Top 13 Apps Similar to WEB.GOV.PL Wspieramy e-Biznes

Struggling In 5LINX Business 1.0
Who Else Wants To Know How To Generate 100+ LeadsA Day For Their 5LINX Business , Recruit At WillAnd Duplicate Teams To Massive Numbers In Their5LINX Business ?5LINX is a great business but to succeed u needrighttraining....This is the new released app helping you with All your5LINXTraining NeedsIt has 3 sections helping you with lead generation for your5LINXbusiness ,recruitment training and final section on how to duplicatemoreleaders in your5LINX business team .....It also has a special free video on home page showing you howtomake guaranteed money inyour 5LINX business using the secret RA + RK + MA = IOD FormulaDownload The App For Free Now , Install it and go through allthetraining......You will be glad u did......I will see you inside...CheersAnkur AgarwalProfessional 5LINX Business Coach And ConsultantCEO - MlmGlobalUniversity.Com
Business Calculator Pack
Business Card Maker 3.1.6
Unified Apps
Business Card Maker It is the business application whichmakesyourbusiness card in a minute!!! The best businesscardapplicationused by thousands of people. Business CardMakercreatesprofessional digital business cards for your business.Youcancreate, save and share your business card. You canalsocreatecustom business card according to your need. 4 typeofbusinesscards you can create - Standard Business Card:ThisBusiness Cardsare very easy to create in no time. You canchangefonts and colorsaccording to your choice. We have somegreatcollection ofHorizontal Business Cards with a single anddoubleside. - VerticalBusiness Card: Vertical Business Card looksveryelegant anddifferentiate you from other people. This appincludesan awesomecollection of this type of business card, checkthem out.- SquareBusiness Card: Square Business Cards are the newone andintroducedin this version of the app. Such type of cards isbestfor digitalmarketing and for sharing online. - CustomBusinessCard: You cancreate highly customizable card according toyour ownneed, we havecreated a unified interface which provideseasy cardcreation andupdating in just a minute! We have providedmany cardtemplates,fonts, symbols, colors and many more. WithBusiness CardMaker, youexperience following cool features - CreateBusinessCard: You cancreate the different type of business cardsfrom thecollection ofHorizontal Business Cards, Vertical BusinessCards,Square BusinessCards and Custom Business Card according toyour ownneed. - EditBusiness Card: Now you can edit any businesscardcreated from thisapp! This is the new feature introduced inthelatest version. -Manage Profiles: You can create profiles ofusersfor whom you wantto create Business Card. you can also easilyeditand delete userprofiles at any time. This will help you tocreatebusiness cardinstantly! - View Created Business Cards: Youcanaccess yourcreated Business Card anytime in Saved Cardssection.You also canedit them or share them with your friends andbusinessgroups. Howto create a custom business card? - Choose anycard fromgiventemplate, color as background or pick image of yourchoicefrom thegallery - Add texts like your name, company name,mobilenumber,email address, website, company location, etc - Addsomepredefinedsymbol like mobile, email, website, location,facebook,twitter,linkedin, etc - Add your image or company logofrom thegallery -Save your business card to the gallery or share toyourbusinessnetworks - Add shadow, stroke and other effects toyourtexts -Apply crop, rotation, flip, etc. operation on yourimageThis appcan help you to create a digital business card foryourbusinessnetworks. You can also use them as your digitalidentityande-card. You can not find such functionality in anyotherbusinesscard creator app. So take 5 minutes from your busyscheduleand trythis app and do not forget to rate us if you likethe app.For anyfeedback or queries, please contact usonunifiedappsrdx@gmail.comYou can also join us on ourfacebookpage
Business Dictionary
BusinessDictionary is a free easy-to-useFREEbusiness glossary with over 30,000 definitions that spanacrosscritical business-related topics includingentrepreneurship,management, small business, economics, humanresources, recruiting,and corporate strategy. It's concise, clear,andcomprehensive.- Learn about related definitions, popular business definitions,andhow to use business dictionary terms in a sentence- Access definition offline and on-the-go- Create and share flashcards to brush up on yourbusinessvocabulary
Бизнес с нуля 1.00
Наверное, многие задавались вопросом: "Акакоткрыть свой бизнес с нуля без вложений?"Но где взять идеи, где найти стартовый капитал? Данноеприложениепоможет вам ценными советами.Приложение содержит следующую информацию:- Идеи для бизнеса- Стоит ли покупать готовый бизнес- Пути становления бизнесменом- Заработок в интернете- Мотивация для тех, кто не может начатьPerhaps, manyhavewondered: "How to open a business from scratchwithoutinvesting?"But where to get ideas, where to find start-up capital?Thisapplication will help you with valuable advice.The application contains the following information:- Business Ideas- Should I buy a ready business- Ways of becoming a businessman- Earn Money Online- Motivation for those who can not start
Oriflame Business 5.8
Oriflame Business Application provides ways to enhance businessinyour network.
Small Business: Accounting Invoices CRM Inventory 5.3.1
Complete, professional business solution: Accounting&Invoices,CRM, Inventory control, Organizer, B2B: Messages&Docs,Banking/Income/Expenses, time management;comprehensiveReporting.Multiple currencies. or companies Range:sole contractor(standaloneapp) - small retail chain (several appslinked)Functionality of thefree and premium versions, prices ofthepremium versions anddiscounts depend upon the country andarespecified inside theapplication. Use either as astandaloneBusiness app with thefacility to upload generated data&documents to Google Drive orDropbox storage, or link to one ofourPC APPLICATIONs: can bedownloadedfrom,replicate,instantly email Quotes of your products orservices (withimages ifneeded). Record and instantly email Invoices&Receipts, updatestatus of Estimates/Sales; record(partial)payments, issuemultiple receipts with outstanding amounts,edit,print deliverynotes, update status or cancel sales RecordBills,Purchases &Purchase Orders, categorize and keep trackofexpenses. (Save &upload to PC photos of your receipts)Controlbudgets for expenses.Notify about bill payments InstantlyprocessCredit Card Paymentswith linked Square POS app Keep track ofyourbank accounts &money display account balances,transactions,expenses andrevenues, profits, assets, loans withpayment schedule,etc. datasorted by the categories for selectedperiods. Recorddeposits,withdrawals, transfers. keep record of yourtransactionscreate pdf(csv) reports: print or save to Dropbox orGoogle DriveFullyconfigurable pdf documents for Quotes, Invoices,Receipts,PurchaseOrders etc. instantly email to your customers orvendors(the textof email pre-configured), print or upload toDropbox or GDserver.Pdf for the Quotes may include the images ofthe products.Use 8different templates * 20 background textures fordocuments;insertyour own logo, letterhead or texture, recorddifferent typesofspecial information, payment options, displayvendor's bar codeoninvoice, choose date format and much more.Invoice can beprintedin all major European languages, as well asChinese,Japanese,Korean and Arabic Organize & keep businesscontacts inoneplace; record calendar events, tasks, notes(multipleimages),prepare and send to the customers accountstatements, showtheirlocation on the map, link tasks and notes tocustomers:instantlysend emails and SMS messages. Link phone logswithdescription ofconversation to contact records Manageinventory:multiple prices,costs, photos, amounts; pdf files withdescriptionof stock (imagesincluded): print or instantly email;linked toBarCode scanner Usestock control the inventory amountsareautomatically changed whensale or purchase is delivered. Iftheamount falls below thethreshold the alert records arecreated:Automatically createpurchase orders for stock. Servicerecords canbe processed in thesimilar fashion, except stock controlisdisabled Use the fulldouble entry accounting application onyourtablet (phone),Generate pdf and csv files with informationrecordedin the system(Sales, Purchases, Contacts, Stock, etc.);Conduct allbasicaccounting operations, including recording GLaccounts andjournals& create reports: Balance Sheet, ProfitLoss, TrialBalance,Journals, Sales per Month, Sales per Customer,Tax etc.(~40reports types): print, email, upload. Link severalAndroiddevicesto one of our PC Business applications. Configureyour ownnetworkwith different users access permissions. Keep yourdata onAndroiddevice, PC, or internet storage (Dropbox. GD).
Business Idea 3.9
Business Idea. Always close at hand.
Event Biznes 1.0
Konferencja Event-Biznes poświęcona jestwpełni tematyce eventu, jako jednego z najskuteczniejszychnarzędzimarketingowych, pozwalających dotrzeć bezpośrednio dogrupdocelowych realizowanych projektów i z powodzeniem realizowaćcelebiznesowe. Konferencja skierowana jest przede wszystkimdomanagerów i dyrektorów działów marketingu, do managerówispecjalistów z działów zakupów oraz członkówzarządówodpowiedzialnych za komunikację w swoich firmach oraz doagencjieventowych. Spotkanie ma na celu zapoznanie uczestnikówznowoczesnymi formami promocji służącymi budowaniu markiorazukazanie możliwości i korzyści sprzedażowych iwizerunkowychpłynących z wykorzystania event marketingu. Nakonferencjęzaproszeni zostali prelegenci stanowiący niepodważalnyautorytet wświecie Event Marketingu z bogatym porfolioprojektów,zrealizowanych dla największych marek np. Paweł Tkaczyk,NataliaHatalska.Event-BusinessConferenceis dedicated to fully-themed event, as one of the mosteffectivemarketing tools that allow direct access to the targetgroups ofprojects and successfully realize business goals. Theconference isaimed primarily at managers and directors of marketingdepartments,to managers and professionals with purchasingdepartments andmembers of the board responsible for communicationwithin theircompanies and event agencies. The meeting is tofamiliarizeparticipants with modern forms of promotion servantsbrandbuilding, and to show the opportunities and benefits of salesandimage stemming from the use of event marketing. Theconferenceinvited speakers representing undisputed authority in theworld ofevent marketing with an extensive portfolio of projectscompletedfor major brands such. Paul Tkaczyk, NataliaHatalska.
Бизнес Цитаты 2.0
"Бизнес Цитаты" - это приложение для твоеговдохновения,мотивации,создания новых бизнес идей. Создай свойбизнес сприложением"Бизнес Цитаты"! В этой версии доступно более800 цитат.Удобноеизбранное, множество настроек, стабильная работаивысокаяскорость! Попробуйте и убедитесь сами! Пусть "БизнесЦитаты"станутхорошим помощником в Вашем бизнесе! Программанетребуетподключения к интернету (только для показарекламы)!Категории:разные, правила богатства, как мыслят лидеры,секретыуспешныхженщин, альберт эйнштейн, бенджамин франклин, биллгейтс,генрифорд, джим керри, джон дэвисон рокфеллер, дональдтрамп,левниколаевич толстой, никола тесла, ошо, пифагор,роберткийосаки,стив джобс, томас эдисон, уилл смит, уинстончерчилль,уорренбаффетт, франклин рузвельт, иоганн гете. Краткаяинструкция♦Добавлять в избранное и удалять можно нажатием позвездочке каквсписке цитат категории, так и в режиме просмотрацитаты.♦Перемещение между цитатами осуществляетсяжестамивлево-вправо,функция мультитача - масштабирование текста.♦Одиночным касанием врежиме просмотра цитатыскрывается-появляетсяпанель управления. ♦В окне категорийдлительным нажатием покатегории "СЛУЧАЙНЫЕ" можноочистить историюслучайного просмотра.Если у вас возникликакие-либо вопросы поработе программы,пожелания, либо вы нашлиошибки, пишите на E-Mailразработчику
Yanosik dla Firm
Neptis SA
Wierzymy, że prowadzenie firmy to nietylkobiznes, utrzymywanie kontroli i niskich kosztów, alerównieżbudowanie relacji międzyludzkich, dbanie o pracowników iklientów.To troska zarówno o komfort pracy w zespole, jak i oszybki,sprawny serwis. Dlatego z Yanosik dla Firm wszyscyzyskują:Korzyści dla pracownika:• Bez reklam - Yanosik w wersji biznes pozbawiony jest reklam• Dojedziesz bezpiecznie do celu - nawigacja posiadastaleaktualizowaną mapę Polski i Litwy• Oszczędzisz czas - technologia Smart Traffic działająca woparciuo aktualne dane o natężeniu ruchu • poprowadzi Cię zominięciemkorków•Zapomnisz o mandatach - Yanosik poinformuje o sytuacji na fotoradarach, kontrolach i wypadkach,• Dołączysz do największej społeczności kierowców w Polsce!Korzyści dla przedsiębiorcy:• Wiesz, gdzie są Twoi pracownicy - aplikacja wyświetla mapę zichaktualną lokalizacją i bieżącą trasą,Masz dostęp do usługi wszędzie tam gdzie jest internet• Zdobywasz zaufanie pracowników - aplikacja ułatwi komunikacjęwTwoim zespole i ograniczy liczbę połączeń telefonicznychdoniezbędnego minimum• Usprawniasz działanie firmy - dzięki GEOnotatkom pracownicynabieżąco raportują realizację zadań w określonej lokalizacji aTymasz do nich dostęp w czasie rzeczywistym• Utrzymujesz niskie koszty - nie musisz kupować, aniinstalowaćdodatkowych urządzeń do monitoringu• Firma szybko wdraża nowe rozwiązanie - wystarczyzainstalowaćaplikację w telefonie, nie trzeba wiązać siędługookresowymiumowami• Masz nowoczesną firmę - posiadając monitoring floty wprzystępnejcenie zdobywasz przewagę konkurencyjną i podnosiszwizerunekfirmyAplikacja dla przedsiębiorców łącząca funkcjonalność monitoringuinawigacji wraz ze stale udoskonalanym CRM. Dzięki niejnawetkilkuosobowa firma może monitorować swoje pojazdy,sprawniezarządzać zespołem w terenie i weryfikować realizacjęzadań. UsługaYanosik dla Firm jest rozwiązaniem kompleksowymprzynoszącymkorzyści zarówno firmie jak i pracownikowi. Korzystającznowoczesnych technologii internetowych, stworzyliśmymobilnąe-usługę, która łączy CRM z GEOnotatkami, lokalizowaniempojazdóworaz nawigacją omijającą korki.We believe that runningabusiness is not just business, maintaining control and lowcost,but also building relationships, caring for employeesandcustomers. This concern both for the comfort of working in ateam,and how fast, efficient service. Therefore Yanosik forcompaniesall benefit from:Benefits for the employee:• No ads - Yanosik business version is devoid of ads• You will arrive safely to your destination - navigate aconstantlyupdated map of Polish and Lithuanian• Save time - technology Smart Traffic acting based oncurrenttraffic data • guide you from bypassing traffic jams• forget about mandates - Yanosik inform about the situation ontheroad m. Al. speed camera, controls and cases• Will you join the largest community of drivers in Poland!Benefits for entrepreneurs:• Do you know where your employees - the application displays amapof their current location and the current route,You have access to services wherever the internet• You gain the trust of employees - the application willfacilitatethe communication in your team and reduce the number ofphone callsto a minimum• Streamline business operations - thanks toGEOnotatkomstaff-to-date report the execution of tasks in aspecific locationand you have access to them in real time• You keep costs low - no need to buy or installadditionalequipment for monitoring• The company quickly implement a new solution - simply installtheapplication on your phone, no need to involvelong-termcontracts• You are a modern company - having fleet monitoring atanaffordable price gain competitive advantage and raise thecompany'simageApplication for entrepreneurs combining functionality andnavigationmonitoring with continuously upgraded CRM. Thanks to it,even a fewpeople a company can monitor their vehicles, efficientlymanage ateam in the field and verify the implementation of tasks.YanosikService for Business is a complete solution that benefitsboth thecompany and the employee. Using the modern Internettechnologies, wehave developed a mobile e-service that combinesCRM withGEOnotatkami, locating vehicles and navigation bypasstrafficjams.
Invoice Maker 4.8.05
Invoice app with estimate generator - more than 500 uniqueinvoicebackgrounds.
Network Marketing Business 1.2
Who Else Wants To Know How To Generate 100+ LeadsA Day For Their Network Marketing Business , Recruit At WillAnd Duplicate Teams To Massive Numbers In TheirNetwork Marketing Business ?Network Marketing is a great business but to succeed u needrighttraining....This is the new released app helping you with All yourNetworkMarketing Training NeedsIt has 3 sections helping you with lead generation foryourNetwork Marketing business ,recruitment training and final section on how to duplicatemoreleaders in yourNetwork Marketing business team .....It also has a special free video on home page showing you howtomake guaranteed money inyour Network Marketing business using the secret RA + RK + MA =IODFormulaDownload The App For Free Now , Install it and go through allthetraining......You will be glad u did......I will see you inside...CheersAnkur AgarwalProfessional Network Marketing Business Coach And ConsultantCEO - MlmGlobalUniversity.Com