Top 21 Apps Similar to 最有效率統一發票對獎

發票小幫手(雲端發票|統一發票對獎) 5.5.2
Complete functions to compare prizes quickly-a good tool forunifiedinvoices and electronic invoices-an invoicing helper,providing aunified invoice winning number list, you can also scanthe QRCode tocheck the transaction electronic invoice details, andautomaticallyupdate after the 25th of a single month
i 統一發票
雲端發票專屬獎一鍵對獎 超實用電子發票載具工具 超簡單電子發票掃描對獎 , 獲得發票明細最佳工具! 獨家語音對獎, 對獎超有趣!
統一發票一鍵對獎【簡單/快速】 3.32
【無廣告】乾淨簡潔 【立即上手】最適合婆婆媽媽的對獎工具【使用說明】發票由右而左依序登打【最快輸入一碼即可立即確認是否中獎】不需要把發票號碼都打完
統一發票中獎號碼 6.0
統一發票中獎號碼 依據財政部公布之最新中獎號碼 V5.11 自動更新統一發票中獎號碼 可離線瀏覽中獎號碼
Arlen Tung
a simple app to test OCR & barcode
統一發票語音對獎 1.16
這是一個為了減少手動對獎的失誤,及避免影像辨識的緩慢,單純僅使用語音對獎的APP。實測速度 : 2秒1張發票,泡一碗麵的時間約可對上百張發票。使用說明:1. 保持網路連線2. 進入App,按上方按鈕,將手機放在桌上3. 右手握住發票,念出發票末三碼4. 中獎即會發出音效、震動、並將中獎一欄高亮顯示,否則繼續出現語音辨識,繼續對獎。
火速對發票(統一發票中獎號碼、統一發票對獎) 1.12
FS Lab.
統一發票(0.5秒快速載入,離線查詢) 1.1
可以帶給您幸運的發票小工具^^You can bring yourluckyinvoice gadget ^^
統一發票 Qrcode
Lucky co.
GUI voice Qrcode automatic award Stored Uninvoiced Mobile Barcode
台灣發票兌獎工具, 目前只支持一般發票對獎。 ※中獎音效&動畫提醒 ※效率模式(過濾非中獎數字)※離線對獎(取號需連上網路)※歷史紀錄 ※輕巧 ※自動更新獎號(單數月25號開獎自動從網路上抓取獎號) 使用聲明:開獎號碼皆由,台灣財政部(,取得如有錯誤,以財政部開獎紀錄為準。
Uniform invoice (Taiwan) 1.0.6
※ Invoice winning number inquiries※ Provide prize functionSource: Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
統一發票 末3碼對獎程式 7.4.1
Free Man
統一發票自動對獎程式,輸入發票末三碼自動兌獎,完全免費要按下畫面左上角功能鍵≡,才能找到以下的功能哦~功能:1‧統一發票對獎程式2‧今日星情運勢 提供每日星座運勢、愛情、工作等建議3‧台灣放假日查詢功能提供台灣公務員放假行事曆
i●台灣發票對獎 1.6.09
ling app
【i●台灣發票對獎】顯示發票號碼 / 獎項公佈 / 領獎注意事項,你可以用【說的】來對獎號碼,或者也可以用【掃描 Barcode】來對獎,當你有中獎時,會有鼓掌聲,而中獎總金額與中獎張數,也會顯示在標題中。[I ● Taiwan Invoice]onthe prize display the invoice number / announcement of awards/award considerations,You can use [say] to the number of awards,Or you can use [] to scan Barcode on the prize,When you win, there will be applause,The total prize money with the winning number of sheets isalsodisplayed in the title.
統一發票對獎 2.1
 本APP是以簡單使用、資訊清楚為基礎所開發的統一發票對獎程式。僅針對統一發票對獎的需求,提供服務。 本統一發票對獎號碼、中獎號碼是依照財政部統一發票對獎號碼而製作,所有的統一發票對獎號碼、中獎號碼要以財政部統一發票對獎號碼為標準,本APP不負責統一發票對獎號碼錯誤的責任。祝大家個個中大獎。 在使用本APP之前,請先安裝ZXing Barcode Scanner 如果有要掃描電子發票的QR Code時,只要將發票左邊的QRCode放在掃描的範圍內即可。右邊的QRCode不用做任何動作。 當電子發票的QR Code因印刷品質不一、污損或摺痕,導致無法以掃描方式讀取時,可以參照紙本發票對獎的方法。紙本發票可用輸入末三碼快速對獎或目視對獎。目視對獎可執行中獎號碼維護或末三碼排序中獎號碼表來對獎。 二、功能說明: 掃描QR Code輸入發票,以手工輸入發票,查詢刪除都是在維護存放於資料庫的發票資料,提供對獎功能中自動核對發票來使用。1、掃描QR Code輸入發票: 存檔後再掃描:將掃描的發票資料存檔後,直接進入掃描功能,掃描下一張發票。 掃描:進入掃描功能,掃描發票。 存檔:將掃描的發票資料存檔。 在畫面的下半部會有四筆最後存檔的發票資料以供參閱。如欲刪除某張發票,僅需長按該筆發票,就會進入刪除確認的視窗,提供即時刪除的功能。 如在此功能發生錯誤時,請到Google Play商店安裝ZXing Barcode Scanner。 再重新使用本APP。如有需要選擇 barcode scanner時,請選擇ZXing Barcode Scanner。2、以手工輸入發票: 使用本功能,請特別注意發票年月是否選擇正確,以避免自動核對發票時,發生誤判導致有漏網之魚或空歡喜的狀況發生。 英文字軌會自動轉成大寫。 需在英文字軌輸入二碼及數字八碼後,才可以存檔。 在畫面的下半部會有三筆最後存檔的發票資料以供參閱。如欲刪除某張發票,僅需長按該筆發票,就會進入刪除確認的視窗,提供即時刪除的功能。 3、查詢刪除: 查詢及刪除存放在資料庫內的發票資料。 先選擇發票的年月,在明細列表選擇要刪除的發票。本功能有提供全部勾選及取消勾選的選項。 選擇確定後,就可以按確定刪除,來執行真正的刪除作業。4、中獎號碼維護: 查閱或下載中獎號碼。 本功能會暫停螢幕黑屏,也就是螢幕恆亮。 進入本功能時,如果無法上網際網路,重新下載這個選項會失效。 當重新下載選項未被勾選時,會先由資料庫讀取中獎號碼,如果不存在,才會去下載中獎號碼。 當重新下載選項被勾選時,會直接去下載中獎號碼。5、使用手冊: 閱讀本APP的使用方法。6、自動核對發票: 選擇發票後,自動將資料庫的發票與該年月的中獎號碼相核對,並將結果顯示在螢幕下半部的中獎發票明細表。 如有中獎時,會有震動及歡呼聲。7、掃描QR Code與中獎號碼直接核對,並將中獎號碼顯示在螢幕下半部。 如有中獎時,會有震動及歡呼聲。 如在此功能發生錯誤時,請到Google Play商店安裝ZXing Barcode Scanner。 再重新使用本APP。如有需要選擇 barcode scanner時,請選擇ZXing Barcode Scanner。8、輸入末三碼快速對獎: 使用本功能,請特別注意發票年月是否選擇正確,以避免發生誤判導致有漏網之魚或空歡喜的狀況發生。 僅輸入末三碼(百位、十位及個位)來核對發票是否有中獎的機會。 會依據使用者輸入的資料,即時將可能中獎號碼的資訊顯示在螢幕中央部分。如果確定不可能中獎,則會出現一個畫X的圖示。 當輸入一碼或二碼時,如要結束輸入時,直接按輸入下一張的按鈕,就可以繼續輸入下一張發票的末三碼。 當輸入三碼且未有中獎機會時,可以不按輸入下一張的按鈕,就可以繼續輸入下一張發票的末三碼。 當輸入三碼且確定有中獎機會時,一定要按輸入下一張的按鈕,才可以繼續輸入下一張發票的末三碼。 當輸入三碼且確定中了六獎時,會有震動及歡呼聲。 當輸入三碼且可能中了特別獎或特獎時,會有震動。 輸入歷史是由最後兩筆輸入末三碼及正在輸入末三碼的資料所組成,自左至右分別為最後第二筆、最後一筆及正在輸入。可以點擊這三筆輸入歷史中的任何一筆,可以在可能中獎號碼表中顯示該筆末三碼與中獎號碼核對的狀況。9、末三碼排序中獎號碼表: 有別於一般的中獎號碼表。本表是以末三碼(百位、十位及個位)來排序,方便目視對獎,減少錯誤發生。 查閱或下載末三碼排序中獎號碼表。 本功能會暫停螢幕黑屏,也就是螢幕恆亮。 進入本功能時,如果無法上網際網路,重新下載這個選項會失效。 當重新下載選項未被勾選時,會先由資料庫讀取中獎號碼,如果不存在,才會去下載中獎號碼。 當重新下載選項被勾選時,會直接去下載中獎號碼。The APP is a simpletouse, clear information based on the development of theunifiedinvoice for award program. Only demand for uniform invoiceprize,to provide services.The Uniform Invoice number of awards, the winning number isinaccordance with the Ministry of Finance to award a unifiedinvoicenumbers and production, all of uniform invoice numberofawards,Winning numbers to order the Treasury to award uniforminvoicenumber as the standard, this APP is not responsible for theawardof uniform invoice number wrong responsibility. I wish you alltheawards.Before using this APP, please install ZXing Barcode Scanner you have to scan the QR Code when electronic invoices, insofarasthe invoice on the left QR Code scanning range. QR Code on therightdo not do any action.When the electronic invoice QR Code because print qualityvaries,defaced or creases, making it impossible to read the scanmode, youcan refer to the award of paper invoice method.  Paper invoice can be used to quickly enter thelastthree yards to the award of awards or visual.  Award winning numbers to perform visual maintainorthree yards at the end of the sort of prize winning numberstable.Second, the function:Scan QR Code input invoices to manually enter invoices,queriesdelete are stored in the repository maintenance invoicedata,providing award function automatically check the invoicetouse.1. Enter Invoice Scan QR Code:Archive after scanning: scan after the invoice dataarchiving,direct access scanning, scan next invoice.Scan: Enters Scan function, scanning invoices.Archiving: The invoice scanning data archive.In the lower half of the screen will be the last four penarchivedinvoice data for reference. To delete an invoice, justpress thepen invoice, will enter the delete confirmation window,provideinstant delete function.As this function when an error occurs, go to the Google PlayStoreto install ZXing Barcode Scanner.Re-use of the APP. Where necessary to select barcode scanner,selectZXing Barcode Scanner.2, in order to manually enter invoices:To use this function, please pay special attention to theinvoicedate correctly selected in order to avoid automatic checkinvoices,false positives lead to slip through the net or empty joyin thestatus.English words will be automatically transferred to upperrail.Need two yards in the English word-rail input and digitaleightyards after only can be archived.In the lower half of the screen there are three items lastarchivedinvoice data for reference. To delete an invoice, justpress thepen invoice, will enter the delete confirmation window,provideinstant delete function.3, the query delete:Inquiries and delete data stored in the data bank oftheinvoice.First select the invoice date, in the detail list you want todeletethe invoice. The function of all check and uncheck theoptionsavailable.After selecting OK, you can press OK to delete, to performtheactual deletion.4, the winning numbers Maintenance:Read or download the winning numbers.This function will pause the screen black, that is, thescreenconstant light.When entering this function, if you can not on theInternet,re-download this option will fail.When the re-download option is not checked, the database willberead first by winning number, if not, will go to downloadthewinning numbers.When the re-download option is checked, it will go directlytodownload the winning numbers.5. Manual:Read Use of this APP.6, automatically check the invoice:After you select the invoice, the invoice willautomaticallyrepository and the date of the winning numbers of thecheck, andthe results show the winning list in the screen bottomhalf of theinvoice.If the winning time, there will be vibration and cheers.7. Scan QR Code with the winning numbers to directly verify, andthewinning number is displayed in the lower half of thescreen.If the winning time, there will be vibration and cheers.As this function when an error occurs, go to the Google PlayStoreto install ZXing Barcode Scanner.Re-use of the APP. Where necessary to select barcode scanner,selectZXing Barcode Scanner.8, enter the last three yards quick to award:To use this function, please pay special attention to theinvoicedate correctly selected in order to avoid false positiveslead toslip through the net or empty joy in the status.Enter only at the end of three yards (100, 10-bit and a bit)tocheck whether the invoice is a chance of winning.Will be based on user input data, instantly winningnumberinformation may be displayed in the central portion of thescreen.If the determination can not win, a draw X iconappears.When you enter a yard or two yards, such as when you want tofinishentering, press the button one of the input, we can continuetoenter the last three yards under one invoice.When entering three yards and did not have a chance of winning,youcan not enter the next button press, you can go to the nextoneinvoice at the end of three yards.When the input code and determine the three winning chance, besureto press the next button input, we can continue to enter thenextinvoice the last three yards.When entering three yards and a determination of the sixawards,there will be vibration and cheers.When entering three yards and possibly in a special prize oraspecial prize, there will be vibration.Input history is made by the end of the last two pen input endofthree yards and is composed of three yards of the information,fromleft to right are the last second tranche, and is enteringthefinal sum. You can click on these three pen in the history ofanypen, the pen can be displayed at the end of three yards withthewinning numbers to check the status of the possible winningnumberstable.9, at the end of three yards ordering winning numbers table:Unlike ordinary winning numbers table. This table is the endofthree yards (one hundred, ten and a bit) to sort, easy visualforaward, reducing errors.Read or download the winning numbers at the end of threeyardssorting table.This function will pause the screen black, that is, thescreenconstant light.When entering this function, if you can not on theInternet,re-download this option will fail.When the re-download option is not checked, the database willberead first by winning number, if not, will go to downloadthewinning numbers.When the re-download option is checked, it will go directlytodownload the winning numbers.
統一發票2015 3.3
Uniform Invoice winning numbers
輕鬆來對獎免費版 1.0.1
Cyberon Corp.
統一發票對獎用說的!還在煩惱手上的一大疊發票要花多少時間來對獎?還在用最老舊的方法邊看著報紙邊核對手上的發票?還是辛勞地逐張輸入發票號碼?發票對獎其實不用這麼辛苦...現在只要輕輕鬆鬆用說的!為了方便大家對統一發票,賽微科技運用語音辨識技術開發了這套「輕鬆來對獎」,讓大家只要一一唸出發票的後3碼,馬上告訴您中獎沒!從此對獎更輕鬆, 不再眼花撩亂,也不用手忙腳亂。建議使用方式:1. 為了避免噪音干擾,請在安靜的環境下使用2. 使用適當的音量及自然的速度唸出數字,有助於提升辨識效果3. 對獎前可先試唸各組中獎號碼,以掌握適當的使用方式請注意:本軟體一般環境下的平均辨識率約為98%,辨識率可能受環境噪音、個人口音、說話方式等因素影響,使用時敬請認知上述限制。如有任何問題或建議,歡迎mail到,讓我們為您提供即時詳盡的服務。Uniform InvoicePrizewiththat!Still troubles the hands of a large pile of invoices tospendmuchtime on the Prize?Still use the old method, looking at the newspaper side tochecktheinvoice in hand?Sheets one by one to enter the invoice number or toil?Invoices Prize in fact not so hard ...Now just relax with said!In order to facilitate the uniform invoice, Cyberontechnologyusevoice recognition technology developed a set of "easytoAward", aslong as 11 to read out an invoice after threeyardsimmediately tellyou winning no from this Award easier, nolongerdazzled and do notrush.Suggested use:1, in a quiet environment in order to avoid noiseinterferenceUse appropriate volume and natural speed read out thenumbers,helpto improve the recognition resultsBefore. Award can try before you read each set of winningnumberstounderstand the appropriate useNote: the general environment of the software undertheaveragerecognition rate of approximately 98% recognition ratemaybeaffected by factors of environmental noise,personalaccent,speaking manner, please use cognitive abovelimitation.If you have any questions or suggestions,, ​​let us provide you with instantanddetailedservice.
LuckytoIX 17.105.7
Do you need to check the prizes of theTaiwanReceipt Lottery, but it takes too long?This app it has an intelligent method. It's super fast and easytocheck the receipt prize.Features:✦ English Support✦ Modern Design✦ Inteligent Method✦ Support QR Scan
對發票 1.0.150926
對紙本發票小工具。直接顯示最新期統一發票號碼並排列。開啟時需網路然後自動去財政部稅務入口網抓取公告的中華民國統一發票中獎號碼(最新期和上一期)。排列方式是照我對發票的習慣排列(詳細請參照預覽圖或是APP內說明)。沒有輸入號碼功能沒有自動兌獎功能沒有電子發票功能Gadgets forpaperinvoices.Direct display the invoice number and date of theunifiedarrangement.When the need to open the Internet and then automatically gotothe Ministry of Finance Tax Portal crawl announcement ROCuniforminvoice winning numbers (the latest period and thepreviousperiod).Arrangement is arranged according to my habit of invoice(Fordetails, refer preview or within APP instructions).Enter the number does not functionNo automatic awarding functionNo electronic invoicing function
發票+ 2.1.23
Easily and quickly obtain electronic invoice details! (Also ontheprize!)
QR Code Reader 3.2.2
XiaMen Tongbu
DescriptionQR Code Reader is the most professional scanner.It’s no only aQRCode Scanner,it can create QR Code!Scan QR Code more easily,highly customized to create QR Code.Features-Scan and recognize various QR Code and barcodes-Copy, share, favourite, delete and export the recognized results as TXT file -Transform the recognized result into QR code-A switch to turn on for scanning QR codes all at once in batches -Scan images of QR code in your photo album -Scan QR code with flash on in the dark environment -Scan barcodes to get price and other relevant information easily-Type in the barcodes if it is vague or damaged -Transform text, website, email address in to QR code-Customize your own QR codes: design the shape, straight/round corner, colour, background and add icons to itWe glad you can download QR Code Reader.If you find anytranslationmistake in English version,Please help us to correct andmail you.
KS發票資料夾 1.2.9
Kenus Studio
★如果有問題請上開發者粉絲團,或寄信至開發者信箱,在評論裡面問問題我們沒辦法回答喔!★這個app的用途有什麼呢?☆一大疊發票在對獎時不用一張一張對,只要在「拿到發票時」馬上記錄發票,節省「發票對獎」的時間,如果整疊發票「都沒中」,就可以放心的把整疊丟掉,這樣不是很方便嗎?☆網路購物或其他沒拿到實體發票的(例如:全聯、7-11、momoshop、等等...),一樣可以把發票記錄到此app中,可以避免自己明明有中獎的發票自己卻不知道的狀況。☆後三碼對獎,跟傳統的對獎方式較相同,但增添了許多便利性!★記錄發票在您拿到發票時馬上將發票內容記錄到手機或平板裡面,等到發票對獎日期時一口氣對獎,省去對發票對到眼花撩亂的困擾,每筆發票資料可以加註備註,以避免對中卻找不到發票。★條碼掃描超商的電子發票還可以使用條碼掃描的功能,快速且避免輸入錯誤造成的問題。★後三碼快速對獎發票對獎日到了可是沒有輸入的發票還可以用發票末三碼快速對獎。★一維條碼如果有褪色或折損會影響到掃描的辨識率,建議掃描超過十秒鐘就直接自己輸入就好,節省自己的時間。★下載後覺得好用請記得來給我評價喔,您的評價是我們更新的動力,另外如果發現程式有問題也請跟我們說喔!!1.1 版:★新增設定頁:☆條碼掃描完成自動儲存如果不輸入備註,條碼掃描完成即可儲存,輸入發票更快速。☆不顯示對獎鍵如果有可對獎的發票,進入發票清單的頁面則會自動對獎,不需再點選對獎鍵。★偶數月最後一天開出的發票有可能是下一期,如果遇此情形會跳出對話框做確認。★鎖定螢幕方向,手機為直的,平板為橫的。★發票清單加入多選刪除功能。1.1.2 版:★使用者介面微調★修復一些小問題1.1.3 版:★修復條碼掃描強制結束的問題★修復掃描錯誤的QRcode強制結束的問題1.1.4 版:★增進條碼辨識率★按音量鍵可以控制補光燈★修復高像素相機掃描條碼的問題(One X, S3, Galaxy Note, Xperia S, Xperia ion)★修復一些強制關閉的問題1.1.5 版:★加大高解析度設備掃描條碼的範圍1.1.6 版:★增加快速啟動的桌面小工具,條碼掃描更快速!★設定頁新增資料庫備份功能,您不用擔心換手機或重新安裝軟體時,輸入過的資料會遺失★關於頁面讓您更了解Kenus Studio1.2.0 版:★新增電子發票明細,只要是有輸入隨機碼的電子發票,點擊會顯示發票明細,原本的編輯、刪除功能改為長按喔!★修正部分裝置小工具大小的問題★修正一些強制關閉的狀況1.2.1 版:★修復抓取最近發票號碼延遲的問題1.2.3 版:★修復發票領獎日期錯誤1.2.4 版:★修正取得發票對獎號碼的方式1.2.5 版:★修正12月31日發票期別候選★修正Widget不常駐1.2.6 版:★新增條碼連續掃描,要在設定中開啟喔!1.2.7 版:★修正102年發票增開六獎及造成無法對獎的問題★ If you havequestionsplease visit the developer fan group, or send a letter tothedeveloper mailbox, ask questions in the comments which we havenoway to answer Oh!★ This app uses what it?☆ stack of invoices on prize without a one pair, just "gettheinvoice" immediately record invoices, saving "Invoice Award" ofthetime, if the stack of invoices "did in", you can rest assuredThethrow away the whole stack, so not very convenient foryou?☆ online shopping or other entity did not get the invoice(example:Trans Union ,7-11, momoshop, etc ...), the same caninvoice recordin this app, you can avoid their own invoicesobviously therewinning do not know the situation.☆ After three yards on the prize, with the traditional wayofrepresenting the same on the prize, but add a lot of convenience!★ History InvoicesWhen you get an invoice invoice records immediately to your phoneortablet inside, until the date of the invoice for breath on theprizeaward, eliminating the need for an invoice for the dazzlingtroubledraise each invoice data can be notes, in order to avoidbut can notfind on the invoice.★ Barcode ScanningELEVEN electronic invoices can also use the barcodescanningfunctionality to quickly and avoid the problems caused bytypingerrors.★ After three yards quickly to awardAward date on the invoice to invoice, but did not enter aninvoicecan also be used for award last three yards quickly.★ one-dimensional bar code if you have discolored orimpairmentwill affect the scan recognition rate, recommend scanningmore thanten seconds to directly enter their own like, saveyourselftime.★ After downloading feel good to me, please remember toevaluateOh, your evaluation is our updated power, and if thereareproblems, please find the program told us Oh! !Version 1.1:★ New settings page:☆ barcode scanning is completed automatically savedIf you do not enter a note, you can save the barcode scaniscomplete, enter invoices more quickly.☆ key is not displayed on the prizeIf there can award of the invoice, enter the invoice list pagewillautomatically be on the prize, do not need to click on theawardbutton.★ Even the last day of month invoices may be the next period,ifsuch a case will pop up dialog box to confirm.★ Lock screen orientation, the phone is straight, flatishorizontal.★ invoice list add multi-select delete function.Version 1.1.2:★ User Interface trimming★ fix some minor issues1.1.3 version:★ Barcode Scanning Force Quit repair problems★ fix errors QRcode scanning problems forced termination1.1.4 version:★ promotional barcode recognition rate★ press the volume keys to control the fill light★ repair high-pixel camera barcode scanning problems (One X,S3,Galaxy Note, Xperia S, Xperia ion)★ fix some force close issuesVersion 1.1.5:★ high-resolution device to scan bar codes to increase therangeof1.1.6 version:★ increase the Quick Launch Desktop Gadgets, barcodescanningfaster!★ settings page add the database backup capabilities, you donotworry about changing your phone or reinstall the software, thedataentered will be lost★ About page allows you to better understand Kenus Studio1.2.0:★ new electronic invoice details, as long as there is anelectronicinvoice input random code, click on invoice details willbedisplayed, the original edit, delete function to longpressOh!★ Fixed some device gadget the size of the problem★ Fixed some force close conditionVersion 1.2.1:★ repair crawl recent invoice number latency issuesVersion 1.2.3:★ repair invoice award date is incorrect1.2.4 version:★ Fixed get an invoice for the winning numbers the wayVersion 1.2.5:★ amended December 31 invoices of other candidate★ Widget no permanent fix1.2.6 version:★ New Barcode continuous scanning, set to open in Oh!1.2.7 version:★ corrected invoice to open six 102-year award and the prize cannotbe caused by problems