Top 6 Apps Similar to Blacklist Call Blocker Plus

Call Block Easy Pro 1.9
"Call Block" is a useful and easyapplicationto block incoming phone calls.A difference of the other apps on the market, the optimizationofthe software allows to blockthe first ring.It occupies very little memory and consumes very littlebatterypower.In the free version you can insert only one number intoBlackList.The White List numbers is only available in the Pro version.When the call block is active a notification icon appears inthenotification area of Android.It's possible to block private numbers or all numbers .You can insert the number manually or using the Address Book.Features:- Block calls without the initial ringing- Blacklist ( In the Pro version you can block more numbers )- WhiteList available in the Pro version- Notification Area icon indicates that the call blockisactive- Filtering using only the initial part of the number ( eg +44333123456)- Management of the failure of the international code in frontofthe number- Add Import/Export List Functionalities (Pro Version)- Description field in White/Black List Numbers- Material Design TabsAdvantages- Easy to use and robust- It occupies little memory and very little CPU- consumes very little battery- Tested with Samsung Note4 and lists of 400 numbers and thephonedoes no ringing when you receive a   call to be blocked. Only it appears on the displayfora second number of the caller.
bloquear llamadas 5.0.0
Como bloquear llamadas, no deseadas,onúmerosde teléfono toxicos, como recobradores, vendedoresdeseguros, teexplicamos como bloquear numeros en móvilesandroid,como samsumg,zuk, mywigo, etc.Personas no deseadas, números ocultos,lastransaccionescomerciales y las compañías telefónicas son amenudolos usuariosmolestos, incluso si parecen más de una hora.Sinembargo, existendiferentes soluciones, con el fin de evitarserafectado por estasllamadas. Aunque, hay que decir que todaslaspersonas no sonrealmente cómodos o funcional, en elsistemaoperativo del teléfonointeligente se basa en gran medida, oque seestá instalandoposibilidades de aplicación.Así vemos que la corriente entre los diferentessistemasoperativosen el mercado, Android es una de las más clarasycompletas de estebloque no deseados los llama las opciones.Sólotienes que ir almenú de configuración llamados terminales. Enestapantalla, debehacer clic en la opción de todas las llamadas, loqueresulta ennuestro nuevo menú con diferentes parámetros.Estamosinteresados​​en que se llama rechazada automáticamente.Aquí, debehabilitaresta opción, y asegúrese de que desearechazarautomáticamente lalista de números de teléfono. Lo bueno esqueAndroid ofrece nosólo puede añadir números en la guíatelefónica,pero también puederechazar un extraño.As blockcalls,unwantedtoxic or phone numbers, as recobradores,insurancesalesmen, weexplain how to block numbers in mobileandroid, assamsumg, zuk,mywigo, etc.unwanted people, hidden numbers, commercialtransactionsandtelephone companies are often annoying users, evenif theyappearmore than an hour. However, there are differentsolutions inorderto avoid being affected by these calls. Although,I must saythatall people are not really comfortable or functional,inthesmartphone operating system is based largely orbeinginstalledapplication possibilities.Thus we see that the current between the differentoperatingsystemson the market, Android is one of the most clearandcomplete thisblock unwanted calls options. Just go to thesetupmenu calledterminals. On this screen, you must click on theoptionall calls,resulting in our new menu with differentparameters. Weareinterested in calls automatically rejected. Here,you mustenablethis option, and make sure that you want toautomaticallyreject thelist of phone numbers. The good news is thatAndroidoffers not onlycan add numbers in the phone book, but canalsoreject astranger.
Caller Blocking & Black List - Call Blocker Free 1.1.2
Block unwanted calls and block numberswithCaller Blocking & Black List - Call Blocker Free ! This isanapp to get rid of calls from unwanted people such as spamcallsfrom telemarketers who keep disturbing you. You don’t havetosearch for how to block call or how to block a phonenumberanymore! Just use our call blocker app, add the numbers youdon’twant to call you to the Black List and your problem will besolvedimmediately with no hassle.Our phone blocker app is alsoveryflexible with various modes and settings to make your lifeeasier(and more peaceful!), One of the problems we all face is howtostop calls from people who annoy and disturb us.Mostly these spam calls are from telemarketers or sales people.Somepeople might face harassment from their annoying exes orstalkers.Imagine if you can block unwanted calls and block phonenumberseffectively and with no hassle. This is one of the reasonswe createthis powerful application " Caller Blocking & BlackList - CallBlocker Free ". You can even block all calls when youreally needpeace or quite or when you cannot be disturbed with ourcaller blockapplication. Remember that driving while receivingphone calls isdangerous so you can use our caller block app toblock calls whenyou’re on the road and unable to answercalls.*******************************************BEST FEATURES OF CALLER BLOCKING & BLACK LIST - CALLBLOCKERFREE :*******************************************# FREE TO USEThere is no need to spend any money to get phones with callblockingability. Our call blocker app is FREE to download anduse.# STOP HARASSMENT AND SPAM CALLSAnnoyed by calls from telemarketers or sales people whokeepcontacting you and pressuring you? You can stop all thateasilywhen you block call from these people.# BLOCK PHONE NUMBERSIt is very simple to block numbers with our caller blockapplicationand there are various ways to do it. So how do youblock a phonenumber? You can block numbers from Call Log, Contact,Message, or bymanually adding the numbers to the Black List# WHITE LISTWhite List is a list of important people who can contact you allthetime. If you are parents it is always important to put yourkids andfamily members number in the white list so they can alwaysreachyou.# VARIOUS WAYS TO BLOCK CALLSYou can choose whether to:- Block All Number so no call whatsoever- Block call from numbers in Black List- Only accepts Calls from White List- Only accept calls from people in your Contacts# TIME MODEYou can activate the phone blocker only for certain time whenyoudon’t want to be disturbed, such as when you’re in animportantmeeting or sleeping. You can set so people from your WhiteList cancontact you even though you activate the Time Mode.# OPTIONS HOW TO BLOCK CALLSYou can choose in Setting how you want to block unwantedcalls,whether you want to Hang Up the phone, Silent calls frompeople, oruse Vibration mode.There is no need to look for specific phones with callblockingability; you can block calls from any Android phone withCallerBlocking & Black List - Call Blocker Free. You don’t havetolook for ways on how to block a phone number anymore because nowwehave the solution for your problem with our ultimate callblockerand blacklist Android application. You don’t have topurposely buyAndroid phones with call blocking because you can justinstall thiscall blocker app on your app to stop the harassmentcall and spamcalls in an instant.
VBlocker: Call Blocker 1.0.3
Vishal Bodkhe
Block unwanted calls and blockspamcallswith the help of most powerful call blocking appVBlocker- CallBlocker. This highly user friendly app isdeveloped tobe the #1ultimate call blocker in the Androidapp marketwith the helpof cutting edge technology and a dedicatedteam ofdevelopers.Unique Features of VBlocker Call Blocker:Apart from the user-friendliness, attractive andminimalisticUIs,and high-end performance, the R&D component ofthe app ledtheteam of developers to take blocking unwantedcalls intoawhole new level. Below are the key highlightsimplementedafterresearching on more than 25 top Call Blocker appsinthemarket.Free Features:- Facilitates an unlimited number of blocking- Automatically block spam calls as per spamcommunitydatabase- Private number call blocking- Block unlimited calls using blocklist- Block call by number, country and number start or endseries- Call blocking logs- Auto delete blocked call log- Block unknown calls- Whitelist numbers- Report Spam- A range of awesome skins- Supports a wide range of Android devices- Priority Support via feedback optionIn addition, no advertisement in the freeversion,Read/UnreadBadges, ON/OFF checkbox to control the BlockerService,easy-to-usesettings, 10 distinct skins, Wildcard Blockingandhighlyconvenient non-irritating rating and advertisementprincipalshavemade a great impression on the all times bestcallblockerapp. Say no to unwanted calls and help to stopspamcallerswith the help of VBlocker - Call Blocker.What does VBlocker Call Filter premium package offer?The VBlocker Call Filter Premium Package is ready to deliverabetterexperience to its users through the followinguser-friendlyfeatures,which are added advantages.No Advertisement: Advertisement will be removedfromtheapp.Password Protection: You can password protect theappandsecure from unwanted peoplesAuto Response: Automatically send text message totheblockedcallerBackup and Restore: You can take backup ofblocklistandrestore in the appExport History: Export blocked calls history tonotepadfilefor your use if you needSchedule Blocking: You can add schedules to blockcallsatthat time periodInternational Call Blocking: You caneasilyblockinternational calls by choosing countriesWhat are you waiting for? Download the most powerfulcallblockerAndroid app of all times to filter unwantedandspamcalls for good!All your suggestions, comments and issues can be dropped viaanemailthrough
Call Blocker New 1.0
Call blocker newCall blocker new is best app for blocking unwanted calls. Ifyouwantto reject unwanted calls, when caller is callingcontinuouslyon yourmobile phone. Now you have opportunity to blockall thosenumberseasily. Call blocker new app is to make accordingto needsof users.By using this call blocker you have multipleoptions toblock unknownand unwanted numbers by differentways.Such as:1) You can block all unknown numbers2) You can block all contact list numbers3) You can block particular number (with unlimited quantity)Block all unknown numbers:By using this option (Block all unknown numbers) “CallBlockerNew”app will block all those numbers which are not inyourcontactlist.Block all contact numbers:As shown by name by using this option “Call Blocker New”appwillblock all those number which are saved in yourcontactlist.Block particular number:By using this particular number option “Call Blocker New”appgivesyou oppurtunity to add your particular numbers in listtoblock.You can add unlimited numbers in your list and after thenasperwish you can delete any number form this list but youshouldkeepin mind that first time number will not delete from listsoyouhave to long press to number and delete multiple timetodeletethat number from list. Also you can unblock all numbersbychoosingunblock option.How can use:Open “Call Blocker New” app.Choose your required option.You will find take changes as you done.Features:Easy to use including simple functionalityOccupy little spaceUse offline everywhereCompletely freeNote: More information about this app'saccessibilitydescribesdetailed in privacy policy linkedbelow.
Call Blocker - Block Blacklist 1.2
If you want to reject or block callsfromunknown, you can just add the number to blacklist andavoidannoying phone calls. If you didn't want to turn off or silentyourphones while in the daily routine and the spam calls fromsalesman,telemarketing or robocalls calling you and phone startringingwhich causes disturbance or put you in annoying conditionand it isalso very embarrassing for the users. so use Call Blocker- BlockBlacklist, which will Block unwanted or spam call, you canadd somenumbers in the block list and you will not be distracted byphonecalls.The app saves all blocked calls and messages in the "Log". Alsoitprovides you with notifications regarding the blocking, but youcandisable this option in the app's "Settings". Don't worry, youwillnever lose any important call or message. There is a generalswitchthat you can change blocking mode to non-blocking modeimmediatelywithout any delay. This is useful if for example youwant to blockall unknown numbers but allow specific numbers (eg.emergencynumbers or the ones starting with the given prefix)Call Blocker application Features :- Blacklist (list of blocked numbers).- Block Unsaved Contact.- Enable and disable blocking with one click.- Block all calls
.- Cancel Block phone calls.One of the very best call blocker apps for Android.Automaticallyintercept calls and texts from private and unknownnumbers. Stoptelemarketers, debt collector and sales people fromwasting yourtime. Add Spam Numbers to be blocked directly or withone clickfrom your phone call history. you can set up callblocking, messagein a certain period of time in the day, can blocksome externalcontacts, block call, block SMS, block unwanted calls,unwantedtexts, spam and protects your privacy.How to Use:- The app comes with an extremely friendly User Interface thatisreally easy to use. Easy and convenient interface is designedtomake sure that you are enable the functionality by justclickingrequired option and it will disabled and enable it.- You can add number in blacklist manually, simply add the calleridand add it.- It is very Simple to remove the number from the list, you wishtounblock from the blacklist (click on the number and select"Delete"in the pop up menu).You can easily block annoying calls from people you don’t knoworpeople you know but do not want to talk to.