Top 7 Games Similar to WAVAL サーフィンと自然を愛する人のサーフィンメディア

Glassy Surf Report | Forecast
Glassy’s only goal is to improve the waywesurf.Glassy’s surfing community is made up of 200,000 surfers thathavealready downloaded the app. Along with our increasing userbasethere are more than 13,000 spots around the world created bytheown surfers and validated by our team.TRACK YOUR SURF SESSIONSCreate your surfing social profile to input, measure andevaluateyour surf sessions.Go back and see your progress through your session library.ACCESS 13K+ SURF SPOTSCreate a personalized list of your favorite spots and createyourown spot if it doesn’t exist yet.WORLDWIDE FORECASTAccurate and always updated weather and swell conditions.RECEIVE SWELL ALERTSSet up your own notifications for when the ideal surfingconditionsshow up (height of swell, swell direction, swell period,wind speedand wind direction).CONNECT WITH YOUR FRIENDSShare your surfing sessions on Facebook and Twitter.Upload photos of your session, attach the surfboard sued inthatsession and improve your current level.COMING SOON· The possibility to challenge your friends or any surfer aroundtheworld.· A main page in the app where you can see all the activity ofyourfriends.Since we know that you are a passionate about surfing weconsideryour opinion very valuable. We invite you to join theGlassycommunity by telling us what we could do to improve yoursurfexperience.You can email us to
なみある?アプリ サーフィン&波情報 3.0.10
The long-awaited wave information app provided bythelong-established surfing & wave information "Namiaru?"!Thestrongest surfing tool that has evolved into a design thatiseasier to use and see! If it's a wave information app, isitfamiliar?
サーフィンに少し興味が出る「初めてのサーフィン」 1.0
SURFING GUIDE MAP(サーフィン波情報アプリ) 1.2.0
SURFINGGUIDEMAP(サーフィンガイドマップ)は、サーフィン・波情報サイト「なみある?」と地図・ナビゲーションの「いつもNAVI」がコラボした、サーファー待望のサーフィン&波情報アプリ。全国140カ所のサーフポイントを無料で紹介。さらに駐車場、コンビニ、ファミレスやホテルなどこのアプリであらゆる場所を検索可能です。サーフィンガイドマップはサーフィンをする人のために、サーフィンに関わるたくさんの有益な情報をお届けします。【SURFING GUIDE MAP(サーフィンガイドマップ)の主な機能】■地図情報全国140か所のサーフポイント・波情報がポイントアドバイス付で見られます。さらに、サーフィン情報だけでなく、グルメ情報(和洋中、ファミレスやカフェなど)、駐車場、コンビニ、薬局、レジャースポット、観光スポット、宿(宿泊施設)が無料で検索可能!【おしらせ】誠に勝手ながら、有料チケットの販売は終了させていただきました。有料チケットご利用中のお客様については、チケット期限内は有料サービスをご利用いただけますが、チケットの延長はできません。本件に関してのお問い合わせはアプリ内「ご意見・ご要望、お問い合わせ」よりお受けしております。長きにわたり、ご利用いただきましてありがとうございました。SURFING GUIDE MAP(surfingguide map) is surfing the wave information site "thereNami?" And"always NAVI" of map navigation is collaboration,surferlong-awaited surfing and wave information app.Introducing free surf point nationwide 140 locations.Further parking, convenience store, such as a family restaurantandhotel is possible searching all over the place with thisapp.Surfing guide map is for people to surf, it will deliver a lotofuseful information related to surfing.[The main function of SURFING GUIDE MAP (surfingguidemap)]■ map informationNationwide 140 locations in Surf point-wave information it willbeseen in with a point advice.Furthermore, not only the surfing information, gourmetinformation(in Japanese and Western, such as family restaurant andcafes),parking, convenience store, pharmacy, leisure spots,touristattractions, lodging (accommodation) can search forfree![News]Actually without permission, the sale of toll tickets we weregoingto end.For Paying ticket in use, within the ticket time limit andpayservices, but it can not be an extension of the ticket.Contact us within the app "opinions and requests, contact"withrespect to this matter and we have received from.Over the long time, we Thank you for using.
波情報 海の天気 0.2
各地の波予測をタブ別に表示波情報を表示します。初回起動時に地域の選択画面が表示されるので、選択してください。複数選択できます。選択された地域の波情報がタブ別で表示されます。スワイプして順次チェックしてください。表示順番は設定から変更できます。Show wave predictionofaround by tabIt will show the wave information.Since the selection screen of the area is displayed at the timeofthe first start-up, please select.You can select multiple.Wave information of the selected area will be displayed inanothertab.Please sequentially check by swiping.Display order you can be changed from the setting.
サーフィンMAP 2012BCM 1.2.1
Surfer in-vehicle rate No.1! Bichikomingu an e-book app ofthemagazine 2012 edition.
Void Live Surf Report 4.2
Surf report app for Jacksonville Beach Florida