Top 50 Apps Similar to PeakFinder

PeakLens 2.0.8
Augmented reality app for precise mountain peak recognitiononlineand offline
Peakview [Trial] 6.6
Peakview is an application for peak identification.
Find mountains to climb and track your progress against hundredsofpeak lists.
AR AlpineGuide 4.41.1
Point your device at the mountain, and you will see the summitname!
PeakVisor - 3D Maps & Peaks ID 2.8.54
What's the name and the altitude of that mountain? Find outwithPeakVisor!
Peakhunter Global Summit Log 2.9.12
Peakhunter AG
Start your own outdoor Logbook. For peak baggers, mountainrunners,hikers.
Peakview - peak identification 6.6
Peakview is an application for peak identification.
The free SwitzerlandMobility app is theperfectapp for anybody who is out and about in Switzerland:- maps of Switzerland from swisstopo up to a scale of 1:25,000(thebest)- 32,000 km signposted non-motorized routes (national, regionalandlocal)- complete network of signposted hiking trails (60,000 km)- 25,000 public transportation stops linked to the timetable oftheSwiss Federal Railways (planning a tour with publictransportationwas never easier)- information on 4,500 points of interest on the way, suchasovernight accommodations, bicycle service stations, etc.positioning system and compass function (you always know whereyouare)With SwitzerlandMobility Plus you can additionally- download and store swisstopo maps to be used in areaswithoutnetwork coverage (no more problems with dead zones)- download and store tours you designed, includingelevationprofile, hiking time, distance and altitude (separatelyandeasily)Please note:- The app requires network coverage (useable withoutnetworkcoverage with SwitzerlandMobility Plus).- No tours can be entered with the app.Constant use of the GPS may considerably reduce the lengthofbattery life.Requires a screen resolution of min. 480x320 pixels (HVGA)andmultitouch. Unfortunately, the Samsung GT-S6102 or GT-S5570,amongothers, does not fulfill this requirement.
Outdooractive Hike Ride Trails
Hiking & walking routes, ski tracks - GPS tracker. Offlinemapsand navigation.
Metacims 5.3
Ricard Ots
Metacims, the app to save your goals and summits achieve
bergfex: hiking & tracking 4.7.4
bergfex GmbH
We guide you on your hike - from planning to precise GPSnavigation.
Swiss Pro Map 6.1.0
Garzotto GmbH
Offline maps and essential functions for mountain sports,hiking,aviation, etc.
Summit register & hiking tours
SummitLynx - Your digital summit and tour book
HiiKER: The Hiking Maps App 3.41-396
Plan hikes and walks with Topographic maps and store hikingtrailsoffline
FATMAP: Ski, Hike, Bike 3.26.8
Strava Inc.
3D Maps, Routes, Trails & Outdoor Guides for Hiking,Biking,Skiing & more!
My Elevation 1.72
RDH Software
Exact elevation for your location and locations world wide. Plussomuch more !
Ortovox Bergtouren App 1.9.11
ORTOVOX BERGTOUREN APPVollgepackt mit unzähligen Bergtouren, topografischen Kartenundnützlichen Tools und Sicherheits Tutorials ist dieORTOVOXBERGTOUREN APP ein Muss für jeden Sommer undWinterBergsportler.Grundlage der App bildet eine zoombare, topografischeOutdoorkarteim Maßstab 1:25.000. Die Karte ist online oder offlineverfügbarund wird für den Alpenraum je nach Jahreszeitunterschiedlichdargestellt. Sie beinhaltet sämtliche Lifte undPisten u. einenHangneigungsindikator. Sämtliche Hangpartien über30° Neigung sindrot schraffiert. Die Karten können überall imdeutschen,österreichischen und Südtiroler Alpenraum zurPositionsbestimmung& Tourennavigation eingesetzt werden.Da im Gebirge die Netzabdeckung nicht immer ausreichend ist,könnenalle topografischen Karten auch offline gespeichert werdenundfunktionieren so völlig Netzunabhängig! 

Das Herzstück der Appistdie große, immer wachsende Tourendatendank. Du kannsttausendeSki-, Kletter-, Hoch- und Bergtouren sowieFreerideabfahrten nachden unterschiedlichsten Kriterienauswählen.Die Touren können in der App nach Strecke, Schwierigkeit oderDauersortiert werden
In den Tourenbeschreibungen erfährst Du alle wissenswertenFactsinkl. Höhenprofil.In der App kannst Du in den topografischen Karten Wegpunktesetzenund Dir das Live-Höhenprofil der geplanten Tour anzeigenlassen.Sogar das Tracken Deiner Touren ist möglich! Eine AuswertunggibtDir Aufschluss über zurückgelegte Wegstrecke, Höhenmeter undDauerder Unternehmung. Für größtmögliche Sicherheit unterwegs istesmöglich, alle Eckdaten aus dem Lawinenlagebericht abzurufen undmitdem Hangneigungsmesser das Gefahrenpotential abzuschätzen.In Notfällen kann mittels Notruffunktion eine VerbindungzurRettungsstelle hergestellt werden, wobei Deine aktuellePositionauf dem Display angezeigt wird.Auch an Bord: Mit dem Gipfelfinder erhältst Du ein Live-Bild aufdemiPhone in dem sämtlichen umliegenden Gipfel angezeigtwerden.Zuhause kannst Du im mit der MausdieWegstrecken auf den Karten abfahren, Wegpunktesetzen,Beschreibungen ergänzen und Bilder hochladen. Sobald Du dieTourspeicherst und veröffentlichst, erscheint sie in derORTOVOXBERGTOUREN APP (Community-anmeldung erforderlich).Wer sich Wissenswertes rund um das Thema Lawine aneignenmöchte,kann dies mit Hilfe des Safety Academy Labs von

ORTOVOX steht für Bergsport - Berge sind unsereLeidenschaft. Wirsind 365 Tage im Jahr im Gebirge unterwegs,sammeln Ideen für neueProdukte oder genießen einfach nur unserenSport! Solltest Du Ideenoder Verbesserungsvorschläge zur App oderunseren Produkten haben,freuen wir uns auf Deine Nachricht:info@ortovox.comAchtung: Im Ausland können hohe Roamingkosten entstehen.
BeiNutzung der App im Hintergrund bei aktiviertem GPS Empfangkannsich die Akkulaufzeit drastisch verkürzen!ORTOVOXmountaineeringAPPPacked with countless mountain tours, topographic maps andusefultools and tutorials that safety ORTOVOX mountaineering APP isamust for every summer and winter mountain sports.Basis of the app provides a zoomable, topographic outdoor map atascale 1: 25,000. The map is online or offline available andisdisplayed differently in the Alpine region depending on theseason.It includes all the lifts and slopes u. A slope indicator.Allslope portions exceeding 30 ° inclination are hatched in red.Thecards can be used everywhere in the German, Austrian andSouthTyrolean Alpine region for positioning & navigationtour.Because in the mountains, the coverage is not always sufficient,alltopographic maps can also be saved offline and operate ascompletelyindependent of mains supply! The heart of the app is thelarge, evergrowing tourdates Thanks. You can select thousands ofskiing,climbing, high mountain tours and freeriding and accordingtodifferent criteria.The tours can be sorted in the app by route, difficultyordurationIn the tour descriptions you can find out everything worthknowingFacts incl. Height profile.In the app you can set waypoints and let you display the liveheightprofile of the planned tour in the topographic maps. Eventhetracking of your tours is possible! An analysis givesyouinformation about distance traveled, altitude and duration ofthecompany. For maximum safety on the road it is possible toretrieveall the key data from the avalanche report and to assesstheinclinometer the potential danger.In an emergency, can be made to the rescue site byemergencyfunction to connect with your current position isdisplayed on thescreen.Also on board: With the summit Finder You get a live image ontheiPhone in the all surrounding peaks are displayed.At home you can leave with your mouse the distances on the map,setwaypoints, add descriptions and upload images in Once you savethetour and publish, they (community-registration required) appearsinthe ORTOVOX mountaineering APP.Those who wish to learn interesting facts about the topicofavalanche, it can use the Safety Academy Labs ORTOVOX for mountain sports - Mountains are our passion. Weare 365days a year on the road in the mountains, gather ideas fornewproducts or just enjoy our sport! If you have ideas orsuggestionsfor the app or our products, we look forward to yourmessage:info@ortovox.comNote: Abroad, high roaming charges may apply. By using the appinthe background with activated GPS receiver, the battery life canbedrastically shortened!
ALTLAS: Trails, Maps & Hike
Explore Trails, Record Activities, Navigate Accurately. PlanYourAdventure!
Trailforks 1.65.6
Find mountain bike trails with trail status, conditions,andcommunity reports
Altimeter Mountain GPS Tracker 4.0.5
Multitool to precisely track all your adventures.
RealityMaps: hike & bike
Ultra realistic 3D map with route planner, offline sat nav &GPStracker
Gaia GPS: Offroad Hiking Maps 2023.7
Download offline maps for hiking, camping, backpacking,backroads,overlanding
Mountain Project 23.21.1
The Definitive Resource for the Rock Climbing andMountaineeringCommunity.
FerrataGuide: Ferrata database 2.1.11
Via Ferrata database containing more than 1100 ferratas allaroundEurope
US Topo Maps 7.1.0
Offroad & Outdoor Navigation. Multiple Maps: Topo,Aerials,Nautical Charts, etc
PhoneMaps 100.0
NOTE: Will not be developed further. We recommend the RotherAppinstead
Relief Maps - 3D GPS 1.7.0
Relief Maps
3D GPS for every outdoor sports
Planning tool for mountain tours - summer and winter
Rother Touren Guides 28.07.2022
Hol Dir die beliebten Rother Wanderführer alsinteraktiveGuides.Jeder Guide enthält rund 50 geprüfte TourenvonausgewiesenenGebietskennern. Du hast schon ein Buch von uns?Dannkannst dukostenlos die GPS-Daten in die App importieren, abernichtdenentsprechenden Guide Bereits über180 Guides zudenschönsten Wanderregionen weltweit sind verfügbar –auch fürdenJakobsweg und Fernwanderwege sowie für denWinter(Skitouren,Rodeln, Schneeschuhtouren). GPS-NAVIGATION BeimWandernsiehst Dujederzeit deinen Standort und den Verlauf derTour.WANDERKARTENTopografische Karten in vielen ZoomstufenOFFLINENUTZUNG LadeGuides oder einzelne Touren inkl. Kartenherunter undgeh ohneInternetverbindung wandern. HIGHLIGHTSENTDECKEN Fotosundzusätzliche Informationen zu bedeutendenPunktenWEGBESCHREIBUNGENZuverlässige Tourenbeschreibungen und alleInfoszu Anforderungen,Einkehr etc. In einer Slideshow mit Fotos derToursiehst Du, wasDich erwartet. HÖHENPROFIL UND TACHODetaillierteHöhenprofilezeigen Dir Auf- und Abstiege, derTachoGeschwindigkeit, Entfernungund Zeit. GEBIETS-INFOS JederGuideenthält wichtige Infos undWissenswertes zur Region.EINFACHETOURENWAHL Sortiere Wanderungennach Entfernung,Dauer,Schwierigkeit oder von A-Z und schau Dirdie Lage aufderÜbersichtskarte an. GRATIS TESTEN Bis zu 5 Tourenpro GuidekannstDu kostenlos und unbegrenzt testen. Den gesamtenGuideschaltest Duper In-App-Kauf frei. ÜBER DEN BERGVERLAG ROTHERDerBergverlagRother ist einer der ältesten und mit über 600lieferbarenBüchernder bedeutendste alpine Verlag Europas. Er istweit über dieGrenzender Alpen hinaus für seine unumstritteneKompetenz imBereichWanderführer und Outdoor-Guides bekannt. DieAutorensindausgewiesene Gebietskenner, die für eine überlegteTourenauswahlundhöchste inhaltliche Qualität stehen. DieseQualitätundVerlässlichkeit stehen allen Outdoor-Freunden auch alsTourenAppzur Verfügung.
REVER - Motorcycle GPS, Route Planner & Discover 5.1.6
The journey is about so much more than the destination. Theworld'slargest motorcycle, snowmobile and offroad GPS app andcommunity isall about helping you enjoy the ride, relive the route,and shareit with your friends. From planning to navigating tosharing, REVERaims to enhance the entire experience, making it morefun &memorable, while offering convenience and technology toevery ride.If you rev, REVER IT! Plan. Track. Share. Builtspecifically forroute discovery & navigation, REVER turns yourmobile phoneinto a fully functioning GPS device for yourmotorcycle, atv,snowmobile, or 4x4 vehicle. Create your dream rideexperience withthousands of scenic roads, trails and best areas toexplore andride, in-app planning for custom routes, turn-by-turnGPSnavigation, offline maps, 3D playback & more! FREEPOWERSPORTSAND OFFROAD APP FEATURES Record distance, duration,elevation andspeed on all your rides. Keep them public or mark asprivate. Webplanner for scouting at homem to create and auto syncplannedroutes to your mobile device. Website Satelliteandtopographic maps with route line navigation Stay motivatedbycompeting in challenges Discover thousands of miles ofhand-curatedroutes and places to explore from around the globe.Input vehiclesinto your garage Add your riding gear into the appImport GPX filesinto your REVER profile through www.rever.coCONNECT AND SHARE Yourrecorded rides display in your REVER feed sofriends and followerscan like and comment Join brands, events,rallies and friends in aREVER community Share your route and sharephotos of your adventureon social media PRO MEMBERSHIP: Unlockaccess to the most robustnavigation tools and features. Promembership gives you access to:Custom turn-by-turn directions withvoice navigation Weather radarand alerts See adventures in 3DFlyover and Explore LiveRIDE SafetyFeatures and automated safetySMS alerts Mobile-route planning Planroutes in 3D Save Offline mapsand rides In app GPX import DownloadGPX files Butler Mapshighlighted road recommendationsPoint-of-interest with campgrounds,gas stations, restaurants,& hotels Create communities PremiumMap Styles Ad-freeexperience OFFLINE GPS Turns your phone into thebest GPS, usingthe built-in GPS to navigate you through your route.No cellularnetwork needed. You can even record rides in airplanemode.Download offline rides and maps for off-the-grid adventuresNOTJUST FOR TWO WHEELS Track a whole range of powersports andoff-roadactivities including; side-by-side (SxS), ATV, UTV,snowmobile,trikes, Spyder, scooter, personal watercraft, Sea-Doo,Slingshots,Ford Raptor, Jeeps, 4x4s, and more. MANAGESUBSCRIPTIONSubscription automatically renews unless auto-renew isturned offat least 24-hours before the end of the current period.Your cardwill be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to theend of thecurrent period, and identify the cost of the renewal.Payment willbe charged through Google Play at confirmation ofpurchase. Visitthe following URL for full terms ofuse: Your subscription canbemanaged with Google Play: We are riders justlike you. If you have a problem,suggestion, or just want to requestnew features, please contact usat Note: Continueduse of GPS running in thebackground can dramatically decreasebattery life. *If you areexperiencing issues with tracking, adjustyour Power Save settingsto Performance.
National Park Trail Guide 23.48.0
Trail maps and guides for many National Parks and surroundingareas.
MTB Project 22.10.0
Your comprehensive guide to the trails you want to ride,whereveryou are.
Wikiloc outdoor navigation GPS 3.25.28
Wikiloc App - Now with offline topomaps!Enjoy free offline maps available worldwide to be used withoutadata connectionCreate your trips and share them with friends on socialnetworks.Track your outdoor activities on a map, take photos alongthe routeand upload all of it directly to Wikiloc right fromyourAndroid.Discover millions of outdoor routes even in the most remoteplaceson Earth. You can choose between running, hiking, cycling,mountainbiking, kayaking and up to 45 different outdooractivitiesavailable.Want more? Transform your phone into a GPS navigator! For asmallfee you can use your mobile phone to guide you through anyroutelike a GPS navigator with heading indicator and audible alertstowarn you if you go off-track.Broadcast your GPS tracked activities on and yourfamily& friends you choose can watch how you're doing theentiretime.Join us at, the community where you can meet millionsofsports enthusiasts, travelers and nature lovers sharingourexperiences through GPS trails.Visit to access even more features.
onX Backcountry Snow/Trail GPS 23.22.0
Ultimate 3D mapping GPS: Skiing, Backpacking, Hiking, &epicoutdoor activities
Launch Bay Next 3.1.0
André Lind
Next generation squadron builder for X-Wing 2.0!
MyTrails 2.1.11
No ads even in the free version! Perfect for hiking,riding,cycling,running, skiing or orienteering Premium topo mapsUsein-apppurchases to subscribe to high-quality,special-purposemaps.Flexible offline mode and competitive pricing.• OS OpenData(GB) •IGN TOP25, TOP50, Cadastre, Satellite andLittoral (marinemaps) (FR) maporiented with the built-in compass and GPSKnow exactlywhichdirection you are going. Uncluttered map area,withunobtrusivecontrols and a traditional scale with trackdurationand distance.Hardware-accelerated map drawing allowssmooth andsnappy displayeven with tens of thousands of trackpoints. Stats40+ stats tochoose from! Display them on a dedicatedscreen(including stats formultiple tracks at once), on theHUDoverlaying the map or even onAndroid Wear. Graphs Freelydefineaxes (over 30 combinations) tovisualize your tracks,includingelevation profiles, speed vs. time,etc. Free online mapsPick frommany built-in online map sources(OpenStreetMap, Yahoo,Bing,Google and many other global and localproviders). Add moremapsources using the configurable map sources(URL or WMS).Onlypremium maps are guaranteed: we may be forced toremove accesstoany of the free maps if requested by therights-holders; thisisregardless of whether you are using the Proor Freeversion.Offline maps Save battery and data charges. Themapdisplaysinstantaneously. No need to use desktop-based toolstocreateoffline maps, you can do it in MyTrails, in thebackground.RecordGPS tracks Visualize your track at any time andanalyse yourcourseduring or after the outdoor activity. DisplaymultiplecolorizedGPS tracks at once (Pro) Visualize your previousoutingsand thoseuploaded to GPS community sites, so that you alwayspick agreattrail. Visualize the key indicators of the track(altitude,speed,rate of ascent, slope, GPS accuracy, etc.) right onthe mapwith adetailed legend. Waypoints Manually add waypointstoindicatememorable spots or upcoming turns. Waypointsareautomaticallygenerated when getting directions or when you takeabreak. Shareand archive tracks (Pro) Share your tracks onMyTrails, GPSies,UtagawaVTT and Download trackssharedby other usersin your vicinity. Gestures Easily switchbetweenactive maps byswiping three fingers left to right in the mapview.Pull down theHUD with information on your speed and altitudebyswiping threefingers down your screen. Full tablet supportPlanyour outing on alarge-screen tablet, go out and have fun, andwhenyou're back,view the track in full glory. Use Dropbox toseamlesslysynchronizebetween devices. FAQ: see the FAQ
Komoot — Cycling & Hiking Maps 10.17.3
komoot GmbH
Komoot is the key to the outdoors. Justplanyour hiking, road biking or MTB adventures in the planner, andbeguided along every trail, track, road or path—even whenyou’reoffline. Get your first region for free and say hello to yournextadventure!Plan Your Perfect Hiking, Mountain Biking or RoadBikingAdventureGet the route perfect for your sport—be it smooth asphalt foryourroad bike, single tracks for your mountain bike, silentcyclingpaths for touring or natural trails for your hikes. Plandown tothe last detail with at-your-fingertips info likesurface,difficulty, distance and elevation profile.Turn-by-Turn Voice NavigationNever take your eyes off the road with turn-by-turnvoicenavigation: your precise, down-to-the-inch verbal navigatorthatdoesn’t distract you from your surroundings. Keep your eyesfirmlyon your surroundings and navigate with ease, even on smalltrailsor in the woods.Offline Maps For Outdoor AdventuresDownload your planned outdoor adventures and save topographicmapswith one tap. Navigate the outdoors even when the Internet isdownor unreliable. Differentiate hiking paths, mtb single tracksorpaved roads, terrain and land cover with one glance.Tell Your StoryTrack your rides and hikes with GPS. Add photos, Highlights andtipsand build your own personal adventure log that’ll storeyourfavorite experiences—forever. Save them for private use orsharethem with the komoot community to receive likes and commentsand toinspire fellow outdoor folks. Follow your friends andlike-mindedexplorers to keep up with their outdooradventures.Seamless Sync Across Every DeviceWhether you prep like a pro on your desktop or plan a route onthego, komoot automatically syncs your routes, tracks andphotosacross all devices, including your smartphone, desktop,tablet andAndroid Wear.Experience Komoot For FreeWhen you download komoot, your first region is free—forever.Toexpand the areas in which komoot has your back, convenientlychoosebetween single regions, region bundles or the CompletePackage toaccess offline maps and turn-by-turn voice navigationwherever yougo.Supported Devices• Android Wear - Take a quick glance at your AndroidWearsmartwatch to get directions, distance, and speed inreal-timeright on your wrist (1)• Wahoo - connect your komoot account to your WahooELEMNTbike computer to access best routes and sync back yourrecordedtracks• COBI - The navigation system of the COBI Appseamlesslyintegrates with komoot(1) Compatible with Motorola Moto 360, LG G Watch, LG G Watch R,LGWatch Urbane, Sport & Style, Polar M600, Huawei Watch,SamsungGear Live, Sony Smartwatch 3, Asus ZenWatch, Fossil Q, CasioSmartOutdoor, Nixon Mission and other Android Wearsmartwatches.For support and tips, please visit
Altimeter 4.1.4
The most precise Altimeter for offline true altitude above sealevel(MSL).
AllTrails - Hiking, Trail Running & Biking Trails 11.6.3
AllTrails is your guide to theoutdoors!Whether you are traveling or looking to discover newtrails nearby,AllTrails makes it easy to find the best trails tohike, bike, orrun.EXPLORE 50,000+ TRAILS• AllTrails has the largest collection of detailed,hand-curatedtrail maps as well as trail reviews and photoscrowdsourced from acommunity of millions of hikers, mountain bikersand trail runnerslike you• Whether at home, at a National Park, or on the road, findyourperfect hike, mountain bike ride, or trail run by length,rating,and difficulty level• Filter by dog friendly, kid friendly, and wheelchairfriendlytrailsSAVE YOUR FAVORITE TRAILS• Keep track of trails you want to explore, that you’vecompleted,or that you simply find fun, beautiful, orinspiringRECORD YOUR ACTIVITY• Turn your phone into a GPS tracker and follow your trail soyoudon’t get lost• Whether hiking, running, or biking, record your route,pace,distance, elevation, and max speed• Upload your activities to your account and share youradventureswith friends and familyDRIVING DIRECTIONS• With just one tap, get detailed driving directions so you cangetto the trailhead in no timeFOLLOW FRIENDS FOR INSPIRATION• Check out where your friends have been and which trails theyhaverated highlyGET MORE WITH ALLTRAILS PRO• Download your maps for offline use - see where you are on themapeven when you have no data signal through your phone’sbuilt-inGPS• Print your maps on - with customizableoptionsincluding scale, gridlines, paper size, datum andtopographicallayers• Create custom maps - draw your own custom routes to plan outthepath you want to take• More map layers - like Topo, Open Street Maps (OSM), OpenCycleMap (OCM), and moreAllTrails Pro is available for $29.99/year. You can subscribeandpay through your Google Play account. Your subscriptionwillautomatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours beforetheend of the current period. Auto-renew can be turned off anytimebygoing to your My Subscriptions page on Google Wallet. AccessmoreAllTrails Pro features on our website:• Sign up required to favorite trails, record your activity,orfollow users• Trails currently only available in North AmericaSUPPORTWe love hearing from our users! Email ushere:android-support@alltrails.comLEGALTerms of Use: Policy:
Altimeter 4.7.07
EXA Tools
Check altitude wherever you are!
BackCountry Navigator XE: Topo 2.8.1
Explore the outdoors with offline topo maps and GPS navigationonyour phone
ViewRanger - Explore Rides & Hiking Trails
Discover thousands of inspiring trailguides,download offline topo maps, and navigate with confidence onyournext hike, bike ride, backpacking trip, or outdoor adventure.Goanywhere: ViewRanger works offline without mobile anddatasignals.** 2017 Best Outdoor App -Elevation Outdoors **** Best New Outdoor Tech in 2017 –Backpacker magazine**** Trusted by 300 Search & Rescue teams **>> BEST-IN-CLASS MAPSFree Worldwide Maps: street maps, aerial and satellite images,andterrain maps.Upgrade to access four premium map types: USA Topo, USGS Topo,USALand Cover, and USA Slopes. USA topographic maps are 1:24Kscalewith 20- to 40-foot contours in most places. Plusadditionalpremium topographic maps for Europe, USA, Canada andNewZealand.>> SKYLINE: AUGMENTED REALITY FOR THE OUTDOORSLaunch our Skyline feature and pan the landscape usingyourAndroid’s camera. Skyline identifies over 9 million peaks,places,lakes in the world. Bonus: When following a route, seedirectionarrows and navigate to points on the real landscape.(Note: NoSkyline coverage in Alaska.)>> ANDROID WEAR™• Navigate trails and view track stats on your wrist withAndroidWear™ enabled smartwatches.• Record a new track and pause or stop an existingtrackrecording.• View heading, bearing, lat/long and altitude data.• ViewRanger is also optimized for the Casio PRO TREKsmartwatch.>> TRAIL GUIDESSee 180,000 routes posted by top publishing brands and findtrailsin national parks, state parks, and national forests. Checkoutevery mile of Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails too.More Online: Plan your next hiking project, draw routes, printmaps,and import GPX files on our website too. Then send and followthemon your Android device. Bonus: Import GPS files fromoutdoorwebsites and handheld GPS units.>> GPS NAVIGATION & STATS• See your GPS location on a map.• Record tracks and follow routes• Plot and go to point of interests• See live trip and navigation stats: time, speed,distance,navigation arrows, compass bearing, sunrise andsunset.• Privately share your real-time GPS location with friendsandfamily with BuddyBeacon™. Data connection required.• Share routes and tracks with friends and social networks.-------------------------------Any questions or feedback?Visit:, send us an email: support@viewranger.comOTHERFree Global maps © OpenStreetMap contributors.Some features, such as viewing online maps, browsingroutes,downloading maps and routes and sharing your locationusingBuddyBeacon require an internet connection.
HuntStand: GPS, Maps & Tools 6.8.3
3D Mapping, GPS Nav, Deer Forecast - The Only Hunting AppYou'llEver Need
World Topo Map 6.1.1
World topographic map with *no* limitations!
MeteoSwiss 2.16.1
The MeteoSwiss App from the nationalweatherprovider. With weather forecasts, current measurements, ablogabout weather and climate and natural hazard warnings.Includingindividualizable live tiles and zoomable maps. Save yourfavouritplaces in Switzerland and get the corresponding weatherdetails andsubscribe to the warning threshold and types of naturalhazardwarnings sent as push notifications.Weather forecasts• clickable and zoomable map with overview of locations for thenext6 days• weekly overview• wind / temperature at different altitudes• text forecast for three climate regions of Switzerlandincludingdriving conditions and possible development of theweathersituation for the following week(in German, French and Italian)• general weather map of EuropaWeather animations• precipitation, temperature and cloud coverage, with realtimeandforecast slide-function• satellite imagesNatural hazards• all warnings on natural hazards from the FederalAuthorities(severe weather, floods, forest fire, earthquakesandavalanches)• clickable and zoomable map with overview of warning areas• natural hazard bulletin• location, type of warning and alarm threshold subscription,outputas a push messageCurrent weather• clickable and zoomable map with overview of stations• various measured data, updated up to every 10 minutesCurrent weather• cklickable and zoomable map with overview of stations• various measured data, updated up to every 10 minutesFavorites• available for all Swiss locations• detailed overview of measurements, forecasts and warnings• subscription to natural hazard warningsBlog• Daily updated information on weather and climateHomescreen• Tiles are personalisable in selection, size and placement
Denmark Topo Maps 7.1.0
Outdoor GPS Navigation with the best maps and aerial imageryforDenmark.
Kärnten Touren
This app is an ideal interactive vacation planner
Bikemap: Cycling Tracker & Map 19.4.0
Bikemap GmbH
Your cycling companion: Cycle route planner, bike computer&ride tracker
Schwarzwald 1.9.13
Die zweite Auflage der beliebten Schwarzwald-App bietetnunüber3.000 Schwarzwald-Wanderungen, Radtouren undWintertourenmitinteraktiver Landkarte für unterwegs! DieTourenverläufe werdeninhochauflösenden Karten mit dem gesamtenWegenetzundtopographischen Inhalten dargestellt. DazugibtesTourenbeschreibungen, Höhenprofile, Bilder undHinweisezuSehenswürdigkeiten am Weg. Darüber hinaus werdenzahlreiche:•Unterkünfte • Gastronomiebetriebe •Ausflugsziele•Serviceeinrichtungen angezeigt. Mit dieser App ladenSie sichalsoeinen kompletten Schwarzwald-Guide auf IhrSmartphone.DieMenüführung ist intuitiv und übersichtlich.DieSchwarzwald-Appbietet aber noch weitere Komfortfunktionen:Sokönnen Sie sich dieIhrem Standort am nächsten gelegenenTourenauflisten lassen. OderSie sortieren die Tourenvorschläge nachihrerStreckenlänge,Schwierigkeit oder schlicht nach demAlphabet.Sollten Sie den Wegzum Ausgangspunkt der Tour nichtkennen, sohilft dieSchwarzwald-App auch hier. Über Google-Mapswerden Siedirekt zumAusgangspunkt der Tour gelotst. Falls man aufeiner Tourwissenmöchte, wo man sich gerade befindet, genügt einFingertippund mitHilfe des GPS wird die Position auf der Karteangezeigt.Derintegrierte Kompass hilft zusätzlich zur Orientierung.Die derAppzugrunde liegende Karte für ganz Deutschland,ÖsterreichundSüdtirol enthält das gesamte, amtlich erfassteWegenetzsowieHöhenlinien. Somit können Sie Varianten zu denbeschriebenenTourenerkennen und bei Bedarf kleine Extratoureneinbauen. DieKarte: •ermöglicht die Positionsanzeige • istblattschnittfrei überdiegesamte Fläche nutzbar • ist beliebigzoombar, bis zumMaßstab1:25.000 Sehr nützlich ist auch derMerkzettel, auf demTouren fürden Offline-Betrieb gespeichertwerden. So haben SiedieTourenbeschreibung auch ohne oder beieingeschränktemmobilenInternet immer dabei. Hier die wichtigstenInhaltederTourenbeschreibung auf einen Blick: • Key Facts(Länge,Höhenmeter,Dauer, Schwierigkeit) • Zertifizierungen•ausführlicheBeschreibung • Höhenprofil • Bilder •sehenswertePunkte entlangder Tour Viel Spaß beim Wandern, Radelnoder beimWintersport imSchwarzwald! Ein wichtiger Hinweis: BeiNutzung derApp imHintergrund mit aktiviertem GPS-Empfang kann sichdieAkkulaufzeitdrastisch verkürzen.