Top 23 Apps Similar to Quadratic functions

Quadratic equations 2.1
A simple and easy to use applicationtodetermine the roots of a quadratic equation ax²+bx+c=0.Optionally,you can draw the graphic of the functiony=ax²+bx+c.If there are no real roots, you can also get the complex roots.Theapplication will also show you the position of the complex rootsinthe complex diagram.On version 2 you can find a new design and a new feature: Youcannow double tap over a number to change its signal.If you find any bug or any other issue please report here orinthe YouTube video before giving a negative rating. I'll be happytohelp you by helping you to get a fix.A commercial version, with some more features and without ads,isnow available! Search for "Quadratic Equations +"
quadratic equation 2.0
Jose Caceres
Simple application that solves thequadraticequation ax ² + bx + c = 0 using the quadraticformula.You can get the roots are complex solution to thequadraticequation.Math.No publicity.Remember to evaluate the application.Give me your opinion.
NaN Quadratic Function 1.11
All you need in quadratic funcion. Step by step solutionsandformulas.
Quadratic Equation Solver 4.0
GK Apps
Solve quadratic equations!
Mathematics 3.4.3
Advanced calculator for school or study
Graphing Calculator + Math 4.15.160
Graphing Calculator by Mathlab is ascientificgraphing calculator integrated with algebra and is anindispensablemathematical tool for students from high school tothose in collegeor graduate school, or just anyone who needs morethan what a basiccalculator offers. It is designed to replace bulkyand costlyhandheld graphing calculators and works on virtually anyAndroidphone or tablet.Free version requires internet connection and contains ads!Upgradeto PRO!Video: site with instructions andexamples:http://help.mathlab.usIf you have a question, send email to calc@mathlab.usSCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR• Square root, cube and higher roots (hold √ key)• Exponent or power, use x^ key, (x^2)• Logarithms ln(), log(), log[base]()• Trigonometric functions sin π/2, cos 30°, ...• Hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh, ... (hold "e" keytoswitch)• Inverse functions (hold direct function key)• Complex numbers, all functions support complex arguments• Derivatives sin x' = cos x, ... (hold x^ key)• Scientific and engineering notation (enable in menu)• Percent mode• Binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers, 0b1010, 0o123, 0xABC• Save and load historyGRAPHING CALCULATOR• Multiple functions graphing• Implicit functions up to 2nd degree (ellipse2x^2+3y^2=1,etc.)• Polar graphs (r=cos2θ)• Parametric functions, enter each on new line (x=cos t,y=sint)• Function roots and critical points.• Graph intersections• Tracing function values and slopes• Slide to scroll• Pinch to zoom• Fullscreen graphs (PRO)• Function tables• Save graphs as images• Save tables as csv• 3D graphs (PRO)FRACTION CALCULATOR• Simple and complex fractions 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6• Mixed numbers, use space to enter values 3 1/2• Use parentheses (1+2)/(3+4)=3/7ALGEBRA CALCULATOR• Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1• Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1• Approximate roots of higher polynomials• Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line,x1+x2=1,x1-x2=2• Polynomial long division• Polynomial expansion, factoring• Linear and quadratic inequalitiesPROBABILITY AND STATISTICS• Hold n! key to enter functions, double tap dot toentercomma• Combinations nCr(5,2)=10• Permutations nPr(5,2)=20• Sample A=[1 2 3 4 5]• Sample B=[2 3 4 5 6]• Sum sum(A) = 15• Average avg(A) = 3• Median median(A) = 3• Sample variance var(A) = 2.5• Population variance varp(A) = 2• Standard deviation stdev(A) = 1.58..., stdevp(A) = 1.41...• Covariance cov(A,B) = 2.5• Correlation corr(A,B) = 1MATRIX CALCULATOR• Matrix and vector arithmetic operations• Vector cross product, dot product (hold *) and norm• Matrix determinant, inverse, transpose and trace functionsLIBRARY• Physical constants (PRO)• User defined constants and functions (PRO)• Save expressions for future reference
GeoGebra Graphing Calculator 5.0.632.0
Easily solve math problems, graph functionsandequations, do statistics and calculus, combine withinteractivegeometry, save and share your results. Millions ofpeople aroundthe world use GeoGebra to learn mathematics andscience. Join us:Dynamic Mathematics for everyone!• Plot functions, polar and parametric curves• Solve equations with our powerful math engine• Experience sliders, points, graphs and geometry allworkingtogether• Get intersections, roots, maximums, minimums, derivativesandintegrals• Do statistics and regression with best-fit lines and curves• Search for free learning activities directly from our app• Save and share your results with friends and teachersVisit to learn more and find all our freeGeoGebraapps. We’d love to hear from you: send us your questionsorfeedback via or
Math Wiki - Learn Math 3.2.12
Learn and practice mathematics with many explanations, examplesandexercises
Calculadora De Funciones 1.1
Pedro Umiri
Useful tool that calculates the roots of linear andquadraticfunctions.
Grapher - Equation Plotter
An extensive yet lightweight math graphing calculator andequationsolver.
Funciones 1.0
Esta aplicación de EditorialEditexS.A.representa cualquier función introducida por teclado,dándonosunavisión sobre su continuidad, extremos e intervalosdecrecimiento,entre otras cosas. Comprende lossiguientesapartados:- Teoría: contiene un documento en formato PDF con unresumendecontenidos.- Práctica: permite la representación gráfica decualquierfunciónintroducida, así como comunicarnos si es continuaen unpunto, sies creciente/decreciente o cóncava/convexa en él, osiéste esobjeto de un máximo/mínimo/punto de inflexión.- Test: permite realizar una autoevaluación con 10ejerciciostipotest recogidos de forma aleatoria.- Problemas: este apartado está destinado a laresolucióndeproblemas, uno resuelto a modo de ejemplo y otros 5propuestosalusuario.ThisapplicationEditexEditorial S.A. It represents any function enteredbykeyboard,giving us a vision of continuity, extreme and intervalsofgrowth,among other things. It includes thefollowingsections: - Theory: contains a PDF document with asummaryofcontents. - Practice: allows graphical representation ofanyinputfunction and communicate if it is continuous at a point ifup/down or concave / convex in it, or if it is subject to amaximum/minimum / turning point. - Test: make a self-assessment exercises with10multiplechoice randomly collected. - Problems: This section is aimed at solvingproblems,onesettled by way of example and another 5 proposed totheuser.
MATH 42 3.3.24
Chegg, Inc.
MATH 42 helps students to understand math and solve their homework
SAT Math Algebra & Functions L 1.5
Most comprehensive SAT Math - Algebra & Functions app.
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Desmos Inc
Explore math with Desmos! Plot functions, create tables,addsliders, and more.
MathApp Funciones 1.1
MathApp - Funciones es una aplicaciónquetepermitirá tener al alcance de tu móvil lasfuncionesmatemáticascon su debida explicación, y una serie deejemplosresueltos paracada tema.Su mayor finalidad es explicar cada función de unamanerasencillapara el mejor aprendizaje y utilización de lasmismas."Reto de Desarrollo de Soluciones Móviles"MathApp - Functionsisanapplication that lets you have at yourmobilemathematicalfunctions with due explanation, and a series ofworkedexamples foreach topic.Their greatest purpose is to explain each function in asimplewayfor better learning and using them."Challenge of Development of Mobile Solutions"
Funkcja Kwadratowa 1.0.1
Application to count everything possible as a function ofthesquare.
二次関数の解 1.0
二次関数の解を簡単に求めることができます!分数、小数の形で求められます!やることは画像にしたがって、a,b,cを入力するのみでラクチンです!ただし、平方根部分の素因数分解は各自でお願いします。(値が大きくなると非常に時間がかかるため)You can easilyobtainedthesolution of quadratic function!I will be asked in the form of fraction, decimal!according to the image, that it is easy to do only inputs a,b,andc!However, I ask yourself the prime factorization of thesquarerootpart.(Because of the time it takes a very long value is greater)
Quadratic Equation Solver with 1.4.2
K. Dev
Solves quadratic equations/ formulas and gives you thestep-by-stepsolution
Quadratic equation 1.0.0
Pavel Kříž
Solving quadratic equations in the setofrealnumbers and the set of complex numbers.For given coefficients a, b, c calculatesdiscriminantD.According to the value of the discriminant roots arerealorcomplex numbers.The application clearly displays the entered valueandthecalculated results. It contains a table of values ​​todrawthegraph.The application is localized in English,Spanish,Czech,Portuguese.
二次関数計算 1.0
二次関数を計算するアプリです。答えに√がある場合、√付きで表示か小数にして表示かを選ぶことができます。計算式が画面の横幅よりも長くなった場合、式をスライドさせることができます。式にある+はタップすることで-に変えることができます。It is anapplicationthatcalculates the quadratic function.If there is a √ to answer, you can choose whether to viewthedisplayin decimal or √ with.If the formula is longer than the width of the screen, youwillbeable to slide the formula.You can change the - by tapping in the expression +.
TeachMe Quadratics 1.0
Have you ever wondered what Quadraticsareallabout?This app enables you to visualise graphically whathappenswhenyou change the values of a, b and c in the quadraticequation y=ax² + bx + c. Generally the shape of the graph is aparabola.Butis it always parabolic? Where does it cross the x and yaxes –ifat all? Where is the vertex – if there is one? Thisandotherquestions can be answered using this app.The main features of the app are:* An interactive approach to help deepen understandingofQuadraticEquations* Visualising the quadratic equation and its x/yinterceptsandvertex graphically* Zoom in/out graphically* On-screen take-by-the-hand walkthrough tohelphighlightinteresting mathematical features* A Quadratic Calculator to calculate the x/yintercepts,vertex,factored and vertex forms of the quadratic fromchosenvalues fora, b and c (for real values).Keywords: quadratics, trinomial factoring,graphvisualisation,parabola, algebra, GCSE, college, math,mathematics,GRE, SAT,ACT
OLD of Graph plotter[see new i 7.0.3
Ivan Petuhov
It allows you to explore a function with graph making anddetaileddecision
Integral calculator 31
Integral, derivate, function plotter, limit calculation