Top 2 Apps Similar to iStar

Kramer Control 2.6.3-prod
Kramer Control is an award-winning cloud-based room /spacecontroland management platform that lets IT/AV managerseasilycontrol,monitor and support AV systems, infrastructures, andanythirdparty devices. By leveraging existing IPnetworkinfrastructures,and due to its distributed architecture,KramerControl providesscalability and reliability with no singlepoint offailure. KramerControl is an object oriented platformdesigned forpowerfulcontrol and management. It automaticallycollects dataabout roomusage and device health, usage, and energyconsumptionand presentsthe data in a dashboard that enables actingonreal-time analytics,alerts and reports. Data gathering requiresnopre-configurationand can be disabled if necessary. Featuringanintuitive,code-free, drag-and-drop interface, KramerControlenablestime-efficient and thus cost-effective projectdesign. Asacloud-based solution, Kramer Control enables ITadministratorstomanage projects and control devices from anywherein theworld.Kramer Control is easy to learn, program, manage,andsupport. AllKramer Control interfaces are completelycustomizable,enablingprogrammers to create and tailor theinterfaces to theircustomers’requirements. Kramer Control enablescontrolling Brains,smartdevice drivers, and customizable userinterfaces onpopulardevices, including Kramer touch panels.
Home Remote
Compatible with brands like Samsung SmartThings, Sonos, PhilipsHue,LG, etc.