Top 5 Apps Similar to The Meditation App - M. Stone

The Mindfulness App 5.28.7
Meditation for you. Sleep better, relax & become more present.
The Mindfulness App II 1.39
Featuring 6 brand-new guidedmindfulnessexercises as well as new functionality, The MindfulnessApp II isideal both for those who have used The Mindfulness Appbefore andfor people just beginning a mindfulness practice for thefirsttime.THE MINDFULNESS APP II CONTAINS:6 brand-new guided meditations totalling 80 min:Mountain MeditationLake MeditationLovingkindness MeditationBody ScanStanding MeditationWalking Meditation4 silent meditations with bells: 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes.Possibility to be reminded when you come to, or leave aspecificlocation. You can of course also be reminded on aspecifictime.40 new Mindfulness Notices that helps you to increase yourpresencein the moment.All the meditations that you have done are stored in thestatisticssection so that you have a possibility to follow howyourmeditation practice is developing over time.COMMENTS FROM USERS OF THE MINDFULNESS APP:"Extremely effective. This App helps calm a busy day.""Excellent app for inspiring a regular meditation practice.""I began using this app as a supplement to a courseonmindfulness and meditation. It has been excellent! Themeditationsboth silent and guided are great, particularly beingable to createyour own meditations. It has really helped me developmypractice.""Great app. Very useful for busy, stressful lifestyle. I useitdaily. Helps in so many aspects of work, home andsociallife.!"The Mindfulness App II is a great tool for everyone who wantstobecome more present in their life, both beginners andexperiencedpractitioners. We hope that it will enhcance your dayand make yourlife richer and more interesting!
Die Achtsamkeit App 1.60
DIE MEIST VERKAUFTE ACHTSAMKEIT APPINSKANDINAVIEN - JETZT AUCH AUF DEUTSCH!BEREITS MEHR ALS 500.000 BENUTZER!Möchten Sie in der heutigen, zunehmend stressigenundherausfordernden Zeit mehr inneres Gleichgewicht finden?DenkenSie, dass Meditation vielleicht hilfreich, aber für Siezuschwierig zu erlernen ist?Dann testen Sie die „Achtsamkeit App“. Die „Achtsamkeit App“istein Werkzeug zur Steigerung Ihrer Präsenz und AufmerksamkeitimLeben. Es hilft Ihnen, den schwierigsten Aspekt der Achtsamkeitzuüben - nämlich sich daran zu erinnern, achtsam zu sein.Durch die deutschsprachige Version der Achtsamkeits App führtSieDr. med. Marc Loewer.Marc Loewer ist Arzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie undarbeitetals stellvertretender Chefarzt an der Fachklinik SonneneckinBadenweiler bei Freiburg. Er ist ein zertifizierterMBSR/MBCT-Lehrerund verfügt über eine mehr als 20-jährigepersönlicheAchtsamkeitspraxis und ist u.a. als Dozent in derAusbildung vonMBSR-Lehrern am Deutschen Fachzentrum fürStressbewältigung undAchtsamkeit (DFME) tätig.______________________________________Kommentare von Bennutzern:„Einfach, klar, wunderbar, eine angenehme Stimme und sehrflexibel.Das könnte mir sicher beim regelmäßigen Meditierenhelfen.“„Gutes Design: einfach und hübsch. Eine super AnwendungfürAnfänger und für Fortgeschrittene. Jeder sollte es in derTaschehaben. Auch ein wirkliches tolles Geschenk.“„Was für ein tolles App! Umfassend und benutzerfreundlich. Eshatviele Funktionen und ist dennoch einfach.“______________________________________Überblick über die App:Mit einer Erinnerungsfunktion Ihrer Wahl, können Sie dieZeitenund Tage bestimmen, an denen Sie meditieren wollen. Sieerhaltendann einfach eine Nachricht.Sie können entscheiden, ob sie kurz oder langemeditierenwollen.Sie können durch eine Stimme geführt werden oder in Stilleübenmit wiederkehrenden Glockenklängen zum Ein- und Ausleiten undzurErinnerung während der Meditation.Sie können auch ihre eigene Meditation gestalten, mit einerLängedie Sie bestimmen.Oder, Sie können „Achtsamkeitserinnerungen“ programmieren,dieIhnen helfen können, Ihre Präsenz und Gegenwärtigkeit im Alltagzuerhöhen.Dank der „Achtsamkeit App“ können sie sich einfach von ZeitzurZeit „aufwecken lassen“ um „im Hier und Jetzt“ anzukommen.Egal ob sie in der Bahn sitzen oder in einer Warteschlangestehen– sie können jederzeit ihre „Achtsamkeit App“ starten undeinfachüben.Alle Meditationen, die sie durchgeführt haben, werden imAppstatistisch erfasst. So können sie im Zeitverlauf verfolgen,wiesich ihre Meditationspraxis entwickelt.Die „Achtsamkeit App“ beinhaltet:- Vier geführte Meditaitonen: 3, 5, 15 und 30 Minuten.- Vier stille Meditationen mit Glockenklängen: 3, 5, 15 und30Minuten.- Die Möglichkeit der Gestaltung einer abgewandelten Meditation,mitoder ohne geführter Einleitung.- Erinnerungsfunktion- Achtsamkeitsmitteilungen- StatistikenDie „Achtsamkeit App“ ist ein tolles Werkzeug für jeden der„mehrPräsenz in der Gegenwart“ anstrebt, ob für AnfängeroderFortgeschrittene. Wir sind überzeugt, dass sie IhrenAlltagbereichert, und Ihr Leben entspannter und interessantermacht!THE BEST SELLING APPINSCANDINAVIA AWARENESS - NOW ALSO ON GERMAN!ALREADY MORE THAN 500,000 USERS!Would you like to find in today's increasingly stressfulandchallenging time more inner balance? Do you think thatmeditationmay be helpful, but too difficult for you to learn?Then try the "Mindfulness App". The "Mindfulness App" is atoolto increase your presence and attention in life. It helps youtopractice the most difficult aspect of mindfulness - namelytoremember to be mindful.Due to the German language version of the Mindfulness Apptakesyou Dr. Marc Loewer.Marc Loewer is a doctor of psychiatry and psychotherapy and worksasa deputy chief physician at the clinic Sonneneck inBadenweiler,near Freiburg. He is a certified MBSR / MBCT teacherand has morethan 20 years of personal mindfulness practice and isamong otherthings as a lecturer in the training of MBSR teachers atthe GermanCentre for Stress Management and Mindfulness (DFME)operates.______________________________________Comments by Bennutzern:"Simple, clear, wonderful, a pleasant voice and very flexible.Thiscould certainly help me regular meditation. ""Good design: simple and pretty. A great applicationforbeginners and advanced students. Everyone should have it inyourpocket. Also a real great gift. ""What a great app! Comprehensive and user-friendly. It hasmanyfeatures, yet simple. "______________________________________Overview of the app:With a reminder of your choice, you can set the times and daysonwhich you want to meditate. You will then receive a message.You can decide whether they want to meditate short or long.You can be guided by a voice or practice in silencewithrecurring bell sounds on and discharging and memoryduringmeditation.You can also design their own meditation, with a lengthyouspecify.Or, you can program "Mindfulness memories" that can help youtoincrease your visibility and presence in everyday life.Thanks to the "mindfulness app" they can just "let wake up"fromtime to time to "here and now" to arrive.Whether you sit in the train or waiting in line - they canalwaysstart their "Mindfulness App" and just practice.All meditations that have done it are recorded statisticallyinApp. So they can track over time, as their meditationpracticedevelops.The "Mindfulness App" includes:- Four guided Meditaitonen: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes.- Four silent meditations with bells sounds: 3, 5, 15 and30minutes.- The possibility of designing a modified meditation, withorwithout guided introduction.- Reminder- Mindfulness Releases- StatisticsThe "Mindfulness App" is a great tool for any of "more ofapresence in the present" seeks, whether beginner or advanced.Weare convinced that it will enrich your life and makes yourlifemore relaxed and interesting!
The Mindfulness App UK 1.37
THE MOST SOLD MINDFULNESS APPINSCANDINAVIA!MORE THAN 500 000 USERS!!Do you want to find more balance in today’sincreasinglystressful existence? Do you think that meditation seemsdifficult?Try the Mindfulness App UK.The Mindfulness App is a tool for increasing your awareness inlife.It helps you with the most difficult aspect of Mindfulnesspractice- namely to remember to be mindful.______________________________________COMMENTS FROM USERS:”I have completed a Mindfulness course and tried manyguidedmeditations for example on CD. This is right on! Pleasantvoice,useful functions and it really works as Mindfulness issupposed to.I use it almost daily.””Simple, clear, beautiful, pleasant voice and flexible. Thiscouldreally be what helps me meditate regularly””Nice design, simple and pleasant. Fantastic tool for beginnersandthose already practicing. Everybody should have it in theirpocket.A really good gift.””What a nice app! Thorough and user friendly. A lot of functionsbutyet simple.”______________________________________BRIEF ABOUT THE APP:By setting reminders at times and days of your choice you can getamessage when it’s time to meditateYou can choose if you want to sit for a shorter orlongerperiodYou can be guided by a voice or just sit in silence withbellsringing at different timesYou can also design your own meditation for as long as youwantit to lastFinally, you can set Mindfulness Notices at chosen times thatcanhelp you to increase your presence in the momentThrough the Mindfulness App you can simply ‘call yourselfup’from time to time to check whether you really are there.It is of course possible to start a meditation just bystartingthe Mindfulness App and choose which meditation you want tolistento - for example if you have some time in the subway, bus, inaqueue or if you just want to sit for a while.All the meditations that you have done are stored inthestatistics section so that you have a possibility to followhowyour meditation practice is developing over time.The Mindfulness App contains:4 Guided meditations: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes4 Silent meditations with bells: 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes1 Guided Body ScanPossibility of designing a modified meditation with ourwithoutguided introMindfulness NoticesReminder functionStatisticsThe Mindfulness app is a great tool for everyone who wantstobecome more present in their life, both beginners andmoreexperienced practitioners. We are confident that it willenhanceyour day and make your life richer and more interesting!
The Fearless Mind 1.2
The Fearless Mind app gives you access tothescientifically designed Cognitive Structured Journal that helpsyouon a daily basis to live in the present, learn from the pastandprepare for the future. The Cognitive Structured Journal hasbeenused by Olympic and professional athletes, musicians, andbusinessleaders around the world to reach their goals and becomeelite.Now with The Fearless Mind app you also have access to "TheZone"video channels where new mental training videos are uploadedeveryweek and on important/relevant mental strength skillsandtopics.NOTE: Access to this app is only available to currentsubscribersto The Fearless Mind online resource center. If you arenotcurrently a subscriber you can sign up today at: can also follow us on Twitter and ask us questions usingthehandle: @fearlessmind_To learn more about The Fearless Mind visit: