Top 17 Games Similar to 2zero Business

CO2HERO: Take low-CO2 actions 2.9.10
All you need to cut down your carbon footprint in a balanced way.
Carbon Footprint & CO2 Tracker 1.2.3
Sustainability guide on your climate change impact, optionalcarbonoffsetting
AlcCalc - BAC calculator 1.0.43
Most intuitive and easy-to-use blood alcoholcontent(BAC)calculator.
Retire with Crypto: Calculator 1.0.0
Staking allows you to use your existing crypto togeneratepassiveincome without actually selling any of yourcoins.Differentcryptocurrencies offer different rates of return peryearon thenumber of coins you stake ( which is Annual PercentageYieldorAPY). The staking reward you get is usually in the formofthecurrency you staked (e.g., if you stake Cardano, you willgetaspecific amount of Cardano as a reward fromstaking).Thisapplication allows you to calculate how many coins youneedtostake to retire and live off on your stakingreward.Features:Learn: we briefly explained the terms often used incryptospacefor people new to crypto. Calculate reward: you cancalculatehowmany coins you need to stake to achieve your yearlyincomegoalsolely from the rewards. This application willthenautomaticallycalculate the approximate investment required inaspecificcryptocurrency with precise calculationdetails.Sincecryptocurrency prices are constantly fluctuating, wehavealsoprovided approximate calculations with morerealisticpricevariations in case the prices go up or down.Calculate budget:Ourbudget calculator is specifically designed foryourpocket,something you might want to use daily. In thiscalculator,you canchange multiple variables to fit your budget. Forexample,you cancalculate how many Cardano you can get in 200dollars orcheck howmany dollars are required to buy 200 Cardano.And to makethingseven better, you can also check how much money youneed toinvestin Cardano to earn a 200 dollar reward per year.Support: Donotforget to support our developers with your coin ofchoice. Thisappwill put your spending habits into perspective, nomatter ifyouare a newcomer in the crypto space or acryptoaficionado.Disclaimer: This application is for educationalpurposesonly. I amnot a financial advisor, and nothing mentioned inthisapp isfinancial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies has itsrisksandcan pose financial losses. Similarly, the calculations inthisappare not 100% accurate either. You are entitled toyourownfinancial decisions. Your discretion is highlyadvised.Currently,all the calculations are done in USD; we areplanning tosupportmore currencies in the future. Please note thatnotallcryptocurrencies allow staking, and in this application, wedonothave all the currencies that allow staking either.
Machining calculator 1.19
Technological parameters calculation for milling, turninganddrilling.
OneCalc+ All-in-one Calculator 2.1.9
Calculator with unit converter and 30+ specific calculatorsforeveryday use
Hi5 Calculator 1.1.3-20685.0
Calculator is a free, simple and handy application thatwillhelpyou…
Unitto — calculator, converter Lilac Luster
Sad Ellie
Calculator and unit converter without ads
CalcList - Calculate Your List 2.7.2
Calculator for Your Valuable List
Decarbon 3.1.0
Feel empowered to take action on climate change! Decarbon isasimpleapp to help you understand and lower your carbonfootprint.It's likeFitBit for carbon tracking. Automated carbonfootprinttracking: -Set a carbon budget and reduce the impact ofyourpurchases over time- 100% transparent - Open sourcecarbonfootprint assessments - 100%free (no ads or paywalls) HowDecarbonworks: 1. Link your bank (ordon't) 2. Automaticallytrackpurchases 3. Learn to reduce youremissions 4. Try carbonoffsetsfor $1 ==================== I startedDecarbon becauseI'm...scared. The climate emergency feels more andmore desperate,andfor years I've struggled to understand both whatmy contributiontothe problem is and what I can actually do aboutit.HopefullyDecarbon will serve as a simple tool to helpdemystifythose thingsfor us. If understanding the climate impact ofapurchase was justas easy as knowing it's price, iftrackingeverything was supereasy, and if we all reduced our impacttowithin a sustainableamount, maybe we can start to turn thisshiparound. (I know thatoil companies and governments bear thebiggestresponsibility, butthat doesn't mean we should do nothing!)Lastly,we're committed tokeeping Decarbon completely free foreveryone -no paywalls, ads,or selling your data (yuck!). Peace andlove,Kyle==================== Why does Decarbon track CO2e?Carbondioxideequivalents (CO2e) is a standardized way to comparethetotalgreenhouse gases embodied in our purchases. Forexample,eventhough burning gasoline when we drive our cars includesmethaneandnitrous oxide gases in addition to carbon dioxide, we canuseCO2eas a total metric for it’s impact. Decarbon tracks CO2etokeepthings simple and to help you easily compare the impactofyourpurchases apples-to-apples. How does Decarbon calculatetheCO2eimpact of my purchases? Tap the info icon on your purchasetoseethe exact calculation Decarbon made! The CO2e impactforyourpurchases is a simple multiplication of the purchaseamount,theCO2e emissions factor (CO2e per $) of the purchasecategory,andany modifiers that you can apply to the purchase tomake itmoreaccurate. What should my annual CO2e budget be? Itshould be aslowas humanly possible! The initial goal on Decarbon is7 metrictonsof CO2e per year, so you can start with that and thenlower itasyou begin to understand your impact. Ultimately, we needtolimitclimate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius, so your goal shouldbeaslow as possible to support that. How does Decarbon connecttomybank? Decarbon uses Plaid, a trusted third-party tool,toconnectto your bank and get transaction information fromyourchecking andcredit card accounts. Plaid is used by Venmo,AmericanExpress,Coinbase, and others to manage their user’sbankconnections. Whatbank data does Decarbon have access to? Onceyouconnect a bank,Decarbon will have view-only access tothetransactions of yourassociated checking and credit cardaccounts.Decarbon never hasaccess to your bank login credentials,accountnumbers, or routingnumbers. Decarbon can’t make anytransactions onyour accounts.Will Decarbon work outside the USA?You can useDecarbon anywhere,but the experience is currentlyoptimized forindividuals living inthe United States. >>>Learn more>>> Contact us Give adamn aboutclimate change!
Worldy Experiences 1.8
Worldy Srl
Live your Authentic experience
Textron Inc.
NEW NOW AVAILABLE FOR CABLE TRAY AS WELLGreenlee continues to drive efficiency with PullCalc, an appthathelps electricians and contractors approximate the pull forceneededto install an electrical cable inside of conduit or in acable tray.This will help contractors to select the correctpulling equipmentfor the jobsite.Data is entered by "legs" and each leg is considered to beastraight run of conduit followed by a bend, except the lastleg,which usually has no bend. The calculation for each legrequiresthe following information to be entered:- Wire size- Number of wires- Conduit I.D.- Duct Material- Material of the Cable Insulation- Coefficent of Friction*- Length of Leg- Bend angle- Vertical RiseThe added functionality to calculate force in cable trayallowsone to input if the “leg” is horizontal, up or down. Thiswillenable the end user to accurately estimate the complete runofcable tray.*Due to unknown factors involved, it prohibits givingexactresults, most notably the coefficient of friction.Lubrication,surface texture, and lay of the cable are never uniformalong thelength of a conduit run. Comparing the known forces ofpullsagainst the estimated force should give you a guide as for agoodcoefficient of friction to use for similar future pulls, andatable with some suggested starting points for the coefficientoffriction of well-lubricated cable is a drop down option in theapp.If lubricant is not used, triple the values in the table.Greenlee continues to drive efficiency by expanding PullCalcappnow to use it with the new Greenlee Smart Pull. Now monitorpullingforce, speed and distance in real time by connecting withGreenleesmart pull• Yellow flashing alert to end user when you are > 80% ofMaximumcable tension• Red flashing alert when you are > 100% of Maximumcabletension• Email data directly from phone• Social media integration
NumWorks Graphing Calculator 20.3.2
The graphing calculator that makes learning math easier.
GIS Mapper - Surveying App for 1.7
GIS Mapper is a Real-time GIS Data Collection & SurveyingAppusing GPS/GNSS.
EyeOnWater 2.9.03702
Badger Meter
EyeOnWater is available to customers of supported utilities.
Trimlog: Sailing Analytics 1.1.13
Team Regatta Training with Trim Diary, Trim Forecast,GPS-Trackingand Analytics