Top 12 Apps Similar to Metropolitano

Bus Timetable 2.1.10
All the public bus transportation schedules in SãoPaulometropolitan area.
Bus guide for Lima and Callao 3.1
This application was created for guidingyouinthe public transport of the city of Lima and Callao inPeru.Thisapplication will allow you to search for a route and seeitsdetailsor see it painted over google maps. In addition thisappwill letobtain a list of the nearest routes to a position(currentGPSlocation or a selected point on the map).Moreover is in developing another option that willguideyoubetween one start point and a destination entirely usingthepublictransport system.
Metro de Lima . Línea 1 1.1
Consulta los horarios del Tren. Escoje eldiayla estación.Cansado de leer. Si tu dispositivo móvil tiene salida de textoavoz,Disfruta de: A qué hora viene el tren?, te indicaentrecuántosminutos arriva el tren según la estaciónseleccionada.[1].Simula tu viaje. escoje un dia, una hora, y tu estación ycalculaeltiempo que tardarás en llegar a cada estación.Utiliza el Sistema de Tarjetas virtuales. Mas adelantesedeseaadaptar a un sistema online.Este nuevo sistema de tarjetas virtualizadas, permiterecargartutarjeta, contabilizar tus viajes, y saldo que auntengas,teniendoen cuenta que tu mismo debes brindar esosdatos.Guía Básica del Metro de Lima, Línea 1, ContigoSomosMejores( la empresa que proporciona el servicio detransportedeTren.Quiero llegar a una estación; y no se como? Utiliza:Comollegaraquí? y mediante el GPS, te mostrará la ruta a seguirhastaunaestación seleccionada.Llamadas de emergencia, en caso de cualquier accidente oproblemaenel tren, aquí te brindamos los números de emergencias.[1] Esta opción depende de la hora de tu dispositivo móvil,yelhorario establecido por Línea 1.** Esta app, fue diseñada por un socio de SaaS Perú,Nuestra principal motivación es promover tecnología.Ayudanos a mejorar este app, dejanos tus comentariosysigamosoptimizando juntos esta appSee the scheduleofthetrain. Choose the day and season.Tired of reading. If your mobile device has text tospeechoutput,Enjoy: What time is the train ?, tells you how manyminutesfromthe train arrives according to the selected station.[1].Simulate your trip. choose one day, one hour, and yourstationandcalculates the time it will take to reach eachstation.Use the System Virtual cards. Later want to adapt toanonlinesystem.This new system virtualized cards can recharge your cardaccountforyour travels, and even balance you have, consideringthatyouyourself must provide that data.Basic Guide Lima Metro Line 1're Better WithYou( the company that provides transportationservicestations.I want to get to a station; and do not know how? Uses: Howtogethere? and using the GPS, it will show the way forward toaselectedstation.Emergency calls in case of any accidents or problems onthetrain,here we give emergency numbers.[1] This option depends on the time of your mobile device,andtheschedule for Line 1.** This app was designed by a member of SaaS Peru,Our main motivation is to promote technology.Help us improve this app, send your comments andcontinueoptimizingtogether this app
Moovit: Bus & Train Live Info
★★ Google Play's Best Local App of2016- US, CA, HK and more ★★Moovit is the #1 local transit app in the world trustedbyover 60 million riders across more than 1400 cities. With themostrobust and precise information of any public transit app,Moovitadds a new city every 18 hours.Combining all your transit options together in a single app -bus,train, underground/subway, tram & more - Moovit gives youtotalcontrol over your travels so you can finally enjoy peace ofmindwhen riding public transportation.Because public transportation is always unpredictable,Moovitconstantly updates as transit operators change schedules oralterservice, so you don't end up at a station that is closed,orwaiting for a bus that isn't coming.► Live Directions with Get Off Notificationsguideyou step-by-step in real time as you travel. Know exactlywhereyou’re walking, how long (or should we say how short)you’rewaiting, and how many stops are left. You can focus onanything youwant while riding because Moovit will alert you whenit’s time toget off--no need to constantly re-check whether yoursis the nextstop.► Bike Share - For sunny days, days you don’tfeellike walking, days when you feel like a little extra exercise&many other days► Real Time Arrival information (whereavailable)lets you know when to be at the stop so you can spendyour timedoing something more valuable than sitting around andwaiting► Global Coverage in over 1400 cities meansthatwhen you travel, you will still be able to ride public transitlikea local► Favorites Screen lets you save locationsandfrequently used lines so that you get going with a singletap► Moovit Widget gives you immediate access toyourfavorite lines & locations making checkingpublictransportation as easy as checking the weather► Service Alerts keep you in the know so youdon'tend up waiting for a bus that isn't coming, or sitting on atrainbecause of a delay that could have been avoided. When you saveyourfavorite lines, Moovit sends you a message when there is anissuethat would affect your travels► Live Ride tracks your bus and train ride&alerts you when you’re approaching, and when you arrive atyourstop. So even when you know exactly where you’re going, yourmindcan indulge in a wandering day dream► Line & System Maps let you view subwaymapsavailable as a PDF fileRide with Moovit in 100+ cities acrosstheUS:•New York•Los Angeles•San Francisco•Boston•Chicago•Philadelphia•Washington DC•Austin•Seattle•Miami & moreMoovit supports all major transitoperatorsincluding:•MTA (Bus, Subway, Rail)•New Jersey Transit•LIRR•MBTA (Bus, Subway, Rail)•WMATA•SEPTA•CTA•Pace•LA Metro•Metrolink•SFMTA•AC Trans•BART•VTA•OCTA•Amtrak•King County Metro•Miami Dade Transit•MDT•Metro•Muni•MARTA•RTD•CATA•MWRTA•Metrorail•Bart•Beeline Bus•Norwalk Transit•Dash Ladot•DC circulator•Torrance Transit and more…Bike sharing:•Bay Area Bike Share•B-cycle•Bike Chattanooga•Bublr Bikes•Capital BikeShare•CAT Bike•Citi Bike•CoGo•Decobike San Diego•Divvy•Flashfleet•Healthy Ride•Hubway•Hudsonbikeshare•Indiana Pacers Bikeshare•Nice Ride•Skybike•SLC Bike Share•WE-cycleYou can find us in hundreds of cities around theworldincluding:•UK (London, Birmingham, Manchester)•Spain (Barcelona, Madrid)•Italy (Rome, Milan, Venice)•France (Paris, Bordeaux)•Germany (Berlin)•Poland (Warsaw, Lublin)•Sweden (Stockholm)•Finland (Helsinki)•Hungary (Budapest)•Russia (Moscow)•Netherlands•Israel•Brazil (Rio, Sao Paulo)•Chile (Santiago)•Colombia (Bogota)•Mexico City•Peru (Lima)•New ZealandContinued use of GPS running in the background candecreasebattery life
TuRuta Team
TuRuta is an app for planning trips by public transport
Via Lima: Metro de Lima 1.0
Via Lima es una aplicación coninformacióncompleta sobre horarios de trenes del Metro de Lima, ymapas de losservicios y rutas del Metropolitano de Lima.Cuenta con información detallada de los horarios del treneléctricode la ciudad de Lima, considerando los distintos horariosde día desemana, sábados y domingos y feriados.En la opción del Metropolitano, podrá acceder información delasestaciones y lineas que se detienen en dicha estación.Ademas se incluyo un mapa en linea para poder ubicar y determinarlaforma mas rápida de llegar a las estaciones.Via Lima is anapplicationwith complete information on train schedules LimaMetro, and maps ofservices and routes of Metropolitan Lima.Detailed information of the electric train schedulesLima,considering the different schedules weekday, Saturday andSundayand holidays.In the Metropolitan option, you can access information fromstationsand lines that stop at this station.Besides an online map to locate and determine the quickest waytoget to the stations included.
Combine all your favorite transport modes into onetrip.Award-winning app.
Meu Ônibus MOB 1.0
Para garantir ainda mais comodidade aousuárioda Linha de Ônibus Expresso Metropolitano, chegou oAplicativo MEUÔNIBUS MOB. Com esta ferramenta, o usuário da GrandeIlha de SãoLuís poderá saber, em tempo real, a previsão de chegadado seuônibus no ponto de parada desejado. Agora é só planejar aviagem eotimizar o seu tempo.Para utilizar é fácil:· Baixe o aplicativo, identifique no mapa os pontos deparadamais próximos a você utilizando o GPS do seu celular oudigite umendereço para localizar os pontos mais próximos;· Selecione o ponto de parada desejado e visualize as linhasquepassam por este ponto e suas respectivas previsões dechegada;· Selecione a linha de ônibus que desejar e veja no mapaotrajeto e a previsão de chegada do próximo veículo até seu pontodeparada;· Aproveite o aplicativo e fique por dentro dosprincipaisassuntos de mobilidade do seu estado acessando aopção“Notícias”.Aproveite! Não perca essa novidade, nem o seu ônibus!IMPORTANTE: O Meu Ônibus MOB depende das informaçõesenviadaspelos veículos através da rede de dados da operadora decelular.Problemas na rede ou na cobertura da operadora interferemnaqualidade da informação em tempo real. Pedimos a suacompreensãopor eventuais falhas. Nestes casos, agradecemos sepudercompartilhar conosco sua experiência através da opção "Deixesuaopinião".To ensure evenmoreconvenience to the user of Express Bus Line Metropolitan cametheApplication MY BUS MOB. With this tool, the user of GreaterSãoLuís Island may know, in real time, arrival forecast of your busatthe desired stopping point. Now just plan the trip andoptimizeyour time.To use is easy:· Download the application, identify on the map the pointsofclosest stop you using your phone's GPS or enter an address tofindthe nearest points;· Select the desired stopping point and view the lines thatpassthrough this point and their predictions of arrival;· Select the bus line you want and see on the map the pathandthe forecast arrival of the next vehicle to its stoppingpoint;· Enjoy the app and stay on top of key mobility issues oftheirstatus by accessing the "News" link.Enjoy! Do not miss this novelty, nor his bus!IMPORTANT: My Bus MOB depends on the information sent bythevehicles through the mobile carrier's data network.Networkproblems or operator's coverage interfere with the qualityofinformation in real time. We ask for your understanding foranyfailure. In these cases, we would appreciate if you can shareyourexperience with us through the "Let your opinion."
Yandex.Metro — detailed metro map and route times 3.6.3
Yandex.Metro helps you find the optimalrouteto your destination on the metro in Moscow,St.Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkiv, Minsk and Istanbul withno internetconnection required.Find the right route with ease:• Tap stations on the map to quickly choose your startandend points.• Know which train car to take to save time whenswitchinglines.• See how much time your underground journey will take.• Learn in advance when stations on your route areopenor closed and when platforms are closed forcertaindirections.Keep track of your tickets:• Hold your ticket to your phone to see how manyjourneysyou have left (your device must support NearFieldCommunication).• Top up your “Troika” travel card (availablein Moscowonly).The app suggests enabling the Yandex search widget forthenotification panel.
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. Thelatestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news!Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to gotomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latestdatabaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers thatarealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping fromtheleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can calldangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edgeof thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEEDat thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-ininapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered usershavemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map,forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI fromcommondatabase. ================= The workflow of the applicationdiffersfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector -is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it isset,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field oftheradar radio interference. This application works differently,ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users.Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush,itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Anyusercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influenceonrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can definewhetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays thesound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. Ifyou areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor thetrafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards.Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screenisoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet torenderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings)★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support(3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIsaroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP atfirst)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Supportofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You canaddtheir own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck! ==================
ally mobility app
ally combines all your transportinformationtogether one app, allowing you to save time and money bycomparingthe price and length of travel for various modes oftransportationlike walking, by car, the subway, public buses,train, ferry, bike,cab, Uber, and many more! We give you a clearand easy overview ofall the available transportation options to getyou to yourdestination as smoothly and smartly as possible!Never get lost again - ally will navigate cities’ complextransportsystems for you. All you have to do is sit back and enjoytheride!FEATURES- Departures monitor - Check the exact departure times forvarioustransportation options near you, including walking, by car,thesubway, public buses, train, ferry, bike, cab, Uber, andmanymore!- Route Search - the fastest way to get from A to B, includingtimeof departure. Compare price and length of travel fordifferentoptions! Find the best bus or train connections in yourcity, pullout your Uber app, or just call a regular cab.- Plan your journey in advance - choose a departure or arrivaltimeahead of time and see the best commuting options for you.CITIES IN GERMANYAachen, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Brunswick,Bonn,Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Dresden, Essen, Frankfurt amMain,Göttingen, Halle, Hamm, Hanover, Hildesheim, Karlsruhe,Köln,Leverkusen, Mainz, Magdeburg, München, Münster,Oldenburg,Osnabrück, Paderborn, Potsdam, Solingen, Stuttgart,WuppertalSUPPORTAnd if you have any problems, feedback or ideas for ally, justdropus an email at!
Korean Subway : Smarter Subway 5.69
When riding the subway, after all! SmarterSubway findthelatest/real-time info