Top 2 Apps Similar to Cocaine Lite

cocaine drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedbackonyourcocaine use and compare yourself to thousands ofotherpeoplearound the world.drugs meter knows it not just about how much cocaine youtake–it’s how much you take, how you take it, who you are andwhatelseis going on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your cocaine habitsandadjustthe results based on your medical and family history -togive you amore accurate assessment of how cocaine isaffectingyour life.So if you want to know how your cocaine use comparestootherpeople, what chemical reaction happens when you takecocaineandalcohol together, or are just want tips on staying safe -checkoutthe cocaine drugs meter to see how you measure up.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your cocaine use•Compare your use with other people’s cocaine habitsworldwide•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Adjustment for different ways of taking cocaine•Photos of lines to calculate the size of your averagelineingm•Adjusted cocaine consumption based on your medicalandfamilyhistory•Drug associated problem score quiz to assessdependenceoncocaine•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer snorting tips•Cocaine laws (UK only)•Cocaine and driving•Cocaine and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityCocaine drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc,MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych, FAChAM – a ConsultantPsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter isunidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from allsubmissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which futureresults arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people areusingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government orotherorganisationand is committed to giving honest,accurateinformation.
Cocaine Addiction Treatment 1.0
Are you tired of 'marching' on and on?Are you ready for cocaine addiction treatment?Human beings have been chewing the coca leaves forthousandsofyears, enjoying a pleasant sense of alertnessandheightenedperception. But it's only in the past 150 years orsothat it hasbecome possible to extract the purechemical,cocainehydrochloride, so that you don't have to go throughallthatchewing to get the effect.This technological advance also means that people canmakerefinedcocaine at concentrations that are far from natural.The'highs' maybe higher but all the other negative effectsaremagnified andmultiplied too.Cocaine addiction treatment is more than just saying noThe issue is not whether cocaine use is right or wrong.Theissueis that cocaine is a highly addictive substance, andstoppingusingit is a lot more demanding than just saying "I'm notdoingthat anymore" (though that's where you have to start). Youneed tofind anddevelop the resources to extract yourself and thento stayfree.Even if you're very determined, there will be timesyou'll besorelytempted to slip back into old ways.So you need all the help you can get.Hypnosis is a powerful way to break the addictive cycleCocaine addiction treatment is an audio hypnosissessiondevelopedby psychologists with wide experience in helpingpeopleovercomeaddictions. It is designed to help you directly tapinto,activateand amplify the inner resources you need to get freeofcocaine. Itis the perfect complement to approaches that youmayengage in withthe aid of a doctor or drugs counselor.As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download,you'llnoticethatyou start to see the old behavior pattern in atotallynewlightyour resolve strengthens and deepensyou develop effective new strategies to deal withemotionaltriggersand pressuresyour senses begin to recover their natural acuity withoutneedfor'crutches'you get your life backDownload Cocaine addiction treatment and get back thepowertochoose.