Top 12 Apps Similar to 香江野生动物世界-导游助手.旅游攻略.打折门票

广州好玩 1.0
广州简称'穗',是广东省省会,全省政治、经济、科技、教育和文化的中心。近年来,特别是广州举办2010年亚运会和亚残运会前后,城市建设突飞猛进,打造了一批城市新名片,大大地丰富了广州的旅游资源。为此广州好玩建立目的在推动与活络广州地区观光旅游事业、营销广州旅游活动及相关交通住宿订购预约,以及兴盛旅游相关的周边产业。利用先进的无线移动技术以及优质的互联网科技,配合现有普及化的智能型手机及丰富的食、住、行、游、购、娱信息数据平台,提供如下功能,以查询、检索、预定为一体,实时与便利的旅游服务。 广州风情 行程推荐 公交指南 酒店查询 疯狂购物 休闲娱乐 吃货天堂 机票预订 景点信息Guangzhou referred toas'spike', capital of Guangdong Province, the province'spolitical,economic, technological, educational and cultural center.In recentyears, especially after the Asian Games held in Guangzhouin 2010and the Asian Paralympic Games, the rapid urbanconstruction, tocreate a number of new urban business cards,greatly enriching thetourism resources in Guangzhou. For thispurpose the establishmentof fun and active in promoting the causeof tourism in Guangzhou,Guangzhou tourism marketing activities andrelated transportationand accommodation reservation order, as wellas tourism-relatedperipheral industries flourished in Guangzhou.The use of advancedtechnology and high quality wireless mobileInternet technology,with the popularization of the existing smartphones and rich food,housing, transportation, travel, shopping andentertainmentinformation data platform that provides the followingfunctions toquery, retrieve, scheduled to integrated, real-time andconvenienttravel services. Guangzhou customs recommended itinerary Bus Guide hotel inquiries shopping spree Recreation eat goods Heaven ticket booking Spots
长隆水上乐园-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.1
导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。景区简介:长隆水上乐园作为全国著名、世界知名的水上乐园。作为目前世界上至大、至先进、水上游乐项目至多的大型水上乐园,长隆水上乐园几乎所有的设备均由国外原装进口,且有众多荣获国际大奖的顶尖项目。其超大的游玩空间,顶尖的配套设施、清新宜人的环境以及优质服务,吸引了来自五湖四海的游客,让所有入园游玩的游客乐而忘返、念念不忘。全新漂流河新添动物元素,金刚鹦鹉给游客清凉的水世界探险增添活泼与动感,适合全家人共享天伦。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comGuidehelpermainfunctions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Scenic profile:Long Water Park As a famous, world-renowned water park.Astheworld's great, the advanced water rides up a large waterpark,LongWater Park almost all the equipment imported byforeigncountries,and have won numerous international awards for topitems.Its largeplay space, top-notch facilities, clean andpleasantenvironmentand quality services, to attract tourists fromall overthe world,so that all park visitors enjoyable to play, andneverforget.River rafting added a new element of the new animal,macawscoolwater to tourists add lively and dynamic world adventureforthewhole family spend with the family.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
长隆鳄鱼公园-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.2
景区简介:广州鳄鱼公园是长隆集团精心打造的又一大型主题公园,于2004年开业,在占地面积达数千亩的公园内,生活着数万条鳄鱼和各种珍稀的飞禽,以营造自然生态的湿地公园为目标,堪称国内最大的生态湿地公园。鳄鱼公园打造闹市中的郊野公园,位于番禺的鳄鱼公园远离城市的喧嚣繁华,自然休闲别有洞天,是都市人假日放松休闲的首选,交通便利,可以乘坐地铁转穿梭巴士直达,或驱车自驾游。园区内生长着多种湿地植物,因四季不同出现不同景致。由于丰富的植物物种,特有的湿地环境气候,是夏季消暑的圣地,远离城市的热岛效应。导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comScenic profile:Guangzhou Crocodile Park is a carefully craftedChanglongGroup,another major theme park, opened in 2004, covers anareaof​​thousands of acres in the park, living with tens ofthousandsofcrocodiles and a variety of rare birds, in order tocreateanatural ecological Wetland Park as the goal, calledthenation'slargest wetland ecosystem. Crocodile Park to builddowntownincountry parks, located in Panyu Crocodile Park away fromthehustleand bustle of the city downtown, natural leisure amazing,isthecity of choice for relaxing holidays,convenienttransportation,you can take a shuttle bus to subwaytransfer, ordrive by car.Park grow a variety of wetland plants,because thereare differentviews of the different seasons. Becausediversity ofplants, theunique wetland environment and climate, isthe summer tocool theHoly Land, away from the city heat islandeffect.Guide helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
长隆欢乐世界-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.1
导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。景区简介:长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,占地面积2000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:“全球过山车之王”垂直过山车、创吉尼斯世界纪录的十环过山车、荣获行业设计金奖的摩托过山车、超级大摆锤、东半球唯一的U型滑板等世界级巅峰游乐项目以及目前世界上至先进的四维影院,目前正在热播奥斯卡大片。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@一块去旅行网网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comGuidehelpermainfunctions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Scenic profile:Chime-Long Paradise is located in Panyu District,Guangzhou,coversan area of ​​2,000 acres, nearly 70 rides. Joy tothe worldtheintroduction of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany,Italy,theUnited States and other leading amusementequipmentcompany'sequipment, including: "Global roller coaster ofthe King"verticalroller coaster, the Guinness Book of World Recordsten ringrollercoaster, won the gold medal of the design industrymotorizedrollercoaster, super large pendulum, the EasternHemisphereuniqueU-shaped pinnacle of skateboarding and otherworld-classrides andthe world to the advanced four-dimensionalcinema, iscurrentlybeing hit Oscar movies.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ one to travel networkWebsite:
旅游服务大全 1.0
旅游服务大全,涵盖全国10000多个景点信息。可快速搜索全国各个城市的旅游景点,还包括景点咨询投诉电话、当地旅游局、工商局投诉电话。既可为您的旅程做向导同时还是您维护权益的法宝。1、快速搜索同城或异地景点查询、景点咨询电话以及旅游投诉电话2、准确定位周边景点,并显示地图位置Encyclopediaoftourismservice, covering over 10,000 attractions nationwide.QuickSearchattractions of the various cities, includingattractionsconsultingtelephone complaints, the local tourismbureau, the TradeandIndustry Bureau complaints Tel. Either as aguide for yourjourneyis also the magic weapon to protect theirinterests.     Quick Search query or beyondthecityattractions, attractions Tel Tourism complaints Tel     Accurate positioningAttractions,andshow map location
Guangzhou Travel Guide 2.5.0
A comprehensive travel guide to Guangzhou packed with utilitiesandinformation!
广州塔-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.2
广州塔位于广州市中心,城市新中轴线与珠江景观轴交汇处,与海心沙岛和广州市21世纪CBD区珠江新城隔江相望,是中国第一高塔,世界第三高塔。2010年9月28日,广州市城投集团举行新闻发布会,正式公布广州新电视塔的名字为广州塔,整体高600米,为国内第一高塔,而“小蛮腰”的最细处在66层。从10月1日起,广州塔将正式公开售票接待游客。导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comGuangzhou Towerislocatedin Guangzhou city, new city axis intersection withthePearl Riverlandscape axis, with the sea, sand island and the21stcentury,Guangzhou Pearl River New City CBD area across theriver,is China'sfirst tower, the world's third tower. September28,2010, theGuangzhou City Investment Group held a pressconferencetoofficially announce the name for the Guangzhou New TVTowerCantonTower, the overall height 600 meters, is the firsttower,and the"waistline" of the finest at 66 stories. From October1,theGuangzhou Tower will officially open ticket tourists.Guide helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
广州南湖游乐园-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.2
广州南湖游乐园是“广州南湖国家旅游度假区”的重要组成部分,是一个大型的现代化游乐场所,是人们休闲度假娱乐、亲朋欢聚的好去处。它伴随"新广州”与新一代年青人的快乐成长。园内现有大小娱乐项目40多个,设备由欧美、日本等国家地区引进。超群的现代建筑,优美的自然环境,布局合理的园林特色,使度假区构成和谐统一的艺术画面。导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comGuangzhouNanhuAmusementPark is the "Guangzhou Nanhu National ResortDistrict,"animportant component of a large, modernplaygrounds,leisureentertainment for people, friends and relativesgather agoodplace. It is accompanied by "new Guangzhou" and anewgeneration ofyoung people have grown up. The existing size oftheparkentertainment project more than 40, the equipmentfromEurope,Japan and other countries and regions to introduce.Superiormodernarchitecture, beautiful natural environment, rationallayoutof thegarden features, making the resort the art of harmonyandunityconstitutes the screen.Guide helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
Weekend Escapades 2.0.3
Need a weekend getaway but not sure wheretogo? Check out our quick guide to cities within a five-hour flight radius from sunny Singapore. There a 52 destinationsinall – one for each weekend of the year – includingfamiliarfavourites like Bali and Hong Kong, as well asoff-the-beaten trackgems like Da Nang and Changsha.Whether city exploring, island hopping or soaking in thelocalcultures and festivities, simply scroll through our list ofcities,book your tickets and you’re ready to fly!What’s great about this app?1. Written by the experienced travel writers of Insight Guides–get to know the best places to eat, shop, stay and see2. All recommendations are split into budget, mid-range, andluxecategories to fit your travel budget3. Whether you are a shopaholic, foodie oradventure-seeker,match your interest with customiseditineraries4. See what festivals and events are happening each month5. All you need to know about your getaway location – fastfacts,how to get there from Singapore, images and more6. Use our flight search engine to find the cheapestairfareavailable online7. Enjoy exclusive airfare promotions!8. It’s FREE!AVAILABLE CITIESAustralia- Darwin- PerthBhutan- ParoBrunei Darussalam- Bandar Seri BegawanCambodia- Phnom Penh- Siem ReapChina- Changsha- Chengdu- Guangzhou- Hangzhou- Hong Kong- Kunming- Macau- Nanjing- Qingdao- Shantou- WuhanIndia- KochiIndonesia- Bandung- Denpasar- Jakarta- Lombok- Makassar- Manado- Medan- Solo / Surakarta- Surabaya- YogyakartaLaos- VientianeMalaysia- Ipoh- Kota Kinabalu- Kuala Lumpur- Langkawi- MiriMyanmar- Mandalay- YangonPhilippines- Cebu- Davao- Iloilo- Kalibo- ManilaTaiwan- KaohsiungThailand- Bangkok- Chiang Mai- Koh Samui- Krabi- PhuketVietnam- Da Nang- Hanoi- Ho Chi Minh City
广州宝墨园-导游助手•旅游攻略•打折门票 1.1.1
独家提供广州宝墨园语音解说及景点导游助手。版本:1.1.1下载地址:导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。景区简介:宝墨园位于广东省广州市番禺区沙湾镇紫坭村,建于清末,占地五亩,毁于二十世纪五十年代。后在原番禺市委书记梁伟苏的大力推动下,于一九九五年重建,历时六载,扩至130多亩,集清官文化、岭南古建筑、岭南园林艺术、珠三角水乡特色于一体,建筑、园林、山水、石桥等布局合理,和谐自然,构成一幅幅美丽壮观的景色。著名作家朱千华先生在园林文化随笔集《雨打芭蕉落闲庭•岭南画舫录》中,对宝墨园有详尽记述。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comGuangzhou Baomoexclusiveaudio commentary and attractions guide assistant.Version: 1.1.1Download: helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively, funandprofessional audio commentary, With your understandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surrounding attractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractions andmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within the positioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and park attractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point, toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Scenic profile:Artificial lake located in Panyu District, Guangzhou City,GuangdongProvince, Zini Village, Shawan Town, built at the end,covering fiveacres, destroyed in the 1950's. Panyu after formerparty secretaryLiang Su energetic efforts, in 1995 reconstruction,which lasted sixloading, expanded 130 acres, set upright officialculture, ancientarchitecture Lingnan Lingnan garden art, waterfeatures in one ofthe Pearl River Delta, construction, gardens,landscapes, bridges,etc., reasonable layout, harmonious nature,constitute an amplitudespectacular views. Famous writer Mr. ZhuQianhua garden cultureessays in "Song of Triumph drop Xianting •Lingnan boats recorded",a detailed description on the artificiallake.Product permissions: This software will read contact datatofacilitate the users booking.Assistant guides to travel products from a network release,haveany comments and suggestions, please contact us:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
广州海洋馆-导游助手.旅游攻略.打折门票 1.1.2
景区简介:广州海洋馆位于广州动物园内,1997年起对游人开放,是一家集游乐、观赏、科研、教育多功能为一体的,以陈列展览海洋鱼类为主要特色的蓝色海底世界。海洋馆占地面积为1.5万平方米,馆内放养着200多种鱼类及其它独特罕见的海洋生物,各类精彩的海洋表演节目令游人眼界大开,乐而忘返。导游助手主要功能:1. 专业语音解说:每个景点都有生动、趣味的专业语音解说,带你深入了解景点,增添旅游乐趣;2.AR实景导览,直观显示周边景点方位与距离;3.精美电子地图可随意缩放,更直接了解景点全貌;4.导游导览功能:地图范围内提供定位功能,便于你找到当前位置,以及园区内景点、处理服务站(包括休息点、厕所)的位置;5.景点介绍:图文并茂为你细说景点。6.景点相册:不在景区也能观赏更多美景。产品权限:本软件会读取联系人数据以方便用户订票。导游助手系列产品由一块去旅行网发布,有任何意见和建议,请联系我们:邮 箱请将#号改成@)用户体验反馈QQ群:243645747新浪微博:@一块去旅行网腾讯微博:@景点打折门票网 址:www.yikuaiqu.comScenic profile:Guangzhou is located in Guangzhou Zoo Aquarium, opentovisitorssince 1997, is a collection of amusement,ornamental,research,education functions as one to display andexhibition ofmarine fishas the main characteristics of a blueunderwater world.Aquariumcovers an area of ​​15,000 square meters,the museumstocked withmore than 200 kinds of fish and other uniqueand raremarine life,all kinds of wonderful marine performances willgivevisitors aneye-opening, enjoyable.Guide helper main functions:1 professional audio commentary: Each spot has a lively,funandprofessional audio commentary, With yourunderstandingofattractions, adding travel fun;2.AR real navigation, visual display surroundingattractionsbearingand distance;3 exquisite electronic maps can easily zoom, attractionsandmoredirect understanding of the whole picture;4 guided navigation: map provided within thepositioningfunction,easy to find your current location, and parkattractions,handlingservice stations (including a break point,toilet)position;5 Attractions: illustrations for you to elaborateattractions.6 Things Album: can not watch more scenic views.Product permissions: This software will read contactdatatofacilitate the users booking.Guide helper series of products from one release tothetravelnetwork, have any comments or suggestions, pleasecontactus:E-mail: app # (please change # to @)User Experience Feedback QQ group: 243 645 747Sina microblogging: @ one to travel networkTencent microblogging: @ attractions discounted ticketsWebsite:
Guangzhou CityGuide (China 广州) 1.1
Guangzhou City Guide Application , Yourwaytodiscover GUANGZHOU (China 广州) !!Going to Guangzhou ?Living in Guangzhou ?Install this FREE city guide app on your smart phone whichhelpsyouto find different places in Guangzhou near by yourlocationusingGPS as Restaurants,Hotels,Banks,Hospitals,... etc andeachplacewill have contact information and address ,, you cannavigatetothat location very easily using this FREE App.