Top 22 Apps Similar to Nutricionista

Diet and Weight Loss NutriSoftBrazil 17.1
Download our app and lose weight with health !! BrazilianTechnology
Tecnonutri: Encontre sua dieta 4.14.5
More than 50 programs: Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting,Exercises,Weight loss, Detox
Nutrição Online 1.2.5
Aqui você encontrará o contatotelefônicoee-mail de nutricionistas perto de você para marcar umaconsultaefazer uma avaliação física e nutricional paraestabelecermetasconforme seus objetivos.Quem for consultado por nutricionistas doSoftwareNutriçãoOnline, poderá acessar as partes on-line doaplicativo,acompanharseus resultados, tirar dúvidas com seunutricionista,participar darede social e fazer tarefas de nutriçãodiretamente dapágina doseu nutricionista e pelo aplicativo.Apenas um nutricionista poderá montar planosalimentaresadequadosao seu cotidiano e corrigir errosalimentares.Os usuários que ainda não são cadastrados pornutricionistasdoSoftware Nutrição Online, ao baixar o aplicativopodem utilizarasseguintes ferramentas:- Cálculo de Peso ideal, mínimo, máximo egastometabólicoBasal- Calorias propostas para manutenção, perda e ganhodepesoideal- Montar lanches e calcular suas calorias- Calcular gasto calórico de atividade física conformeoseupeso- Visualizar Dicas de profissionais da área da saúdeeatividadefísica- Receitas Funcionais, sem glúten, sem lactose esaudáveisdenutricionistas- Visualizar calorias de Alimentos- Cadastrar seus treinos aeróbicos, de musculaçãoecompararresultados- Buscar nutricionistas que utilizam o Software deNutriçãoOnlinepor Cidade, Estado e País.- NUTRICIONISTAS se cadastrampelositeWWW.NUTRICAONLINE.COMcontato@nutricaonline.comVeja como Funciona para o Paciente: you willfindthephone contact and email nutritionists near you tomakeanappointment and do a physical and nutritional assessmenttosetgoals according to their goals.Who is consulted by the Software OnlineNutritionnutritionists,you can access the online portions oftheapplication, track yourresults, ask questions withyournutritionist, participate in thesocial network and makenutritiontasks directly from yourdietitian page and theapplication.Only a nutritionist can mount eating plans that suityoureverydayfood and correct errors.Users who are not yet registered for the OnlineNutritionSoftwarenutritionists, to download the application canuse thefollowingtools:- Ideal weight calculation, minimum, maximum andbasalmetabolicexpenditure- Calories proposals for maintenance, loss andidealweightgain- Mount snacks and calculate your calories- Calculate energy expenditure of physical activityaccordingtotheir weight- Show Tips of health professionals and physical activity- Functional Recipes, gluten-free, lactose-freeandhealthynutritionists- View calorie foods- Post your aerobic workouts, weight and compare results- Search nutritionists using the Online Nutrition SoftwareforCity,State and Country.- NOURISHING THE REGISTER the site WWW.NUTRICAONLINE.COMcontato@nutricaonline.comHere's how to work for the patient:
Meu Peso Ideal 1.3.0
M. Vieira
O cálculo de peso ideal é apenas uma estimativa baseada na médiadapopulação. Você deve usar o resultado acima apenas como basedecomparação de seu peso atual com a média. Cada indivíduo é únicoe,por isso, você deve consultar seu médico ou nutricionistaparasaber qual o peso ideal certo para você.
Luma Melo Nutricionista
Saiba mais informações sobre o trabalho deLumaMelo Nutricionista.Localização do consultorio.Veja fotos da evolução dos pacientes em tratamento.Acesse a pagina do facebook com todas as atualizações depostsdiarios.Tire dúvidas por mensagens direcionadas a Nutricionista.Tenha acesso a todas as redes sociais e marque uma consultapeloaplicativo.Find out more aboutthework of Luma Melo Nutritionist.Consultorio location.See photos of the progress of patients under treatment.Visit the facebook page with all updates from Daily posts.Ask questions for messages directed at Nutritionist.Get access to all social networks and make an appointment bytheapplication.
Dietista Personal 2.11
Calculate your BMI and ideal weight and access a set ofpersonalizeddiets.
Guia Nutricional Gratuito
Thiago Neves
Guia Nutricional GratuitoEstá interessado em Cuidar da Saúde através de uma dieta equilibraesaudável, quer controlar o peso e medidas antropometricas,esseaplicativo pode trazer informações úteis em sua busca porumaalimentação saudável e equilibribrada.Sua Saúde depende de sua alimentação.Tabela com + 400 Alimentos (Tabela Brasileira de ComposiçãodeAlimentos – TACO Versão 4 – Quarta Edição (Revisada e Ampliada)-UNICAMP) com Valores por 100g - Umidade, Proteínas,Lipídeos,Carboidratos, Fibras, Cinzas, Energia (Kcal EkJ),Colesterol,Cálcio, Ferro, Magnésio, Manganês, Fósforo, Sódio, Potássio,Cobre,Zinco, Vitamina A, Vitamina B1, Vitamina B2, VitaminaB3,Vitamina B6, Vitamina C, RAE (Equivalente de Atividade deRetinol),RE (Equivalente de Retinol).Cálculos e Avaliações:Cálculo de Índice de Massa Corporal e Cálculocaloriasdiárias.Cálculos da Relação Cintura Quadril.Avaliação Antropométrica, feitos a partirdos Estudos de Guedes (Prof. Dartagnan Pinto Guedes)Homens com 3 dobras.Mulheres com 3 dobras.Homens com 7 dobras.Mulheres com 7 dobras.Gasto de Calorias por Atividade de acordo com o peso e tempo.Lista de Vitaminas, onde encontrar, benefícios, causas pelafaltade.Lista de Nutrientes, onde encontrar, benefícios, causas pelafaltade.Lista de Deficiências, pela falta de Vitaminas.Ingestão Dietética Recomendada de Vitaminas para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Dietética Recomendada de Minerais para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Adequada de Vitaminas para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Adequada de Minerais para Crianças, HomenseMulheres.10 Passos para uma alimentação saudável, elaborado peloMinistérioda Saúde.Teste completo sobre alimentação para pessoas entre 20 e 60anos,elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde.Este Guia serve apenas de referência, não substituinenhumprofissional, que deve ser sempre consultado.# ATUALIZAÇÃO #Correção do layout.Busca por alimentos.Lista Separada por LetrasConteúdo Ampliando NutritionGuideAre you interested in Health Care through a balanced andhealthydiet, weight control and want anthropometric measures,thisapplication can provide useful information in your quest forahealthy and equilibribrada power.Your health depends on your diet.Table with 400 + Food (Brazilian Food Composition Table -TACOVersion 4 - Fourth Edition (Revised and Enhanced) - UNICAMP)Values​​per 100g - humidity, Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates,Fiber, Ash,Energy (kJ and kcal) CholesterolCalcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sodium,Potassium,Copper, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, VitaminB3,Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents),RE(Retinol Equivalent).Calculations and Reviews:Calculating Body Mass Index Calculation daily calories.Calculations of the waist to hip ratio.Anthropometric assessment, made fromStudies Guedes (Prof. Dartagnan Pinto Guedes)Men with 3 folds.Women with 3 folds.Men with 7 folds.Women with 7 folds.Spent Calories by Activity according to the weight and time.List of Vitamins, find, benefits, causes the lack of.List of Nutrients, find, benefits, causes the lack of.List deficiencies, lack of vitamins. Recommended Dietary Intake of Vitamins for Children, MenandWomen. Recommended Dietary Intake of Minerals for Children, MenandWomen. Adequate Intake of Vitamins for Children, Men and Women.Adequate Intake of Minerals for Children, Men and Women.10 Steps to a healthy diet, prepared by the Ministry ofHealthFull test on food for people between 20 and 60, prepared bytheMinistry of HealthThis guide is for reference only, not replace any professional,whoshould always be consulted.# UPDATE #Correction of the layout.Searching for food.List Separated by LettersExtending Content
Guia de Academia 7
Guide Academy, all exercises and drills in one place. We willtrain!
Como Perder Barriga 1.0
Como Perder Barriga - Você tem comidoadequadaeexercício para obter um enquanto, mas que teimosobarrigagorduraindesejada apenas não vai ceder! Além de integrarosalimentos quecombatem a gordura corporal para o seu regimededieta, aqui estãoalguns métodos para queimar-se que vira-latadedistância, enquantovocê pode estar na operate.Some 1 irádeclararpara remover oexcesso de gordura da barriga em tempos, masnuncadeslize paraque, a fim de reduzir sua barriga você podeprecisar deum mínimode sete vezes com programa de exercícios edieta adequada.estaestômago exercícios de queima de gorduraindesejadas podem terospróximos futuros.Truques de perda de peso para minimizar a gordura corporal,éomaior de todos os aplicativos sem custosapresentandoorientaçõesvaliosas e dicas para tornar-se mais jovem emagro em osmelhoresprofissionais de saúde e fitness enutricionistasautorizados. Aperda de peso programa de plano dedieta adequada deacordo com aaltura é importante para se livrar dopeso, bem comobarrigatom.How to Lose Belly-Haveyou been eating properly and exercising for a whilebutthatstubborn belly unwanted fat just will not budge! Inadditiontointegrating the foods that fight fat to your diet regime,herearesome methods to burn that stray away while you canbeinoperate.Some 1 will declare to remove excess fat belly totime,butnever slide that in order to reduce your belly you mayneedaminimum of seven times with proper diet and exerciseprogram.thisstomach burning exercise unwanted fat may have the nextfuture.Weight loss tricks to minimize body fat, is the largestofallapplications without having cost valuable guidance andtipstobecome more young and thin in the best of health andfitnessandauthorized professional nutritionists. Weight loss properdietplanprogram according to the point it is important to get ridofweightand belly tone.
My personal nutritionist 2.0
Do you want to lose weight or gain weight?And also keep controloveryour body?
Ganhar Massa Muscular Rápido ! 4.0
El Nono
Our App will help you gain muscle mass quickly! In your home.
Diet and Health - Lose Weight
Do you want to lose weight urgently? Doyouwant to start a diet and lose weight in a healthy andlastingmanner? You can do this with the DS Diet, a diet in whichyou earnDiet and Health points! Your diet will be healthier andmorepractical with our help! Try it out, we will tell you the bestwayto lose weight! To use the application, you do not have topayanything: it is free of charge! So take some time out to gettoyour ideal weight with the DS Diet!★★★★★ The Diet and Health was voted in the best apps of 2015,2014and 2013 by Google Play! ★★★★★STARTING THE DS DIET IS SIMPLE:1. You do a weight assessment in which we find out what your BMIisand how much weight you want to lose. After that, we let youknowthe optimal number of diet points you need in order toloseweight.2. In your food and exercise journal, you will log all the mealsandphysical activities that you do from day to day.3. Stay alert to avoid transcending the suggested point limit.Alsotry to pay attention to our recommendations, so that yourdietbecomes increasingly healthy!4. Update your weight record each week to keep track of yourweightloss.And if you need a customized menu, with healthy recipes andguidanceon what to eat, DS has a subscription service that offersyou all ofthis, in the hope of supporting you in your diet andhealthyweight-loss re-education. You can send messages orparticipate inonline meetings with specialists to resolve allyourquestions.Important: Diet and Health is only recommended for individuals18years of age or older.
Food Journal
My Daily Bits
ABOUT THE APP:Keeping track of what you eat has been shown to help preventandstop over-eating.This app helps you control your diet and eat healthier, by makingiteasy to track what you eat. The design is optimized to makeentry asquick as possible, with 1 click entry, and recent foodsuggestions.The built in database already has thousands of fooditems and ifyours are not known, adding them is easy.FEATURES:1. A simple and powerful design: The app opens directly on theentryscreen, on the most recent meal, because that is what you'llusemost. The design makes adding entries as simple and intuitiveaspossible.2. One tap entry with personalized suggestions: The most commonfooditems can immediately be selected. Starting on the second day,yourrecent items are suggested because you may eat the samefoodfrequently.3. Logging in is not needed: No personal data or contactinformationis required.4. Thousands of items already in the database: Most food itemshaveaccurate information about common serving sizes,calories,carbohydrates, protein and fat.5. Full off-line support: No need to be connected totheinternet.6. Precise entry is also easy: You can accurately enter thepreciseamount using a slider.7. Daily reports: Using the menu, you can directly open thediary,which shows a summary of your day. Here you can switchbetweencalories, protein and carbohydrates by pressing onlittletriangle.8. Personal reminders help you stay on target: They are aconvenientway to make sure you fill out your diary, after eachmeal, or at theend of the day.It is a good idea to verify the information in the database isthesame as the information on your food packaging; foodnutritionfluctuates with brands and over time.Make sure to discuss your goals with your doctor ornutritionspecialist.Download now because you will love using it.
Nutrabem 3.1.07
The NutraBem is an application for control of healthy weight.
Nutrichat 1.93
O NutriChat permite que vocêtenhaumanutricionista - de verdade ;) - no seu celular semprecomvocê.Acompanhamento nutricional especializado, a qualquerhora,emqualquer lugar, para você alcançar seus objetivos.Nos colocamos você em contato com as melhoresespecialistasemnutrição no Brasil. Nossas nutricionistas irão fazerumcoachingnutricional diário com você através do seu celular.* Mas como?Você registra com fotos e comentários suas refeições durante odiaesua nutricionista irá fazer feedbacks diários,sugerindomelhorias edando dicas de como você pode melhorar as suasescolhasdurante suasrefeições.* Por que NutriChat?- Porque acreditamos que cada pessoa tem características únicasequenão existem dietas genéricas que podem serutilizadasportodos.- Porque acreditamos em reeducação alimentar e nãoemdietasmilagrosas.- Porque acreditamos que as mudanças graduais na suaalimentaçãosãoquais proporcionam grandes resultados no longoprazo.Como Funciona:1) Defina seus Objetivos:Quer emagrecer? Quer ter mais energia? Quer correrumamaratona?Temos um time de especialistas em diversas áreas quepodemajudarvocê a alcançar seus objetivos.2) Conheça sua Coaching Nutricional:Baseado nos seus objetivos, o NutriChat busca osnutricionistasmaisadequados as suas necessidades, e os que tem maisexperiênciaparaajudar você a desenvolver hábitos maissaudáveis.3) Gerencie sua Dieta:Registre suas refeições, tire dúvidas e conversecomseunutricionista sobre suas refeições diárias.4) Receba Feedback Diário:- Receba orientação nutricional diariamente de umaespecialistaemnutrição, que vai acompanhar sua evoluçãodia-a-dia,desenvolvendohábitos mais saudáveis de alimentação.O que você pode esperar das nutricionistas do NutriChat:* Feedback diário nas suas refeições;* Orientação técnica nutricional de macro e micro nutrientes;* Dicas na escolha e preparo dos melhores alimentosequandoconsumí-los;* Definição de planos e acompanhamento do seu progresso;* Motivação extra para manter o foco nos seus objetivos ;)Como Contrato Uma Nutricionista:Temos planos semanais e mensais. Acesse onossosite e veja os planos evaloresdisponíveis.Veja nossa Política de Privacidade: de Uso: Todas as informações disponibilizadaspelosnossosespecialistas NÃO CARACTERIZAM UMA CONSULTAMÉDICAE/OUNUTRICIONAL, mas sim uma prática consultiva. Se vocêpossuialgumacondição clínica que impeça a mudança da sua dietaepossaapresentar algum risco para sua saúde, CONSULTE UMMÉDICOparareceber orientação profissional.The NutriChat allowsyoutohave a nutritionist - really;) - on your mobile withyoualways.specialized nutritional monitoring, anytime, anywhere,foryou toachieve your goals.We put you in touch with the best nutrition experts inBrazil.Ournutritionists will make a daily nutritional coachingwith youviayour mobile phone.* But how?You book with photos and reviews their meals during the dayandyourdietitian will make daily feedback, suggestingimprovementsandgiving tips on how you can improve your choices foryourmeals.* Why NutriChat?- Because we believe that each person has uniquecharacteristicsandthat there are no generic diets that can be usedbyeveryone.- Because we believe in nutritional education and notinmiraclediets.- Because we believe that the gradual changes in your foodarewhichprovide great results in the long run.How it works:1) Define your goals:Want to lose weight? Want more energy? You want to run amarathon?Wehave a team of experts in various areas that can helpyouachieveyour goals.2) Know your Nutrition Coaching:Based on your goals, the NutriChat search nutritioniststhemostsuitable to their needs, and those who have more experiencetohelpyou develop healthier habits.3) Manage your Diet:Register your meals, ask questions and talk to yourdietitianaboutyour daily meals.4) Get Feedback Daily:- Receive daily nutritional advice from a nutrition expertwhowillmonitor their progress day by day, developinghealthiereatinghabits.What can you expect from NutriChat of nutritionists:* Daily feedback on their meals;* Nutritional Technical guidance of macro and micronutrients;* Tips on choosing and preparing the best food and whenyouconsumethem;* Definition of plans and monitoring their progress;* Extra motivation to stay focused on your goals;)As Contract A Nutritionist:We have weekly and monthly plans. Visit our siteandsee the available plans and values.See our Privacy Policy: of use: All information provided by ourspecialistsNOTFEATURING AN MEDICAL AND / OR NUTRITIONAL, butanadvisorypractice. If you have any medical condition thatpreventschangesto their diet and may be some risk to your health,CONSULTAPHYSICIAN to receive professional guidance.
8fit Workouts & Meal Planner 23.03.0
Urbanite Inc
Fitness & nutrition made easy
Guia do Nutricionista 1.4
Através do aplicativo Guia doNutricionistavocê acompanha a tabela de alimentação diáriareceitada pelonutricionista e permite que ele(a) avalie todo seuquadronutricional de forma rápida e eficaz.Além disso, você recebe lembretes de alimentação atravésdenotificações momentos antes do horário definido, permitindoqueconsiga seguir sua dieta com mais precisão e eficiência.Não há mais desculpas para não seguir aalimentaçãorecomendada!Through theapplicationyou Nutritionist Guide accompanies the table daily dietprescribedby a nutritionist and allows it to (a) evaluate allyournutritional situation quickly and effectively.Additionally, you receive reminders power throughnotificationsmoments before the set time, allowing able to followyour diet withmore accuracy and efficiency.No more excuses not to follow the recommended food!
Drink Water 2.90.01
Receive reminders to drink water properly with this amazing app!
Military Diet (3 days) 55.0
Jack Sparroww
Military Diet?You can lose up to 10 pounds per week on the Military Dietwithoutstrenuous exercise or prescriptions. And best of all, theMilitaryDiet is free! The 3 day Military Diet is probably cheaperthan whatyou’re eating right now. The food combinations in theMilitary Dietare designed to burn fat, kick start your metabolismand loseweight fast. In fact, the Military Diet is one of the bestnaturaldiets known for rapid weight loss without aprescription.No need for strenuous exercise or expensive pills on theMilitaryDietLose weight fast on the military dietMaybe you’ve heard thetermshape up or ship out? If you’re not measuring up to your ownideal,then the Military Diet might be for you. The diet is acombinationof low calorie, chemically compatible foods designed toworktogether and jump start your weight loss. And because the dietis 3days on and 4 days off, the Military Diet doesn’t slow downyourmetabolism like other diets. The people that fail on theMilitaryDiet simply don’t have the drive and determination that youdo.They complain about hunger or low energy because they are usedtoeating way more calories in a day. That’s how they gained weightinthe first place, by eating more calories than they burned off.Mostimportantly, some people aren’t committed to weight loss.What’sthree days a week of dieting in exchange for losing up to 10poundsa week?You can lose weight FAST on the Military DietThe Military Diet works works in an emergency situation. Let’ssayyou have to fit into a wedding dress pronto, take a cruise, oryourex is coming to town and you want to make him drool. TheMilitaryDiet is for people who need to lose weight fast or losemore weightover the long term. If you follow the Military diet fora month,you can lose up to 30 pounds. The Military Diet is allnatural withfast results to keep you motivated. A hunger pang hereand theredoesn’t compare to getting on the scale and seeing actualresults.Overweight people spend billions of dollars every year onproductsand services that promise miraculous results. Losing weightisn’tcomplicated on the Military Diet. If you stick to the dietplan,you’ll see the kind of results that are often promised byothersand never delivered. Don’t waste your money on diets thatdon’twork. The Military Diet is free.
Cálculo IMC
Application to calculate your BMI and see if you're in theidealweight.
Receitas Light 5.0.3
Recipes Light app! A practical way to access the best recipes.
How to lose weight fast 1.0
Lose weight quickly and foreverisourwatchword. With our app find advice, tips and tricks forahealthydaily diet that allows you to lose the belly, remove thefatandlearn to eat healthy. Here is also healthy diets, fastdietsandnutritionist advice level. Download free and alwayskeepbetweenyour mobile phone to leave behind abdominal fatbothannoying and afigure to look like you deserve!