Top 50 Apps Similar to GnomGuru Appointment Scheduler

Bumpix - Appointment Scheduling 1.3.261
Bumpix is a convenient app for appointment scheduling.Now,appointment scheduling will be fast and convenient. Advantages:-Does not require Internet connection. - User-friendly displayoftime slots available for appointment scheduling. - Sendsremindersto Clients. - Keeps accounting of income and expenses.-User-friendly interface allows several Specialists to work intheapp at once. - Personal page for online booking. - Allowsflexiblesetting of working schedule (you can even create a scheduleforevery day). - Securely stores data on the server and restoresthemif needed. - Works on several devices simultaneously. - Allowstocreate both appointments and personal events. The app may beusedto schedule appointments with nail and makeupartists,hairdressers, stylists, eyebrow specialists, doctors, andotherspecialists offering services. Bumpix is designed not onlyforindividual Specialists. It is even more useful to smallbeautyparlors. You can keep track of your Clients and managehowSpecialists work directly from your phone or tablet.NewSpecialist's Profiles get a one-month free trial period.Bumpixservices are offered for a fee.
DIKIDI Business 2.2.0
DIKIDI Business - бесплатное приложениедляавтоматизации деятельности салонов красоты и частныхмастеров.Включает в себя следующие возможности:- планирование работы частного мастера или ваших сотрудников- контроль над наиболее важными показателями деятельности(продажи,записи, клиенты, загруженность, денежные средства) спомощьюDashboard. Также доступна динамика показателей по сравнениюспредыдущими периодами- онлайн-запись для Ваших клиентов различными способами: черезсайтDIKIDI и мобильное приложение DIKIDI Online, через личныйсайтцентра красоты (мастера), а также социальные сети. Всемиспособамионлайн-записи можно поделиться с клиентами прямоизприложения- встроенный мессенджер для общения с клиентами,коллегами(сотрудниками), а также со Службой поддержки сервиса- автоматическая рассылка смс-напоминаний клиентам опредстоящемвизите- бесплатные push-уведомления о новых записях, отзывах для васиваших сотрудников- возможность управлять сразу несколькими компаниями вприложении(сеть салонов)- настройка каталога услуг (цена и время), привязка услугкСотрудникам- создание электронной клиентской базы- ведение записей и карточек клиентов, просмотр историиихвизитов- возможность проведения оплаты визита клиента- настройка доступов для сотрудников- интеграция с внешними программамиСервис с указанными возможностями предоставляется бесплатно!DIKIDI Business - надежный и удобный сервис для автоматизацииработыцентров красоты и частных мастеров. Все данные защищены идоступнытолько пользователям, у которых есть доступ к рабочемукабинету сучетом назначенных прав и ролей.DIKIDI Business - afreeapp for the automation of beauty salons and private masters.Itincludes the following features:- planning for the private master or your employees- control of the most important indicators of activity(sales,records, customers, utilization, cash) by using Dashboard.speakeris also available for performance compared topreviousperiods- on-line entry for your customers a variety of ways: viathewebsite and mobile DIKIDI DIKIDI Online application throughapersonal site beauty center (master), as well as socialnetworks.All ways online records can be shared with clientsdirectly fromthe application- built-in instant messenger to communicate with clients,colleagues(employees), as well as Customer Support service- Automatic sending SMS reminders to customers about theupcomingvisit- free push-notifications of new posts, a review for you andyouremployees- the ability to manage several companies in the application(anetwork of salons)- directory services setup (cost and time), binding servicestoemployees- the creation of e-customer base- maintaining records and customer cards, view the history oftheirvisits- the possibility of client visit payment- Access setting for staff- Integration with external programsService with these features is free!DIKIDI Business - reliable and convenient service for automationofbeauty centers and private masters. All data is protectedandavailable only to users who have access to a study room,takinginto account the rights and roles assigned.
Clifin: Appointment Scheduling 1.6.10
Manage your Appointments, Services with Clifin the BusinessExpenseTracker App.
DIKIDI Online 4.3.0
DIKIDI Online: online booking to the company and toprivatespecialists
Team: Bookkeeping, Inventory 1.10.43
Business inventory management, sales tracker, accounting ofgoodsand services
YCLIENTS For Business 2.15.3
Book an appointment, manage your schedule & analyticsforbusiness
Bitrix24 CRM And Projects
Bitrix Inc
Bitrix24 is a free project management, CRM andcollaborationplatform.
Calendar Clients 7.3.8
Yury Matatov
If you accept clients on a specific schedule and time,thisprogramwill help you in your business! The program'sobjectives: 1.Freeup your precious time; 2. Do not occupy thememory of yourdevice;3. Reliable storage of all entered data abouttheclient.Opportunities: 1. No registration; 2. Sync withyouraccountcalendar; 3. Storing data in your calendar account; 4.Quickaccessto your customers; 5. Automatic accounting of incomeandexpenses;6. An elementary understanding of accounting forprofitsandattendance accounting; 7. No problems replacingthedevice.Functions: 1. Quick manual entry of the client intothelist; 2.The contents of the list can be changed. The client canberemovedfrom the list, or moved to another time or date.Ifnecessary, cancall to client from a list; 3. You can recordtheinformation abouta client: - cost of services; - costs;-additional information; 4.For those who provide their clientswithseveral or more services,it is possible to create a listofservices with individual data onthe cost and expenses oftheservice; 5. Statistics for the lastsix months, includingthecurrent month: - Profit statistics; -Attendance statistics;6.There is a widget that is updated at thebeginning of the dayanddisplays a list of customers for thecurrent day; 7. Clientarrivalreminder; 8. You can celebrateweekends during the week.Download,use, comment, write yourwishes!!! Let us together make theprogrambetter!!! Thank you!!!Thanks! Good luck!
Light — tutor's calendar 0.0.181
Schedule and tracking payments
МойСклад. Торговля, склад и CRM онлайн 3.94
Мобильное приложение МойСклад позволяетбыстрооцениватьэффективность работы магазина в текущиймомент.Просматривайтепреднастроенные отчеты о продажах и заказахвмобильном интерфейсе.Быстро, наглядно, удобно!Приложениепредназначено только дляпользователей сервиса и неявляетсяполноценной заменой основнойверсии нашего продукта. •Наглядноепредставление данных о продажахи заказах вашего магазина.•Информация о товарах: цены и остаткина складах. МойСклад -этооблачный сервис для управленияторговлей. Его возможности:•Управление продажами и закупками. •Ведение складского учета.•Автоматизация розничных точек. •Контроль финансов. • Работасклиентской базой. • Печать счетов,накладных и других документов.Насегодняшний день МойСклад входитв число лидеров российскогорынкаSaaS-приложений, сервисом ужевоспользовались 500 000 компаний.
Помощник мастера: Учет клиенто 1.3.1
Sasin Artyom
Customer registration, time and service cost accounting, incomeandexpense management
OneSoil Scouting: Farming Tool 5.11.1
Know what's on your fields, keep an eye on plant health,markproblem areas, and harvest on time. OneSoil Scouting is afreeagriculture app for farmers, crop consultants, and agronomiststhatassists with farming operations and lets you conductfarmmonitoring via satellite. 📈 Get vegetation data updatesOneSoilScouting calculates the vegetation index (NDVI) of a plantusingsatellite imagery. The field will be divided into coloredzones(brown-yellow-green) based on the NDVI value. This helpsdetectproblem areas. The NDVI updates every 3-5 days if the weatheriscloudless. Switch on notifications in app settings to stay ontopof updates. 🗺 Automatic field boundary detection OneSoilScoutingautomatically detects your field boundary using satelliteimagesfrom Sentinel-2. All you need to do is select your fieldsbytapping them on the map. ✍ Add field notes You can either chooseapre-selected issue type (e.g., crop diseases, pests, water,weeds,plant lodging) or create a blank note. Customize your notebyadding a note color, writing a comment, or adding a photo. Thenotewill be pinned on your field map. This app just madeagronomyeasier. The pins can be added remotely from the office orwhenyou're scouting fields. In this case, the satellite candetermineyour exact geolocation. 💪 Work offline No Internetconnection? Noproblem! You can still check the last 6 months ofNDVI values foryour fields, add notes, and edit field info (add newcrops, specifytheir growth stages and seeding dates, and more). ⛅Weatherforecast Check the weather forecast for your field and seeourspraying time recommendations. 🌱 Add crop growth stages Addagrowth stage for your crops to plan fieldwork more thoroughly.Thecurrent phenophase can be added in the field card. 🔗Sharefieldsand notes Share your fields and agro notes with yourcolleagues.They will be able to see the note content and/orvegetation index,but won't be able to make any edits. *** 🏆TheUN-supported WSAGlobal Congress 2020 ranks our platform as the BestProduct in theEnvironment & Green Energy category. OneSoil is amember of theGlobal Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture hostedby the Foodand Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO). *** AboutOneSoil: We also offer a web app with the followingfarming tools:Fertilizers: Calculate variable rates to applynitrogen orphosphorus and potassium fertilizers and then create atask foragricultural machinery equipped with onboard computers.Sowingrate: Calculate variable sowing rates and create a taskforagricultural machinery equipped with onboard computers.Weather:See the five-day forecast and growing degree-days andaccumulatedprecipitation charts. Field Data: Visualize the resultsof yourfieldwork that your onboard computer uploads as files. ❓ Ifyouhave any questions, please contact us at or intheonline chat (Look for the blue icon in your profile tab). ✔Stayconnected: Facebook Twitter Telegram Thank you for readingthisfar! We're proud to have such a motivated user. 😊
2GIS: Offline map & Navigation
City directory with driving directions, GPS Navigation &publictransport routes
Flashcards for Kids in Russian 12.1
1500 cards in Russian and 5 educational games
Касса МойСклад. POS для 54-ФЗ 3.18.3
Free cash register program. Trading in the store, printingchecksonline and offline
Yandex Maps and Navigator 16.6.1
Search organizations, get directions, traffic & transportinfo,use maps offline
Wachanga, Parenting Guide
Wachanga is your personal guide for yourkid'sup-bringing.The App includes lots of tasks for parents to assist them intheirkids comprehensive development: intellectual andphysicaldevelopment, socialization, emotional sphere, etc. Thetasks aregiven individually according to the child age.You will manage to save the report on the tasks execution, andthenin a while reminisce your kid early childhood developmentwithtender emotions. Photos of your little one's first events,heightand weight graphics, lists of favorite toys and fairy tales…Allthese and even much more will be kept in the colorfulkeepsakejournal of your child.Create the journal by the whole family, each on their own phone,andthen share interesting moments of your child developmentwithrelatives and close friends!Key features:• Timeline – post notes about interesting moments of yourkid'sdevelopment, add appropriate photos.• Metrics – fix your kid's height and weight as often as you cantoget graphics, pretty colorful lines and recommendationsforphysical development.• Tasks - are specially issued assignments for you nd yourchild.Executing the tasks with your little one, you'll help himtoacquire new knowledge and skills. Improve yourparentallevel!• Forms – answer the questions in the thematic forms to keepyourlittle one's important development periods.• Relatives – a list of your relatives and friends in Wachanga.Youwill never forget their kids names and miss theirbirthdays.• News – be aware of your friends' kids development!
CallMaster: Blocker & Callerid 7.4
call recorder, spam call blocker, caller id, record phonecalls,call filter
My Southern Cross 3.0.7
Policy benefits, prior approvals, faster claiming, member offersandCareHQ
Masters – расписание мастера 1.23
LLC JamSoft
Masters (мастерс) – онлайн записьклиентов,электронный блокнот, учет доходов и расходов для мастеровкрасоты:маникюр, косметолог, бровист, стрижка, прически,наращивание... Длятех, кто хочет быть профи!Он-лайн запись к мастерам красоты разного профиля:- макияж, коррекция бровей, наращивание ресниц, татуаж,косметологиялица, массаж, эпиляция, косметология тела, пирсинг,татуировки,стрижка, окрашивание, прически, укладка волос,наращивание, уход заволосами, завивка, выпрямление, маникюр,педикюр, наращиваниеногтей, дизайн ногтей, уход за ногтями.А также: фитнес, велнес-центры (wellness), спа-салоны, и записьназанятия йогой.Для мастера:- ведение списка клиентов;- ведение календаря записей клиентов;- автоматические уведомления клиентам о записи на услугуилиизменении расписания;- галерея работ мастера.- онлайн запись клиентов к мастеру.Для клиента:- поиск мастера красоты в своем городе;- просмотр профиля и расписания мастера красоты;- запись на услугу;- список избранных мастеров красоты;- архив своих записей к мастерам красоты.Приложение подойдет как для частных мастеров, так и длямастеров,работающих в салонах красоты и имеющих своихклиентов.Скачайте бесплатное приложение Masters и найдите себесвоегомастера. Будьте всегда на связи, используйте онлайн записькмастеру и получайте напоминания от вашего парикмахера,визажиста,косметолога, мастера маникюра, массажиста илидругогоспециалиста.Masters (Masters) -Onlinecustomer record, an electronic notebook, records of incomeandexpenses for masters of beauty: manicure, beautician,brovist,haircut, hairstyle, capacity ... For those who wants to beapro!On-line entry to the masters of beauty in different fields:- Make-up, eyebrow correction, eyelash extensions, permanentmakeup,cosmetology facial, massage, hair removal, body cosmetics,bodypiercing, tattoos, haircuts, coloring, haircuts, hairstyling,extensions, hair care, perms, straightening, manicures,pedicures,nail extensions , nail design, nail care.As well as a fitness, wellness center (wellness), spas,andrecording on yoga.For the master:- Maintaining a list of customers;- Calendaring client accounts;- Automatic notification to customers of the service recordorschedule changes;- Gallery of the work of the master.- Online customer record to the master.For client:- Search Wizard beauty in their city;- View profile and schedule master of beauty;- Entry to the service;- A list of selected masters of beauty;- Archive your recordings to the masters of beauty.The app is suitable for both private masters, and formasters,working in beauty salons and with its customers.Masters Download the free app and find himself their master.Stayconnected, use the online entry to the master and receiveremindersfrom your hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist,manicurist,massage therapist or other specialist.
Pingo by Findmykids 2.6.52
Parent tracker app and location tracker: locate your kids'smartwatch and phone
alif mobi - mobile wallet with no commission 24/7 3.0.3
Alif wallet lets you make online payments for morethan30services. And you can send and receive money fromfriendsandfamily. Moreover, you can link your cards “Korti milli”(anylocalbanks cards) and make payments and transfer money fromitsaccount.You can refill the wallet via “Korti Milli”, VISA,Mastercards andpayment terminals. Get the app and use all featuresofalif.mobiwithout leaving your home. All features: -Paymentforelectricityand water -Payment for mobile services, internetdata,etc. (nocommission) -Transfer money to friends and familytoalif.mobiwallet or Korti Milli cards (no commission)-Transfermoney betweenKorti Milli cards -Payments via QR for foodandservices (nocommission) -Top up your wallet with Korti Milli,VisaMastercardand in the office in cash desk and via paymentterminalsof Qiwi,ExpressPay, Payvand, Tamvil -Add your frequentpaymentstofavorites -Online chat support inside the app, viaphone,email,Viber, WhatsApp and Telegram -History of all paymentsLinkcards ofKorti Milli You can link Korti Milli cards issued byanybanks ofTajikistan To link the card, you need to specify allthecard’sdata – card number, expiration date, card holder’s fullnameandCVV2 / CVC2 code After linking the card, you can topupalif.mobibalance, make payments to different services includingQRpaymentsand transfer money from the card to your friends andfamilyTop upand withdraw money to account You can use oneofthefollowing methods to top up money: -via cash desk ofAlifCapital(no commission) -via Visa & Mastercard on the appand onthewebsite -linking cards of Korti Milli issued by anybanksofTajikistan -via payment terminals Qiwi, ExpressPay,Payvand,TamvilYou can use of the the following methods to withdrawmoney:-viacah desk of Alif Capital (no commission) -to Korti Millicardsofall banks of Tajikistan (no commission) Eventually themethodsoftopping up and withdrawal money from accountwillbeexpanded and users will be notified about new methods.
LogTime – great notes, tasks a 1.4.3
Increase the level of your personal productivity and awareness
CoinKeeper — expense tracker
Disrapp LLC
Track expenses automatically, control budgets, achieveyourfinancial goals. - Email App
Mail.Ru Group
Simple email client for your Android: Supports,Hotmail,Gmail and more!
Cloud POS (point of sale) 9.4
Skyservice POS (POS terminal) - automation of restaurants,shops,mobile coffee shops, street food, fast food and stalls. Itallowsyou to stock inventory, perform monitoring of employees toanalyzesales statistics. All data is stored in the cloud andaccessiblefrom any device anywhere in the world. In the app youwill findeverything you need to record sales in the store, a cafe,a bar,fudtreke, car wash, shinomantazhe, etc .. Maintainingthewarehouse, editing handbooks goods, different access rightsofusers, configuration, summary reports and analytics - all thisandmuch more is available in the bar. The service is availableccomputer link: All you need to do step3,which will take a couple of minutes: 1. Install the application2.Sign on the system 3. Add the goods and can already be runevenfrom a mobile phone. As each employee can put the app onyourdevice and will not need to buy additional equipment. By usingourproduct: you get: - Access to the system from anywhere in theworld- POS terminal interface for employees working - Work inofflinemode - The opportunity to work with a network ofinstitutions - thepossibility of partial payment by cash or card -inventory control- Statistics - The ability to work on any device -Work with mostprinters - Staff reports - Management of severalinstitutions - Theability to work without a POS terminal tables andquery the PINemployee - Refunds, congregations, as well as a lotmore functionsin a single service - As well as much more .. Thisapp is perfectfor all types of business: Restaurant POS Bar Pointof Sale CafePOS Florist Point of Sale Grocery shop Point of SaleSpa POS SalonPOS Dry cleaner POS Boutique POS Bakeshop Point ofSale PharmacyPOS Fashion Point of Sale Ability to work with sumupbank terminal
Учет для малого бизнеса 1.1.1
Данное приложение разработано для учета в маломбизнесе,учетапредпринимателей, стартапов. В приложении реализованучетостатка идвижения товаров, учет расчетов с покупателямиипоставщиками, учетдоходов и расходов. Есть возможностьформированияпрайс листа иотправки коммерческих предложений.Приложение являетсяполноценнойпрограммой. В приложении использованыследующие видыдокументов:-Реализация / оплата; -Счет на оплату;-Поступление /оплата;-Оприходование товаров; -Списание товаров;-Сборка; -Учетзатрат;-Предложение; Параметры шаблона счета можнонастраивать спомощьюпункта меню "Шаблон Счета" который находится вменю"Прочее". Можновставлять логотип Вашей компании в шапку и внижнейчасти счета.Есть возможность отправлять печатные формысчета,накладной,предложений.
Store inventory management app
Inventory management, store control, sales orders. POSconnectionand control
Paymaster: Incomes & Expenses, Home Bookkeeping 6.1
Don't know how to organize your budget and why doesyourmoneyvanish? Can’t pay back the debts? Can’t save upsomemoney?Paymaster will take control of your daily lifeexpenses!Paymasteris your personal accountant and budget helper,whichtracksexpenses in an automated way and controls your finances.Youwillbe always aware of how much money is in your wallet, onyourcreditcard and your bank account. In addition, you will alwaysknowallabout your debts, what is owed to you and forwhichplannedpurchases you need a budget. The main advantages ofabudgetorganizer Paymaster besides helping to save up yourtime,are: -Automatic creation of transactions from SMS andGooglePaynotifications. - Creation of transactions with the helpofvoiceinput. - Creation of scheduled transactions. -Splittingoftransactions. Using Paymaster, you can fully controlyourpersonalfinances along with the family budget and will get allthedetailsof your incomes and expenses. Furthermore: -Maintainaccounts andconsider transactions using 170 currencies. -Plan andcontrol yourpersonal budget and get notifications aboutexceedingthe budget. -Plan your expenses and incomes usingscheduledtransactions. - Usethe tool as a family expense trackerand homefinance manager. -Analyze your expenses and incomes withthe helpof user-friendlycharts. - Cooperate with other users(combined viewin case ofdealing with family or business budget). -Focus onfinancemanagement and make sure all the debts are takenintoaccount. -Monitor exchange rates and get notifications aboutallthe changes.- Detail transactions using tags and comments.-Protect your datawith the help of password orfingerprintauthentication. - Saveyour data using backups. A videoguide willhelp you to understandall the main app features andessential moneymanagement tools(Menu -> Help). A free version ofPaymaster isalso available!Its functionality is more than enough tohandlebasic expenses anduse as a main money organizer (and itisad-free). If you want tofully control your finances, toanalyzeyour expenses, to monitoryour savings and exchange rates,pleasecheck out the capacities ofthe full version (Menu->Subscriptions). A full version of ourmoney tracker givesmorecapabilities to manage, save and grow. Wetake care about thesafetyof your data. You can read about it inour Privacy policyusing theapplication (Settings -> Privacypolicy) or our website.
Mental Health Diary 127
Build your psychological profile and work with destructive beliefs
Diarize - journal self-care 10.0.1
Diarize Apps
Diarize it's a system of personal development tools to helpyoufocus, be organised, productive as well as goal andactionoriented. Diarize: ★ Help you elevate your life ★ Guide you ★Giveyou some tips ★ Improve your mood and self-esteem ★ Motivateyouevery day ★ Help you keep record of your achievements 1.JournalRecord your daily achievements and daily progress. Whenaddingthem, specify the sphere, complexity and the time spent. Theappwill calculate the effort based on the input data, and displayyourperformance in the form of a graph or chart. Diarystronglymotivates you to maintain and improve the pace ofself-development,improving your mood and self-esteem and remindingof priorities. 2.Life assessment (circle of life) Evaluate yourcurrent situationusing a pie chart. Tracking how your life isbalancing is importantfor your mental wellbeing and to reduce yourstress and anxietylevels. After the assessment, you will be able togetrecommendations helps you determine where you should focusyourpersonal development efforts to become happy. When revisingthespheres subsequently, you will be able to easily tracktheprogress. 3. Day planner Create to-do list for your goals.Scheduleyour day in advance. This increasing your productivityandimproving your efficiency. 4. Statistics Track up your progressinan advanced way. Know your performance in detail and analyzeyourprogress. In app provides you many different charts andstatistics.Premium We offer a premium which contains many extrafeatures andcontent that will help you grow even more.
Just lists for everything 9.5.1
A simple and convenient application for creating lists
ListiClick: Quick List & To Do 202
One click Notepad and List. Easy list creation &management.Shopping list.
Zenmoney: expense tracker 6.7.2
We live in a world of consumers: everyone is after ourwallet.Yetwe’re not always able to evaluate the way ourfinancialdecisionsinfluence our future life. Zenmoney will give youafeeling ofsecurity and confidence in your judgment abilities.Wewill helpyou make the decisions that will change your life tothebest. ———Why should you choose Zenmoney: +  Automatictrackingofexpenses! The app recognizes text messagesandautomaticallycreates transactions. +  The apps areavailableon twoplatforms. The data is synchronized across theplatforms.+ The full-featured domestic accounting isaccessibleviadifferent logins. This service runs since 2010. Newreleasescomeout every month. We have over 200 thousandsregistrations, over10thousands active users. The app shows: — The generaloverviewof your finances: cash, checking, creditcards, loans,deposits. — Where your money goes. —  Howmuch money isavailable,and how much money should be put aside topay the bills.— Money you owe others, and money others oweyou. Zenmoneyismore than just private accounting: it’s a financialassistantthatgives you the right guidance at the right moment. Theapp helpsyouto: —  Manage your domestic economy. Plan andmonitorthefamily budget. Divide the accounts into personal accountsandjointaccounts. —  Analyze your earnings and expensesthroughthespecification of your transactions. The systemofcontext-dependentreports will help you always stay within thegreenzone. — Plan your payments and incomings. — Predictyourexpenses for the future fiscal periods. — Keepdebtaccounting. Questions or suggestions? — Contact usthrough thechatat the “Help” section. We’re available 24/7.
Evernote - stay organized.
"Use Evernote as the place you put everything…Don’t ask yourself which device it’s on—it’s in Evernote" – TheNewYork Times“When it comes to taking all manner of notes and getting workdone,Evernote is an indispensable tool.” – PC Mag---*GET ORGANIZED*Evernote gives you the tools you need to keep your workeffortlesslyorganized:• Write, collect and capture ideas as searchable notes,notebooks,checklists and to-do lists• Take notes in a variety of formats, including: text,sketches,photos, audio, video, PDFs, web clippings and more• Use camera capture to easily scan and comment on pieces ofpaper,including printed documents, business cards, handwritingandsketches• Attach Microsoft Office docs, PDFs and photos• Organize your receipts, bills and invoices• Use Evernote as a digital notepad and easy-to-formatwordprocessor for all your thoughts as they come*SYNC ANYWHERE*Evernote gives you the ability to sync and comment on contentacrossall devices:• Sync everything automatically across any computer, phoneortablet• Start your task working on one device and continue onanotherwithout ever missing a beat*SHARE YOUR IDEAS*Evernote gives you the tools to share, discuss andcollaborateproductively with others:• Create, share and discuss with the people who help get yourworkdone, all in one app• Search within pictures and annotate images to givequickfeedback• Get inspired and brainstorm creative ideas with your teambyworking collaboratively in the same documents*EVERNOTE IN EVERYDAY LIFE*• Make personal checklists to keep your thoughts organized• Set reminders to keep on top of activities and writeto-dolists• Gather, capture and store every thought you need tostayproductive• Plan events such as holidays, weddings or parties*EVERNOTE IN BUSINESS*• Create agendas, write memos and craft presentations• Annotate documents with comments and thoughts duringteammeetings, then share with colleagues• Get your projects underway faster and maximize productivitybyletting multiple participants access and work on differentaspectsalongside each other*EVERNOTE IN EDUCATION*• Keep up with lecture notes so you don’t miss a vitalthought• Clip and highlight articles from the web foracademicresearch• Access and highlight searchable documents• Plan and collaborate for better academic group work• Discuss and annotate notes and drafts*HOME SCREEN WIDGET*Access Evernote easier and faster using the Home screenwidget• 1×1 widget - Need to quickly get to a note, capture somethingoncamera, or search? Pull your favorite feature out of the app intoasingle icon to give you instant access• 4×1 Action bar - Select from 11 different actions to createyourpersonal choice of shortcuts• 4×2 List widget - Shortcuts to key actions of your choosingaswell as a list of notes. The type of note is up to you. Designateaspecific notebook, use recent notes to get back into what youwerejust editing, or populate it with your reminders to stay awareofyour to-dos---Also available from Evernote:EVERNOTE PLUS - More space. More devices. More freedom.• 1 GB of new uploads each month• Unlimited number of devices• Access your notes and notebooks offline• Save emails to Evernote$3.99 monthly, $34.99 annuallyEVERNOTE PREMIUM - The ultimate workspace.• 10 GB of new uploads each month• Unlimited number of devices• Access your notes and notebooks offline• Save emails to Evernote• Search inside Office docs and attachments• Annotate PDFs• Scan and digitize business cards• Show notes as presentations, instantly$7.99 monthly, $69.99 annuallyPrice may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged toyourcredit card through your Google account. Your subscriptionwillautomatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours beforetheend of the current period. You will not be able to cancelthesubscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions inAccountSettings.
1C:Orders - is an application implementedonthe mobile version of the platform 1C: Enterprise 8.The application is designed for sales managers andsalesrepresentatives,who need to take orders from customers mobile, out oftheoffice.The application allows easy recording of orders, payments,claimsfor refund from clientsreference list of customers and interact with them, maintainingalist of products and prices.The app allows you to:- To register clients and information on them - the name, theformof ownership; legal information, delivery conditions(time,address), contact information (name, address, phone,email);- Make calls, write SMS or email to the client;- Maintain a list of items - you can specify the name of one ormoreof the price, part number, unit of measurement, the rate ofVAT, thebarcode.  If necessary, you can group products in anarbitrarybasis; Search the list can be done by barcode using thebuilt-incamera of the mobile device;- Automatically download the prices of goods from a MicrosoftExcelfile (XML spreadsheet);- To accept orders for goods and services from the customerusingthe "Recycle Bin", which is available:    quick product search by name,thearticle;    Search products by barcode usingthebuilt-in camera of the mobile device;    filter by product groups;    Filter for the ordered goods;- Taking orders immediately after the registration oftheclient;- Send order information to the client email in .pdf,.mxlformat;- Send invoices to the customer's email in .pdf format, .mxl;- Send the price list to the email client in the .pdfformat,.mxl;- Output documents and price lists to the printer;- Grant discounts percentage or amount;- To add new products or services at the time of acceptance oftheorder, including via a mobile device built-in camera, byreadingthe barcode;- To quickly browse urgent, overdue, current andcompletedorders;- Register the payment from the customer how to order, andwithoutfoundation;- To register the application for the return of goods fromthecustomer;- To create jobs on the client visit.The app can be used completely independently, it can alsobesynchronized with the automation system installed intheoffice.At the moment, this application solution 1C: Trade Management8,edition 11, 1C: Integrated Automation 2.0 and 1C:EnterpriseManagement ERP 2.When the synchronization is automatically populated withinformationabout products, prices, customers, terms of sales andorderstatus.The "basket" given the ability to filter products by theirpresencein the warehouses of the enterprise indicating theavailablequantity.Additional details of the directories and documents thatareconfigured for the exchange is also transferred.When you set up push-notifications exchange ofapplicationsolutions, you can send arbitrary push-notifications tothe users'mobile devices.The interface is optimized for smartphones and tablets.Attention!it is recommended to backup your data before updatingtheapplication.For application in synchronization mode requires a solution1C:Trade Management 8 version of not lower than 11.2.3or 1C: Integrated Automation 2.0 or 1C: Enterprise Management ofERP2 edition not less than 2.1.3, and connected to theInternet.For the first synchronization WiFi connection is recommended.
Сад. Дом. Огород. 2.0.6
A guide for owners of suburban areas, florists and gardeners.
Forex training, Forex trading simulator 1.2
It is not just sufficient to find profitable strategies, or take1-2training courses from the know-it-all “trading guru” if youwant tolearn Forex trading. I know this firsthand... I have donemore than30 different Forex trading courses (many of which costfrom $100 ormore). However, not a single training has armed mewith as muchbenefit as practice. So, I made up my mind to create aTraderioapplication for novice traders with a simulator fortrading in theForex market. People often ask me where to begintrading infinancial markets! I always reply that they have to readand analyzenews, learn how to use the calendar of economic events,makeassumptions, analyze and never miss an opportunity to checktheirstrategies on the Traderio simulator! By installing theTraderioapplication on your smartphone, you will get access tofree Forextraining for novices. It will completely replace anyonline coursesfor beginners. Traderio application is 100% free.And the mostimportant point is that it can be a great start toyour tradingcareer. How to trade Forex? Only one answer ispossible in thiscase: study, study and study! With ourapplication, you will get allthe necessary investment knowledgefor beginners. In particular, youwill learn: • How the foreignexchange market works and what are thebenefits of Forex trading •Who is a trader, an online broker, whatis a brokerage account, howcurrency trades are made; what iscryptocurrency and how to makemoney on it; which financialinvestments allow you to get the mostreturn • Which Forexstrategies are better to select; how to readfinancial news; is itworth using Forex advisers in fact • How toopt for a reallyreliable broker for online trading among so manyForex brokers(Libertex, Alpari, Olymp Trade, etc.) • Which tradingplatform tochoose: MetaTrader4, MetaTrader 5 or... any other.Whatdifferentiates MetaTrader from other platforms • How doForextrades occur; and how trades on this exchange differ fromtrades onthe stock exchange (NYSE), etc. • All the features of theForexmarket; which trading tools are the most popular • What timeisbetter to trade on the exchange • What is CFD trading and howtowork with CFDs • How to read quotes online • How to trackthedynamics of cryptocurrency rates • What are the nuances, plusesandminuses of trading in oil, securities and metals • Themostimportant Forex trading and crypto trading rules that cannotbeviolated • 14 principles of cryptocurrency trading, andmuchmore!!! However, the most exciting part of our Forex tutorialsfornovices is our quizzes. You can get virtual money forfurthertrading on the simulator for each correct answer! DownloadTraderioapp on your smartphone, do training, earn virtual money forthecorrect answers. Being empowered with the necessaryknowledge(which you may get in this application), you will learnhow to makeinvestments online, trade on the cryptocurrencyexchange, not onlybitcoin, but also ethereum, lightcoin, dash andother TOP digitalassets. We give you knowledge – then it alldepends on you!Traderio is a free Forex tutorial app for beginnertraders!Disclaimer: Traderio would like to remind you that thedatacontained in this app is not necessarily real-time noraccurate.All FX prices are not provided by exchanges but rather bymarketmakers, and so prices may not be accurate and may differ fromtheactual market price, meaning prices are indicative andnotappropriate for trading purposes. Therefore Traderio doesn'tbearany responsibility for any trading losses you might incur asaresult of using this data. Traderio or anyone involvedwithTraderio will not accept any liability for loss or damage asaresult of reliance on the information including data,quotes,charts contained within this app. Please be fullyinformedregarding the risks and costs associated with trading thefinancialmarkets, it is one of the riskiest investment formspossible.
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A new and stylish look. Unique clock faces.
🏠 Работа на дому / Фриланс / Подработка: ALOT.PRO 3.8.35
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Маруся — голосовой помощник 1.83.0
Voice assistant from VK: commands and answers to questions.Weather,music and video
Self-development 2.0 3.4.5
Laiton Apps
Self Development 2.0 will change your life, just read, listenandwrite
Jenji - Expense Tracker 4.4.6
Life is too short to spend time on doing business expenses!Gotreceipts, per-diem, invoices, trip expenses, mileage claims?Jenjitakes care of it all! Use our receipt scanner on yourbusinessexpenses to get the reimbursement, import your digitalinvoices,claim per diems or manage trip expenses with our precisemileagetracker/mile logger. Stay compliant, no more lost orrejectedbusiness receipts! The best part of it, it’s that Jenji isa freeexpense management solution! • It’s Paperless: Your companycanadopt an ecological, productive, and economical approach bygoingpaperless on your expense management just by using ourreceiptscanner and our expenditure tracker. • It’s Automated: Allyourbusiness receipts and invoices are processed automatically,withouterrors after using the Jenji receipt scanner. • It uses AI:Jenjiartificial intelligence allows you to analyze all your dataandgives you a global view of your business expenses. It’s muchmorethan just an expenditure tracker or a mile logger. • It’s easytointegrate: Our Jenji Platform integrates all your internalandexternal data sources into a single point. Making yourexpensereimbursement faster and smarter. Jenji is not justanexpenditure/receipt tracker, mileage tracker, or a smartscannerfor you to manage receipts. Jenji is an app that isreinventing theway companies are managing their business expenses.Companies andpeople can benefit from one of the fastestexpense/receipt scannersof the market and a precise mileagetracker, giving you real-timedata and visibility through apaperless and automated expensetracker. Nowadays more than 35.000companies all over the worldtrust Jenji! You can start improvingyour company business expensestoday, download the app or get incontact with us on our website:
Treeps: motivation & mood 3.32.1
Stapp LLC
Interesting tasks for a variety of daily routine, productivity&stress relief
Mind journal: Diary, Mood trac
Self-discovery journal app. Depression & anxiety relief.Mentalhealth CBT diary
Journal costs 1.22.2
Journal costs - this application is intended for theaccountingofexpenses and incomes. The convenient and informativeinterfacewillhelp you to control the expenditures and to plan thebudget.Mainfeatures: - Add the expenditures and the income inanycurrency(the list of currencies contains 171 items) - Viewthestatisticsof the expenses and incomes in a day, month, year orforthespecified period - Build charts of the expenses and incomesforanytime frame - Balance calculation from a difference oftheincomeand expenditures - Balance for each month - Ability tochoosethemain currency - Ability to add, delete and editcategories-Backups - Password protection - Export to CSV -Currencyrateonline - Widgets The application is regulary updatedandnewfeatures are being added. Have a nice experience!
Notepad notes, memo, checklist 1.80.205
Easy, efficient and very simple notepad.
ClevNote - Notepad, Checklist 2.23.6
Cleveni Inc.
Simple Notepad and Checklist
Карманный доктор первой помощи 3.9
Manual on first aid from a physician, scientist, teacherChaytsevaVG