Top 4 Apps Similar to زوجات الرسول محمد بالترتيب

زوجات الرسول (ص) دون انترنت 2.4
تطبيق لتعريف عن زوجات الرسول (ص) بعملبدونانترنت وجمعنا في التطبيق أجمل الأدعية المستجابة والأذكار منالقرآنوالسنة التي يحتاجها كل مسلم ومسلمة في حياته اليومية وهذاالتطبيقيعمل دون الحاجة الى الاتصال بالانترنت.يمكنك التطبيق بقرأت الأدعية واختيار الادعية المفضل لك ووضعهافيقائمة مفضلاتي لرجوع لها مباشرة مرة أخرى والادعية منظمة علىشكلقائمة لتسهل عليك قرأتها. ويوجد في البرامج أيضا محرك البحث لتبحثعنأي دعاء وتجده بسرعة المليون.ويمكن التطبيق من تكبير الخط وتغيير لون والاختيار بين ثلاثخلفياتجميلة مختلفة ومشاركة الادعية مع اصدقاءك على المواقعالاجتماعية وبهميزات اشعار بالدعاء اليومي الذي يتغير تلقائيا بدونانترنتمميزات التطبيق :✓ سهل الاستخدام و التصفح✓ يعمل بدون أنترنت✓ يتضمن محرك البحث✓ يوجد به قائمة مفضلات✓ ارسال دعوة لصديق✓ مشاركة الأدعية في فايسبوك وتطبيقات أخرى✓ نسخ دعاء على هاتفك✓ تطبيق به ثلاث خلفيات مختلفة✓ تغيير حجم الخط✓ تغيير لون الخط✓ دعاء يتغير تلقائي كل يوم✓ اشعارات الادعيةهذا التطبيق ادعية مستجابه تستطيع قولها في العمل ,المنزل,السيارة..ستغير مجرى حياتك وتحول حزنك الى سعادة وفرح بإذن الله تعالى تضمنهذاالتطبيق أدعية مستجابة مختارة من القران الكريم و السنةالنبويةللرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم و في هذا التطبيق الجديد جمعنا لكمموسوعةمن الأدعية الصحيحة التي تذكر في بعض المناسبات مثل دعاءالاستخارة،الدعاء للميت، الدعاء للمريض، دعاء الجمعه، دعاء الهم ودعاءالحاجة،دعاء الزواج ، دعاء ختم القرآن، دعاء رمضان، دعاءالصلاه،دعاءالافتتاح للصلاة، دعاء القنوت، دعاء المظلوم، دعاء ليلةالقدر، دعاءسيد الاستغفار، أدعية للرزق، دعاء الثوب الجديد ودعاء لبسالثوب، دعاءأذكار الصباح، دعاء أذكار المساء، دعاء السفر، دعاء قبلالنوم، دعاءدخول البيت ، والسحرة و الحرز من العين و إبطال السحر وعوذة للعين ضدالحسد و وجع الرأس والصداع و لتعسر الولادة و تسهيلالولادة و البرص ووجع البطن و فضل و أهمية الدعاء و الذكر و ادكار بعدالوضوء و دعاءسيد الاستغفار يوم عرفة و السفر و دخول السوق و راحةالبال و الرزقوالعافية و قضاء الدين و للاستغفار و الاستفتاح و لبسالثوب الجديد وزيادة الرزق الام والاب و التعزية الدفن الميت المحتضرو زيارة المريضو صلاة الاستخارة و دعاء القنوت و كفارة المجلس و الفزعالكرب الغضبالهم والحزن ومن أصابته مصيبة و الدعاء قبل الجماع ومايقول ويفعلالمتزوج إذا دخلت عليه وزجته ليله الزفاف وبعد عقد النكاح والزواجالعاجل و الزواج السريع و تعجيل وتيسير وتسهيل الزواج و جلبالحبيب ودعاء قضاء الدين وللرزق والعافي و لراحة البال و السيرةالنبوية وصلاةالاستخارة و كفارة و تريح القلوب و دعاء سدسي و اني صائمو رؤيةالهلال و الذكر عند الافطار و الذكر في ليلة القدر و التعزية والغضبو الحزن و الهم و مشاكل و حسد و غيرة و الدعاء عند سماع الأذانوالاستغفار و التسبيح و الدخول الى المسجد و صباح ومساء وادعيةصباحيةو مسائية و نوم واستيقاد و لتيسير الامور دعاء دخول الخلاء،دعاء دخولالمسجد ودعاء فك الكرب والكثير من الأدعية الدينية نجمعنااسأل العربلكم موسوعة من الأدعية الصحيحة التي تذكر في بعض المناسباتمثل دعاءالاستخارة، الدعاء للميت، الدعاء للمريض، دعاء الجمعه، دعاءالهمودعاء الحاجة، دعاء الزواج ، دعاء ختم القرآن،ادعية للمريضوالشفاء ومصاب و مستجاب و دينية و مكتوبة و الدعاء لوجع القلب و الامالظهر ووجع الركب وألام الأقدام و الساقين و لضيق الصدر و للصّمم ولوجع الفموالاسنان و الضرس و أمراض العين أو رمد أو ضعف نظر و الشفاءمن كل ألموداء و دفع وساوس الشيطاننحن نرحب بكم لتحميل التطبيق ونرحب أيضا بأرائكم واقتراحاتكمونرجواتقديم لتشجيعنا على الاستمرار وتطوير التطبيق وشكراThe application ofthedefinition of the wives of the Prophet (r) work withouttheInternet and collected in the application Almostagabh themostbeautiful prayers and supplications from the Qur'an andSunnahneeded by every Muslim in his daily life and this applicationworkswithout the need to connect to the Internet.You application cows supplications and choose yourfavoriteBlessings and put it in the list of Favorites to return itdirectlyback into the Organization of benedictions in the form of alist tomake it easier to read. There are also programs in thesearchengine looking for any prayers and quickly find amillion.The application can enlarge the font and change the color andchoosebetween three different beautiful backgrounds Blessings andsharewith your friends on social networking sites and has anotificationfeatures daily prayers, which automatically changeswithoutInternetApplication features:✓ Easy to use and browsing✓ works without Internet✓ includes search engine✓ has a list of favorites✓ send an invitation to a friend✓ Post supplications in Facebook and other applications✓ copies of a prayer on your phone✓ application by three different backgrounds✓ Change font size✓ change the font color✓ prayers automatically changes every day✓ notices BlessingsThis application Duas Mostagabp You may as saying at work, home,car.. will change the course of your life and turning sadnessintohappiness and joy, God willing, this application ensuresprayersMostagabp selected from the Koran and the Sunnah of theMessengerof Allah peace be upon him, and in this new applicationwecollected for you Encyclopedia correct supplications thatisreminiscent in some occasions, such as a prayer istikhaarah,prayfor the dead, pray for the sick, prayers Friday, Doaa worryandprayer need, prayers marriage, Duaa Quran, prayers ofRamadan,prayers prayer, a prayer opening prayer, a prayer qunoot,prayersoppressed, Doaa much of the night, a prayer Lord forforgiveness,prayers for a living, Doaa new dress and a prayerwearing thedress, prayer reciting the morning, prayers Remembranceevening, aprayer to travel, a prayer before going to sleep, aprayer enterthe house, witches and score from the eye andinvalidate the magicand Aozh eye against envy and head ache,headache and obstructedlabor and facilitate the birth and lepersand bellyache andpreferred and the importance of supplication andmale and Edgardafter ablution and prayers Lord for forgiveness onArafah, traveland enter the market and the peace of mind and aliving andwellness and paying off debt and for forgiveness andopening du'aaand wearing a new dress, and increase livelihood momand dad andcondolence Dead burial dying and visit the patient andistikhaarahand prayers qunoot and expiation Council and dreadanguish angerworry and sadness and hit him misfortune andsupplication beforeintercourse and say and do married if enteredhim and his wife, thewedding night after the marriage contract andthe future ofmarriage and the rapid marriage and accelerate andstreamline andfacilitate the marriage and bring the beloved andprayers eradicatereligion and livelihood and Avi and for peace ofmind and theProphet's biography and istikhaarah and expiation andrelieve thehearts and prayers two sixths and I am fasting andsighting of themoon and the male at breakfast and male in much ofthe night andcondolences and anger and sadness and worries andproblems and envyand jealousy and pray upon hearing the Athan andask God forforgiveness and praise, and to enter the mosque and themorning andevening and prayers morning and evening, and sleep andAstiviad andto facilitate things Doaa entering the toilet, a prayerto enterthe mosque and a prayer decoder anguish and a lot ofreligioussupplications Ndjemana ask the Arabs to you Encyclopediacorrectsupplications that is reminiscent in some occasions, such asaprayer istikhaarah, pray for the dead, pray for the sick,prayersFriday, Doaa worry and prayer need, prayers marriage, DuaaQuran,Duas patient healing and infected and he answered, andreligiousand written and pray for the heartache and back pain andachingknees and the pain of feet and legs and chest tightnessanddeafness and to wrench the mouth and teeth and tooth and eyeorconjunctivitis or weakness of view diseases and cure of allpainand disease, and to pay the whispers of SatanWe welcome you to download the application also welcomeyourcomments and suggestions and please provide the encouragementtocontinue and develop the application and thank you
أمهات المؤمنين - زوجات الرسول 4.1.0
تطبيق يزيد معلوماتك الدينية الاسلامية وبصفةخاصه السيرة النبوية الشريفةعن امهات المؤمنين زوجات النبي صلي الله عليه وسلماضف الى معلوماتك عن سيرة نبي الرحمه و تعلم عن حياة الرسولوزوجاتهمفيد جدا لكل الاعمار للاطفال و الكبارالتطبيق مرتب حسب زواج النبيويشمل على حياة و قصة كل منخديجة بن خويلد رضي الله عنهاسودة بنت زمعه رضي الله عنهاحفصة بنت عمر رضي الله عنهاعائشة بنت أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنهازينب بنت جحش رضي الله عنهازينب بنت خزيمة رضي الله عنهاأم حبيبة رملة بنت أبي سفيان رضي الله عنهاأم سلمة هند بنت أبي أمية المخزومية رضي الله عنهاجويرية بنت الحارث رضي الله عنهاصفية بنت حيي بن أخطب رضي الله عنهاميمونة بنت الحارث الهلالية رضي الله عنهاشرح تفصيلي لحياة زوجات الرسوللا يحتاج للاتصال بالانترنت لاستخدامهApplication increasesyourreligious Islamic and particularly Biography of theProphetMuhammadFor mothers of the believers wives of the Prophet, peace beuponhimAdd to your knowledge of the biography of the Prophet of mercyandlearn about the life of the prophet and his wivesVery useful for all ages of children and adultsApplication salary marriage by the ProphetIt includes the life and story of each of theKhadija Ben Khuwaylid God bless themSoda girl Zama God bless themHafsa girl age may Allah be pleasedGirl Aisha Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleasedZainab girl colt God bless themZainab girl Khuzaymah God bless themUmm Habiba Ramlet girl Abi Sufyan God bless themUmm Salamah Hind girl Abi illiteracy Almkzumip God bless themFatima girl Harith God bless themBen shy girl Safia preach God bless themHarith girl semicircular auspicious God bless themA detailed explanation of the lives of the wives oftheProphetIt does not require an Internet connection to use it
Hazrat Ummul Banin a.s 1.1
One Momin
Hazrat Fatima binte HazambinKhalidIbn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi belonged to the clan ofBanuKilab,which was one the noblest families amongst theHashimitesandfamous for the bravery and valor of its warriors.Much earlier during 8 A.H., Imam Ali (a.s.) had beengiventheprophecy by ProphetMohammad(pbuh&hf) of a brave son who would bemartyredalongsidewith his brother Imam Hussain(a.s.) on the day ofAshura.Eversincethen, Imam Ali(a.s.) had been waiting for the birthofthat sonwhich came in the person of Hazrat Abbas(a.s.).Hazrat Umm-ul-Baneen came to the house of Imam Ali(a.s.)knowingvery well that before her the chief of the womenofparadise, HazratFatima Zahra(s.a.) was living in that house.Sheserved Imam Ali(a.s.) in the same manner as Hazrat Umm-e-Salmahadserved the HolyProphet (pbuh&hf) after the demise ofHazratKhadija (a.s.).Immediately stepping in the house, shevowedherself to act as aslave of the children of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.).Her sincerity wasmuch respected by the children of HazratFatima(s.a.) that theyalways gave her a high status andrespect.Fatima Binte Hazam was an accomplished and cultured lady,andboreHazrat Ali's four sons: Abbas, Abdullah, Jafer and Usman.Themeaningof 'Ummul Baneen' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sonsweremartyredalong with Imam Husain. After their martyrdom,sherequested peoplenot to call her 'Ummul Baneen' ever again.WhenImam Husain (A.S.)was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hadrat UmmulBaneenasked her four sons,Hadrat Abbas (A.S.), Abdulla, Ja'far andUsmanto sacrifice theirlives in the sacred cause of ImamHusain(A.S.).On 10th Muharram 61 A.H.,the day of martyrdom ofImamHusain(a.s.) and his 72 faithful companions at the battlefieldofKarbalawhen Hadrat Umme Salamah witnessed that the earth inthebottlegiven to her by the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf) hadturnedintoblood she raised the cry of "Ya Husain" Ya Husain"anddeclaredthat Imam Husain (a.s.) has been martyred according totheprophecyforetold to her by the Holy Prophet (phuh&hf)aboutthemartyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).Ummul Baneen conducted first ever Majlis after ImamHusain(a.s.)martyrdom:Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her houseandallcried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).This wasthefirstever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of ImamHusain(a.s.).Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the HolyProphet'sprogenythat she loved Imam Hussain (a.s.) more than herownchildren. Afeeling which was from the bottom of her heart - Itwasto theextent that when she received the news stating themartyrdomof herfour children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain(A.S.)" andwhenshe received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'smartyrdom shesaid:"All of the arteries of my heart are torn. Mayall of mychildrenand what ever that exists under this azure heavenbesacrificed forthe sake of Imam Hussain (a.s.).The First Noha Recitor of the martyrdom ofImamHussain(a.s.):After the arrival of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) and Hazrat Zainab(s.a.)inMadinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to gather women in herhouseandused to narrate them how Imam Husain (a.s.) and hiscompanionsweremartyred by Yazidi forces.Hadrat Ummul Baneen was a great poetess and she isconsideredasthe first Noha (lamentation poetry) reciter for themartyrdomofImam Husain (a.s.).She used to visit regularly thefamousJannatul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Nohas in averysad andpathetic voice that everybody present there usedtoweepbitterly.She transformed the Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinahas"theCentre of Azadari of Imam Husain (a.s.)". The NohasrecitedbyHadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian(a.s.)arerecorded in history and are considered as masterpiecesinArabicliterature.
Biography of Aisha RA 2.0
Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr (613/614 – 678 CE) was oneofMuhammad'swives.In Islamic writings, her name is thusoftenprefixed by thetitle "Mother of the Believers" (Arabic:أمّالمؤمنين ummal-mu'minīn), per the description of Muhammad'swivesin theQur'an. Aisha had an important role in early Islamichistory,bothduring Muhammad's life and after his death. InSunnitradition,Aisha is thought to be scholarly and inquisitive.Shecontributedto the spread of Muhammad's message and servedtheMuslim communityfor 44 years after his death.She is also knownfornarrating 2210hadiths,not just on matters related to theProphet'sprivate life,but also on topics such as inheritance,pilgrimage,andeschatology.Her intellect and knowledge invarioussubjects,including poetry and medicine, were highly praisedbyearlyluminaries such as al-Zuhri and her student Urwaibnal-Zubayr. Herfather, Abu Bakr, became the first caliph tosucceedMuhammad, andafter two years was succeeded by Umar. Duringthe timeof the thirdcaliph Uthman, Aisha had a leading part intheopposition that grewagainst him, though she did not agreeeitherwith those responsiblefor his assassination nor with theparty ofAli.During the reign ofAli, she wanted to avenge Uthman'sdeath,which she attempted to doin the Battle of the Camel.Sheparticipated in the battle bygiving speeches and leading troopsonthe back of her camel. Sheended up losing the battle, butherinvolvement and determinationleft a lasting impression.Afterwards,she lived quietly in Medinafor more than twenty years,took no partin politics, and becamereconciled to Ali and did notopposeMu'awiya. The majority oftraditional hadith sources statethatAisha was married to Muhammadat the age of six or seven, butshestayed in her parents' homeuntil the age of nine, or tenaccordingto Ibn Hisham, when themarriage was consummated withMuhammad, then53, in Medina. AppFeature : -Have 7avalaiblelanguageEnglish,Arab,Indon,Malay,French,Benggali,Russiaand Turkish