Top 14 Apps Similar to Violetta Letras
Violetta Secret Diary 0.99.1
Enter a secret world that only youcanexeperience!Explain what are you thinking, how do you feel and what ishappennigin your life to your favourite character: Violetta,Francesca,Camila, Angie, Naty.You can use pictures, text, drawings and audios to reflectyourmood. You can decorate with stickers and frames and you canalsodress yourself as your favourite character! Enable yourcreativity!Capture your day in this special place and keep it secretwithyour secret code.Unlock all the content with the Violetta Secret Diary CaseandStylus (sold separately).Features:Easy to use interface4-digit lock code.Attach and decorate your photos.Choose from a collection of stickers to brighten up yournotesEverything surrounded by Violetta magic!
Children Karaoke 0.0.4
Children KaraokeThis application is a karaoke version mejorada.Con it yourplanto find fun for the whole family, as you can organize yourkaraokeparty with just your mobile or tablet.A variety of children's songs with music and lyrics of songs.Children join in their playground This application karaokesongslike Frozen Soy Free and many more music for children.No you'll have to find them on YouTube music videos for yourpartyparticular.Si you ride them like the music, this isyourapplication.You can also find songs in Spanish and Portuguese languagechangewithin the aplicaion.Note that this application is completely free and you cansharefor Whatsapp and Facebook with your friends.
Magic drawing 2
Amazing application for animated drawing 2. Create nicer yourmobilescreen. Draw something using animated brushes. This magicpainterallows you to create fantastic animated drawings or simpledoodles.Using animated brushes, you can create beautiful, animatedphotoframes. You can save your completed animated drawings as alivewallpaper and set them on screen of your phone or you cansavepainting as a photo. You can use animated brushes such as:-Shining diamonds (9 color of diamonds: blue, pink, yellow,classicdiamond and others) - Diamond hearts (6 color of heart:pink, blue,red, violet and others) - Shining hearts - Flowerschanging color -Diamond flowers - Animated butterflies - Shiningstars - Animatedfire flames - Animated explosions - SparklersAnimated brushes have3 different sizes. You can set 3 differentdensity. This allows youto achieve amazing results while drawing.You can create greatanimated drawings or static drawings. This coolmagic painter willallow you to create a fantastic animated livewallpaper. Write downa name using flowers changing color or fireflames, draw a rose ofdiamonds, create animated photo frames,whatever you want and whenyou want. Use your imagination. If youlack a particular brushemail us, we'll add it to the magic painterupdate. View ourgallery of drawings, live wallpapers and photoframes, which willgive you an idea of how to draw. In case of anyproblems with theeffect of magic painter, drawing application,instead of giving usthe negative opinion, please send us an e-mailand review brieflythe problem. It will help us to solve it in thenext updates ofdrawing app. Magic painter is free but contains adsin settings ofthe wallpaper and inside app. Revenue fromadvertising will help usto create new attractive wallpapers andapplications. Allpermissions are required only for advertising andare supported bytrusted vendors.
Frozen Secret Diary 0.99.1
Enter a secret world that only youcanexeperience!Explain what are you thinking, how do you feel and what ishappennigin your life to your favourite character: Elsa, Anna,Olaf, Kristoff.You can use pictures, text, drawings and audios to reflectyourmood. You can decorate with stickers and frames and you canalsodress yourself as your favourite character! Enable yourcreativity!Capture your day in this special place and keep it secretwithyour secret code.Unlock all the content with the Frozen Secret Diary Case andStylus(sold separately).Features:Easy to use interface4-digit lock code.Attach and decorate your photos.Choose from a collection of stickers to brighten up your notesEverything surrounded by Disney Princesses magic!
El juego de Violetta Tini 1.0
Disfruta jugando sola o con amigas aljuegodeVioletta Tini, en esta app encontrarás retos, acertijosypodrásdemostrar que eres una fan de esta serie.Encuentra pistas, averigua quien se esconde detrás delasfotosocultas, adivina cosas de capítulos y demuestra que ereslamejor ytu nombre estará en el ranking de las mejores. Juegadesdetu movilo tabletPasalo en grande y compite contra otras jugadorasconlosmisterios y curiosidades de tu telenovela y películainfantilyjuvenil favorita tal cual Martina StoesselConoce todo sobre los personajes y los actores de lapeliculaqueinterpreta la que era Violetta, desde Martina StoeselVioletta/Tini, Jorge Blanco que es León Adrián Salzedo CaioMercedesLambrecomo Ludmila. Melodías gratis para difrutar conamigas ytotalmentegratuitoTambien como artistas secundarios estan Sofia CarsonMelanieDiegoRamos Germán Maria Clara Alonso como Angie y ÁngelaMolinaIsabella.¿Cual es tu preferido? Podrás ver fotos, fondosdeescritorio ywallpapers de tus personajes favoritos, asi comosabertodo sobre susvidas, trabajos y cotilleosEsta aplicación No es oficial y esta creada por y para losfansdela serie Violetta, los contenidos se encuentran publicadosdeformalibre en Internet y se han recopilado toda lainformaciónpara montareste juegoEnjoy playing aloneorwithfriends to play Violetta Tini, this app will findchallenges,puzzlesand you can prove you're a fan of this series.Find clues, find out who is behind the hidden photos,guessthingsof chapters and prove you're the best and your namewill bein theranking of the best. Play from your mobile ortabletEnjoy yourself and compete against other playerswiththemysteries and curiosities of your soap opera andchildren'sfilmand young favorite as is Martina StoesselLearn all about the characters and the actors in themoviethatinterprets it was Violetta, from Martina Stoessel Violetta/Tini,Jorge Blanco is Leon Adrián Salzedo Caio MercedesLambreasLudmila. Free ringtones for difrutar with friendsandabsolutelyfreeAlso as secondary artists are Sofia Carson MelanieRamosDiegoGermán Maria Clara Alonso as Angie and AngelaMolinaIsabella.Which one is your favorite? You can viewphotos,wallpapers andwallpapers of your favorite characters, aswell asknowingeverything about their lives, work and gossipThis application is not official and is created by and forfansofthe series Violetta, the contents are freely publishedontheInternet and have compiled all the information tomountthisgame
Soy Luna y Violetta Músicas 1.5.0
Son realmente fans de Soy Luna yVioletta?¿Todavía recuerda estas canciones como: Un Destino , Profugos Ay,Te esperate , En mi mundo , en mi Algo suena etc. Vamos aencontrary disfrutar de estas canciones en Soy Luna vs Violettamusica yletras .They really are fansofSoy Moon and Violetta?Do you still remember these songs as: Un Destino, Profugos Oh,youesperate, In my world, in my Something sounds etc. We will findandenjoy these songs Soy Moon vs Violetta music and lyrics.
Canciones música videos Tini 1.0
Disfruta cantado las canciones delapeliculaTini el gran cambio de Violetta, en esta appencontraráslas letrasde todas las canciones y vídeos musicalesinterpretadospor lospersonajes de tu film infantil y juvenilmarcado un antes yundespués a Martina StoesselDisfruta con la música gratis de la canciones yvideosgratuitasen calidad full hd y 4k, ta cual Lo Que Tu AlmaEscribe,All YouGotta Do Great Escape Still Standing y Got MeStarted. Bailaycanta con tus amigas haz un fabuloso karaoke, contemas comoMyStupid Heart Dont Cry For Me Finders KeepersHandwrittenTini Stoessel interpreta el tema principal de sufilmSiemprebrillarás, disfruta con nuestra Tinita en Solo DimeTuSigoAdelante Si Tu Te Vas. Formats streaming, mp3 y para mp4Todo el nuevo disco y album con los temas que teencantaranyharan vibrar Se Escapa Tu AmorYo Te Amo A Ti Confia En Mi Born To Shine I Want You. Notodaslasinterpreta ella sola, le ayuda su inseparable JorgeblancoLightYour Heart Losing The LoveConoce todo sobre los personajes y los actores de lapeliculaqueinterpreta la que era Violetta, desde MartinaStoeselVioletta/Tini,Jorge Blanco que es León Adrián SalzedoCaioMercedes Lambre comoLudmila. Melodías gratis para difrutarconamigas y totalmentegratuitoTambien como artistas secundarios estan Sofia CarsonMelanieDiegoRamos Germán Maria Clara Alonso como Angie y ÁngelaMolinaIsabella.¿Cual es tu preferido? Podrás ver fotos, fondosdeescritorio ywallpapers de tus personajes favoritos, asi comosabertodo sobre susvidas, trabajos y cotilleosSi te gusta la música de Violeta, te encantarátambiénestaaplicación, dado que reúne las mejores interpretacionesde laquefue y será un ídolo juvenil que sa ha alcanzado la madurezyahorasu sucesora es la serie de moda soy lunaLetras de las canciones en español e inglés, adaptadaadiferenteidiomas como el portugués, alemán u holandés.Todoenlazado a losvideos musicales de cada uno de los hits.Disfrutade todo ello entu movil y celular android o tabletEsta aplicación No es oficial y esta creada por y para losfansdeTini Martina Stoessel, los vídeos, clips y peliculas sonenlacesqueenvían a páginas externas a la aplicación y queeencuentranpublicados de forma libre en InternetEnjoy singing songsofthemovie Tini Violetta great change in this app are the lyricsofallthe songs and music videos played by the characters ofyourchildrenand young film marked a before and after toMartinaStoesselEnjoy free songs and music videos quality free full hdand4k,which ta Alma What You Write, All You Gotta Do GreatEscapeandStanding Still Got Me Started. Dance and sing withyourfriendsmake a fabulous karaoke, with songs like My StupidHeartDont CryFor Me Finders Keepers HandwrittenTini Stoessel plays the main theme of his film willshinealways,enjoy our Tinita in Solo Dime Tu Sigo Adelante Si TuTeVas.Streaming formats, mp3 and mp4All the new album and album with themes that enchanted toyouandmake you vibrate Your Love LeakingI love you A You trust me Born To Shine I Want You. Notallplaysherself, helps his inseparable Jorge White Light LosingTheLoveYour HeartLearn all about the characters and the actors in themoviethatinterprets it was Violetta, from Martina Stoessel Violetta/Tini,Jorge Blanco is Leon Adrián Salzedo Caio MercedesLambreasLudmila. Free ringtones for difrutar with friendsandabsolutelyfreeAlso as secondary artists are Sofia Carson MelanieRamosDiegoGermán Maria Clara Alonso as Angie and AngelaMolinaIsabella.Which one is your favorite? You can viewphotos,wallpapers andwallpapers of your favorite characters, aswell asknowingeverything about their lives, work and gossipIf you like the music of Violeta, you'll alsolovethisapplication, since it combines the best performances ofwhichwasand will be a youth idol sa has reached maturity andnowitssuccessor is the fashion series I'm moonLyrics in Spanish and English, adapted todifferentlanguagessuch as Portuguese, German or Dutch. All linkedto themusicvideos of each of the hits. Enjoy all your mobileandcellularandroid or tabletThis application is not official and is created by and forfansofMartina Stoessel Tini, videos, clips and movies are linkstoexternalsites that send the application and and arepublishedfreely on theInternet
Soy Luna Capitulo 1 Canciones 1.2.4
Con esta aplicación podrás llevar atodosladoslas letras de Soy Luna (Karol Sevilla y RuggeroPasquarelli).Demanera sencilla y fácil podrás recorrer las letrasde tuscancionesfavoritas.Cada vez que se estrene una nueva canción podrásrecibiralinstante sus letras, para que puedas aprendértelastodas.Ademas podrás recibir las ultimas novedades de laseriedetelevisión "Soy Luna". Si eres realmente fan de "SoyLuna"debesdescargar esta aplicación en tu móvil.En esta aplicación se puede escuchar Soy Luna Musicalesconlaletra.Lista de canciones:* Alas* Camino* Valiente* Y muchos más de Karol Sevilla.Si te gusta Violetta Músicas te gustará también estaaplicación.** Nota **:* Aunque sólo sea para leer la letra de la conexión a Internetnoesnecesario.* Si desea leer la letra mientras se reproduce una cancióndebeteneruna conexión bastante rápida a Internet (al menos3G,Wifirecomendado)* Todos los medios / imagen / canción es propiedadintelectualdeltitular de los derechos de autor.** Renuncia **:Se trata de una aplicación no oficial. Esta aplicación ysucontenidono están respaldados oficialmente o producidos por,niasociados cono afiliados con el artista (s) de músicaocualesquiera entidadesasociadas del artista (s), tales comolagestión o la etiqueta deregistro. Todas las marcas comercialesyderechos de autor sonpropiedad de sus respectivos dueños.Estaaplicación tiene anunciosque cumplan con la política deGooglePlay.Esta aplicación no tiene la intención de violar lamarcacomercialde las compañías de música. Todas las letras deestasaplicacionesson con fines recreativos y educativos.Estaaplicación no contieneaudio o vídeo. Sólo contiene la letra,eltítulo y el nombre delartista. Por favor, póngase en contactoconnosotros en el e-mail sitiene objeciones a laspublicaciones.Por favor apoye a los artistas y sus compañías.Comprareloriginal de CD, MP3, vídeos y mercancía.
Miss Xv 1.0
App sulla serie Miss XV, lista degliepisodi,canzoni e sigla di apertura e chiusura, possibilita' diverificarequando sono c'e' in tv Miss XV a che ora e su qualeretetelevisiva. Foto dei nosti amici di Miss XV maps..UNOFFICIALFoto, Video, Musica, Marchi sono dei rispettivi proprietari.App on the series MissXV,the list of episodes, songs and signs of opening andclosing,opportunity 'to check if there are' Miss XV on TV at whattime andon which television network. Photos nost friends of Miss XVmaps ..UNOFFICIALPhotos, Videos, Music, Trademarks belong to theirrespectiveowners.
Fan Luna Soy Songs Games 3.2
If you're a fan of Luna, you must have this app with games,phrases,songs and more! Are you really Luna Fan? If you think yes,then youcan not miss this application is the best App for fans ofLuna, withthis application ABLE: - All about season 2 of "SoyLuna". - Songsof season 2. - Find out which character you looklike with theCharacter Test! - New questions for the games! - Andas always, manygames, the amulet and more! Are you a fan of "I amLuna"? Then thisapplication can not be missing! * Check how muchyou know about theseries with our games! - Read Luna Tweetswithout any specialapplication. - Browse the gallery phrases. -Establish phrases aswallpapers. - Full Luna lyrics, including alltheir albums. - Showthat you know everything there is to knowabout Luna with our quiz.Enjoy this easy to navigate with simpleapplication interface.Please share your valuable feedback andevaluate this APP. We thankyou!
Princess Secret Diary 0.99.1
Enter a secret world that onlyyoucanexeperience!Explain what are you thinking, how do you feel and whatishappennigin your life to your favourite DisneyPrincess:Cinderella,Rapunzel, SnowWhite, Aurora, Belle orAriel.You can use pictures, text, drawings and audios to reflectyourmood.You can decorate with Disney stickers and frames and youcanalsodress yourself as your favourite princess! Enableyourcreativity!Capture your day in this special place and keep itsecretwithyour Magic Wand (sold separately) and with yoursecretcode.Features:Easy to use interface4-digit lock code or use the Magic Wand (sold separately)andunblockall the princesses.Attach and decorate your photos.Choose from a collection of stickers to brighten up your notes©Disney
LaVioletta Música y Letras 1.5.0
Y si es para losaficionadosfanáticosLavioletta ?¿Sabe realmente Lavioletta ?Dou te amo estas canciones tan bellas como: Como Quieres ,ViolettayLeón Ahí Estaré , Violetta 3 Abrázame y veras ,AlcancemosLasEstrellas Violetta , Código amistad , etc.¿Estás listo para jugar y disfrutar de ella ?And if Laviolettafansforfans?Do we really know Lavioletta?Dou I love these songs as beautiful as: As you want,ViolettaandLeon There I'll be, Violetta 3 Hold me and see, usachieveStarsVioletta, friendship Code, etc.Are you ready to play and enjoy it?
Bruna Karla Letras e Mp3 1.3
Aplicações Letras e Bruna Karla Mp3 Amúsicacontém uma coleção de o melhor artista que você precisabaixarBruna Karla Bruna Karla aplicação Letras e Mp3 isso porquenele hámp3 player 25 melhores canções de Bruna Karla.Berikut é umálbumque continha na aplicação Letras e Bruna Karla Mp3 ,Obrigadobaixar Bruna Karla Letras e Mp3- Top 25 + Mp3- Como Aguia 2014- Aceito O Teu Chamado 2012- Advogado Fiel 2009Applications LettersandBruna Karla Mp3 Music contains a collection of the best artistyouneed to download Bruna Karla Bruna Karla application lettersandMp3 that because there is mp3 player 25 best BrunaKarla.Berikutsongs is an album that contained in the applicationletters andBruna Karla Mp3 Thanks download Bruna Karla Lyrics andMp3- Top 25 + Mp3- How Aguia 2014- Accepted Thy Call 2012- Lawyer Faithful 2009