1.1 / December 28, 2014
(3.7/5) (31)


The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)is a spacecraft built by a European industrial consortium led byMatra Marconi Space (now Astrium) that was launched on a LockheedMartin Atlas IIAS launch vehicle on December 2, 1995 to study theSun, and has discovered over 2700 comets.[1] It began normaloperations in May 1996. It is a joint project of internationalcooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.Originally planned as a two-year mission, SOHO continues to operateafter over 18 years in space. In June 2013, a mission extensionlasting until December 2016 was approved.[2]

In addition to its scientific mission, it is the main source ofnear-real-time solar data for space weather prediction. Along withthe GGS Wind and Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), SOHO is oneof three spacecraft in the vicinity of the Earth–Sun L1 point, apoint of gravitational balance located approximately 0.99astronomical unit (AU)s from the Sun and 0.01 AU from the Earth. Inaddition to its scientific contributions, SOHO is distinguished bybeing the first three-axis-stabilized spacecraft to use itsreaction wheels as a kind of virtual gyroscope; the technique wasadopted after an on-board emergency in 1998 that nearly resulted inthe loss of the spacecraft.

App Information SOHO

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    December 28, 2014
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    Android 4.0 and up
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  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
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    Visit website Email pacoj.hernandez@gmail.com
    P.I. Cabezo Beaza, Calle Berlín, 3F, 30353 Cartagena, Murcia CEEIC, Coworking Room 2
  • Google Play Link

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The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)is a spacecraft built by a European industrial consortium led byMatra Marconi Space (now Astrium) that was launched on a LockheedMartin Atlas IIAS launch vehicle on December 2, 1995 to study theSun, and has discovered over 2700 comets.[1] It began normaloperations in May 1996. It is a joint project of internationalcooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.Originally planned as a two-year mission, SOHO continues to operateafter over 18 years in space. In June 2013, a mission extensionlasting until December 2016 was approved.[2]In addition to its scientific mission, it is the main source ofnear-real-time solar data for space weather prediction. Along withthe GGS Wind and Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), SOHO is oneof three spacecraft in the vicinity of the Earth–Sun L1 point, apoint of gravitational balance located approximately 0.99astronomical unit (AU)s from the Sun and 0.01 AU from the Earth. Inaddition to its scientific contributions, SOHO is distinguished bybeing the first three-axis-stabilized spacecraft to use itsreaction wheels as a kind of virtual gyroscope; the technique wasadopted after an on-board emergency in 1998 that nearly resulted inthe loss of the spacecraft.
Catálogo Messier 1.1 APK
El Catálogo Messier es una lista de 110objetos astronómicos confeccionada por el astrónomo francés CharlesMessier y publicada originalmente (103 entradas) entre 1774 y 1781.Su título formal es «Catálogo de Nebulosas y Cúmulos de Estrellas,que se observan entre las estrellas fijas sobre el horizonte deParís» (en francés, «Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des amasd'Étoiles, que l'on découvre parmi les Étoiles fixes sur l'horizonde Paris»).Messier se dedicaba a la búsqueda de cometas, y la presencia deobjetos difusos fijos en el cielo le resultaba un problema, puespodían confundirse con aquellos en los telescopios de su tiempo.Por este motivo decidió él mismo armar una lista que lesimplificara el trabajo, y contaría con la ayuda de Pierre Méchainen su parte final.Su catálogo resultó una reunión de objetos astronómicos denaturaleza muy diferente, como nebulosas, cúmulos de estrellasabiertos y globulares, y galaxias. Por ejemplo, M1 (La Nebulosa delCangrejo) es un remanente de supernova, M45 (Las Pléyades) es uncúmulo abierto, y M31 es la gran galaxia de Andrómeda. Dado queMessier vivía en Francia, la lista contiene objetos visibles sobretodo desde el hemisferio norte. La primera edición del catálogo(1774) incluía sólo 45 objetos (M1 a M45); un primer suplemento(1780) adicionaba las entradas M46 a M70, y la lista final deMessier (1781) incluía hasta M103. Más de un siglo después, otrosastrónomos, usando notas en los textos de Messier, extendieron lalista hasta 110, que es el número final (M1 a M110).The Messier Catalogue isa list of 110 astronomical objects compiled by French astronomerCharles Messier and originally published (103 entries) between 1774and 1781 Its formal title is "Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters ofStars, observed between the fixed stars on Paris skyline "(inFrench," Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Etoiles d'love that l'onparmi les étoiles fixes découvre sur l'horizon de Paris ").Messier was dedicated to the search for comets, and the presenceof fixed fuzzy objects in the sky it was a problem, because theycould be confused with those in telescopes of his time. For thisreason he decided to put together a list that will simplify thework, and would be assisted by Pierre Méchain in its finalpart.His catalog was a meeting of astronomical objects of verydifferent nature, such as nebulae, open and globular clusters ofstars and galaxies. For example, M1 (The Crab Nebula) is asupernova remnant, M45 (The Pleiades) is an open cluster, and M31is the great Andromeda galaxy. Because Messier lived in France, thelist contains all objects visible from the northern hemisphere. Thefirst edition of the catalog (1774) included only 45 objects (M1 toM45); first supplement (1780) adicionaba entries M46 to M70, andthe final list of Messier (1781) included up to M103. More than acentury later, other astronomers, using notes in Messier's texts,they extended the list to 110, which is the final number (M1 toM110).
La Confederación Española de Abogados Jóvenes(CEAJ), es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, libre, democrática,plural e independiente; formada por Agrupaciones y Federaciones deAbogados Jóvenes.Los objetivos de CEAJ son principalmente representar de formaunitaria a todos los miembros que la integran y defender susintereses comunes en su ámbito territorial. Forma parte de susobjetivos también el de potenciar y desarrollar actividades en elámbito profesional, formativo, social,cultural y corporativo quebeneficien individual y colectivamente a los AbogadosJóvenes.CEAJ pone especial interés en fomentar la creación de Agrupacionesde Abogados Jóvenes en el ámbito de los Colegios de Abogados y deFederaciones en el ámbito de los Consejos Autonómicos y anima yfomenta la participación de sus miembros en los órganos de gobiernode la Abogacía.The Spanish Confederationof Young Lawyers (AJSC) is a non-profit association, free,democratic, pluralistic and independent; Groups and associationsformed by Young Lawyers.AJSC objectives are mainly represented as a unit to all members whocompose and defend their common interests in their territory. Partof its objectives also to promote and develop activities inprofessional, educational, social, cultural and corporate levelthat benefit individually and collectively to the YoungLawyers.AJSC puts special emphasis on encouraging the creation ofAssociations of Young Lawyers in the area of ​​Bar Associations andFederations in the field of the Regional Councils and encouragesand promotes the participation of its members in the governingbodies of the Bar.
Tencontrado 1.0 APK
El funcionamiento es parecido al microchipdeuna mascota, con la diferencia, que cualquier persona queseencuentre una mascota con este localizador podrá ponerseencontacto con el dueño.(No es un sustituto del chip, es un complemento quefacilitaencontrar una mascota perdida, ya que no necesitas ir aunveterinario para localizar a su dueño.)El localizador está hecho de una resina reciclada conpequeñaspartículas de madera en su interior. Es ultra resistente,aguantaperfectamente el agua y, gracias al grabado con Láser deultimageneración, no se borra.Los diseños están preparados para resaltar y que se vean, llevanunborde de color fluorescente (personalizable) y los enganchesestánpreparados para que, por mucho que jueguen no se pueda romper.Sepuede poner con bridas o con argollas. Nosotros aconsejamosbridaspor su resistencia, porque al estar adherido al collar, notienenposibilidad de que se rompa al jugar o meterse enagujeros.El funcionamiento es sencillo. Cualquier persona con teléfonomóvilque se encuentre este localizador, podrá ver de quien es consolola cámara y una conexión a internet o, simplementeintroduciendo elcódigo que aparece en el localizador en la app o enla página webwww.tencontrado.comThe operation issimilarto microchip a pet, with the difference that anyone whoencountersa pet this locator may contact the owner.(It is not a replacement chip, is a supplement that easy to findalost pet, and you do not need to go to a vet to locateitsowner.)The locator is made of a recycled wood particles with smallinsideresin. It is ultra resistant, withstands water perfectlyand,thanks to Laser last generation, not deleted.The designs are ready to highlight and look, wear afluorescentcolor edge (customizable) and hooves are prepared forthat, howevermuch play can not be broken. You can put flanged orrings. Weadvise flanges for resistance, because being attached tothecollar, have no chance of it breaking when playing or gettingintoholes.Operation is simple. Anyone with a mobile phone that this locatorisfound, you can see who is with only the camera and anInternetconnection or by typing the code displayed on the pager inthe appor on the website www.tencontrado.com
Cafés Bernal 1.1 APK
Con esta app te sumergirás en un viaje desdelaplantación de un exclusivo café hasta la gama de sabores quepodrásdegustar cuando lo tomes en nuestro Café Lab.With this app youwillplunge into a journey from an exclusive coffee plantation totherange of flavors that you can enjoy when you take ourCoffeeLab.
LinkinCards 1.5 APK
Linkin’Cards is an app used toexchangeprofessional business cards. With Linkin’Cards you caneasilymanage all your contacts – You can find a card through asimplesearch by name, company or position, make phone calls,sende-mails, visit their website or social networks, and evennavigatevia GPS to their place of work.Linkin’Cards creates a new idea contact file, more completethanV-Card, that enables you to store all the relevant info.Also, with Linkin’Cards you can add notes with extra remarksandinformation you wish to add to each contact.