Top 6 Games Similar to Mommy Newborn Baby Games

Holiday Baby Care 7.7.2
It's summer. Anya has to go on vacationwithherparents, so she has to make his luggage. She can not dothisbymyself, so I have someone to help folding clothes, and goingtotheairport because it is the first time a plane flies. Inthisgameyou will help you do all these things Anya. First you havetoplaya little with Anya because it will do so very quickly,andshouldbe very happy before leaving on vacation. Then he shouldsita fewclothes and toys to put them in luggage, not to be boredontheplane. After he got on the plane, we must do somethingtoeatbecause he was hungry and we must behave with this girl.Wewillgive you a salad, a burger, and some frozen. After Hrant aneedtowash. So we will take a quick shower to feel better. Shewantstoplay with someone while on vacation, but not who. We havetoplaywith it to not get bored and not to cry. Thank youforchoosingthis game and invite you to choose and other gamesforgirls inthis developer to see if you can handle as well.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Newborn Twins Surgery Doctor 6.4
Hi, welcome! You will really like this gameforchildren, you will have fun with us very well. We are surethatthrough this baby care game you will make new friends. Everydayyou can test the most important skills you and to your familyyoucan prove that you are a responsible child. Here, in this gameforgirls, you'll be able to have the most important role, andyou'llbe a good doctor that will help a woman to know her twins.She ispregnant and will soon she will give born, she is verynervous butknows that your help will make her to feel better. Shewants tobecome your friend. This girls game will give you exactlywhat youneed in this beautiful day and you'll be certain to win theawardfor the best doctor.Every day in our clinic many children are born and certainlyfromnow you'll be the doctor who makes all these thingscometrue.If you want this mission to have a happy ending will have topayattention to every detail of this game.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- Our friend is at home;- She is lonely and needs help;- Now she wants to eat;- Give her some sweets, fruit and milk;- Help her to pack everything she needs;- She started to feel sick and she has to go to hospital;- Now you can consult her;- Check heartbeat;- Check if the young has a fever;- Make anesthesia;- The children were born;- Now you have to wash them;- Change the diaper;- Give them some milk and fresh fruit juices;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day throughthisgame.Have fun!
Princess Pool Party 5.3
Hello, you definitely read many storiesandknow much about princesses. They are beautiful, intelligent,goodand even courageous. If you like stories with princesses you'llbehappy to know that here, in this pool party game for girlsyou'llbe able to know more princesses. They want to become yourfriends,and more than that they want to invite you to a party atthe pool.In thismakeup salon game for girls you have a veryimportant role,you have to help a young princess to organize themost beautifulpool party in the kingdom. It wants to invite allfriends to theparty and therefore has much to do. She really needsyour help andwe trust in you. A party requires more work andcreation.If you're a creative child will definitely decorate verybeautifularea where the party will take place.Do not forget to make the pool to look very good.- The girls want to look good to the party;- You will have to apply makeup, apply: contact lenses, eyeshadow,lipstick, mascara, eyebrow pencil and powder for thecheeks;- Then you have to choose the most suitable clothes forpoolparties;- Choose a nice and colorful swimsuit;- Do not forget the accessories, sunglasses and hat, these arethemost important;- A princess must look good and therefore needs the mostexcitingjewelry;- You have to do cleaning at the pool;- Collect garbage;- Clean water;- Wash sandstone;- Decorate with flowers;- Do not forget umbrellas;- The water looks very good;- Girls are happy because they look good;- Princesses want to eat;- You will have to prepare the most delicious fruit salads;- Do not forget to make orange juice;- Choose an appropriate music;- Arrange the lounge chairs;- You are a very good organizer party.Please come back every day through this makeup gamewithprincesses.Have fun!
Pregnant Bride Medical Exam 5.1.2
Hi all girls dream of the day when theybecomebrides, the day that will go to the altar to see the boy thattheylove. A very important point is the arrival of a child intotheworld. If the two events occur at a short distance is evenagreater happiness. Today through this kids game you will havefunwith us taking care of our beautiful friend but and her baby.Youhave to prove to everyone that you are a good child withmanyabilities. We are sure that you will be able to do everythingweneed for our friend to meet her child and you will help her tohavethe most beautiful wedding.This game for girls is exactly what you need in this day andpleasepay attention to all details.Follow all instructions of the game to care for children.Good luck!- Eric and Jenny were married recently and now they are inthehoneymoon;- Jenny feels bad and Eric believes that she is pregnant;- Suspicions prove to be true;- For nine months they care for their baby to be born healthyandbeautiful;- You will have to help Jenny to meet their child;- You will need to consult her;- Check if the girl has fever;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Check weight and height- Check if the child has fever;- Check heartbeat;- Give him milk;- Change the diaper;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you are a responsible child.Thank you for help, you are the best friend of ours andpleasecome back daily to help us through this game for girls.Have fun!
Fashion Care Makeover Games 8.5.3
My girlfriend is very sensitive but at thesametime very demanding. She has to go to a very important meetingandneed to makeup, to dress and embellish his face. She came toourroom but today all employees are free, and we must do so astoarrange my friend. We need to find someone quickly because wedonot want to wait, and you're the best person to do this. Inthisgame you have to take care of our friend, and have to doeverythingshe will ask.1) First you have to put a background song to us easier.2) then must apply a layer of cream on the face to remove dirt,thenwe wash easily.3) still have to eliminate them all blackheads and pimples ontheface using a special tool.4) then must apply two coats of cream on the face and eyestoregenerate the skin and make it feel better.5) after I finished with makeup, you must help her to dress andputtheir accessories.6) have to choose a pair of earrings, a crown, a bracelet, aringand a necklace very beautiful.7) after finishing accessories have to choose a dress or a skirtsoas to match the chosen accessories.Our beautiful girlfriend now and rushes to get to thismeeting.Thanks you agreed to help us beautify the ladies, andplease tryother games for girls in this developer.Good luck!
Fairy Flower Girls Games 7.8.2
Our Fairy has began to fly over the gardenwhensuddenly noticed that one area of the garden have no flowersandthere is no gardener around to handle this job. In this gameyouhave to help the fairy to plant some flowers in the empty spaceinher garden to be the most beautiful flower garden that yousawbefore. Must help the fairy to buy items needed to plant aflowergarden and cover all with a special place. First you have tohelpthe fairy to buy a wand, a broom, a spray device, a solutiontoflowers and less land. In the next level you have to help cleanupthe entire area without flowers, so you can plant andgrowbeautiful as well. You need to clean all traces of water lefttopick leaves and flowers before. In the next level you mustplantflowers. To do this you have to dig a hole, put the seeds init,and then to water flowers with a special solution to help themgrowfaster. Thank you for choosing this game with fairies andpleasetry other games for girls from our developer to test yourskills.Instructions: Use your fingers to play