant, affirmations, online clinic, realtimechat,psychology tips
Sensorium - Synesthesia Medita 1
Guided Synesthesia Meditation for synesthetic mindfulness&sensory awareness
29k: Mental Health & Wellbeing 1.33.2
Self-care Relationships Stress
Journal and Diary - Clearful 3.10.0
Daily Journaling App for Mental Health, Mindfulness, Self Care&Gratitude
Mindleap: Stress Better 2.0.21
Healing, Support, Meditation, Sleep, Coaching, BuildResilience,Feel Safe
Ryze & Shine: Vision board 4.2
Empower yourself with an Inspiring Vision board, Planner&Motivation tools
Trueahead – Daily Habit Coach 1.4.21
Goal tracker & healthy habits builder app to improveyourselfand achieve goals.
Neurodiem 2.2.1
Stay up to date with the latest updates in neurology
ShamanX Instant Coach 1.54.5
ShamanX SAS
Succeed at work… and at home
De-StressMe: CBT Tools to Manage Stress
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tools to manage stress andmentalhealth.
Ritual: Wellbeing 1.22.3
Ritual Media
Wisdom, Self-Care & Prayer