Top 22 Apps Similar to Turnos de Trabajo

Shift Cal - CuadraTurnos Lite 2.3.18
SY Techcom
App for the management of shift work calendars
Work Shift Calendar
Specially designed for shift workers
My Work Shifts 2.2
Effective app to keep track of their work days and shifts worked
Cuadrante 3.2
Gestión del cuadrante mensual para losmiembrosde la Guardia Civil.APLICACIÓN NO OFICIAL.FAQ: quiere importar una copia de seguridad de laaplicación'Cuadrante GRS', no tendrá problema alguno, se importaránlos datosperfectamente.Las mejoras con respecto a 'Cuadrante GRS' son:- Copias de seguridad. Importación correcta de las copiasdeseguridad de la aplicación 'Cuadrante GRS' versión 2.9.- Nueva O.G número 2 de 2013 de vacaciones y permisos.- Widget semanal para el escritorio.- Tipos de días. Para cada servicio o tipo de servicio se añadelaopción 'Tipo de día' con los valores 'Día ordinario nocomputable(5.35)' y 'Día especial no computable (7.5)' necesariopara elcálculo de las horas de referencia mensuales.- Sección Comisiones. Ahora se puede saber el número anualdecomisiones, dieta, días comisionado e historial.- Login. Autentificación en la aplicación. Si lo desea, elusuariopodrá introducir una contraseña numérica para poder accedera laaplicación.- P.A.S. Los miembros del GRS podrán controlar en qué semanaseencuentran.- Servicios. Ahora se pueden añadir servicios de 24 horas.- Servicios. Posibilidad de que al añadir un servicio saltelaopción de añadir el horario.- Calendario. Ahora se ven las horas de referencia mensualesytrimestrales.- Calendario. Se añade la opción 'Ver horarios', se podrá vertodoslos horarios de los servicios del mes sin tener que entrar unoauno en cada servicio.- Calendario. Nueva opción en el desplegable de selección de tipodeservicio, ahora se puede marcar directamente un dia como festivosintener que entrar en el día y seleccionar la opción defestivo.- Calendario. Ahora se ven las horas nocturnas y festivas del mesyel % de las horas totales.- Cambiado 'Asuntos Propios', por 'Asuntos Particulares'.- Alertas. Ahora se llaman 'Guardias combinadas' y se puedeelegirla clase.- Para dispositivos móviles de pantalla mayor, ahora sepuededeterminar en configuración cuantos caracteres se pueden verde laabreviatura de un servicio.- Selección de colores. Ahora en servicios y tipos, se hacambiadola ventana de selección de color, tanto para el texto comopara elfondo, ahora es mucho más fácil de elegir el colordeseado.- Tipos de servicios. Se añade la opción 'Historial', parapodersaber cada año cuantos servicios ha hecho el usuario.- Calendario. Eliminar servicios por rango de fechas.- Servicios. Posibilidad de añadir las franjas de los minutosenintervalos de 15.- Añadida la opción de ver el derecho a manutención segúnloexplicado en el Real decreto 462/2002, de 24 de mayo,porindemnizaciones por razón de servicio.- Creación de turnos corridos.- Mejoradas muchas más opciones de la aplicación base yañadidosotras.Managementquadrantmonthly for members of the Civil Guard.UNOFFICIAL APPLICATION.FAQ: you want to import a backup of Quadrant GRS 'applicationwillhave no problem, the data will be imported perfectly.The improvements over Quadrant GRS 'are:- Backups. Importing correct backups of Quadrant GRS'applicationversion 2.9.- New OG No. 2 of 2013 holidays and leave.- Weekly Widget for the desktop.- Types days. For each service or type of service the 'daytype'with values ​​'no computable Ordinary Day (5.35)' and 'Specialdaynot computable (7.5)' needed for the calculation of hoursofmonthly reference is added.- Section Committees. Now you can know the annual numberofcommissions, diet, and history commissioner days.- Login. Authentication in the application. If desired, the usercanenter a numeric password to access the application.- P.A.S. GRS members can control which are week.- Services. Now you can add services 24 hours.- Services. Possibility of adding a service skip the option toaddthe schedule.- Calendar. Now the hours are monthly and quarterlyreference.- Calendar. The 'View schedules' is added, you can view allservicetimes of the month without having to go one by one oneachservice.- Calendar. New option in the drop-down selection of typeofservice, you can now directly dial one day as a holidaywithouthaving to enter the date and select the optionfestive.- Calendar. Now they are nocturnal and festive month and% oftotalhours hours.- Changed 'Own Affairs', for 'Personal Affairs'.- Alerts. Now called 'guards combined' and you can choosetheclass.- For mobile devices larger screen, you can now determine howmanycharacters in settings you can see the abbreviation ofaservice.- Selection of colors. Now on services and rates, has changedthecolor selection window, either for text as the background, itisnow much easier to choose the desired color.- Types of services. The 'History' option is added in order toknowhow many services each year has made the user.- Calendar. Remove services by date range.- Services. Ability to add strips of 15-minute intervals.- Added option to view the right to maintenance as explainedin462/2002 Royal Decree of 24 May for compensation by reasonofservice.- Creation of consecutive shifts.- Improved many more options for the base application andaddedothers.
SaTurnos New Calendar 1.03
New version of Saturnos Free ( SaturnosNewCalendar )Have not you got the wrong turn or call a classmate ? Wellit'sover now have Saturns New to organize your work shifts quicklyandsimply . Most ask life ...WARNING *** : To transfer data from other versions ofSaturnsshould only go to security settings and create a backup .Then fromthe new version go to settings " backups" and pressed onthe filegenerated with anteriordad should be at the top of thelist.****Visit the web of Saturns for a full and detailed documentationofall features .What's New in version :- Faster- Better organization of the various sections and settings- Multiselection in Listings- Filters in search listings- Has modified the generation of sequences for creating andsavingpatterns of shifts- And more ...And if you still want more Saturnos Pro for only 1.79
Workshift scheduler 1.6.2
A simple app that allows you to keep track of your work shifts.
CuadraTurnos PMM Free 2.2.12
SY Techcom
CuadraTurnos PMM Free is an essentialappdesigned for Madrid LP workers.If you have a shift work, try CuadraTurnos, a more general appwiththe same performance.This app will help you manage and organize your work scheduleina simple and intuitive way and lets you take it in yourANDROIDmobile phone or tablet.KEYWORDS: Work, Shift, Calendar, Planner, Schedule.
Calendar By Shifts Free 2.1.7
Manage you work schedule withthisapplication.Customize your own schedule.- Create your customized schedule.- You can create notifications and receive it the day andhouryouwant.- Scroll through the calendar by dragging left or right.- Modify the workshifts inside the days or create new ones- Change the colors.- Share by e-mail, and social networks.Tags: calendar, schedule, timetable, shift,shifts,african,american, job, work, notes, agenda, diary,customized,workshift,alerts, notifications.
WorkIO Free
Are you a freelancer? Do you want to knowyourworked hours?"Worked time" will be useful tu you, you can add in an easy wayyourworked hours, the app automatically will calculate the lapsedtimeand will add it to a database allowing to know the worked timebyday in a month a specificied year.The full version of this app removes ads( required:VIBRATE: Pressed button make use of vibrationWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: You can export or import your databasetothe SD card in order to do a security copyINTERNET: Internet is required to show adsACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Also for the ads
11 Turnos 1.2
Acceder a tu calendario de trabajo y visualizar tus días dedescansodesde tu móvil o tablet, y de un simple vistazo, esposible con laAPP 11 turnos. Cuenta con una plantilla con elcalendario, mes ames, con todas las variantes de 11 turnos quepueden ser utilizadospor las principales fuerzas del estado enEspaña
Turnos 2017 28.0.0
📅 Calendario con el cuadrante laboral de11turnos rotatorios . La aplicación mas rápida y sencillaparaconsultar el cuadrante de todo el año. Aplicación deturnosactualizada anualmente.⚠️ Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatos comunicamos:En este sitio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:📅 Calendar with thelaborquadrant of 11 rotating shifts. The fastest and easiest waytocheck the whole year quadrant application. Application ofshiftsupdated annually.⚠️ To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Dutyroster Shiftcalendar Free 1.40
AKA: shift calendar, shiftcalendar, dutyrosterThe app is made for smartphones, it works on tablets but itmaynot look too well.Do you work in shifts?With this handy dutyroster app you can see at a glance whatshiftyou have to work, or more importantly, when you havefreetime.Very easy to plan private time. Because the rostercontinuouslyexpands, it is, for instance, possible to see if youoff duty withthe holidays or not and, if not, what shift you haveto work.Many rosters are preprogrammed.Just select the appropriate roster and insert a date which is a1stearly shift.If your roster is not listed? No problem.You can easily create your own by using the manual.You can opt for the free version with ads or an ad-freepaidversion with swiping from month to month asadditionalfunctionality.Not supported languages will automatically get theEnglishversion, if you like the app in your own language, pleasepost arequest by mail, the team will then decide if support inyourlanguage is possible.Unfortunately we cannot support all languages because we don'tspeakall languages of the world.Please feel free to mail us your translation of the complete appandthis description and we will try to accomodate you
SaTurnos Free Calendar 1.31
Straightforward shift manager (SaTurnosFreeCalendar).Have you ever called the wrong turn or a classmate? Well it'sovernow Saturns have to organize your work shifts quickly andeasily.Most ask of life ...NEW: Interface HOLO pro version only ...NOTE ***: To import the shift from the previous versionmustselect export shifts. Saturns Free From the menu select:Settings>> Security >> Import shift from Saturns(free)****Features:- No Ads- Add a shift in one or multiple (selecting multiple days)- Add shift from a given sequence.- Add turn repeatedly. (Saturns Pro Only)- 3 shifts per day maximum- Selection of dates.- Configuration of shifts: edit, delete and add shifts.- Add notes to the shift- Add overtime shifts. (Only Saturns Pro)- Add date of start and end of turn, to calculate statistics- Warning System beginning of the turn. Go to not dawdle- Possibility of selecting a full month (Enablemultipleselection)- Import and export all turn to sharing, for example, withtheirpartners for them / thecontrolled / as.- Import from Saturns (Free Version)- And why not a simple widget ...- View calendar.- Side view.- Full statistics on the number of hours and number of shiftsworkedper month and year.- Allows to define the 3-letter code to turn this way canindicate,for example, where you work (eg, MUR-> TomorrowUrgency).- Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, French,German,Portuguese,Italian,Korean, Japanese and Russian .- Management of profiles (to have multiple calendars, eg ownandco-worker):- Create profiles (only Saturns Pro)- Edit Profiles- Delete Profiles (Only Saturns Pro)- Export and import profiles to share shifts with colleagues.(OnlySaturns Pro)- New monthly view of all the profiles, to fit withyourclassmates.- Export the calendar shifts to android sync with googlecalendar.(Only Saturns Pro)- Export statistics to xls format sdcard. (Only Saturns Pro)- To back up all profiles. (Only Saturns Pro)Tenemos Twitter: @mySaturnosDeveloper: @miquelcieColaborador: David Díaz(@DayBDesign).
Turns quadrant 5.20151211
The best, easiest and fastest application to manage orshiftsquadrants
Working Hours 4b 8.5.2
This app will help you to note your working hours.
Shift Calendar (since 2013)
This app is designed for all hard-workingshiftworkers. You can add customized shifts easily.
The major feature of this App is 'Easy to Use'. Wheneditingyour shifts, you can select a range of days (rather than oneday)to set. Thus, you can set your schedule (roster, planner) infewseconds. Then, you can transmit your schedule to friends (viaSMS,WhatsApp, and so on) by clicking one button. In addition,the'Cloud Shift' function allows you to exchange calendars withyourfriends.If you have any suggestion/question, welcome to send an email tome.E-mail:
(1) If you don't have Menu button on you device, you canopenMenu by clicking the right-top menu.
(2) While editing, youcanselect a range (rather than one day) of days to setsimultaneously.(3) To prevent alarm clock delay, please disable thebatteryoptimization function or add Shift Calendar into whitelistif youwant to use the alarm clock function.
Permission Description:
(1) Storage (Modify or delete the contents of your SD card):Thispermission is used for the Backup/Recover function. You canbackupyour shift data on the SD card.

(2) Run at startup (execute programs after boot completed):Thealarm clock will be restarted automatically after rebooting.Thispermission is required to achieve this goal.
(3) Full network access: This permission is required tosupportCloud Shift function.
(4) Find accounts on the device: This permission is requiredtosupport Cloud Shift function. Shift Calendar will useemailaddresses (Gmail) to identify users. Shift Calendar will NOTknowyour password. Shift Calendar will NOT distribute youremailaddress to any third-party (include your friends).
(5) Read Calendar: The events from Google Calendar will be showninthe Note page.(6) Control Vibration: This is used for the alarmclockfunction.This app is the first app that adopts the design of 'selectingarange of days'. (Since May 15, 2013)
5 Turnos 1.3
Calendar with all variants of shifts and African American
My Roster My Shift Plan
With MyRoster you can manage your service / shift plan /workingsheet easaly.
SaTurnos Pro Calendar 4.79
Management of work shifts
Confederación Española Policía 1.04
AGECON AHORA SE LLAMA AGEMATE !!!!Aplicación de Agenda especifica para agentes de laoperativa(MTE) de Metro Madrid. Ayuda a gestionar la agenda detrabajo,turnos, descansos, cambios, etc.Atención, esta es una aplicacion especificamente diseñadaparatrabajadores de esta empresa, si no perteneces a ella no teserá deninguna utilidad.- Calendario de descansos y débitos generado automáticamenteenbase a los datos del agente. AHORA incluido el grupo de S-DyF.- Indicación en calendario de los días considerados festivos,parainformación a los turnos flexibles.- Control personalizado de turnos, equipos y entrada para cadadiadel año, facilitando los cambios con compañeros oconsigomismo.- Control personalizado de PaP, Permisos, Bajas,Formación,Vacaciones, P.F.A, para cada dia del año.- Control diario de minutos diurnos y nocturnos.- Control diario de desplazamientos y retornos.- Posibilidad de añadir comentarios individuales a cada día delaagenda.- Cálculo del cómputo anual de débitos.- Control de vacante concedida, con recálculo a partir del mesdeconcesión.- Cambios de vacaciones y P.F.A.- Información variada (grupos de vacaciones, turnos yhorarios,incompatibilidad de servicios, claves denombramiento...)- Conexión completa con La Nube Metrera para intercambiodeservicios, dias, cuadros y vacaciones entre compañeros.- Compartir peticiones de cambios a traves de whatsapp, SMS,e-mail,etc.- Aviso en tiempo real de la norma de cambios de dias libres.- Colores personalizables para indicaciones orecordatoriospersonales (Sólo PRO)- Estadísticas de la cantidad de turnos realizados por mes(SOLOPRO).- Cálculo estimado de las cantidades en bruto apercibirmensualmente en base a los turnos realizados y diastrabajados(SOLO PRO)- Copias de seguridad en servidor propio.- Interface de usuario, más fácil de usar.- Calendario comparativo de grupos de descansos.- Búsqueda de teléfonos de compañeros por DNE, y Apellidos.- Busqueda y marcación de números internos.- Sistema de recuperación de contraseñas.- Notificaciones y avisos de información relevante(débitos,etc).- Videotutoriales.- Seguridad mejorada.AGECON now calledAGEMATE!!!!Implementation of Agenda specified for operational agents(MTE)of Metro Madrid. It helps manage work schedule, shifts,breaks,changes, etc.Attention, this is an application specifically designedforworkers of this company, if you do not belong to it will not beofany use.- Schedule breaks and debits automatically generated based onthedata from the agent. NOW group including S-D and F.- Display in calendar days considered public for informationtoflexible shifts.- Custom Control shifts, equipment and entry for each day oftheyear, making changes with colleagues or yourself.- Custom Control Pap Permits, Low, Training, Vacations, PFA,foreach day of the year.- Daily control of minutes day and night.- Daily control of displacement and returns.- Ability to add comments to each individual day oftheagenda.- Calculation of the annual calculation of debits.- Control of vacant granted, with recalculation from the monthofconcession.- Changes holiday and P.F.A.- Various information (groups of holiday shifts andschedules,inconsistent service appointment keys ...)- Complete Connection Cloud Metrera to trade in services,day,pictures and holiday peer.- Share change requests through WhatsApp, SMS, e-mail, etc.- Notice real-time changes standard days off.- Customizable colors for directions or personalreminders(Pro)- Statistics of the number of turns made by month (Pro).- Calculation of the estimated amounts to be received grossmonthlybased on the performed shifts and days worked (PROONLY)- Backups own server.- User interface easier to use.- Comparative Schedule breaks groups.- Search for fellow phones by DNE, and Last.- Search and dial internal numbers.- Password recovery system.- Notifications and notices of relevant information(debits,etc.).- Videotutoriales.- Improved security.
Calendario Turnos Acerinox 2.6
Schedule for shifts (except JP) in Acerinox Europa SAU