Top 17 Apps Similar to Tablexia SK

Dytective for Samsung 1.0.7
App disponible solo para tabletas yordenadorpor razones científicas. Para jugar en web desde unordenadoraccede a: for Samsung es un detector de riesgo de tenerdislexiacreado por Change Dyslexia a partir de investigacióndesarrolladaen Carnegie Mellon University.La dislexia es un trastorno del aprendizaje que afecta al 10% delapoblación. Averigua con nuestro test si es posible quetengasdislexia en 15 minutos. Validado científicamente a partir deunamuestra de más de 10.000 participantes y 100centroscolaboradores.Por medio de este test, desde Change Dyslexia queremos contribuiraque la dislexia deje de ser un trastorno oculto, causante dealtastasas de abandono escolar.*** SOPORTE ***info@changedyslexia.orgSi experimentas algún problema con la aplicación, ponte encontactocon nosotros. A continuación, haremos todo lo posible pararesolverel problema tan pronto como sea posible. ¡Gracias!Por favor, déjanos un email a con losdatosde tu tableta (marca, modelo y versión de Android(enAjustes/General/Acerca de este dispositivo))MÁS INFORMACIÓN:Sobre nosotros: https://www.changedyslexia.orgConsultas: available onlyfortablets and computers for scientific reasons. To play fromacomputer web access: for Samsung is a detector risk of dyslexiaDyslexiacreated by Change from research developed at CarnegieMellonUniversity.Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects 10% of thepopulation.Find out with our test if you may have dyslexia in 15minutes.scientifically validated from a sample of more than10,000participants and 100 collaborating centers.Through this test, since we want to help Change Dyslexiadyslexialonger a hidden disorder causing high dropout rates.*** SUPPORT ***info@changedyslexia.orgIf you experience any problems with the application, pleasecontactus. Then we will make every effort to resolve the problem assoonas possible. Thank you!Please let us an email to with yourtabletdata (make, model and version of Android (Settings / General/About this device))MORE INFORMATION:About Us: https://www.changedyslexia.orgInquiries:
Las letras y yo 1.2.1
Éste es un cuento ilustrado para entenderquées la dislexia, explicado a través de los sentimientos de unaniñaque, por mucho que se esfuerza, no aprende las letras comosuscompañeros. Incluye audio para facilitar la lectura del niño,yorientaciones para padres y educadores. También está indicadoparalogopedas, psicopedagogos, psicólogos y maestros.En las primeras etapas educativas, las dificultadesdeaprendizaje pueden llegar a ser angustiantes y desconcertantesparalos niños que las sufren y para los padres y educadores.Lasautoras de este cuento -la madre de una niña disléxica yunalogopeda- quieren aportar a través del relato sus vivenciasyconocimientos para ayudar a los niños con dislexia y asusfamilias.Esta es la primera publicación de Sandia Publishing, unanuevaeditorial digital especializada en las dificultadesdelaprendizaje. Podéis encontrar más información en:http://sandiabooks.comAVISO: el texto del cuento está integrado en lasilustraciones.En aquellos casos en que las dimensiones de lapantalla seanpequeñas, puede ser difícil de leer.This is a picture booktounderstand what dyslexia is, explained by the feelings of agirlwho, much striving, not learn the letters and their peers.Includesaudio for easy reading of the child, and guidance forparents andeducators. It is also indicated for speechtherapists,psychologists and teachers.In the early stages of education, learning disabilitiescanbecome distressing and disturbing for children who suffer andforparents and educators. The authors of this story, the mother ofaspeech therapist-dyslexic and want to bring the story throughtheirexperiences and knowledge to help children with dyslexia andtheirfamilies.This is the first publication of Sandia Publishing, a newdigitalpublisher specializing in learning disabilities. You canfind moreinformation at:http://sandiabooks.comNOTICE: the text of the story is integrated intotheillustrations. In those cases where the screen dimensionsaresmall, it may be difficult to read.
Dyslexia Therapy Apps 1.0.0
Dyslexia Therapy Apps adalahsebuahaplikasiandroid yang dibangunkan khas untuk kanak-kanakyangmengalamidisleksia. Dilengkapi dengan 2 modul iaitu “Shape”dan“Alphabet”,aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk menarik minatkanak-kanakdisleksiauntuk mengenali huruf A ke Z dan perbezaanbentuk asassepertibulat, segi tiga, dan segi empat. Selain itu,aplikasi inijugadilengkapi dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang mengujimindakanak-kanakdan berupaya untuk menyimpan rekod markah yangdiperolehuntukaktiviti-aktiviti yang tertentu. Penggunaan pelbagaijeniselemenmultimedia membuatkan aplikasi ini seronok danmenarik.
Ordena las sílabas HD Lite 1.11
Cuca Games
Juego educativo especialmente diseñadoparaelniño de 6 a 8 años, con el cual va a practicar laconstruccióndepalabras a partir de sus sílabas. El juego le va aacercaralconcepto de sílaba, y a la vez que estimula el desarrollodesuconciencia fonológica, todo ello al mismo tiempo que juega.Para el alumno del ciclo inicial de primaria, también útilparaelalumno con dislexia, o que presenta otros problemasconlalecto-escritura.No muestra ningún tipo de anuncio publicitario dentrodelaapp.Esta es la versión reducida de 6 palabras,totalmentefuncionalpara que puedas probar el juego de formagratuita. Laversióncompleta incluye 32 palabras, expandiendo eljuego con 26nuevaspantallas.El juego consiste en pulsar las sílabas en el ordencorrectoparacompletar las 32 palabras de las que consta el juego.Alinicio decada pantalla vemos unos círculos en la partesuperior.En estoscírculos van a ir apareciendo escritas lassílabasconforme vayamosacertando. Bajo los círculos vemos undibujoanimado que ilustra lapalabra. Debemos observar el dibujoanimado,las sílabas y deducirde qué palabra se trata.Una vez hayamos reconocido la palabra, pasaremos a laacción:enla parte inferior de la pantalla vemos unos globos decolores,cadauno con una sílaba diferente escrita en ellos.Estosgloboscorresponden a cada una de las sílabas de la palabra,yestánsiempre dispuestos de forma desordenada en relación a suordendeescritura. Pulsamos sobre ellos para liberarlos en lasecuenciayel momento correctos para que acaben impactando todoscontraelobjetivo, teniendo en cuenta los obstáculos e ir avanzandoatravésde las siguientes pantallas.educationalgameespeciallydesigned for children from 6 to 8 years, whichwillpractice wordbuilding from its syllables. The game is goingtobring the conceptof syllable, and at the same time stimulatesthedevelopment ofphonological awareness, all while playing.For the student of the initial cycle of primary, alsousefulforstudents with dyslexia or have other problems withreadingandwriting.Does not show any advertisement within the app.This is the fully functional smaller version of 6 words soyoucantry the game for free. The full version includes 32words,expandingthe game with 26 new screens.The game is to press the syllables in the correctordertocomplete the 32 words that comprise the game. At thebeginningofeach screen we see each circles at the top. In thesecircleswillbe appearing syllables written as we go hitting. Underthecircleswe see a cartoon illustrating the word. We mustobservethecartoon, syllables and deduce which word it is.Once we have recognized the word, we turn to action: atthebottomof the screen we see a colorful balloons, each withadifferentsyllable written on them. These balloons correspondtoeach syllableof the word, and are always arranged haphazardlyinrelation to itsorder of writing. Click on them to release theminthe correctsequence and for all end up impacting againstthetarget, consideringthe obstacles and progressing throughthefollowing screensmoment.
Reading numbers for dyslexics 1.3
With this app fixed color scheme is giveninreading numbers for those with difficulties inpositioningcharacters.The app is divided into three phases, namely: units, tensandhundreds. Each with a color defined in each issue to fixitslocation in a mental image and facilitate further reading.Each section consists of a set of numbers that can be heard,whenclicking on the speaker located on the bottom of the issue,andshould be read aloud by activating the image of the microphonetorecognize and validate the app.As each number is validated, will activate getting stars tothreestars by section.When they have achieved the nine stars, the cup is achieved :)In future revisions the following enhancements are added:       - Review the designindifferent screen sizes and resolutions.       - Implement morelanguages.
Psicotécnicos. Tests 0.6.1
Prepare Psychotecnique review
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. FullCourseReading in Spanish Application for Smartphones andTabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers orprimersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn. Usingtheapplication a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: itisessential to be seen as a game. You can not imagine what yourkidscan do. You will be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elements ofwrittenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
HexaDyslexia 1.5
HexaDyslexia helps dyslectics read by colorizing eachcharacterseparately.
Confident Dyslexic App 1.0
Over 25 useful, positive andempoweringfacts.Dyslexia and ADHD users will gain insights inboostingconfidenceand building community.Accessibility enabled to provide text to speech audioofthemessages.Discover new things in a ever changing harmonyofbackgroundcolors.Motivational statements were derived from the book:TheDyslexiaEmpowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing YourChild'sConfidenceand Love of Learning by Ben FossYou can learn how to make this app and more likeitatTeamTreeHouse by visiting!If you have further ideas on making this app better,pleaseemailthe developer!
Dyslexia Test & Tips™ 1.15
Test for children and adults with dyslexia or with a possibilityofdyslexia.
Alphabetics Free 3.0.1
For Dyslexia
*** Try the first 3 letters for FREE.****** Teaches the sounds and shapes of letters withMULTISENSORYgames. ****** Developed in collaboration with experts in the fieldofeducation and reading difficulties. ***Alphabetics will capture the attention of your child while sheorhe plays games that teach the shapes and sounds of the alphabet.Itis a wonderful app for phonemic awareness and shaperecognition!NOTE: In I Can Alphabtetics Free you will have access to allofthe features and games of the full app, but it will be limitedtojust 3 letters (b, f, m). To have the entire alphabet, look forthefull I Can Alphabetics app.Alphabetics was designed for children who are learningthealphabet. The app is based on a multisensory approach tolearning--incorporating sight, listening, speaking and tactilefeatures—toteach phonemic awareness.Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in language and areanimportant step for learning how to read. Children will learnthemost common phonemes represented by animal names with ICanAlphabetics.Alphabetics is the first app of the I Can Suite. It wasdesignedfor children aged 3-6, but if your child is stillstruggling withbeginning reading skills, it can be used at any age.For Dyslexiahas done its best to assure the effectiveness of theapp byconsulting scientific and educational experts in the fieldofdyslexia. We are especially grateful to the mentorship providedbyDr. Guinevere Eden, Immediate Past President of theInternationalDyslexia Association and Director of the Center forthe Study ofLearning at Georgetown University.What is taught:• The shape and principal sound of each letter of the alphabet.How it is taught:• Through a series of simple exercises, children will hear,trace,pronounce and identify the letters. The letters areintroduced in 6small sets. After they complete a series ofmultisensory exercises,they are quizzed on their understandingbefore they can move on tothe next set of letters.How parents and tutors can use it:• Through individualized Progress Reports parents and tutorscanfollow what children have practiced and learned for each letterofthe alphabet.This app is appropriate to use with children who havedyslexiabecause, asMargaret Byrd Rawson, former President of the InternationalDyslexiaAssociation (IDA), put so well:“Dyslexic students need a different approach to learninglanguagefrom that employed in most classrooms. They need to betaught,slowly and thoroughly, the basic elements of theirlanguage—thesounds and the letters which represent them—and how toput thesetogether and take them apart. They have to have lots ofpractice inhaving their writing hands, eyes, ears, and voicesworking togetherfor conscious organization and retention of theirlearning.”We love getting feedback from our users. If you have anycommentsor questions, please send them to suggestionbox@fordyslexia.comCopyright 2013 For Dyslexia, S.L.
Psychology Course 80.0
Psychology course, analyze and understand human behavior.
Unobrain - Juegos mentales 7.0.2
Más de 60 juegos para poner tu cerebro enformapracticando Brain Fitness. Diseñado por neurocientíficosyrevitalizado por creadores de videojuegos, Unobrain es elgimnasiocerebral más divertido y validado científicamente queexiste enespañol. ¿Quieres estimular tu cerebro y sacar tu mejorversión?Únete a Unobrain.TE OFRECEMOS DOS FORMAS DE ESTIMULAR Y MEJORAR TU CEREBRO1. CUENTA GRATUITA PARA TODA LA VIDA: podrás jugar a una sesión3juegos distintos cada 3 o más días. No tendrás acceso libre atodoslos juegos y verás unas estadísticas básicas. Esta es laforma máslógica de empezar y probar. Mejor estimular tu cerebroque no hacernada... Por cierto, no verás publicidad así que puedesestartranquilo.2. CUENTA PREMIUM PARA TODA LA VIDA: podrás jugar a unasesiónpersonalizada de 3 juegos cada día. Además, tendrás accesolibre ysin límites a los más de 60 juegos (y los que vengan) yverás unasestadísticas avanzadas que miden en qué percentil teencuentras ycuál es tu evolución en el tiempo. Si te quieres tomaresto enserio, esta es la mejor forma de entrenar.PRECIO DE LA CUENTA PREMIUM49,99 € (o su equivalente en otras monedas) para toda la vida.Esoes menos de 1 euro por juego cognitivo (más de 60).¡Importante! Unobrain no tiene publicidad porque interrumpeelentrenamiento por lo que tu apoyo nos resulta fundamentalparaseguir ofreciéndote un producto científico y divertidodeestimulación cognitiva.VALIDACIÓN CIENTÍFICAEl equipo de neurocientíficos de Unobrain ha desarrollado unaampliagama de ejercicios específicamente diseñados para entrenarlasdistintas áreas cognitivas. Nuestros ejercicios, presentadosenforma de divertidos juegos, han sido previamente validadosendiversos estudios científicos. Esta base científicaproporcionagarantía y seguridad a aquellas personas que quierenentrenar ymejorar sus capacidades cerebrales. Más información sobrenuestrosestudios aquí:ÍSTICAS PRINCIPALES DE UNOBRAIN- Más de 60 juegos mentales y subiendo.- 7 programas de Brain Fitness.- Entrenamientos personalizados (*).- Sesiones diarias de 3 juegos.- Estadísticas de comparación (percentil).- Estadísticas de evolución del desempeño.(*) El algoritmo matemático de Unobrain permite entrenar deformapersonalizada ajustándose a las necesidades y el perfilcognitivo decada persona. Unobrain es capaz de mostrar un índiceglobal delrendimiento cerebral, así como los índices individualesde las áreascognitivas antes mencionadas.ÁREAS COGNITIVAS QUE ENTRENA UNOBRAIN- Atención- Memoria- Percepción y rapidez mental- Funciones ejecutivas, cálculo y lenguaje¡Pon tu cerebro en forma!Estudia mejor, trabaja mejor, vive mejor con Unobrain.More than 60 games toputyour brain in shape by practicing Brain Fitness. Designedbyneuroscientists and revitalized by game creators, Unobrain isthemost fun brain gym and scientifically validated that existsinSpanish. Do you want to stimulate your brain and make yourbestversion? Join Unobrain.WE OFFER TWO WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN AND ENCOURAGE1. FREE FOR LIFE: can play three different games session every3or more days. You will not have free access to all the gamesandsee basic statistics. This is the most logical way to startandtry. Stimulate your brain better than doing nothing ... By theway,you will not see advertising so you can rest easy.2. PREMIUM ACCOUNT FOR LIFE: You can play a personalizedsession3 games every day. In addition, you will have free andunlimitedaccess to 60 games (and come) and see some advancedstatistics thatmeasure in what percentile you are and what yourevolution overtime. If you want to take this seriously, this is thebest way totrain.PRICE PREMIUM ACCOUNT€ 49.99 (or its equivalent in other currencies) for life.That'sless than 1 euro per cognitive game (60).Important! Unobrain has no advertising because itdisruptstraining so your support is critical to keep giving us afunproduct scientific and cognitive stimulation.SCIENTIFIC VALIDATIONThe team of neuroscientists Unobrain has developed a wide rangeofspecifically designed exercises to train different cognitiveareas.Our exercises, presented as fun games, have previouslybeenvalidated in several scientific studies. This scientificbaseprovides security and safety to those who want to train andimprovetheir brain skills. More information about our studieshere: FEATURES UNOBRAIN- Over 60 mind games and climbing.- 7 Brain Fitness programs.- Custom Workouts (*).- Daily sessions of 3 games.- Statistics comparison (percentile).- Evolution of performance statistics.(*) The mathematical algorithm Unobrain allowspersonalizedtraining according to the requirements and cognitiveprofile ofeach person. Unobrain is able to show a global index ofbrainperformance as well as the individual indices of cognitiveareasmentioned above.COGNITIVE AREAS COACHING UNOBRAIN- Attention- Memory- Perception and mental speed- Executive functions, calculation and languagePut your brain in shape!Study better, works better, better lives with Unobrain.
Wombi Detective 1.0
---- A crime has been committed… Now youhaveto solve it! ---"My son adores this game. (...) If you’re looking forsomethingtotally different in a preschooler app, then Detective isadefinite for your collection." - WIRED/GeekMom", especially for junior gumshoes who like to explore.""...Wombi Detective is just about perfect the way it is,makingit an excellent application to recommend to families."-GiggleApps.comOn a late and rainy night, detective Walter MacSneak’sphonesuddenly rings… A robbery has taken place! You have to helpWalterMacSneak with the whole tricky investigation! What havethewitnesses seen? Can you find the guilty party? And where arethestolen goods hidden?Take out the magnifying glass and get ready for anexcitingdetective mystery!Wombi Detective is suitable for kids age 4 and up.FEATURES and CONTENTS:- Many different witnesses, suspects and environments. Every gameisa new detective mystery!- Several different game elements! Great variations!- Illustrations with mysterious detective feeling!- Mood setting animations!- Beautiful noir music!Trailer:
B ou D 1.0.0
Cuca Games
Jogo educativo para criançascomdislexia.Educational gameforchildren with dyslexia.
EÖDL Legasthenie
Der EÖDL hilft bei LegasthenieundDyskalkulieSchülern, Eltern, Lehrern und Trainern. Seit1996arbeiten wir imDienste legasthener und dyskalkuler Menschen.DerEÖDL bietet diebeste Legasthenie undDyskalkuliefernausbildungan.The EÖDLhelpswithdyslexia and dyscalculia students, parents, teachersandtrainers.Since 1996, we work dyslexic and dyskalkuler people intheservice.The EÖDL offers the best dyslexia anddyscalculiadistanceeducation.
Wombi Detective (LITE) 1.0.1
---- A crime has been committed… Now youhaveto solve it! ---"My son adores this game. (...) If you’re looking forsomethingtotally different in a preschooler app, then Detective isadefinite for your collection." - WIRED/GeekMom", especially for junior gumshoes who like to explore.""On a late and rainy night, detective Walter MacSneak’sphonesuddenly rings… A robbery has taken place! You have to helpWalterMacSneak with the whole tricky investigation! What havethewitnesses seen? Can you find the guilty party? And where arethestolen goods hidden?Take out the magnifying glass and get ready for anexcitingdetective mystery!Wombi Detective is suitable for kids age 4 and up.FEATURES and CONTENTS:- Several different game elements! Great variations!- Illustrations with mysterious detective feeling!- Mood setting animations!- Beautiful noir music!In the LITE-version you can test solving one of thedetectivemysteries that are in Wombi Detective for free! Do youlike theapp? Then get the full version with ALL thedetectivemysteries!