Top 20 Apps Similar to Фонарик+Компас+GPS

Compass for free 4.0
Zack Wolf
This is an small application.compass canhelpyou find the direction and obtain the latitude andlongitude.Small program big fun.This is one of the most useful tools in life!
Compass 2.0
Zack Wolf
The compass is a very usefulgadgetfornavigation and orientation that shows direction basedonbuild-inmagnetic sensor.Beautiful and simple interface makeallinformationat a glance. It is not just a simple northdirectionindicator butis intended to be used as a real orientationtool forhikingactivities.
Compass Steel
FEATURES:• Ad-free compass app.• Choose from multiple color themes.• Choose between 2 heading modes - True heading (based onTruenorth) and Magnetic heading (based on Magnetic north).• Sun direction indicator.• Moon direction indicator.• Set and save a target direction.• Tilt-compensated and self-calibrates as you use.• High contrast design improves readability.PERMISSIONS:• Requires access to location coordinates to calculateTrueheading.Any suggestions or feedback are warmly welcomed.
Compass For Android 1.0.0
◆ Compass for Android ◆✔ Compass for Android is an instrument containing afreerotatingmagnetized needle that indicates the direction ofmagneticnorthand bearings from it.✔ Compass for Android Most people know how to use acompasstodetermine where north is. Few know how to use it asanavigationtool. The ability to navigate with a compass and a mapisone ofthe major skills in hiking. This compass app is not justasimplenorth direction indicator but is intended to be used asarealorientation tool for hiking activities.✔ Can't you find where you have parked your car afterRollingStonesconcert?✔ Have you gone to buy an ice-cream and now you are not abletofindyour sunbed on crowded beach?✔ Have you been caught by a fog on trip in unknown terrainandyoucan't find right direction?✔ Or, for another reason, do you need to know youractuallocationand eventually direction to chosen place?✔ And your mobile navigation doesn't work, because youcan'taccessinternet connection?✔ Then you would appreciate this compass andsimpledirectionindicator.🔨 Features Compass for Android ◆★ Parts supports desktop, it can be pulled a compassonthedesktop★ Change the background, change the style, thestylenightvision★ Adjust the GPS location, address★ Display of GPS status★ Support for true north or magnetic north selection★ Shown in the map, and in turn show with the people★ You can touch the navigation path rotating compass, themapwillrotate simultaneously★ Large text shows azimuth and angle★ Rotating bezel★ Rotating orienting arrow★Adjustable magnetic declination★ Fine tune of the rotating bezel★ Fine tune of the orienting arrow💎 Language Compass for Android👉 The Compass for Android supports the followinglanguages:English,Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, GermanandFrench ..💎 Support Compass for Android✔ Compass for Android If you have any problems installingorusingthe application, please contact the team developedapplicationwewill contact you and solve the problem as soon aspossible. Ifyoulike the app, please help me 5 star review. Thankyou.
Compass 1.8
An elegant compass, Convenient foryoutoidentify the direction in a strange place.Notice, if your device has no gyroscope sensor, the app cannotbeused normally.Tips:Shake device to calibrate the compass according to thegraphic,incase of the magnetic field nearby.
Best Compass (with flashlight & air quality)
Netigen Tools
★ You will never get lost ★ ★ Simple and reliable ★ ★Thisusefulcompass allows you to take the right course no matterwhereyouare. Now the only thing you need is your own mobilephone!★Virtual compass is the best navigation instrument whichshowsfourcardinal directions. The application finds youractualposition(using GPS) and determines all possiblegeographicaldirections.The aesthetic design of this sleek compasswill notdistract youfrom your priorities and will helpglobetrotters tomake their waythrough many exciting adventures. ★This smartcompass shows notonly North, South, East and West butalso theazimuth and theangle. We recommend this user-friendlyapplicationfor all thosepeople who spend their spare time outside.★ Check outall theadditional features in the app: - Qibla featurewill helpyou finddirection to Mecca anytime you need it. You willalso knowthedistance to it! - You can build your own list oflocationsandshare them to other people - Thanks to Air Qualityindicatoryouwill know if it's better not to go outside -Practicalinformationssuch as altitude, sunrise or sunset hour etc.will alsohelp you noto get lost during hiking. Flashlight featurewill helpfind yourway when it gets dark. - Guide will tell you howto getcardinaldirections without a smartphone Its professionallook,magnetic andtrue heading, GPS coordinates and location willmakeusing thisapplication a pleasure. Take note! Not every modelofsmartphonehas a magnetic field sensor. If your device does nothaveone, mainfunction of the app will not work. In this case, wewillproposeother methods to find cardinal directions. Sorryforthisinconvenience. Contact us ( and we willtrytohelp.
Компас города 1.2
С помощью приложения вы можетеузнатьинформацию о различных местах города (улицах, парках,площадях ит.п.), которые находятся в данный момент рядом с вами.Вся информация берется из Википедии.Обзор приложенияЕсли по приложению будут какие либо замечания илипредложения,напишите об этом на почту elizarov1988@gmail.comWith the applicationyoucan find information about the various parts of the city(streets,parks, squares, etc.), which are currently close to you. All information is taken from Wikipedia.Application Overview the application will have any comments or suggestions,writeabout it in the mail
Compass 1.0
Compass for orienteering by pointing tothemagnetic poles of the Earth and the light side.For proper operation of the compass, make sure no steelobjects,otherwise it can give wrong values !********** Work with a compass **********For the compass in your device needs to be sensormagnetometer!The red arrow of the compass points North "N"Parties:N - NorthE - EastS - SouthW - West
Compass Pro 1.52
Learn how to use a compass for orientation and navigation.
Compass 2.0.0
This compass is the best compassforandroid.compass is a simple and easy-to-use compass for travelers andthosewho just need to navigate in unfamiliar places or checkNorth,South, East and West. Download this compass for free.The compass supports magnetic and true north calculated alongwithyour current coordinates and address, using network location orGPScoordinates. It also can be installed on the SDCardPlease note that your device should have magnetometer tooperatecorrectly.!!! NOTICE - Needs magnetometer (electronic compass sensor)torun!!!!#compass #navigation #location #magnetometer
Smart Compass Pro 2.7.11
Simple and useful compass app with camera view, GPS and map.
Minimal Compass 1.4
A Simple, Elegant and Fast Compass.
Compass 1.0.0
App mobie
👉 This compass is a tool to searchbearings(azimuth, directions) using built-in magnetic sensors. Ithas 4significant features below.1. Although you may turn your phone into portrait orlandscapemode, the heading is fixed.2. Camera view is used for reality.3. Metal Detector is included to verify magnetic sensor.4. GPS and Google Maps are supported.👉 The compass app depends on the performance of yourdeviceexactly. If the compass works perfectly, it means that yoursensorsare perfect, too.👉 If it is inaccurate, please check that yours aren't beingaffectedby a magnetic field. This app have several options tocalibrate yourdevice.📡 Compass modes: 📡- Standard- Telescope- Night- Digital- Google Maps- Google Maps (satellite)- Background image📡 Main features compass: 📡- True north- Vertical line- Azimuth types (degree, mil, quadrants, back azimuth)- Coordinate types (decimal, degree, military, UTM)- GPS Speedometer- Screen capture📡 LANGUAGES 📡Compass supports the following languages: English,Spanish,Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, GermanandFrancis.📡 SUPPORT 📡If you have any problems while installing or using the app,pleasecontact our apps developer team at Wewill contact with you and solve thedifficulties as soon aspossible.If you like the app, please help me rate 5 star. Thanks.
Digital Compass 1.0.0
👉 A Digital Compass can be used for mostofyouroutdoor activities such as travel, picnics, camping,hikingorboating.👉 There are many compass apps on market but most of themeitherworkaccurately when GPS is on or work accurately only inAmericabutless accurate in Australia and Asia. Our Digital Compassappcanwork accurately all over the world, as the compass appdependsonthe performance of your device exactly. If it isinaccurate,pleasecheck that you're being affected by a magneticfield.🎯 Best Features: Digital Compass 🎯- Simple to use, use it like a real compass- Professional Design- Compass will display on-screen directions and degrees- Incredibly smooth movements- No internet connection required for Compass- Internet connection required for getting Weather details- GPS required only to get Current Location- Get weather details as per Current Location- Settings to change Temperature unit- It's FREE👉 MPORTANT : To use, hold your android device flat, usejustlikea real compass. Your device must have MAGNETIC SENSORinsideto readearth magnetic field. If your device does not havemagneticsensorDigital Compass will not work.🚀 LANGUAGE 🚀Digital Compass supports the following languages:English,Spanish,Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, GermanandFrench...🚀 SUPPORT 🚀If you have any problems installing or using theapplication,pleasecontact the team developed applications . We will contact you and solvetheproblemas soon as possible.If you like the app, please help me 5 star review. thank you
Compass 1.6
Devomki App.
Compass for Android is a navigationtoolfortravelers. It helps to determine cardinal directions.Youwillalways know direction to North, South, East or West.Searchfeaturecan provide you info about nearest places, that aremarkedonGoogle Maps, in 1km radius. Take attention please,yourdeviceshould have magnetometer to work properly.
FlashLight HD LED Pro
There are many flashlight apps, so why getthisone ?- Brightest and most powerful light possible- It is simple and well designed- launch it and get light instantly by pressing one button- uses the integrated FlashLight- also uses your full screen as a light source (works onalldevices)- add a widget for quick accessTry it. It's simply the best at what it does.
Simple compass. 1.4
Simple compass. Open the app to start the compass to navigate .Usethe application with sufficient charging device.
My Compass
My Compass👉 My Compass is one of the most if not the most essentialappeveryAndroid should have installed. Compass is the mostprecisecompassapp on Google Play.👉 My Compass app is compass in your pocket. Use it oncampingtrips,to navigate in unknown territory or when you get lost.Youneverknow when it might come handy. It might even save yourlifeoneday!👉 My compass notice that if you have adjusted thebezelcorrectly,the data in the pane is also directly across fromyou atthe frontend of the lubber line. In other words, if yougobackwards untilthe bezel notch bracketed the north arrow, No.120on the bezelwould be at the bottom of clumsy lines. Note thatonthe card, thenumber displayed in the window on the 120. Ifyou'reholding thiscompass in the direction of flow and clumsy,you'd beon a group of120.Now you should know how to go to thedesireddirection. But howdo you get back? Easily! If you'rethinking aboutthe bezel, simplyturn until the north arrow faces notnotch, but tosingle trianglethat is exactly opposite the notch. Nowyou're justback to whereyou came.👉 Really difficult part of using your compass is notlearningwhatthe numbers mean and how to adjust the bezel. Themostcommonmistake is not holding your compass flat, and do notreallygo inthe direction your lubber line is pointing.👉 My Compass app is more than just showing degrees andnorth,south,east and west. I have designed Compass with userexperiencein mind,large numbers and easy to read design.👉 My Compass also allows you to set your directions byrotatingthebezel for easier and professional navigation.🔨 Features My Compass ◆★ Beautiful and simple user interface★ Display true heading★ Display magnetic field strength★ Display latitude and longitude★ Display current location★ Display air pressure and altitude★ Display horizontal level★ Call the map you have in your device★ Copy and share the message displayed★ Support many language★ Although you may turn your phone into portrait orlandscapemode,the heading is fixed.★ Camera view is used for reality.★ Metal Detector is included to verify magnetic sensor.★ GPS and Maps are supported.★ It’s FREE💎 Language My CompassThe Compass supports the following languages:English,Spanish,Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, German and French..💎 Support My Compass✔ My Compass If you have any problems installing orusingtheapplication, please contact the team developed applicationwewillcontact you and solve the problem as soon as possible. Ifyoulikethe app, please help me 5 star review. Thank you.
Compass Steel 3D
FEATURES:• Choose from multiple color themes• Choose between 2 heading modes - True heading (based onTruenorth) and Magnetic heading (based on Magnetic north).• Sun direction indicator• Moon direction indicator• Sunrise and sunset times• Moonrise and moonset times• Self-calibrates as you use• Marine-style compassPERMISSIONS:• Requires access to location coordinates to calculateTrueheading.
Compass PRO 1.5
NoWay Apps
Compass PRO is the most accuratecompass.Features:- Military professional compass.- Discover the earth's north, by using your devicesbuilt-inmagneticsensors.- It has simple and elegant design.- You can use it while navigating or just for fun.- It's FREEWhen using Compass Pro, remember to hold your deviceflat,likeyou would hold a real compass.What is a Compass? A compass is a navigationalinstrumentthatshows directions in a frame of reference thatisstationaryrelative to the surface of the earth. The frameofreferencedefines the four cardinal directions (or points) –north,south,east, and west. Intermediate directions are alsodefined.Usually,a diagram called a compass rose, which shows thedirections(withtheir names usually abbreviated to initials), ismarked onthecompass. When the compass is in use, the rose isaligned withthereal directions in the frame of reference, so, forexample, the"N"mark on the rose really points to the north.Frequently,inaddition to the rose or sometimes instead of it, anglemarkingsindegrees are shown on the compass. North correspondstozerodegrees, and the angles increase clockwise, so east is90degrees,south is 180, and west is 270. These numbers allowthecompass toshow azimuths or bearings, which are commonly statedinthisnotation.Keywords: mountaineering compass, orienteeringcompass,scubadiving compass, military compass