Top 10 Apps Similar to Handy Pinyin Pro 隨手學拼音(專業版)

Chinese Pinyin Converter 1.0
With the rapid progressofbusinessglobalization, the need for learning Chineseisincreasing.Although there are more and more people around theworldlearningChinese, a lot of these people find difficult toimprovethemselvesin Chinese. So what do they really need todo?Have you ever heard of "The simple way to study EnglishwithMurakamimethod" written by the former president of Google?Justlike English,we just need to train the 5 categories,"Read","Write", "Memorizevocabulary", "Listen" and "Speak".And let's start from "Reading". And "Reading Chinese" meanstoreadChinese Characters and understand the meaningfromChineseCharacters. The first step is always the hardest. Theremaybe manyChinese characters that you find difficult toread.Thisapplication is made for you to support your first step.Let'smakethe first step together!In this application you just need to paste the Chinese textandpressthe convert button. Then pinyin will be addedautomaticallyto helpyour first step. Let's start from reading 100wordseveryday to reachthe goal of one million words!The following are the recommended Chinese web sites.SelecttheChinese text that you like, and read it with the朝日新中文网:日本新社的中文网: pinyin with tone marks-Support word,sentence and article-Support multi-pronunciation characters-Support for android tablets-Easy to readHow to input Chinese:The Google Pinyin IME is an input method optimizedforChinesecharacter input.To be used on your Android device, theIMEmust beenabled in "Settings" → "Language &keyboardsettings".
Chinese Pinyin Trainer
Improve your Chinese listening andspeakingskills today!No matter if you're a beginner or a long-time student ofChinese,its tonal nature can catch you out and even cause someseriousembarrassment...The trainchinese Pinyin Trainer will help you master thosetoneswith Pinyin, the standard romanization system for MandarinChinese.With almost 2,000 individual sound recordings made by anativeChinese speaker and a variety of question-and-answer methods,it'llkeep you on your toes and improve your Chinese listeningskillslike nothing else. Plus, it's got a complete guide toreadingChinese with the Pinyin system built right in.Features:★ Almost 2,000 sound recordings.★ Answer questions about both Chinese tones and Pinyin "initials"-helping you with commonly mistaken words like "zhi", "chi"and"shi", and maybe saving you some embarrassment!★ Complete guide to reading Pinyin with interactive index ofPinyinsounds - suitable for all levels.★ Flexible configuration.Get more apps for learning Chinese at
Pinyin Table 1.6.0
Edward Lee
Table of all Pinyin combinations. ■ Tap on a cell to hearitpronounced in all four tones. ■ Swipe around to view all ofthetable. ■ Row of finals and column of initials can be set tofreezein place. -- Quick Notes -- ■ This is the first release, somaycontain bugs. ■ Make sure there is an Internet connection orsoundswill not work. ■ Comments and suggestions are welcome!!
Chinese Pinyin Beginner 1.3.8
Evol App
Chinese Pinyin Beginner is an intuitive starter App designedtohelpto you quickly learn and master the basicChinesePinyin:Consonants(Initials) and Vowels(Finals). You shouldbe abletomaster the fundamental Chinese Pinyin in few hrs. ✔ Taponthepinyin to listen to the pronunciation. ✔ Loop listening onitemsonscreen or single pinyin. (Brainwashing! Force yourself tolistento'difficult pinyin' until you can speak them) ✔ RandomQuizonlistening. (After you can speak all the pinyin. Remember todoaquiz every night for 30 days to reinforceyourlearningachievement!) ✔ Hide items that you become familiar.Whenno itemleft behind, congratulation, you mastered the basicChinesePinyin!✔ Work offline.
我爱拼音 1.6
软件介绍我爱拼音是一款重在提高孩子的拼读和描写能力的拼音学习应用。★书写练习和检查让孩子爱上写拼音 ! 例字、拼读和儿歌让孩子爱上拼音 !【内容介绍】┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉✦ 主要功能 :✧ 例字、拼读、儿歌都可以点击发音并配有动画,方便跟读和记忆拼音。常用的汉字,配以唐诗,成语等顺口溜,让孩子学会拼音的同时长知识。常用音节的拼读,加上声调练习,可以提高孩子的拼读应用能力。通俗的儿歌小课堂帮助孩子轻松记忆标调和拼读等规则。✧ 笔顺动画演示和描写练习等,帮助孩子规范书写,实现手脑并用能力的提升。小红花奖励等可以激发兴趣,让孩子爱上学习 !对书写错误点的批注,能够帮助孩子及时纠正错误。✧ 可以更换自己的照片,用彩笔写上自己的姓名和班级,增加趣味性。
Chinese Pinyin 4.4
"Chinese Pinyin" is a tool that help you convert and listenhanyupinyin. It also provides many useful resources for you tolearnpinyin and chinese. Main features: ✔ Chinese to Pinyinconverter: •Input Chinese text to see and listen pinyin. • Use thedictionaryof Chinese characters to select the letter that you wantto see orlisten its pinyin. ✔ Useful knowledge of Chinese pinyinandpronunciation for you to learn. ✔ Over 2000 most popularChineseconversation. ✔ Other useful resources for you to learn howtospeak Chinese. Enjoy!
Pinyin Converter 5.0
Convert any Chinese text in simplifiedortraditional chinese characters into Pinyin- Just select any text into any app and send it toPinyinConverter or Shoot it with your phone Camerausing integrated OCR to recognize it automatically.- Tap on any word on the converted text to get thepossibletraductions in EnglishConversion and OCR OFFLINE
Pinyin Table 1.1
Simple and elegant! TutorMing’ s Pinyin Appisbuilt with a simple three steps format in an elegantinterface.With all the Mandarin Chinese pinyin table componentslaid out, youcan combine consonants, vowels, and tones to hear howit’s supposedto sound in Chinese!FeaturesAll Pinyin Combinations (1,600+)TutorMing’s certified consultants give you all possiblecombinationsof pinyin in this easy-to-use table. Learn everyChinese sound withour pinyin table app.Choose Consonants and Vowel Sounds SeparatelyThe TutorMing Pinyin table lets you pick the consonant soundsfromthe pinyin table separately. This lets you examine patternsandrhymes between different Chinese Pinyin combinations.Audio PronunciationsHear all the Chinese Pinyin combinations pronounced by acertifiedconsultant! Practice echoing the speaker, and you canimprove yourown pronunciation!Word SuggestionsA Chinese character suggestion will appear for the pinyin soundyouselected, so you can match the sound to the character! TheChinesecharacter will appear in both simplified and traditionalChinese.The English meaning of the character will also appear.What is Pinyin?Pinyin is the Romanization of the Chinese characters based ontheirpronunciations. In Mandarin Chinese, the phrase “pinyin”literallytranslates into “spell sound.” It is used for spelling outChinesephrases with letters from the English alphabet.Additionally, thetones indicate to the reader what emphasis toplace on the wordcombination. There are 22 consonants (initials,)36 vowels(finals,) and 4 tones, and total of 1,600+ combinations.EveryChinese character can be pronounced with one of the1,600+combinations.Free registration is required after download.TutorMing: https://www.tutorming.comRegister for TutorMing:’ s blog:
汉字转拼音 7.3.2
汉字转拼音(带声调)是一款支持汉语真人发音、方言发音、普通话测试评分、字典解释、辞典查询、还内置成语词典、绕口令等等的普通话正音助手,乃学习常用必备工具软件。是您远离生僻字、学好一口标准普通话的好帮手。1、汉字转拼音:输入或者粘贴汉字或者词句,点击查询按钮即可显示出汉字带声调的全拼。2、支持真人发音和字典解释,地方方言发音(粤语、四川话、东北话、河南话、湖南话、陕西话、台湾普通话);3、拼音查汉字(同音字):输入拼音即可查找对应的汉字,支持全部拼音组合检索,支持拼音加声调查询(如:bing1);4、多音字查询:录入4000多多音字,不同发音词组,还有经典例句,汉字转拼音语句支持常用多音字语句识别;5、词典功能:字典、辞典、成语词典(离线,解释、典故、例句)、同义词反义词、名人名言库;6、绕口令:训练普通话口语的传统语言游戏,将声母、韵母或声调极易混同的字,组成反覆、重叠、绕口、拗口的句子,要求一口气急速念出;7、普通话测评:成语词典和绕口令(部分)支持普通话测试评分,100分制,帮助您学习普通话发音与正音。由冰灯工作室设计开发Designed By icelamp Studio
Chinese Pinyin Helper 1.1.3
Chinese phonetic alphabet belongsvowels,consonants and syllables to recognize and read a whole.Pinyin mustlearn from these three begins. Chinese Pinyin Helperhelp torecognize these three phonetics, we use interesting pictureandsound to help people to learn Pinyin. Morever,it contains a lotsofphonetics practices,help child baby children or foreign peopletolearn chinese.“Baby-Where” is the mobile internet preschool educationoriginalbrand,focus on children’s application productdevelopment,accordingto the growth characteristics of children ofdifferent ages,tocreate exclusive productsmeticulously,interactively unique,toachieve the purpose and effectof the educational enlightenment,asthe baby’s childhood add a touchof bright door,is conducive tohealth physical and mentaldevelopment of children,intelligencedeveloping and perfecting,inentertainment easily learning andgrowth.Our team is working very hard,welcome to submit commentsforusConcept:Guided heuristic learning,edutainment,interactivecognitiveability,personality