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Candy Recipes 1.5
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Sciatt à Porter 1.4
Dall’amore per il cibo valtellinese e perilgusto di sapori tradizionali e golosi nasce Sciatt a Porter.Unluogo unico e speciale dove ritrovare il piacere del cibo elacordialità del servizio. Insignito di numerosiriconoscimentinazionali per la sua proposta unica e fuori daglischemi, Sciatt aPorter vi aspetta per farvi respirare profumi dimontagna eriscoprire bontà nostrane.Sciatt a Porter, un angolo di Valtellina nel cuore diMilano.Gli sciatt, la ricetta dell’origine del nostro nome…Letteralmente sciatt, in dialetto valtellinese, vuol dire rospo.Glisciatt sono croccanti bignè di grano saraceno di formatondeggiantecon un cuore di formaggio fuso. Preparazione:miscelare in unaciotola le farine, il sale, aggiungendo acquaminerale, fino adottenere un impasto non troppo morbido. Tagliareil formaggio“Casera” a cubetti (di circa 2 cm di lato) edimmergerli nellapastella. Raccogliere con un cucchiaio un cubettodi formaggio allavolta, adegeuatamente ricoperto dall’impasto, elasciarlo caderenell’olio bollente. Far colorire gli sciatt escolarli.By love forfoodValtellina and taste of traditional flavors and deliciousSciattborn in Porter. A unique and special place to rediscoverthepleasure of food and friendly service. Recipient ofnumerousnational awards for his unique proposal and unconventional,SciattPorter will let you breathe in the scents of the mountainandrediscover homegrown goodness.Sciatt Porter, a corner of Valtellina in the heart of Milan.Sciatt, the recipe of the origin of our name ...Literally sciatt in Valtellina dialect, means toad. Sciattarecrispy puffs buckwheat round in shape with a heart ofmeltedcheese. Preparation: Mix in a bowl the flour, salt, addingmineralwater, until the dough is not too soft. Cut the cheese"Casera"cubes (about 2 cm side) and dip them in the batter. Take upwith aspoon a cube of cheese at a time, adegeuatamente coveredfrommixing, and let it drop into the hot oil. Sciatt to brownanddrain.
Relais Desserts 1.0.0
RELAIS DESSERTSL’application Relais Desserts, le must have des gourmands.Vous êtes à la recherche du meilleur de la pâtisserie?Cetteapplication est faite pour vous!Envie de gâteaux, de macarons, de chocolats ou bientoutsimplement d'un délicieux croissant?Grâce à l’application Relais Desserts, trouvez lesmeilleuresadresses de pâtissiers, recevez chaque mois une nouvellerecette etsoyez les premiers informés sur les grands événementsdel’association.En toute occasion, elle se fera complice de vos instantsgourmands!L’association Relais Desserts réunit parmi les plusgrandsprofessionnels au monde. Une centaine de pâtissiers lareprésententen France et dans près de 20 pays.Ces alchimistes du goût sont animés par une seule volonté :partagerleur passion pour la « haute pâtisserie »… Alors,découvrez-les etsavourez !LES PÂTISSERIESLocalisez la boutique Relais Desserts la plusprochegéographiquement.Retrouvez votre pâtissier préféré par une recherche sur son nom,unerégion ou pays.LES RECETTESVous rêvez de vous essayer à la « grande » pâtisserie ?Recevezchaque mois, sur votre iPhone, une nouvelle recette pourépater vosamis !LES RENDEZ-VOUS GOURMANDSSoyez informés en avant première des manifestationsRelaisDesserts : Jour du Macaron, Salon du Chocolat...NOUS RENDRE VISITE : www.relais-desserts.netRELAY DESSERTSThe Relais Desserts application, must have gourmands.Are you looking for the best pastry? This application is madeforyou!Fancy cakes, macaroons, chocolates or simply adeliciouscroissant?Through the application Relais Desserts, find the best placesofpastry, receive a new recipe each month and be the first toknowabout great events of the association.In any occasion, it will be your accomplice gourmet moments!The association Relais Desserts meets one of thegreatestprofessionals in the world. One hundred represent thepastry inFrance and nearly 20 countries.These alchemists taste are driven by one desire: to sharetheirpassion for "haute patisserie" ... So, discover them andenjoy!PASTRIESLocate the store nearest geographically Relais Desserts.Find your favorite by searching his name, region orcountryconfectioner.RECIPESYou dream of trying to "big" cake? Receive every month onyouriPhone, a new recipe to impress your friends!GOURMET RENDEZVOUSBe informed first before events Relais Desserts: Macaron Day,Salondu Chocolat ...VISIT U.S.:
Video Ricette Dolci 5.3
A taste of italian desserts and more from Italy.