Top 6 Apps Similar to VII Congreso Paciente Crónico

Denti-Restoration 1.0
Archive your PatientsRestorationInformation
Aplicación para pacientes de IMEDHOSPITALES,através de la cual se obtienen las siguientesfuncionalidades:- Pedir citas en tiempo real.- Llevar un control de las citas pendientes, conposibilidaddeanularlas.- Solicitar atención telefónica del call-center de citas,- Pedir ambulancia, para un servicio normal o paraurgencia.Seremite el geoposicionamiento al servicio deambulancias.- Obtener la medicación prescrita por el médico con laposibilidaddeestablecer el plan de tomas y añadirlo a la agendapara querecuerdelas tomas.- Activar/Desactivar la notificación/recordatorio decitasporemail.IMEDapplicationHOSPITALpatients, through which the following featuresareobtained:- Making appointments in real time.- Keep track of upcoming appointments, with thepossibilityofannulling them.- Request call call-center dating,- Request ambulance for normal service or urgency.Geoambulanceservice refers.- Get the medication prescribed by the doctor with thepossibilityofestablishing the plan of shots and add it to thecalendar toremindshots.- Enable / Disable the notification / appointmentreminderbyemail.
Patient History Taker 2.2.2
This app is a database app, designedforMedical history (doctors to note down the history of theirpatientsfor later viewing). It has a search bar which can be usedto findthe targeted patient using his Name or Phone Number. The appallowsyou to store patient logs along with a special history buttonwhereyou can store quick notes for each patient.Please comment and rate the app. Also give suggestions and whatelsedo you want to see in the app so that I can give you all thatyouwant in the next update.
Dentist Manager 1.17
Application which enables dentists to manage their list ofpatients.
My Patients 1.4
This is an outdated version of the program.Thenew version is available at:
V Congreso Paciente Crónico 1.0.3
App oficial del V Congreso NacionaldeAtenciónSanitaria al Paciente Crónico.Consulta toda la información relacionada con elcongreso(programacientífico, ponentes, salas, colaboradores,sociedadesorganizadoras,información práctica sobre desplazamientosyalojamiento).Planifica tu visita incluyendo en tu agenda las ponenciasdetuinterés o marcándolas como favoritas.Valora las sesiones.Sigue el congreso en directo.Official AppVNationalCongress Chronic Patient Healthcare.Check all information related to theconference(scientificprogram, speakers, rooms, staff, organizingcompanies,practicalinformation on travel and accommodation).Plan your visit including your agenda papers ofinterestormarking them as favorites.Rate the sessions.Follow the conference live.