Top 11 Apps Similar to SET Scoring

WKF Ranking 1.3
The WKF Ranking is the only officialKarateranking system.Ranked events are:• WKF Accredited Competiton• Karate1 World Cup / Karate1 Youth Cup• Karate1 Premier League• Continental Championships• Invitational Events (World Games, Martial Art Games)• WKF World Championship• Olympic Games
Karate WKF 53
Listing and demonstrating Karatedo martial artsystem:punch,kick,block,kata...
Karate Scoreboard Free 1.1.1
Sestai Ltd
Transform your android device into aKarateScoreboard. Karate Scoreboard is the perfect way to keepboutscores when training in your dojo and at a tournament.KarateScoreboard follows World Karate Federation (WKF) rules. Soyou donot need to carry a piece of paper and a pen with you tofollow thebout score.Features:Select between three different durations (2, 3 or4minutes)Add points easily using the appropriate buttonsUse both penalty categories (you could even deselect by pressingthebutton again if selected by mistake)Automatically calculates bout outcome (winner, draw, etc...)Switch Ao and Aka sidesSound alarm for 10 seconds and endAd-free version also available in Google Play.
Karate competition rules 1.0.0
Aplicación sencilla que contienelaversiónactual del Reglamento de Competición de la WorldKarateFederation(WKF) y la Real Federación Española de Karate(RFEK) enlasmodalidades de Kata y Kumité.Está enfocada tanto a árbitros como técnicos yentrenadoresquedeseen llevar en su dispositivo móvil o tableta elreglamento,bienpara estudiarlo, bien para consultarlo durante uncurso ounacompetición.Dispone de una navegación simple, rápida e intuitivaquefacilitaenormemente las consultas y las búsquedas entrelosdiferentestextos.Además, los artículos que hacen referencia a otros artículosoacualquiera de los apéndices disponen de un linkparaaccederrápidamente a la información referenciada haciendo deestamaneraque la lectura y el acceso a la información buscadaoconsultadasea rápida y muy efectiva.Desde la misma aplicación se pueden acceder a las tablasyfiguraspara ampliarlas y almacenarlas o compartirlasdirectamentedesde elpropio móvil o tableta.Disponible en español e inglés. Ambos idiomasestánaccesiblesdentro de la misma aplicación.Revisión 9.0. En vigor a partir del 01/01/2015.Última actualización: Diciembre 2015.Simpleapplicationthatcontains the current version of the Rules ofCompetition oftheWorld Karate Federation (WKF) and the RoyalSpanish FederationofKarate (RFEK) on the modalities of Kata andKumite.It is focused both referees and coaches and trainers whowishtocarry on your mobile or tablet the regulation or to study,orforreference during a course or a competition.It has a simple, quick and intuitive navigationwhichgreatlyfacilitates queries and searches between thedifferenttexts.In addition, articles that refer to other articles or toanyofthe appendices have a link to quickly accesstheinformationreferenced thereby making reading and accesstoinformation soughtor accessed fast and very effective.From the same application you can access tables andfigurestoenlarge them and store or share them directly fromyourmobilephone or tablet.Available in Spanish and English. Both languages​​areaccessiblewithin the same application.Revision 9.0. In force from 01/01/2015.Last updated: December 2015.
Karate Videos 1.0.6
Watch tutorial & demo videos of Karate training of kata&bunkai of techniques
Karate Events 1.0.6
The early-bird catches the worm, stayup-todate with Karate Events!Use technology to save stress, time and money. KarateEventsprovides you with all relevant information about official,nationaland international Karate championships and other eventslikeseminars. The app offers live on-site information ontimetables,matches, draws and results as well as general eventinformation,places, entries, schedules, ticket shops, hotel links,live streamsand much other useful information.On start-up you’ll get a clear overview of all upcomingKarateEvents, which you can switch into a map displaying thelocation ofall events. Easily choose adequate events for yourselfor yourstudents and get informed about registered participants,clubs,countries, teams, coaches, referees and officials. The appalsolinks you to the registration page for the chosen event.YOUR ON-SITE ADVANTAGEOn-site, Karate Events functions as your little helper andkeepsan eye on everything you can’t watch yourself, providing youwithinformation about fighters and matches and always up-todateinformation about all short-term changes of the scheduleandmatches. Final results and updated draws of fights areavailableimmediately after matches.The amount of information displayed per event varies dependingonthe information provided by the organizer of the event andtheamount of registered participants and teams.Developed by COSEA e.U. in cooperation with sportdata GmbH&Co KGLive Information requires a yearly subscription.
Count4Me HIIT Personal Trainer 1.3
Count4Me is the Personal Trainer you need for your IntervalTrainingSessions
WMMAA Ranking 1.3
WMMAA Ranking overviewBasicsRanking will only apply to categories that exist intheofficialWMMAA events.Ranking points will always round up or down to a maximumof2decimal numbers.Ranking decay (4 Year Cycle): Each Year (from thedaythecompetitor received the ranking points of an event)adeductionapplies to the ranking points equal to 25%Ranking will be applied only to categories with a minimumofseven(7) CompetitorsRanked Championships EvaluationChampionships are evaluation based on the following facts:• Number of competitors (total)• Number of competitors participated outside the host country• Number of Continental/World Level Judges and RefereeAn event may also be removed from the rankingstatuswithexecutive committee decision if none of theWMMAAlevelrequirements are met.Ranking Points Base Values• 1st place: 70 points• 2nd place: 50 points• 3rd place: 30 points• 5th place: 20 points• Fight Won: 8 points / per fight won• Participation: 4 points* in the case of a draw with 3rd and 4rth placeinsteadofrepasage 30 points will be awarded to both theseplaces)Ranked Championship Values (Event Factor)The base values will be multiplied with the Event Factortohavethe final ranking points.• 2 WMMAA Accredited Competiton• 3 World Cup• 6 Continental Championships• 8 Invitational Events (World Games, Martial Art Games)• 10 WMMAA World Championship
Karate Score Board 1.0
Karate Score Board is the best way tocountscores when you get a Kumite tournament. Karate Score BoardusesWorld Karate Federation (WKF) rules. So you do not need tocarry apiece of paper and a pen with you to count score.
Karate in brief 49
Listing and demonstrating Karatedo martial artsystem:punch,kick,block,kata...
Karate Fijlkam Lombardia 2.0
Applicazione ufficiale della KarateFijlkamLombardiaLa FIJLKAM (Federazione Italiana Judo Lotta Karate Arti Marziali)hacompiuto i primi cento anni di vita il 18 gennaio 2002. LaFIJLKAMha, il compito istituzionale di promuovere,organizzare,disciplinare e diffondere gli sport controllati dallaIJF, FILA,WKF e dalla ISF, alle quali è affiliata e dalle qualièriconosciuta come unica rappresentante in Italia. LaFederazionecura anche la formazione e l’aggiornamento degliInsegnanti Tecnicie degli Ufficiali di Gara. Scarica l'applicazioneFIJLKAM e scopritutto il mondo del Karate in Lombardia.-News: tutti gli aggiornamenti,avvisi importanti e offerte chenonvorrai perderti-Eventi: rimani aggiornato su tutti gli eventi e trova lalocationcon la geolocalizzazione, salva l'evento nel tuocalendariodell'iphone o condividilo sulla tua pagina Facebook eTwitter-Foto & Video Gallery: sfoglia, guarda e condividi letueimmagini e i tuoi video sulle tue pagine social-Video Gallery: guarda i video senza uscire dall'App econdividilisulle tue pagine social-Sedi Affiliate: scopri tutte le sedi e rimani aggiornatosullenuove aperture; consultala per indirizzi, mappe e corsi chesitengono nella struttura, scopri come arrivarci conlageolocalizzazione-Servizi: scopri tutti i servizi offerti-Preferiti: Crea la lista delle tua news, i tuoi eventi evideopreferiti.Powered by Make It App - www.make-it-app.comOfficial applicationofKarate Fijlkam LombardyThe FIJLKAM (Italian Federation of Judo Karate Martial Arts)hasmade the first hundred years of life January 18, 2002. TheFIJLKAMhas the institutional task to promote, organize, regulateandpromote the sport controlled by the IJF, FILA, WKF and theISF,which is affiliated and which is recognized as thesolerepresentative in Italy. The Federation also takes care ofthetraining and updating of Technical Teachers and themarshals.Download the app FIJLKAM and discover the world of KarateinLombardy.-News: all updates, important notices and offers that you willnotwant to miss-Events: keep updated on all events and located the locationwiththe geolocation, prejudice to the event into your calendar oftheiphone or share looks on your Facebook page and Twitter-Photo & Video Gallery: browse, watch and share your imagesandvideos on your social pagesGallery-Video: watch videos without leaving from the app andsharethem on your social pages-Affiliate Sites: discover all the locations and keep up to dateonnew openings; consult it for addresses, maps and courses thattakeplace in the structure, discover how to get there withthegeolocation-Services: discover all services offered-Favorites: Create a list of your news, events and yourfavoritevideos.Powered by Make It App -