Top 8 Apps Similar to Sommelier TEST - English

Sommelier DOC - Italiano 1.9
Versione SOLO in lingua italiana.Sommelier DOC è un'applicazione che serve per aiutarvi asuperarel'esame da Sommelier in Italia.Nella versione premium vi saranno proposte 2000 domande conlerelative ed esaustive risposte.Vi saranno proposti due percorsi: Studio e QuizIl percorso Studio vi presenterà contestualmente domandeerisposte in sola visualizzazione a scopo di studio.Lavisualizzazione potrà essere fatta per argomento (capitoli)oppurerandom (ordine casuale).La modalità Quiz vi presenterà le domande, anch'essevisualizzateper argomento (capitoli) o random (ordine casuale), male rispostecorrette vi saranno presentate solo quando lodesiderate voi.Per ogni domanda verranno fornite le seguenti opzioni:- rispondi per iscritto: verrà messa a disposizione una caselladitesto per scrivere la vostra risposta- visualizza la risposta corretta- stabilisci risposta esatta o sbagliata- salva domanda in archivio "risposte esatte" o"rispostesbagliate"- non salvare la domandaTutti i quiz salvati nei rispettivi archivi avranno uncontatoree pertanto- indicheranno sempre il numero di domande esatte o errate- visualizzeranno nuovamente in qualsiasi momento sia la domandachela risposta corretta oltre che la vostra risposta se fornitaperiscritto- potrete nuovamente riprovare a rispondere alle domande errateGli argomenti presentati sono suddivisi in 23 capitoli:1 Il Sommelier e l'analisi sensoriale - 1^ Livello2 Viticultura ed Ampelografia - 1^ Livello3 Enologia - 1^ Livello4 Spumanti e Champagne - 1^ Livello5 Vini speciali e passiti - 1^ Livello6 Distillati - 1^ Livello7 Birre ed altre Bevande - 1^ Livello8 Enografia Nazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello9 Enografia Internazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello10 Alimentazione - 3^ Livello11 Tecniche Abbinamento cibo/vino - 3^ Livello12 Master - 4^ Livello13 Abbinamento Vino/Antipasti - 4^ Livello14 Abbinamento Vino/Primi - 4^ Livello15 Abbinamento Vino/Verdure/Legumi - 4^ Livello16 Abbinamento Vino/Carne - 4^ Livello17 Abbinamento Vino/Pesce - 4^ Livello18 Abbinamento Vino/Formaggi - 4^ Livello19 Abbinamento Vino/Dolci - 4^ Livello20 Abbinamento Vino/Salumi - 4^ Livello21 Abbinamento Vino/Uova - 4^ Livello22 Aforismi, citazioni, curiosità - 4^ Livello23 Bouquet Aromatico - 4^ LivelloBuon studio..... buon ripasso .....buon divertimento !ONLY version in Italian.Sommelier DOC is an application that serves to help you passtheexam in Italian Sommelier.The premium version will be proposed 2,000 applications withtherelevant and comprehensive answers.You will be offered two courses: Study and QuizThe route Studio will present the same questions and answersinview-only purposes of study. The display can be done bytopic(chapters) or random (random order).Quiz mode will present you with the questions, which arealsodisplayed for argument (chapters) or random (random order), butthecorrect answers will be presented only whenever you like.For each question will be given the following options:- Reply in writing: it will be made available to a text box towriteyour answer- Displays the correct answer- Establish whether right or wrong answer- Save file in question "correct answers" or "wrong"- Not to save the applicationAll quizzes will be stored in their archives a counterandtherefore- Will always indicate the number of questions right or wrong- Reappear at any moment is the question that the correct answeraswell as your response if provided in writing- You can again try to answer the questions wrongThe arguments presented are divided into 23 chapters:1 The Sommelier and sensory analysis - 1st Level2 Viticulture and Ampelography - 1st Level3 Wine - 1st Level4 Sparkling Wines and Champagne - 1st Level5 Special wines and dessert wines - 1st Level6 Spirits - 1st Level7 beers and other beverages - 1st Level8 enography National and Disciplinary - 2nd Level9 enography International and Disciplinary - 2nd Level10 Power - 3rd Level11 Techniques Food / wine pairing - 3rd Level12 Master - 4th LevelWine Pairing 13 / Appetizers - 4th LevelWine Pairing 14 / First - 4th LevelWine Pairing 15 / Vegetables / Legumes - 4th LevelWine Pairing 16 / Meat - 4th LevelWine Pairing 17 / Fish - 4th Level18 Matching Wine / Cheese - 4th LevelWine Pairing 19 / Desserts - 4th Level20 Matching Wine / Charcuterie - 4th LevelWine Pairing 21 / Eggs - 4th Level22 Aphorisms, quotes, trivia - 4th Level23 Aromatic Bouquet - 4th LevelGood study ..... good refresher ..... enjoy!
El sommelier - wine pairing 3.0
The Sommelier is an app that lets youfindthewine that best suits to accompany your dishes.Choose a dish from the list of meals and thesommelierwillrecommend the most suitable types of wines to enjoythe flavorsofyour food and wine that accompanies them, as well asabriefdescription of why it is advisable to opt for thesewines.We also added wine brands of international stature withitspricein dollars, you will find a wide variety of winesfromchampagne,moscato and merlot to sweet wines, so you’ll haveatyour disposal awide range of bottles to choose the one thatbestfits yourrequirements.The app features:- List of dishes to pair with wines.- Types of grapes or wines that best match with eachofthedishes.- Explanation of why each wine pairs with a specific meal.- Images of the types of grapes and dishes.- List of brands and bottles with nationality andapproximatepricein dollars.- No need internet connection to use it.How to use:Simply select a dish of the list of foods that we present,maybecheese, fish, seasoned meats, among other dishes, the app asawinesteward, will recommend the best type of grapes to pairingwiththedish, plus a brief description of why it is delectable tooptforthese wines and get a better tasting. In addition,whenselectingthe type of grape the app shows you a list of brandsofwines, theapproximate price in dollars and the nationality ofthebottle, soeven if you are not a wine connoisseur can learntoenjoy winepairings.Download the app and enjoy your meals accompanied byagoodwine.
Sommeliers SG 3.1
The Sommelier Association ofSingapore:What'sHappening, Who's Drinking What, Where To Find TheBest WinesinSingapore by the our own homegrown Somms and TradeMembers!• CONNECT to the Ratings & Reviews of your friendsandthecommunity• BUY hassle free and enjoy a free delivery forordersabove$50• REMEMBER your tasting experiences by scanning the labelofthebottleSommelier SG app allows beginners, wine lovers andconnoisseurstobuy wine on the go from a network of importers. Theycan invitetheirfriends in the App, see their tasting notesandreceiverecommendations from them!It gives you also the opportunity to followbloggers,shops,sommeliers or connoisseurs and see which wine orliquor theyhavethe most appreciated.Sommelier SG app goes beyond the social aspect; itactuallyleadsthe users to the purchase act that will enable them toenjoynewwine experiences. After searching with filters onbudget,vintage,region, grape variety – Users select the bottles oftheirchoice andSommelier SG app will directly consider the bestpriceavailable inthe region then deliver it the same day or thenextday so you havewine ready for dinner with no hassle.Here it is! The essential tool for wine enthusiastpeople.Theycan connect to tasting notes and recommendations fromthecommunityto select their wines with confidence. Then they canbuyhasslefree on a single platform that automatically selectsthebestprices in their region. Finally they can rememberalltheirexperiences by scanning the label of the bottle and ratingthewinethey tasted to remember their experiences.This app is powered by Epicurio. Find out more> Feel free to drop us your idea on wine or visit our site at sg.epicurio.coWill be a pleasure for us to be discussing with youaboutourpassion.
Italian Wine 0.2.1
An easy and fast application that will be useful every time thatyouwill be at an important dinner or lunch, and you don't knowwhattype of wine to choose. With this application you can choosethebest Italian wine between thousands, according to thegeographicalarea and to the dishes that you want to eat, so thewine will be theprotagonist of your table.
Sommelier Gourmet 1.0
Sommelier Gourmet is a guide to morethan800wines and over 250 wineries in Spain. Provides usefulanddetailedinformation of each wine shows the technical data,aromasandsensations of mouth, our score and wine related.Also provides access to 1100 combinations of pairingswithnationaland international dishes of all kinds.The boutique modules Premium also allows you to getthefollowingbenefits:- More than 600 wines and over 150 additional wineries.- Compare wines.- Ratings of experts.- Similar wines from other wineries in wine in detail.Requires permanent internet connection.Support Gourmet Sommelier / contact
Degusta Vino 2.040
Rocco Foti
Data sheet of wine tasting - For sommeliers and tasters excited
Sommelier DOC Pro - Italiano 1.9
Versione SOLO in lingua italiana.Sommelier DOC è un'applicazione che serve per aiutarviasuperarel'esame da Sommelier in Italia.Nella versione premium vi saranno proposte 2000 domandeconlerelative ed esaustive risposte.Vi saranno proposti due percorsi: Studio e QuizIl percorso Studio vi presenterà contestualmentedomandeerisposte in sola visualizzazione a scopo distudio.Lavisualizzazione potrà essere fatta per argomento(capitoli)oppurerandom (ordine casuale).La modalità Quiz vi presenterà le domande,anch'essevisualizzateper argomento (capitoli) o random (ordinecasuale), male rispostecorrette vi saranno presentate solo quandolodesiderate voi.Per ogni domanda verranno fornite le seguenti opzioni:- rispondi per iscritto: verrà messa a disposizione unacaselladitesto per scrivere la vostra risposta- visualizza la risposta corretta- stabilisci risposta esatta o sbagliata- salva domanda in archivio "risposte esatte"o"rispostesbagliate"- non salvare la domandaTutti i quiz salvati nei rispettivi archivi avranno uncontatoreepertanto- indicheranno sempre il numero di domande esatte o errate- visualizzeranno nuovamente in qualsiasi momento sia ladomandachela risposta corretta oltre che la vostra risposta sefornitaperiscritto- potrete nuovamente riprovare a rispondere alle domande errateGli argomenti presentati sono suddivisi in 23 capitoli:1 Il Sommelier e l'analisi sensoriale - 1^ Livello2 Viticultura ed Ampelografia - 1^ Livello3 Enologia - 1^ Livello4 Spumanti e Champagne - 1^ Livello5 Vini speciali e passiti - 1^ Livello6 Distillati - 1^ Livello7 Birre ed altre Bevande - 1^ Livello8 Enografia Nazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello9 Enografia Internazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello10 Alimentazione - 3^ Livello11 Tecniche Abbinamento cibo/vino - 3^ Livello12 Master - 4^ Livello13 Abbinamento Vino/Antipasti - 4^ Livello14 Abbinamento Vino/Primi - 4^ Livello15 Abbinamento Vino/Verdure/Legumi - 4^ Livello16 Abbinamento Vino/Carne - 4^ Livello17 Abbinamento Vino/Pesce - 4^ Livello18 Abbinamento Vino/Formaggi - 4^ Livello19 Abbinamento Vino/Dolci - 4^ Livello20 Abbinamento Vino/Salumi - 4^ Livello21 Abbinamento Vino/Uova - 4^ Livello22 Aforismi, citazioni, curiosità - 4^ Livello23 Bouquet Aromatico - 4^ LivelloBuon studio..... buon ripasso .....buon divertimento !ONLY version in Italian.Sommelier DOC is an application that serves to help youpasstheexam in Italian Sommelier.The premium version will be proposed 2,000 applicationswiththerelevant and comprehensive answers.You will be offered two courses: Study and QuizThe route Studio will present the same questions andanswersinview-only purposes of study. The display can be donebytopic(chapters) or random (random order).Quiz mode will present you with the questions, whicharealsodisplayed for argument (chapters) or random (random order),butthecorrect answers will be presented only whenever you like.For each question will be given the following options:- Reply in writing: it will be made available to a text boxtowriteyour answer- Displays the correct answer- Establish whether right or wrong answer- Save file in question "correct answers" or "wrong"- Not to save the applicationAll quizzes will be stored in their archives acounterandtherefore- Will always indicate the number of questions right or wrong- Reappear at any moment is the question that the correctansweraswell as your response if provided in writing- You can again try to answer the questions wrongThe arguments presented are divided into 23 chapters:1 The Sommelier and sensory analysis - 1st Level2 Viticulture and Ampelography - 1st Level3 Wine - 1st Level4 Sparkling Wines and Champagne - 1st Level5 Special wines and dessert wines - 1st Level6 Spirits - 1st Level7 beers and other beverages - 1st Level8 enography National and Disciplinary - 2nd Level9 enography International and Disciplinary - 2nd Level10 Power - 3rd Level11 Techniques Food / wine pairing - 3rd Level12 Master - 4th LevelWine Pairing 13 / Appetizers - 4th LevelWine Pairing 14 / First - 4th LevelWine Pairing 15 / Vegetables / Legumes - 4th LevelWine Pairing 16 / Meat - 4th LevelWine Pairing 17 / Fish - 4th Level18 Matching Wine / Cheese - 4th LevelWine Pairing 19 / Desserts - 4th Level20 Matching Wine / Charcuterie - 4th LevelWine Pairing 21 / Eggs - 4th Level22 Aphorisms, quotes, trivia - 4th Level23 Aromatic Bouquet - 4th LevelGood study ..... good refresher ..... enjoy!
Wine Quiz - ソムリエ試験過去問題 1.8
Yea & Stichs
◆2011年から2014年までのソムリエ試験過去問を中心に、800問以上の問題を収録◆10分野を自由に組み合わせて出題内容を設定可能<分野>・公衆衛生、酒類概論・フランス・イタリア・ドイツ・スペイン、その他の欧州諸国・北米・オセアニア・新世界・ワインの管理・鑑賞・ワインと料理◆出題する問題を自由にカスタマイズ回答した問題は全て記録され、「記録・出題設定」より出題回数と正答率を確認できます。正答率の高い問題は、チェックボックスを外すことで、出題対象から外すことが可能です。今後も皆様のニーズに合わせて機能を変更できればと考えています。「こんな機能があれば・・・」というご要望があれば、ご意見ください。なお、問題及び解説の作成には細心の注意を払っておりますが、もし誤りを発見したら遠慮なくご連絡ください。調査した上で迅速に修正いたします。【免責事項】アプリ内の問題は十分確認を行っていますが、ワイン関連の法律や規制、格付けなどは日々変化しています。掲載している問題の解答・解説が最新の情報を反映していない場合もありますので、最新情報については日本ソムリエ協会の教本を必ず確認してください。たとえ問題に不備があったとしても責任を負うことはできません。◆ around thesommeliertestpast questions of 2011-2014, recorded 800 questionsor more oftheproblems◆ in any combination of 10 fields can be set theguidelinesforthe content likely toAnd Public Health, liquor IntroductionFranceItalyGermanySpain, other European countriesNorth americaAnd Oceania· New WorldWine management and appreciation ofWine and cuisine◆ freely customize the problem to questionsAnswer the problems are all recorded, you can see the numberoftimesthan questions and the correct answer rate "recordingandquestionsSettings".High percentage of correct answers problem, by removingthecheckbox, it is possible to remove from the target quiz.We also believe that if you can change the function to meettheneedsof everyone in the future.If you have any desire to "... if there is such afunction",pleaseopinions.In addition, we pay close attention to the creation oftheproblemand commentary, but if, please feel free to contact usifyou findan error. I quickly corrected on thatwereinvestigated.[Disclaimer]Problem in the app is doing enough tests, but wine-relatedlawsandregulations, such as the rating is changing every day.Sincetheanswer and explanation of issues that have posted youmightnotreflect the most up-to-date information, please be suretocheckthe textbooks of Japan Sommelier Association forthelatestinformation. Even if you can not be responsible if thereisadefect in the problem.