Top 6 Apps Similar to POI & Autovelox Manager

In a car, searching for a marketplace, agasstation, a restaurant nearby: this app is what you need, withasingle click, it calculates the route to of the POI of yourchoiceand launch google maps navigation.The interface is simplified for ease of use. Unlikeotherapplications, only a click is required to get you to theGPSnavigator, which implies convenience and security when ontheroad!Requires the free application google maps navigation.
Sport Speed Gun(radar gun) 1.6.1
Sports Speed Gun(radar gun) can be used inmostsituations velocity measurement is required, as well asballgames.Existing Speed Gun(radar gun) app but measures the speed basedonthe user's reactionSports Speed Gun(radar gun) vary ~! Recording the image and theHitthe beginning and end of the period agreed rate is how the imageiscalculated automatically.Therefore, unlike any other app and is relatively accurate.(Youcan, of course, should not have applied to the object toofast.==> About shooting speed cameras)The speed can be measured in mile and km. By default, thedistancefrom the mound in baseball is set at 18m distance tohomeplate.Measure the distance according to the changing situation.But in order to be like a professional instrument veryuseful.- How to use -1. First, the center of the screen (the screen anywhere) totouchpeople throwing the ball from one state to therecipientdamseupnida the trajectory of the ball on thescreen.2. Release the ball did touch when you reach yourdestination.3. Save as image from the moment you release the touch fromthemoment are two hours later touch up to this point are usedtocalculate the speed of the ball.4. You can fix this by moving the slider at the bottom ofthescreen, adjust the screen when the ball is finer starting pointandthe ending is changed by changing to a precise adjustment.5. Once the modification is complete, you can relativelyaccuratelydetermine the calculated speed.make by desigmer
Mapzen POI Collector 0.6.1
Mapzen POI Collector lets you addplacesofinterest (POIs) to OpenStreetMap - therevolutionarycommunityproject that is creating the world's mostcomplete, mostup to datemap.
True Bearing 0.7.1
True Bearing is a simple appthatdisplaysorientation and distance from your current locationtosomepoint-of-interest (a runway, a dive spot, a geocache,the9thgreen, etc) using Google maps and your mobile device'sGPS&internal compass. A point-of-interest (POI) can beselectedusingthe map, entered using latitude and longitude, setfromyourcurrent location, or recalled from memory.Possible uses include: aviation, diving, golf,hunting,andgeocaching. Set a POI from your current location whenyou parkanduse True Bearing to find you car later.FEATURES• Tracks your current location and the current trueheadingofyour android device• Select a point-of-interest (POI) using Google maps,byenteringlatitude and longitude explicitly, or fromyourcurrentlocation• Allows one to save a recall POIs• Displays in street mode or satellite view mode• Displays distance in: feet, yards, meters, kilometers,miles,ornautical milesRECENT CHANGESFor v0.7.1• Several bugs were fixed• General stability enhancements were implementedFor v0.7.0• The ability to save and recall POIs• Various auto-fit modes to help position and scale the map.• A new GUI that enables one to easily:- Set the POI from your current location- Bring up the lat/log POI dialog- Center and Fit the current bearing on the screen- Save and recall POIs• Various other small change
POI Beacon Tool 1.3.2
Beacon Monitoring for POIBeaconMonitoringforPOI
RC Velox 0.1
Marco Marconi
RC Velox è un applicazione che è ingradodideterminare la velocità di un aereomodello radiocomandatooanchedi una moto, ma non di un'automobile reale, soloconl'analisiaudio del suono prodotto. L'app è stata pensata perilmondo delmodellismo dinamico, in quanto i modelli, che siano autooaerei,producono un suono inconfondibile dal rumore di fondo,chepuòessere analizzato per determinare lavelocitàdell'oggetto.L'aereo, o qualsiasi altro veicolo che producaunsuonocaratteristico, deve essere fatto passare più vicinopossibiledifronte a noi, per poter rilevare la velocità.Ilcampionamentoaudio deve essere effettuato quando l'oggettoèdistante da noi, eterminare dopo il suo passaggio mentre sistaallontanando.Facendo uso dell'effetto doppler e della trasformatadiFourier,si produce un grafico delle frequenze nel dominio deltempo(unospettrogramma), portando sul suono caratteristicodell'aereo,comeda screenshot, le guide gialle e verdi, sipuòimmediatamentevedere la velocità rilevata. Il parametrodellatemperaturadell'aria è molto importante, dal momento chelavelocità del suononell'aria dipende anche dallatemperaturadell'aria.L'applicazione richiede molta potenza di calcoloperessereportata a termine, e quindi, purtroppo, molti telefonidifasciabassa saranno penalizzati da questo. Sto lavorando adunaversionepiù "leggera" in grado di funzionare anche suhardwarepocopotente.Tutto è partito da una tesi di laurea, e quindi èancoramoltotecnica, ma sto lavorando per renderla fruibiledachiunque.Come si usa:1) Si imposta la temperatura dell'aria, anche approssimativa;2) Premere "Start";3) attendere che l'aereo passi di fronte o sopra di noi;4) Premere "Stop";5) A seconda del telefono il tempo di elaborazione varia daqualche secondo a qualche minuto;6) Portare le guide su una delle frequenze rilevate, erispettivamente la gialla sulla frequenza più alta e laverde su quella più bassa;7) Leggere la velocità rilevata;Guardate gli screenshot per capire come posizionareleguide,scegliete la curva di frequenza più alta possibile, inmododaminimizzare l'errore.Buon Volo a tutti.RC Velox isanapplicationthat is able to determine the speed ofaradio-controlledaereomodello or even of a motorcycle, but not ofareal car, onlywith the audio analysis of the sound produced.Theapp is designedfor the world of the dynamic model, as themodels,which are carsand airplanes, produce an unmistakable soundfromthe backgroundnoise, which can be analyzed to determine thespeedof the object.The plane, or any other vehicle that producesacharacteristicsound, should be passed as close as possible infrontof us, to beable to detect the speed. The audio samplingmust bedone when theobject is far from us, and end after itspassage whileyou're away.Using the Doppler effect and the Fourier transform, itproducesagraph of the frequencies in the time domain(aspectrogram),bringing the characteristic sound of the plane,asscreenshots,guides, yellow and green, you can immediately seethespeeddetected. The parameter of the air temperature isveryimportant,since the speed of sound in air depends onthetemperature of theair.The application requires a lot of computing power tobecompleted,and then, unfortunately, many low-end phones willbepenalized bythis. I am working on a more "light" can also runonlow-endhardware.It all started with a thesis, and so it is stillverytechnical,but I'm working to make it usable by anyone.How do you use it:1) You set the temperature, even approximate;2) Press "Start";3) wait for the plane steps in front or above us;4) Press "Stop";5) Depending on the mobile processing time varies from   a few seconds to a few minutes;6) Bring the guides on one of the frequencies detected, and   respectively the yellow to thehighestfrequencyand the   green on the lower one;7) Read the speed detected;Look at the screenshots to understand how to positiontheguides,choose the frequency curve as high as possible, so astominimizethe error.Flight good at all.