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银联钱包 9.0.2
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WBReader (EPUB, TXT Reader)
Easy-to-use, light, convenient novel reader, support e-booksinEPUB/TXT format.
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Lightning home VPN, no registration, no login, one-clicknetworkproxy accelerator for returning to China
Readings Viewer 6.2.5
Improving your reading experience
Kono Libraries 3.7.14
Kono Digital
Kono Libraries provides best e-magazine service for librariesandcorporations.
CHNM 1.21.1
CHNM is a comprehensive platform for domestic and overseas Chinese.
36氪 9.3.0
一家超十年的机构媒体,致力于为用户提供前沿的互联网、科技、创投、消费、职场、泛文娱等优质新商业资讯,让信息更具价值。【独家消息】大公司、独角兽、创投项目等重磅独家消息一手发布,实时推送。【特色栏目】「8点1氪」「深氪」「新风向」「智氪分析」「知料」等精选栏目,准时送上新热点,深度解析各行业现状,专业预测各行业未来发展趋势。【精选专题】新闻事件、热点话题全方位梳理,多维度解读,全面了解事件全貌;汇聚优质内容,不错过任何精彩言论。部分所获奖项:2012年,2012(首届)中国新媒体峰会中国新媒体30强2013年,中关村科技园区管理委员会中关村国家自主创新示范区“创新型孵化器”2013年,中关村科技园区海淀园管委会新兴产业孵化器2014年,中关村十大系列推介活动组委会2013中关村十大新锐品牌2014年,亚杰商会年度贡献奖2015年,中关村大系列推介活动组委会2014中关村新锐企业十强2017年,第二届普惠新闻奖年度影响力机构奖2017年,科技部火炬中心2016中国独角兽企业2018年,美通社融媒体创新奖2019年,第三届蓝鲸新媒体峰会年度科技新媒体2020年,2020海淀高科技高成长10强 ……寻求报道,联系我们:微信公号:36氪(wow36kr)投稿邮箱:tips36kr.com采访小助手微信:report36kr02任何产品问题或建议,联系我们:邮箱:service_media36kr.comAPP:点击“我的-意见反馈”
ScanScan(白描) - OCR Text Grabber, Document Scanner 3.1.6
Xinle Tao
ScanScan(白描) is a high accurate and efficient OCRtextrecognitionand document scanning App. It has highrecognitionaccuracy, fasterspeed, clean scanning effect and cangenerate PDF.Usage scenarios:Translate text on image, pick text onimage, makereading notes,paper documents to electronic files,identificationof identitycards and so on. Main features: ● Batchprocess. Leadersof thesame area, handle 50 pictures at a time fortext recognitionanddocument scanning. ● Form recognition, recognizeform image to.xlsfiles, which can be continue edited in Excel orNumbers. ●Freelyexport and edit the recognition results. ● Therecognitionresultis automatically saved as a historical record andeasy tosearch. ●Translation after recognition Support thetranslation ofsimplifiedChinese, Japanese, English, Korean, French,Spanish,Arabic,Russian, German, Portuguese, Italian,traditionalChinese,Cantonese and classical Chinese. ● MultilingualrecognitionSupportthe recognition of Chinese, English, Japanese,Korean,French,German, Russian and Spanish. ● Automatic detectdocumentboundariesfor document scanning, with a variety of documentcolorsto choose.● Automatically continuous document scanning andgeneratePDF. ●Flexible select text. ● Proofreading for result andoriginalimage.● Restore the originalparagraph.Privacypolicy:
Mogician's Manual 10.0.1
Naco Siren
Big brother is watching you...
Readmoo 看書 2.19.8
The world's largest e-book service
观止 1.2.1
Vito He
携程旅行 8.59.2
Use Ctrip to book hotels, air tickets, train tickets, tickets,andtravel and vacation products!
Kono電子雜誌 - 台灣,日本,香港當期雜誌線上看
Kono Digital
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