Top 27 Games Similar to Valkyrie:Evolution

Valkyrie Connect 9.33.0
Lightning fast gameplay! Co-op boss battles! Frantic PVP action!
主公不可以之夢回三國  3.3.8
《主公不可以》是一款以穿越為背景的三國卡牌遊戲。主公可以通過任務、副本、活動獲取強力的穿越武將、裝備以及各種神力道具,以此來提升自己的戰鬥力,並最終擊敗邪惡的張角勢力,拯救因時空錯亂而混沌的三國亂世!東漢末年,天下三分,群雄四起!來自現代的你,該怎麼在這混亂的戰場中立足?招兵買馬,強化士兵,打造鐵血之師;神將召喚,各路諸侯助你一臂之力;更有強力裝備附身,展現你逆天的戰力~神秘的七星壇,讓你體會自然的力量!卡牌進階、裝備強化、裝備洗練等各種玩法,讓你在稱霸三國的路上不再孤獨,最重要的是還有來自的現代的三國美女武將伴你左右喲!【遊戲特色】1. 豐富的排陣通過招募等方式收集三國名將,名將可同時放置多個陣容,玩家通過陣型佈陣上陣武將和士兵,最多可以佈置3個主將和6個偏將,3種不同的士兵,變幻多樣的陣法排列,出其不意,給敵軍致命一擊!3.千锤百炼出猛将作為一款模擬真實沙場的手遊,将领和士兵的培養也是非常重要的。積累到一定等級,将领可以通过进阶、升级、七星坛属性洗练提高将领战斗力,同时穿越幻将还可变身解锁新姿势哦;强大的军队士兵也是必不可以少的進階,升级后戰力將大幅度提升,为攻城掠寨打下坚实的基础.4.豐富多彩的卡牌玩法系統卡牌是遊戲裏面專門為英雄服務的一種資源,卡牌具有等級和品質的屬性,玩家可以將卡牌進行強化和進化,從而提升卡牌的等級和技能。強化後的卡牌將為英雄提高更多戰力。5.史上第一人当你和一群COS美女一起穿越到了三國,上到名将下到指路MM都变身成了真人美女,个个战力惊人,举国的倾城佳人你会中意哪一个?真正做到指挥美女三军,运筹帷幄战天下的史上第一人!6.七星圣坛洗筋练髓幻將進階到一定品质,并且达到等级要求,就可以在七星壇使用魂印刷新屬性,當前面4個欄位屬性等級刷到10級並且4個屬性相同時,可以啟動第5個位置屬性,可以有效地提升武將屬性,如不满意属性还可以重复刷新次数不限制,多重魂印让您的能力上天入地。                            7.义结金兰福祸同当公會聚集了各路志同道合的英雄好漢,他們並肩浴血,共用成功的喜悅。公會系統中還可以對強者膜拜以獲得體力。齊心協力通過公會副本全公會都可以贏取豐厚的獎勵哦。【系統介紹】--武將養成系統三國裏面的幾百位名將和現代穿越過去的18個頂級神將,我們還原三國裏面的武將造型並加入現代美女卡牌的概念,根據遊戲背景的設計打造人物個性定位。遊戲中的武將作為玩家的重點培養對象,即可參與城堡防守戰鬥,也可以參與進攻戰鬥;我們可以在”佈置”裏面設置參與戰鬥的英雄,玩家每次最多可以攜帶3名英雄作為主將和6名武將作為偏將出戰或者進行天梯防禦。偏將最多可以上陣6個,上陣個數根據等級解鎖,上陣偏將屬性10%會疊加到主將身上(偏將星級越高疊加屬性百分比越高,6星為15%),上陣的偏將能夠與主將產生緣分,達到滿足條件的緣分會啟動緣分百分百加成。每個武將可以裝備六個裝備(有2個暫時未開啟”),從而提升英雄的戰鬥能力,裝備通過寶箱開出,寶箱可以在遊戲中掉落,各種活動贈送等等。武將擁有一個主動技能和多個被動技能,主動技能會在武將進階時候升級,被動技能則根據進階次數來逐步開放。每一個武將都擁有一個陣型,目前總共6大陣型,分別是長蛇陣、構型陣、鶴翼陣、雁形陣、圓形陣、錐形陣,陣型不一樣玩家佈置出戰的效果也不一樣。--士兵養成系統遊戲提供給玩家3種類型的士兵,分別是步兵、騎兵、弓箭兵,玩家可以通過消耗材料來強化士兵和進階士兵(士兵進階形象會發生變化)。士兵之間存在在克制關係,攻擊被克制的士兵有額外百分百傷害加成,根據階級不一樣,士兵加成傷害也不一樣。--戰鬥系統玩家佈置好陣型後就可以進入戰場了,進入戰場前,可以通過戰前準備瞭解敵方資訊,包含陣型、武將,如果覺得自己現在的陣型對敵方不佔優勢,可以點擊佈陣重新調整。點擊開戰後就可以進入戰場了,戰場中根據敵我雙方的陣型,自動電腦邏輯控制戰鬥,玩家可以通過點擊武將頭像來釋放技能,同玩家也可以使用自動戰鬥。戰鬥勝利玩家會獲得對應掉落物品和獲得經驗,戰鬥中每死亡一名武將減少一顆星級評價,若武將全部死亡則戰鬥失敗,星級可用於兌換星級獎勵。--卡牌系統卡牌星級《主公不可以》中的卡牌分一星到六星6個級別,星級越高,卡牌的屬性就越強大。卡牌進階卡牌既是武將本身也是武將培養需要消耗的一種資源,目前武將進階前期不需要消耗卡牌只需要材料,進階由神開始,需要消耗一張和自己相同的卡牌作為材料。玩家可消耗一張卡牌作為材料卡牌,使目標卡牌獲得經驗值,從而獲得等級的提升;卡牌洗練進階到真及以上階段的卡牌可以在七星潭進行洗練屬性,洗練屬性需要消耗符印或者20元寶,點擊刷新就能獲得屬性加成,每次刷新均會重新隨機一次屬性類型,有概率提高屬性等級當後面4個屬性為相同屬性,且等級達到10級時,可以解鎖第1個欄位,並且第一個欄位獲得與4個屬性相同的一個10級屬性。不一樣的三國~不一樣的戰場的!豐富多樣的活動,讓你快樂的闖蕩三國世界!更多神秘篇章等您來探索!一不留神就回到三國啦!貂蟬助你過關斬將!小喬陪你英雄試煉!諸葛邀妳七星壇聚!周瑜與你一戰天梯!三國名將化身美女,你會赴誰的約呢?
義三國:君臨天下 1.4
嫑嫑的三國 2.1.1
※遊戲介紹※人不熱血枉少年,超能武將戰天下!《嫑嫑的三國》是一款Q版三國卡牌遊戲,輕鬆滑動手機螢幕,即可釋放每個英雄的強大必殺技!流暢的高畫質特效,呈現超華麗痛快打擊!立即帶上你的超強武將軍團,進場掌控全局,征服敵手吧!※《嫑嫑的三國》遊戲特色※連線合擊:首創『滑屏連線』戰鬥,武將技能加成,瞬間逆轉戰局!戰鬥畫面:超萌日系畫風,打造全新體驗的萌感新三國。戰鬥特效:武將獨特技能,華麗施放特效,與好友同屏震撼。陣型策略:考驗你的智慧與謀略,巧妙運用武將間的緣分羈絆。海量副本:豐富名將副本,豪華獎勵,天天領到手軟!主公,您在遊戲中遇到問題了嗎?請立即來信客服信箱,並備註您的伺服器、角色名稱、id碼以便我們查詢。客服信箱※game introduction※Wasted do not blood, super generals fight the world! "Bao BaoThreeKingdoms" is a Q version of three card games, easy slidephonescreen, you can release powerful nirvana each hero!Smoothhigh-quality effects, showing super gorgeous happy blow!Bring yourimmediate superior generals corps, control the overallapproach,conquer rival it!※ "Bao Bao Three Kingdoms" game features ※Connection punch: the first "sliding screen Connection"battle,generals skill bonuses, and instantly reverse the situationof thewar!The battle screen: Super Meng Japanese style, to create a newsenseof Meng three brand-new experience.Combat effects: generals unique skills, cast gorgeousspecialeffects, shock and friends on the same screen.Formation strategy: test your wits and strategy, clever useoffetters of fate among the generals.Massive copy: a copy of the famous rich, luxurious reward, everydayreceive mercy!My lord, you have problems in the game yet?Customer Service immediately letters and notes to yourserver,character name, id code to our inquiries.Customer Service:
夜夜三國 1.1001.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《夜夜三國》中有著大家耳熟能詳的呂布、關羽、張飛或趙雲外,更有像貂蟬、甄姬、小喬等等女中豪傑們及上百位的名將等你收錄旗下,並且由眾天宮仙女下凡帶領你一同征戰中原!遊戲中加入了挑戰異界天魔、仙宮定期收益及競技對戰等等核心玩法,再透過招喚武將、武將升星培養、裝備進階強化、三階段副本還有試煉戰場等等活動,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及死神級關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他召喚師互相逐鹿中原的刺激快感。立即下載五大理由:☆☆☆ 三國歷史萌將【經典再現】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 策略機智對戰【逐鹿中原】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 絕美天宮仙女【最高品質】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 屬性排兵佈陣【策略爭霸】☆☆☆☆☆☆ 試煉副本尋寶【豐富活動】☆☆☆◎遊戲特色◎★免費取得!超萌武將輕鬆召喚!★除了系統贈送召喚次數外,更可透過任務及副本免費收集3星級超萌武將!火、水、風、神、魔!5種屬性,可收集500多種豐富武將!★最萌武將!日系畫風不打折!★重量級畫師完美打造,為了1%的細節通宵達旦精心繪製,每位歷史名將都以最高品質呈現!超萌療癒系人物造型、震撼的戰鬥體驗、絢麗的武將技能,打造屬於的自己的戰鬥陣型!★培育養成!超絕頂實力進化!★武將進階,全新技能,屬性相生相剋,一百萬種技能任意搭配!沒有不會殺敵的小兵,只有不會育成的主公,只要細心培養,張飛一樣能打趴呂布!★自由發揮!上千武將裝備組合!★内容豐富的裝備套装系统!讓你的武將如虎添翼,更加強化!八大套裝加上六種裝備,人見人怕的最殺攻擊陣還是魯小小最硬鐵龜陣,全都由你來決定!★獨特絕技!技能搭配千變萬化!★每位武將都各自擁有獨特技能,不同屬性則技能也不同,千變萬化的搭配運用,享受絕技發動的樂趣!超華麗戰鬥技能,如電影般的流暢畫面將帶給你最震撼衝擊的視覺享受!★完美均衡!戰鬥節奏盡在掌控!★正統回合制RPG,精心設計的戰鬥系統,化身召喚師控制武將釋放技能!手動控制技能釋放和選擇攻擊對象,讓你隨心所欲!★教學完整!一指輕鬆簡單上手!★仙女姐姐下凡引導,手把手親口一步步貼心教學!操作介面簡潔明瞭,功能按鈕皆有提示教學內容,不必浪費時間摸索系統!★圖鑑收集!500位三國名將參上!★三顧茅蘆或微服私訪,挑戰收集全武將圖鑑傲人成就!豐富的活動內容及高額的獎勵任務,讓你從一級就很威,過關斬將不手軟!────────────────加入《夜夜三國》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋:夜夜三國)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址☞官方粉絲團:☞LiNE ID: Doravip☞《夜夜三國》客服信箱,支援最新APK下載哦我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎ ◎"Every night Three Kingdoms" has the familiar Riboud, GuanYu,Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun or outside, more like Diao Chan, Chen Ji,Missyand the like of the boys are waiting for you hundreds ofstar'sincluded, and by the congregation Temple fairy lead yourcampaignwith the Central Plains!Game added challenge demons outsider, Asgard regular incomeandcompetitive battle, and so the core gameplay, and then throughthestrengthening summon the generals, the generals RisingStartraining, advanced equipment, as well as a copy of thethree-stagetest of the battlefield and so on activities to inaddition towell-known generals you collect, the more can experiencethe richstoryline and death level crossing campaign to bring fun,whileenjoying each other Summoner Zhuluzhongyuan stimulatepleasure.Download Five reasons:☆☆☆ history of the three classic reproduction] [Meng will ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Policy wit Battle Central Plains [] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ beautiful fairy Temple [highest quality] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ property policy formations [hegemony] ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Trial copy of the treasure hunt activities [rich] ☆☆☆◎ ◎ Game Features★ for free! Super Meng easily summon the generals! ★Get in addition to the system call number, but also free tocollect3 stars Super Meng generals through task and a copy!Fire, water, wind, gods, demons! Five kinds of property,collectmore than 500 kinds of rich generals!★ most Meng generals! Japanese style does not discount! ★Heavyweight artist to create the perfect order of 1% of thedetailscarefully drawn through the night, every famous historyarepresented to the highest quality!Super Meng healing system character modeling, shockcombatexperience, brilliant generals skills to create their ownbattleformation!★ cultivate develop! Extremely super strength evolution! ★Generals advanced, new skills, attributes allelopathy, onemillionkinds of skills any combination!No enemy soldier will not only not bred lord, as long ascarefulcultivation as Zhang Fei play Riboud lie!★ free to play! Thousands of generals and equipmentcombinations!★Rich equipment package system! Let your generals even morepowerful,more intensive!Eight suits plus six kinds of equipment, the most feared Attackorkill Lu little hardest iron turtle array, all up to youtodecide!★ unique stunt! The ever-changing mix of skills! ★Each generals have their own, unique skills, thedifferentproperties of different skills, with the use ofever-changing,enjoy the stunt to launch fun!Super gorgeous fighting skills, smooth cinematic screen willbringyou the most shocking impact visual enjoyment!★ perfect equilibrium! Battle rhythm in control! ★Orthodox turn-based RPG, well-designed combat system,Summoneravatar generals controlled release skills!Manual control skills and release objects chosen to attack, sothatyou arbitrarily!★ teaching complete! Means a simple and easy to use! ★Fairy sister descend guided, hands-on teaching himself step bystepclose!Concise user interface, function buttons Tip Jie teachingcontent,do not waste time to explore the system!★ illustrations collection! 500 parameters on threefamous!★Three consultants Mao or Lo Incognito challenge to collect allthegenerals illustrations impressive record of achievements!Rich activities and high reward tasks keep you from averyGranville, through the trials do not hesitate!────────────────Adding "every night three" Taiwan can participate in theofficialface bookExciting activities organized by the official to win gifts andmoreimportant messages.(In Facebook Search: every night three)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite☞ official fan group: https: //☞LiNE ID: Doravip☞ "every night three" Customer,​​supports the latest APK Download ohWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
三國演義志online-全球同服三國志經典策略遊戲 2.6.0
Take the Three Kingdoms era in the late Eastern Han Dynasty asthetheme strategy RPG mobile phone online game, the gamereproducesthe famous historical battles in the Romance of the ThreeKingdoms,all the stunned generals in the Three Kingdoms appear onthe stage,Wei, Shu and Wu are the three pillars of the power, asthe master,you choose which power to enter. Woolen cloth?
神行吧三國_輕鬆掛機玩三國 1.1
Fire Game App
真雄霸三國online-全球同服三國志英雄經典策略戰爭遊戲 2.6.0
This is a Three Kingdoms game that can be played for tenyears.Let's make friends with the Three Kingdoms brothers! The lordledthe brothers of the Three Kingdoms, furious at Dangyangqiao,andthe brave army was invincible. The World Channel Taoyuanisrighteous, millions of soldiers are ready to go, the fate oftheThree Kingdoms is up to you!
PK三國-鐵膽の英雄 5.4
*超可愛的RPG三國遊戲!**無差別三國英雄大亂鬥,三國史詩由你創造!**現在首次充值雙倍贈送,充多少賺多少!*===遊戲說明===※KOF救援系統 – 格鬥天王,經典再現!※史實劇本 – 歷史經典戰役,身歷其境!※神獸系統 – 超萌神獸與你並肩作戰!※千人幫派戰 – 萬人同時在線,幫派戰即刻引爆!※超可愛畫面 – 最多妹子在玩的手機遊戲!※跨服對決 – 滿足你稱王的慾望!===特色玩法介紹===※萌寵神獸並肩作戰各種特色寵物,還能增加各種屬性。※機關塔兇險異常每一層都有不同特點的敵人,考驗你的隊伍配置和能力分配!※競技場、比武場豐富PVP玩法,用你悉心培養的角色碾碎對手,稱霸排行榜吧!※豐富的動態任務世界BOSS、 節日活動等特色玩法,徹底告別枯燥重複。※跨服戰、幫派大戰團隊PK對戰!用優秀策略與默契配合擊退敵人吧! ===交流回饋===如果您喜歡《PK三國》,歡迎隨時給我們留言或評價,您也可官方Facebook和玩家討論區與其他玩家一起討論遊戲經驗!粉絲專頁:問題回報便捷通道:pktw@go2playcs.com依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。   * super cuteRPGthree games! *  * Undifferentiated Fuzion three heroes, threeepiccreated by you! *  * Now for the first time to recharge double gift,howmuch profit charge! *=== ===Game Description  ※ KOF Rescue System & nbsp;-Fighting, classic reproduction!  ※ facts script & nbsp; -theclassic battle of history, immersive!  ※ animal systems & nbsp;-Super Meng animal on your side!  ※ thousands of gang warfare  - million people online, instantly set offgangwarfare!  ※ cute pictures & nbsp;-maximum sister playing mobile phone games!  ※ inter-service battle  - satisfy yourdesiresking!   === ===describes characteristics of play   ※ Meng petanimalfought  Various characteristics of pets, but also increasethevariety of properties.   ※ organ towerdangerousabnormal  Each layer has different characteristics enemies,testyour configuration and the ability to distribute team!   ※ ArenaTournamentGrounds  Rich PVP play, with careful cultivation of the roleyoucrush his enemies, now dominate the charts!   ※ rich anddynamictask  World BOSS, festivals and other special gamesareplayed, to bid farewell to boring repetition.   ※ inter-service war,gangwar  Team PK Battle! With excellent strategy and withthetacit understanding to repel theenemynow! === ===exchange feedbackIf you like the "PK Three Kingdoms", please feel free to give usamessage or comment,You can discuss district official Facebook and players alsodiscusswith other players gaming experience!fan page: = hlBug Report a convenientchannel:pktw@go2playcs.comHierarchical management approach according to game software,thissoftware is counseling 12 years levels: people over the age of12may only use.The game is free to use, another offer to buy virtual gamecurrency,items such as payment services within the game.
《美人無雙》名將化身美女,完美的展現了三國時代的女神秀場,獨特戰鬥系統,九宮格佈局,玩家自行選擇下次出戰的武將,在領略美女武將英姿時,更可體驗豐富的策略樂趣。  【美女任你劃】戰鬥過程中,用指尖劃動你心愛的美女頭像即可釋放技能,不同的劃動姿勢會有不同效果,給你前所未有的戰鬥體驗。不僅有網紅韓國主播樸妮嘜代言,還有美玩堂美女主播們一起陪玩遊戲!妹子多多,福利多多,客官留步,子龍別走~  【名將收集】多樣的收集玩法,收集三國歷史上各大美女名將,呂布貂蟬環伺在身旁,劉關張整裝待發,總有一款你最愛!快樂遊戲,輕鬆收集,自由搭配,演繹不同的三國人生!  【玩法豐富】歷史情節幽默化,漫畫表現華容道捉曹,輕鬆愉快的氛圍,團體挑戰兇猛BOSS!熊貓妹子惹人愛!登錄大禮天天有!過關斬將戰沙場,競技場里分雌雄!激情演繹每場戰鬥!  【寫實美女任你挑】9名后宮美女武將同時上陣,戰鬥效果華麗,人物栩栩如生,極具策略性!!新穎的武將培養方式,增加武將收集和培養的樂趣,自由搭配,自由成長!重複的武將不再浪費!客服
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真三国猛将传 1.7.6
活动一:给我们游戏五星好评,并且在游戏内该角色>=20级。留下您昵称。我们会赠送您“极品六星武将卡”。活动二:单次充值的额度达到648元,赠送您“极品六星武将卡”。活动三:累计充值额度达到1000元以上,送您价值"1000元"高级装备“绝世神兵”礼盒。让您的武将与众不同。说明:活动期间,您达到某一活动标准,请及时联系客服QQ,我们会24小时内邮件发送。◆◆◆游戏风格◆◆◆◇ 三国类史实背景和题材◇ 写实风格,自动回合制MMORPG◇ 画面硬朗,玩法硬核,在烽火硝烟之中,只有强者才能立足◆◆◆游戏简介◆◆◆以三国史实为主线,玩家通过选择3个不同的职业:猛将(物理)、谋士(法系)、飞羽(远程)在游戏中参与三国历史时期的各个主要阶段,招兵买马、探寻宝物、培养武将,最终声望和名誉达到一定程度,去建立属于自己的阵营势力范围,群雄逐鹿,不断将游戏激情延续。◆◆◆游戏模块◆◆◆◇ 300余名三国历史名将,等待与您共创大业!◇ 各路诸侯,携带奇珍异宝,只待您去开启!◇ 残酷激烈的战斗,胜利失败于反掌之间,一切皆有可能!◇ 阵法配置、武将技使用千变万化,瞬间可翻云覆雨!◇ 璀璨珍贵的宝石,有缘者方可得之!◇ 千里难寻的宝物,助您过关斩将!◇ 紧张刺激的竞技场,英雄惜英雄,排名奖励丰厚!◇ 军团大战!群雄争霸,谁与争锋!◇ 更多精彩,尽在真三国!◆◆◆客服支持◆◆◆◇ 客服QQ 1420508866◇ 客服邮件 1420508866@qq.comActivity One:      Give us five-starpraisethegame, and the character in the game> = 20. Leaveyournickname.We'll Get You, "the best six-star generals card."Activity Two:      Single recharge amountedtoabout648 yuan, giving your "best six-star generals card."Three activities:      Cumulative rechargeamountofmore than 1000 yuan, to send you the value of"1000dollars"advanced equipment "magic masterpiece" gift. Letyourgeneralsapart.Explanation:During the event, you reach a certain activitystandards,pleasecontact customer service QQ, e-mail within 24 hourswewillsend.◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ game style◇ Three class background facts and themes◇ realistic style, automatic turn-based MMORPG◇ screen tough, play hard core, being in the War, onlythestrongfootholdThe game ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆Three facts to the main line, the players byselectingthreedifferent occupations:Reggie (physical), advisors (law), feathers (remote)Participation in the game, the main stages of theThreeKingdomshistorical period, recruiting, explore thetreasures,traintroops,Final prestige and reputation to a certain extent, to buildtheirowncamp sphere of influence, crowded, to keep the gameofpassioncontinue.◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ game module◇ more than 300 famous Three Kingdoms history, wait andyoucreatea great cause!◇ dysfunction, carrying treasures, just waiting foryoutoopen!◇ brutal fierce fighting between victory defeatinsupination,anything is possible!◇ tactical deployment configuration, the generalsusetheever-changing technology, and instantly be blowinghotandcold!◇ bright precious stones, destined to give the person before!◇ Trinidad hard to find the treasure, to help youthroughthetrials!◇ exciting arena, but unfortunately the hero a hero,rankingrichrewards!◇ Corps War! S game, rival!◇ more exciting, all in really three!◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ Customer Support◇ Service QQ 1420508866◇ Service Mail
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三國演義:吞噬無界-小霸王FC系列單機版RPG遊戲 4.7.40
FC classic running picture RPG game, the wild history, thespit-typedialogue, the new romance!
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RPG Valkyria Soul 1.1.0g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Fight as the Valkyrie Reginleiv inafantasyRPG where you can collect, train, and transformafullycustomizable army of powerful monsters! In a worlddevastatedbythe events of Ragnarok, two unlikely champions willrise toopposethe forces of evil. Huginn, familiar to the fallen godOdin,seeksto resurrect his master. To do so he frees Reginleiv,aninfamousand powerful Valkyrie imprisoned for heinous crimesagainstAsgard.Together, they will battle to bring order and peaceto abrokenland. With beautiful, smooth animations, addicting,deepstrategy,and a myriad of monsters to collect, Valkyria Soul isaninnovativeRPG that will keep you coming back for more! Whatreallyhappenedduring Ragnarok? What dark forces stir in thisravagedland? Willyou be able to unravel the intricate web of liesandmystery anddiscover the truth? Story Ragnarok, the apocalypse,hascome andgone. The war between the hosts of Asgard andtheirmonstrous foesended in a hellish sea of flames, devastatingtheNine Worlds andleaving naught but a nightmarish ruin in itswake.Now, darkspirits haunt the wreckage of the realms, andsurvivorseke out ameager existence among the settled ashes anddeath. Thefew left inAsgard fight a hopeless battle against anoverwhelmingfoe,struggling desperately to restore order to thebrokenworld.Seeking new allies, Huginn, familiar to the dead godOdin,breaksthe seal on an ancient prison. A prison that holdsthecriminalValkyrie, Reginleiv, one of Asgard's legendary MaidensofBattle.Gifted with the power to save the souls of thoseshedefeats, or touse them to increase her own power, she might justbeenough toturn the tide of battle. If, of course, she canbetrusted.Collect, Enhance, and Transform Fylgja! AValkyrie'sstrength comesfrom her power to manipulate the souls, orspirits,of others. Bytaking a soul and binding it to a soullessphysicalvessel (orFylgja), they can create loyal minions andcommand themagainst theforces of darkness. Earn new Fylgja throughcombat,turning yourenemies into your friends! Fylgja gain levels,and caneven becombined with other Fylgja to make them stronger, oreventotransform them into new, powerful forms! Soulbinding EachSoulthatyou will find has its own unique personality,abilities,andskills. Attaching it to a Fylgja will affect not justhowthatFylgja behaves in combat, but its stats and abilities aswell!EachSoul can have a maximum of three active skills andthreeitemsequipped at any given time. In addition to the Soul'sskills,eachFylgja has a unique skill that it can use in combat.Soulscanlearn these Fylgja skills, allowing any Fylgja Soul boundwithitto make use of these powerful techniques. Findthebestcombinations of Soul and Fylgja to become thestrongestValkyrie ofall! *The actual price might differ dependingon theregion.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] -Enabled[Languages]- English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] Thisapp hasgenerallybeen tested to work on any mobile device releasedinJapan. Wecannot guarantee support on other devices.[IMPORTANTNOTICE] Youruse of the application requires youragreement to thefollowingEULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. Ifyou do not agree,pleasedo not download our application. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/Hit-Point
《美人無雙》名將化身美女,完美的展現了三國時代的女神秀場,獨特戰鬥系統,九宮格佈局,玩家自行選擇下次出戰的武將,在領略美女武將英姿時,更可體驗豐富的策略樂趣。  【美女任你劃】戰鬥過程中,用指尖劃動你心愛的美女頭像即可釋放技能,不同的劃動姿勢會有不同效果,給你前所未有的戰鬥體驗。不僅有網紅韓國主播樸妮嘜代言,還有美玩堂美女主播們一起陪玩遊戲!妹子多多,福利多多,客官留步,子龍別走~  【名將收集】多樣的收集玩法,收集三國歷史上各大美女名將,呂布貂蟬環伺在身旁,劉關張整裝待發,總有一款你最愛!快樂遊戲,輕鬆收集,自由搭配,演繹不同的三國人生!  【玩法豐富】歷史情節幽默化,漫畫表現華容道捉曹,輕鬆愉快的氛圍,團體挑戰兇猛BOSS!熊貓妹子惹人愛!登錄大禮天天有!過關斬將戰沙場,競技場里分雌雄!激情演繹每場戰鬥!  【寫實美女任你挑】9名后宮美女武將同時上陣,戰鬥效果華麗,人物栩栩如生,極具策略性!!新穎的武將培養方式,增加武將收集和培養的樂趣,自由搭配,自由成長!重複的武將不再浪費!官方Facebook主頁:官方Line客服:mmsanguo
萌萌打三國 1.7.5
橫掃天下-吞食Q傳 0.8.2
國戰三國 1.9
東漢末年,群雄並起,戰火開始蔓延至九州大地,而原本紛亂的戰局因為你的出現更是風雲變幻!招募強力的武將共同出生入死,建立雄霸一方的軍勢威震大地。而與此同時,獨立于魏蜀吳之外的黑暗勢力已在暗中滋生。當歷史的齒輪開始轉動之時,你的存在無疑將決定著它的走向!Eastern HanDynasty,warlords, the war began to spread to land in Kyushu, whiletheoriginal chaos of war because of your appearance ischanging!Powerful generals recruited through fire together,establishXiongbayifang military potential Megatron earth. At thesame time,independent of the Wei, Shu and Wu dark forces have beenbreedingin the dark. When the history of the gears began to turn,yourpresence will undoubtedly determine its direction!
三國志榮耀(日本NO.1 百萬下載) 3.2.1
挾帶日本百萬人氣的正宗戰棋手遊《三國志榮耀》光榮登台!以真實三國歷史為背景,由日本畫師傾力打造硬派畫風,豐富的卡牌培養系統、歷史名將的招募俘獲、刺激的城池攻防以及充滿挑戰的戰鬥謀略,絕對是市面上從未見過的創新之作!★原汁原味的三國劇本在三國歷史與三國志的基礎上,搭建起最經典的劇情。從劉關張三兄弟開始,逐步募集三國名將,使自己的軍隊更為強大,最終在亂世中脫穎而出。★充滿策略性的戰鬥採用三國志中經典的技能與策略,令戰鬥更加精彩。地圖上部隊的移動,關係到遭遇戰的先後手;計略的適時運用,能起到逆轉敗局的奇效;兵種克制關係與武將必殺技的施放時機,就更是決定遭遇戰勝敗的關鍵。營造充滿策略的戰鬥氛圍,感受三國志的魅力。★募集名將提升戰力擊敗敵方武將,俘虜他並將其說服吧!一次不成功,就再接再勵,降低他的敵對度,如同諸葛亮七擒七縱南蠻王,最終讓他成為你麾下的得力幹將!★武將的強化之路武將強化之道不止一條。通過訓練、覺醒、突破等方式可以提升武將本體實力,此外,還可以為武將佩戴武器、裝備、武將魂等屬性增幅物品。★壓制城池一統天下打敗駐守城池的其他玩家,不斷削弱城池的耐久度,最終將其攻克,徹底壓制!壓制所有城池,則一統天下的目標達成,你也將得到豐厚的報酬。★限時活動玩法翻新在編年史的戰場外,還將不定期開放各種限時活動。在限時活動中俘獲罕見的武將,取得強力的裝備,衝刺戰果排名得到絕版武將,立下軍功提升自己的官銜,參與魏蜀吳三大勢力的地盤角逐……不斷變化的新玩法,帶給你不一樣的體驗!官網連結:粉絲團連結:客服信箱 onemillionJapanese war authentic popular players tour "Three YaoZhirong"glorious stage! In the real historical background of theThreeKingdoms, the effort by the Japanese artist to create ahardcorestyle, rich culture card system, recruiting famoushistoricalcapture, exciting and challenging city offensive anddefensivebattle strategy, absolutely never seen before on themarketcreative writing!★ Three original screenplayOn the basis of the three countries on the history and theThreeKingdoms, erected in the most classic story.Starting off Joe Smith brothers Liu, gradually raising threestar,so that their army more powerful, and ultimately stand outintroubled times.★ full strategic battleThree Kingdoms using classical skills and strategies to makethefight more exciting.Mobile units on the map, related to the encounter has hands;countslightly timely application, can play a miraculous reversalofdefeat; cast the relationship between the timing of armsrestraintgenerals nirvana, the more is the key to victory or defeatof thedecision encounters. Fighting to create an atmosphere fullofstrategy, experience the charm of the Three Kingdoms.★ raise champion enhance combat capabilityDefeating enemy generals, captured him and convince it!Unsuccessful, they do better, to reduce the degree of hishostility,as Zhuge Liang seven escapement seven vertical Nanbanking, let himbe your ultimate command of the right-hand man!Strengthening of the road ★ generalsMore than one way to strengthen the generals.Through training, awakening, breaking, etc. can enhance thestrengthof the generals body, in addition, can also be worngeneralsweapons, equipment, and other attributes generals soulgrowthitems.★ pressing city dominationOther players defeated the garrison city, eroding thecity'sdurability, eventually be overcome, completelysuppressed!Suppression of all the city, the goal to achieve worlddomination,you will also get a rich reward.★ limit activities play renovationOutside the chronicle of the battlefield, will be regularly opentoall kinds of time-limited activities.In the rare event capture limit generals, made powerfulequipment,sprint victories ranking generals got out of print, setmilitarymedals upgrade their rank, Wei, Shu and Wu three forcesinvolved inturf race ...... evolving new ways to bring you not thesameexperience!Official website link: http: // link: https: // Service:
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