Top 12 Apps Similar to Assist Helpt

Smart Voice Assistant
If you don't know how to use my app PLEASEREADTHE INSTRUCTION BELOW or DON'T RATE MY APP!Requirements:1. App needs Internet connection for most languages.2. App needs Google Search (or Voice Search for Android 4.1-)3. App needs text-to-speech engine (you can download it fromGooglePlay), and text-to-speech language and your device languagehave tobe the same.4. "Ok Google" should be disabled.5. Contacts should be synchronized with Google Account.If you use BT headset you can start recognizing by singleclickingBT button. Click again to start recognizing your voice bymobiledevice microphone. If you click once more, app willstopservice.I would like to introduce you my another great app! SmartVoiceAssistant is pretty useful app, which let you control yourphone byvoice. This app ideally suited while you drive a car.Thanks to it,you won’t endanger your and other people's lives. Whenyou receivemessage, this app will display and even read it if youwant it. Incase you want make a call, Just say key-word and yourcontact’sname. This app can activate loudspeaker if you want. Sodownloadthis incredible app and explore more features whichwereimplemented for you.This app supports bluetooth headset (Android 3.0+ is required).Youcan run/stop service by clicking Bluetooth headset button!Features:• VOICE DIALLING• WRITING SMS (EASY TO USE TEXT EDITOR)• DISPLAYING RECEIVE SMS WINDOW AND READING IT(TEXT-TO-SPEECHENGINE IS REQUIRED)• START NAVIGATION WITH SETTING DESTINATION• SEARCHING WEB• LAUNCHING CUSTOM APPS• MAKING NOTES• SWITCH ON/OFF WI-FI, MOBILE DATA, BLUETOOTH• READING BATTERY LEVEL• WRITING AND POST TWEETS (PRO VERSION)• WRITING AND PUBLISHING ON FACEBOOK WALL (PRO VERSION)IMPORTANT:Voice recognition in some languages need access to Internet. Ifnewmessage window doesn’t display make sure that other messageappsdon’t block SMS notifications.HOW TO USE MY APP?Before you begin, you should adjust all key-words. (Choosecategory,click button and say key-word)Check contact/app key-words. If they contains signs and wordshardto speak, you should change them.To start recognizing - click start button, to stop recognizing-click stop button.HOW TO SPEAK THE COMMAND?Calling: *phone key-word* + *contact key-word*Example: "call john"Writing SMS: *write SMS key-word* + *contact key-word*Example: "write to john"Writing Note: *write note key-word* + *name*Example: "new note first"Open Note: *open note key-word* + *name*Example: "open note first"Nawigation: *navigation key-word* + *destination* - Google Mapsisrequired or other navigation app which react fornavigationintentExample: "navigation new york aberdeen street"Searching: *searching key-word* + *target*Example: "search restaurant berlin"Launching apps: *aunch app key-word* + *app key-word*Example: "launch mail"While you are editing text, you can delete one word, wholetextmessage or text after the word which you said...Example for key-word: "delete since"Text message:Hi, what's up?I am *playing a fantastic game.To delete words after *:"delete since playing"Special thanks to Sébastien EYCHENNE and TheZeb42 fortranslatinginto french language.
Voice Assist 1.3
Voice Assist
Voice Assist is a handsfreepersonalproductivity application. This application is designedtohelp youkeep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.Downloadtheapplication and upload your contacts to our cloudbasedaddressbook. Use the app to add a custom speed dial button toyourhomescreen.Press the button to connect to Voice Assist with one tap.Youwillhear Voice Assist - Ready. Now you can dial by name ornumberorlisten to email or reply or send and receive text messagesbyvoice.Once you connect to Voice Assist you can complete eachtaskone afterthe other. You don't need to hang up. After makingacall, just saygoodbye and wait for the other person to hangup.Voice Assist comesback on the line automatically. Now you candialby voice, email byvoice, text by voice, post to twitter orpost tofacebook all withouttyping. Compare this, Vlingo, Apple SIRI,Google Now, Dragon Go and TextbyVoice.
Zoho Assist - Remote Desktop 3.17
Remote Desktop App by Zoho Assist. Remotely Access &Controlyour Computer
Inkwire Screen Share + Assist
Inkwire lets you easily share your screen to another Android user
OneAssist - Protect Devices 12.0.6
Mobile Insurance, Card Protection, Extended Warranty,ApplianceRepair & Service
Lean Assist 1.0
Lean Assist is a collection ofsimpleandpowerful lean tools. The tools help you to doself-evaluationofcurrent level of performance. The tool alsocontains aleanglossary to familiarise yourself with variousleanterminologiesand ways to measure them.
PM Assist DEMO 1.4.0
van Tuijl IT
PM Assist is an easy to useapplicationwhichsupports the project manager in day-to-dayactivities. Ithelps youto organize your meetings and your tasks andto monitortherealisation of the end products (deliverables) of theproject.Youcan make notes on tasks and products with enhancedtextformattingfeatures. For you as a project manager it now easytokeep anoverview on any actions on your name or commitments thataremadefor product delivery.This is the DEMO version of this application whichhaslimitedfunctionality compared to the full version. The fullversionwillbe available soon.Key Features:- Supports unlimited number of projects (in full version).- Use checkboxes in the notes editor to quickly setandmaintainactivities. The editor also supports enhancedtextformatting likebold, italics, underline and color.- Drag and drop items- View your Agenda. The Calendar show your meeting events,taskdatesand product dates if set. PM Assist use the buildinCalendarapplication to change calendar events.- Use the Tasks function to origanize yourprojectmanagertasks.- Use the Products function to manage the projectendproducts.- Manage contacts (from Phone contacts and PM Assist store)Feedback on how to improve this project managertoolisappreciated.
DayMate 1.3.0
Assist Helpt
DayMate brengt rust in je dag. Je maakt makkelijk en snel eenhandigoverzicht van wanneer je wat moet doen. Geen traditionele todolijst maar met behulp van heldere iconen. De app is er vooriedereendie wel eens gebrek aan structuur of overzicht ervaart. Jehoudt eenoverzichtelijke dagindeling. Heb je het gevoel dat jealtijd teveeldingen aan je hoofd hebt? Neem dan de regie in eigenhand en brengstructuur aan in je dag met DayMate en rust in jehoofd! VERDEEL JEDAG IN ACTIVITEITEN EN TAKEN Deel je dag in dooractiviteiten aan temaken. Met subtaken als je daar behoefte aanhebt. Je kanactiviteiten voor dezelfde dag aanmaken of meteen jehele weekinplannen door de activiteit te herhalen op iedergewenste dag. SNELEN MAKKELIJK DayMate is simpel, eenvoudig enprikkelarm. Zie directwat je huidige activiteit is met eenduidelijk icoon en krijg eenmelding als een taak begint. Dankzijde handige timer weet je altijdmeteen wat je moet doen - tot op deminuut nauwkeurig. Ook jerustmomenten kun je plannen. STEUN ALS JEDAT WILT Kun je wel eensteuntje in je rug gebruiken? Stel dan jeeigen begeleider of coachin, die je meteen kan bellen als hetnodig is. Met DayMate Premiumstuur je de begeleider een wekelijksemailupdate en laat je wetenhoe goed het met je gaat. Liever geenbegeleider? Geen probleem. Ookgoed. DayMate is gemaakt door AssistHelpt , experts op het gebiedvan ASS en autisme. Ook voor mensenmet niet aangeborenhersenletsel, beginnen dementie of in deambulante zorg kunnen ersteun aan hebben voor hun dagstructuur.Nieuw in deze app is deuitbreiding van de iconen, mailbericht aanje begeleider, meerderetaken aanmaken. De app is er dus vooriedereen die behoefte heeftaan een vast dagritme. Heb je vragen ofsuggesties over DayMate?Mail ons gerustop
Description CASIO C-Assist is in Android app that makesitpossibleto establish a network connection between anAndroidterminaldevice and CASIO Projector,*1 and then projectdocumentsand imagesstored in the terminal's memory, real-timeimages pickedup by theterminal's built-in camera, and browserscreen images. Italsoenables remote control of a computer connectedon the samenetworkfor smarter and more efficient presentations.・File Viewer Forprojection of documents and images*2 in theterminal’smemory*3・Wireless  For real-time projection of imagespicked up bytheterminal's camera ・Browser  For projection of Webpage imagesusingCASIO C-Assist's Web browser ・Remote computercontrol  Forremotecontrol of a computer by a terminal over anetworkconnectionSupported Operating Systems Android OS 4.0 – 9.x*1SupportedProjectors XJ-A147, XJ-A247, XJ-A257 XJ-M146,XJ-M156,XJ-M246,XJ-M256 XJ-UT310WN, XJ-UT311WN, XJ-UT351WNXJ-F20XN,XJ-F200WN,XJ-F210WN (Some models covered by this app maynot beavailable incertain geographic areas.) *2 ProjectableDocument andImage FilesPDF JPEG, PNG, BMP *3 Some Android devicesis not ableto read datastored in external SD card during use ofC-Assist. Inthat case,please copy the data to internal storage ofthe devicefrom SD cardin advance. Using CASIO C-Assist Use thesteps below toestablish aconnection between a terminal andprojector with CASIOC-Assist. 1.Configure projector networksettings and then select"Network" asthe projectors input source.This will cause thestandby screen,showing network information, tobe projected. 2. Onthe terminal,select [Settings] and then [Wi-Fi].Next, select thesame networkwhere the projector is selected. 3.Start up CASIOC-Assist 4.After starting up, CASIO C-Assist willfind allconnectableprojectors on the network and display them ontheterminal screen.Select the projector to which you want toconnect.5. On the homescreen, connect the function you want to use.
Appelar Assist 1.0.4
Az Appelar Assistegyfelhőalapúköltségnyilvántartó, költségelemző,döntéstámogatószolgáltatásmezőgazdasági termelők részére. Valósidejűadatokkal,információkkal látja el a felhasználót agazdaságtevékenységéről,legyen az önköltség számítás, vagyköltségelemzés.Mindössze napi 5perc ráfordítással pontosan éstisztán láthatjukgazdaságunkaktuális helyzetét.The Appelar Assistisacloud-based filing costs, cost analysis, decisionsupportservicesfor farmers. Real-time data provides the userwithinformationabout the activities of the economy, whether it'scostcalculation,or cost analysis. Just 5 minutes dailyeffortaccurately andclearly see the actual situation ofoureconomy.
V-Assist 1.0
Shop Assist monitors entrances andexitsfromthe zone surrounded with iBeacons. By setting upthecoordinates ofthe zone in settings part, ShopAssist appcalculatedistances andlocation of an Android device so that it cangives theinformationwhether the device is inside or outside thezone(store).This appcan be used in stores or zones that has alreadybeen usingV-Countproduct counting people. All personnels inshopping centerusingV-Count product should be able to use this app.The appcontainsbackground bluetooth monitoring as a result itincreasesthe drainrate of battery a little bit.ShopAssistmonitorsentrances and exits from the zone surrounded withibeacons.Bysetting up the coordinates of the zone in thesettingspart,ShopAssist app calculate distances and location ofanAndroiddevice, so that it can Gives the information Whetherthedevice isinside or outside the zone (store). This app can beusedin storesor zones using the V-counter product that has alreadybeencountingpeople. All personnels in the shopping center usingtheV-counterproduct should be able to use this app. The appcontainsbackgroundbluetooth monitoring as a result it increases therate ofbatterydrain a little bit.
Timetable 3.1.1
Moritz Iseke
With this app you can easily manage your school life withyourphoneor your tablet. You can create a timetable, homework,exams,gradesand holidays easily. Timetable - Choose between day-andweekview -Enable saturday and/or AB week - Your phone getsmutedduring thelessons Homework - Choose a subject and the datewill becalculatedautomatically - Attach multiple pictures withyourcamera or fromthe gallery - Add a reminder Exams - Attachmultiplepictures - Adda exam type, a grade and a note - getnotified whenthere is an examin the upcoming days Grades - You canweight yourgrades and addgrade types - You can even weight yoursubjects (e.gwhen a subjectis more important than another) - Theaverage willbe calculatedautomatically Hours absent - Add hoursabsent and getnotified whenyou got unexcused absences - Categorizeyou absences- The app willautomatically calculate the amount ofabsences afteryou selectedyour timeinterval Widgets -Homeworkwidget -Timetablewidget - ExamWidget - Next lesson widget - showsyour next twoclasses -Timetable clock widget - shows the remainingtime of thecurrentlesson - shows the next two classes TranslationsItalianAndreaSartorello Russian Vitaly Snytsa Korean Bomi ChungAlpha&Betatesters: