Top 19 Apps Similar to 求签测字

好運占卜 1.2.9
每日易經占卜 1.4
★★★ 超實用占卜工具 ★★★易經是老祖宗留給我們的寶貴資產,除了可以用來預測你每日的運勢之外,也可以作為遇到不知道該怎麼解決的困難時下決定找方向的參考。不同於紫微,八字,星座等命理方式需要你的生辰資訊,每日易經占卜利用你問問題的時間點作為卜卦的參考。正所謂動心起念,你產生問問題的念頭的時間點會是一個找出問題解決方案很好的參考。心動嗎?趕快下載吧!★★★ 功能 ★★★★ 定時提供每日運勢★ 疑難雜症解決方案指示★ 工作/姻緣/桃花運解讀★ 朋友集氣★★★ 簡單使用說明 ★★★有問題想問的時候,請在心中默念你的名字三次和你想要問的問題,比如說:★ 今天運勢如何?★ 最近事業運如何?★ 什麼時候才有機會找到我的"他"?★ 我到底該不該告白?★ 是不是該跳槽了?...等等然後按下『請給我指示』按鈕。易經就會給你適合你的指示!★★★ 相關搜尋 ★★★命理,占卜,卜卦,運勢,每日運勢,工作,工作運,姻緣,姻緣運,桃花,桃花運,八字,星座,紫微,困擾,解答,指示,方向★ 占卜結果僅供參考。
2023兔年运程 2.8.3
HZ Mobile App
2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. Do you want to know more aboutyourzodiac's fortune in the Year of the Rabbit? There aremanyexplanations from teachers.
文王神卦 1.3
安裝前請先確保有足夠的記憶體空間Please ensure that you have enough memory before installing.- http://www.icsuntime.com您心中有不解的困惑嗎?面臨抉擇不知如何是好?來試試文王神卦吧,藉由前人智慧的指引,讓所惑之事了然於胸,本程式無複雜的設定,輸入一組數字及多達64樣的測算項目,就能推算不管在事業,升學,婚姻等方面之事,相信可以滿足你的需求。Has anything confused you, or are you confused inmakingadecision?Thia program can help you to face these issueswithoutcomplexprocedures.The prediction result is just the composition of a randomgroupofnumbers between 0 and 999 with a specified topic. Ifyouareinterested in Chinese culture then please do not missthis,anotherancient Chinese wisdom. :)- 需求: Android 2.2 以上Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
iTarot (Tarot Divination) 3.12
iTarot is an orthodox divination using 78 Tarot cards
民俗预测 1.0.1
周公 解梦 7.1
The history of the latest and most complete DreamDictionary.Ancient contrast, all solvable dreams.
周公解梦 1.3
梦,是探测内心的一面隐秘之镜;是另一种虚幻却真实的人生体验。正如庄周梦蝶,我们常常会被奇异怪诞的梦境所震惊,并感到迷惑。它意味着什么?它在暗示些什么?梦是聆听自己潜意识和意识相互交流的机会,它为人们打开了通往自我整合的大门钥匙。该款“周公解梦”手机应用网络了包括人物、动物、植物、活动、自然、鬼神、物品类别的一千多种梦境,为用户揭开每一个梦的谜底,以及梦里事物的解说、分析和象征意义,为用户指点迷津,帮助用户真正做到未雨绸缪。Dream, is todetectthehidden inner side mirror; another illusory butreallifeexperience. As Dreaming, we often were shocked bybizarrebizarredreams and confused. What does it mean? Hinted itwhat?Dreams arelistening to your subconscious andconsciousnessopportunities forinteraction, it is for people to openthe way toself-integrationfront door key. Which "Dream" mobileapplicationnetwork, includingpeople, animals, plants, events,nature, spirits,articlescategories of a thousand dreams, dream ofevery useruncover themystery and dream of things commentary,analysis andsymbolicsignificance for the user over to help, to helpusers trulya rainyday.
Zodiac Horoscope – Daily tips,
Nikola Kosev
Free daily horoscope and detailed astrology predictions ofthefuture.
色彩占卜 1.3
PBF 錦囊占卜 1.01
[錦囊占卜]是以時間加上方位占卜出結果,當中有六個錦囊,分別為整體、戀愛、事業、財運、健康及遺失。用家如在日常生活上碰到不如意事,可取出錦囊,心念一致向著錦囊祈求,打開錦囊後,便會出現意想不到的提示。錦囊:1. 整體 - 給予當時整體運勢結果。2. 戀愛 - 提示對戀愛態度。3. 事業 - 如工作上有不如意,可打開此錦囊。4. 財運 - 固名思義是提供求財方向。5. 健康 - 時下都市人,每人都有不同病症,此錦囊會告知身體上那裡出現毛病。6. 遺失 - 此錦囊可求尋人,也提供找尋遺失物件提示。注意:在短時間內,不要重覆問同一個運程,以免影響結果。此外,如希望福星高照,每時每刻都行運,最重要的是多行善事,多幫助有需要的人,善事不一定要花錢,只要一顆善心就行。希望此六個錦囊可以幫助你日日行好運。謝謝![Tipsdivination]azimuthdivination based on time plus the results ofwhich are sixtips,respectively, as a whole, love, career, wealth,health andlost.Users encounter in their daily lives, such as Most thingscanbetaken out tips, tips pray toward consistent mind, open kit,itwillprompt unexpected.Tips:1 whole - whole fortune was given to the results.(2) Love - Tips for love attitude.3 career - if there are unhappy at work, you can openthiskit.4 Wealth - Solid name implies is to provide forthefiscaldirection.5 Health - city people nowadays, everyone hasdifferentdiseases,this kit will tell the body where problemsarise.6 Lost - This kit rectifiable tracing, also offers tips tofindlostobjects.Note: In a short time, do not repeatedly ask the same leg,soasnot to affect the results. In addition, if you wish thebestofluck, all the time-line movement, the most important thingismoreabout doing more to help people in need, the good does nothavetospend money on the line as long as a charity. I hope thissixtipscan help you every day good luck. Thank you!
眾神幫幫忙諸天善神靈籤 1.0.0
由乾坤門金玲雅居金玲老師發願撰寫,向諸神祈求恩旨,提供十方信眾能突破時間與空間的限制,向諸天善神祈求指點迷津.本APP所請到之神明如下:*關聖帝君-問事業*黃大仙 -問神明*月下老人-問姻緣*駐生娘娘-問孕事*保生大帝-問健康*觀音菩薩-問家庭*呂洞賓師-問方向*天后媽祖-問運程*七星娘娘-問子女本程式所請到的神明,均是透過正式法會請示神明,並非一般的APP小遊戲,所以十分靈驗,請以恭敬的心,按照祈求說明向神明祈求,必有靈驗!若您有想祈求的神明卻苦無找到地方可以請示,歡迎來信webnettime@gmail.com告訴我們,我們會焚香請示神明是否願意恩准,若蒙恩允,我們將會再擇日增加.本程式請勿在廁所或是浴室開啟,以表對神明的尊重.
I Ching - Divine Your Future 1.2.1
There are many fortune telling apps inthemarket. Most of them use random number to "guess" your future.Thisapp use more traditional way to predict your own future. Youdivineyour future by yourself (not by machine's random number).A hexagram is composed of 6 lines. You must seperate stalks3times to get 1 line. Once you get all 6 lines, you can seethejudgement comment under the hexagram image and touchrelativehexagram image to see the translation. The translation isbased onJames Legge's translation. You can press 'More...' buttonto letthe Google search more explanations for you. Hope this littleappcan help you making decisions.
算命王 2.3.3
天一黃曆繁體版(萬年曆、稱骨算命、姓名、號碼、解夢、農曆) 1.93
Tử Vi 2020 Canh Tý - Tu Vi 202 2.0.0
AH SoftWare
Horoscope 2020 helps to view information about career, fortune,love
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
2023년 신년운세- 토정비결 신년운세를 보는 운세 앱 1.3.2
What will my fortune be in 2023? Check out the secrets ofsoilmaintenance, new year's total luck, wealth, love luck, etc.by2050~
Chinese New Year Cards 2017
Celebrate the Spring Festivals andexpressyourlove to your loved ones by using and sending thesebeautifulFreeChinese New Year Cards 2017 DIY Apps.Choose card from the gallery and send cards to yourlovedones,your husband, wife, parents, sisters, brothers,siblings,relativesand many more friends and companion that youhave.Chinese New Year is an important Chinese festivalcelebratedatthe turn of the lunisolar Chinese calendar. It is alsoknown astheSpring Festival, the literal translation of themodernChinesename. Celebrations traditionally run from the eve totheLanternFestival on the 15th day of the first calendar month,makingit oneof the longest celebrated festivals. The first day ofthe NewYearfalls on some day between 21 January and 20February.According to Chinese astrology, 2017 is the Year oftheRooster,while 2016 celebrates the Year of the Fire MonkeyuntilFeb. 7,2017.Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday fortheChineseand has had influence on the lunar new year celebrationsofitsgeographic neighbours.Within China, regional customs and traditionsconcerningthecelebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely.Often, theeveningpreceding Chinese New Year's Day is an occasionforChinesefamilies to gather for the annual reunion dinner. Itisalsotraditional for every family to thoroughly cleanse thehouse,inorder to sweep away any ill-fortune and to make wayforgoodincoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated withredcolorpaper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of "goodfortune"or"happiness", "wealth", and "longevity." Otheractivitiesincludelighting firecrackers and giving money in redpaperenvelopes.Chinese New Year Cards 2017 wish everyone good health,goodluckand much happiness throughout the year.