1.1 / January 5, 2016
(3.5/5) (115)


As most of our users were aware, We lostsupport due to the closure of our SDK And had to move our projectsto a new one,, Well i am glad to announce the Spirtbox is back andfully supported :)

We saw over 150k downloads of our last version which was verypopular amongst investigators and amateur ghosthunters to greateffect, Our spirit box was the very first app to use IP Radiobroadcasts to emulate a sweeping radio ghostbox. Its since involvedto many other projects and leading the way in spirtbox appinnovation.

AppyDroid Spirit box's have since become a well known name inthe paranormal Communities. with over 400,000 collective downloadsin less than 2 years, We work hard to ensure you get the best ITCSoftware available today!

App Information SpiritBox

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Quantum, Spirit box 1.0 APK
Quantum spirit box takes us back in time tothe50's Old radio Featuring 200 clips of mixed genres 50's radioclipsfiring at random over 3 channels, can also be used withourexperimental program in vector mode, which changes the pitch oftheclip playing by -100 to 100% of the real time speed each timeitsfired, A new mode will also come in the next update whichallowsyou to use your own bank database "instructions on this soon"All audio clips are un edited and purely just chopped upinto1000ms clips, The sweep control is a unique touch system simplybydragging your finger on the blue touch panel you can takecontrolof our new dual sweep program which can set the desiredsweep andpattern to your taste of session.The App is designed to be as user friendly as possible,Nocomplex functions or buttons, Simply touch and go,Vectoring mode can be set by tapping the V Button and whentheupdate comes out you will then be able to use the B Buttonwhichstands for banks This will enable the external bank mode foryourown clips "Coming soon"AppyDroid leading the way in ITC Software Development.
SpiritBox 1.1 APK
As most of our users were aware, We lostsupport due to the closure of our SDK And had to move our projectsto a new one,, Well i am glad to announce the Spirtbox is back andfully supported :)We saw over 150k downloads of our last version which was verypopular amongst investigators and amateur ghosthunters to greateffect, Our spirit box was the very first app to use IP Radiobroadcasts to emulate a sweeping radio ghostbox. Its since involvedto many other projects and leading the way in spirtbox appinnovation.AppyDroid Spirit box's have since become a well known name inthe paranormal Communities. with over 400,000 collective downloadsin less than 2 years, We work hard to ensure you get the best ITCSoftware available today!
AD-III Spirit Box 1.7 APK
AD-III Is a HYBRID IP/AI Spirit Box "Usesbanks and IP Radio" AI Controlled to provide the user with anexceptional experience, Uses the Ai technology to control thespiritbox parameter's and running all on its own accord based ondevice sensor's and signal variation the AI Cleverly works outvarious settings based on reading threshold, This completelyeliminates complex settings and allows the user to jump straightinto doing ITC Sessions. Put Overdrive mode on for all 6 banks tospring to life independently of each other giving 6x theperformance over standard mode.The App is experimental ITC, In no way do we suggest theapplication has actual spirit communication, We believe you have tomake this assumption based on experience with the application.. TheApp Should be deemed as a ITC Tool, Not for entertainment, Weregard this as a scientific tool with real functions.. Pleaseensure you have suitable experience with app form ITC. We have noway of telling of the risks involved using such tools, In using theapp you are fully responsibility for any negative impact.. Due tounknown or unforeseen instances we do not recommend this app foranyone under 16 years. User discretion is advised..
VEX - Transcript EVP System. 1.2 APK
Using voice recognition software and a few ofour integrated spirit box and Speech synthesis innovations as EVPTrigger software We think it can boost EVP Enough to be picked upby the Speech recognition software.AppyDroid and Femme Force Collaboration's bring you this new andunique tool for your ITC Arsenal, Originally a brain storm By FemmeForce and programmed by AppyDroid, We think there is no other ITCResearchers or developments currently that uses speech recognitionto capture live EVP As it happens,Currently there is 3 modes of use,Manual EVP Session and use the speech recognition to try andcapture EVP Without other toolsWith the ParaTek Speech synthesis engine which has been speciallyadapted to this app to allow burst words by speeding up theParaTek,And with a traditional or built in Spirit Box where it try's topick out EVP From the use of Spirit boxing.Please note this is classed as Experimental software, which isreleased for your testing, We are at this time unable to confirmthe prescience of EVP Capture using this app, Further tests andexperimentation will rule out and supply credible Evidence if anyis found..
ParaTek ERS 1.1 APK
The first ITC Phoneme SpeechSynthesisgenerator for android With the added benefits of theoriginalParaTek this new revolutionary Speech and Phoneme generatorusesAppyDroids latest AI Technology, GEN-3 Software combining auniqueAlgorithm matching 3 AI Generated and picked words which thenifthree words are picked from the AI Process the programdisplay'sthe populated word which was chosen 3 times with in a 30wordcycle, If no words are found the cycle loops and starts anewsearch Until it matches 3 words, It makes it 3 times less likelytopick random words, You can also use the ERS "ExceptionallyRapidSpeech" mode as a electronic phoneme Ghostbox, Which uses nosoundbanks, No human speech, no interference. It is purelyspeechsynthesis. A phoneme is a partial spoken word,theoreticallyspirits can manipulate Phonemes to create a word orsentence,AppyDroid is Excited to bring the Paranormal Communitythisrevolutionary new technology free of charge..No expensive equipment needed,AppyDroid, Leading the way in ITC Development.
EVP STUDIO Is a white noise emulation systemwhich emulates visual and audible white noise,The purpose of the app is to bring back old skool ITC Ontotoday's technologies.EVP ITC Sessions would often be conducted on old CRT TV Setstuned into a blank channel which would result as the fuzzy screenand the hiss sound to be heard, It is to comon belief of ITCResearchers that the visual and noise can contribute to what'sknown as EVP, "Electronic Voice Phenomenon" The application helpsreproduce these effects in 2 ways, Visually and by audio,To use: 1. get a video camera set up on tripod or suitablesurface, 2. On app select desired settings and volume, Press onthen tilt screen into landscape mode, The screen will output a fullscreen view of TV.3. Record screen of device with camcorder with TV Screen inframe.4. you may Ask questions during recording, Leave 20s betweenquestions.5. Review footage, Use headphones to monitor the session for anyEVP.Tip: the use of headphones greatly improves the chance ofhearing EVP,You may also just use the white noise in conjunction with a audiorecorder or built in voice recorder. Also monitor the recordingwith headphones.
AD-II Spirit box 2.5 APK
The AD-II HYBRID Spirit boxPlease note, this applications is constantly under developmentand may crash or periodically bug out, the application is currentlyintended for BETA Testing but still offer full support for theapplication, Please feel free to submit bug reports or suggestionsto us.Best regards AppyDroidWith all our apps, we support every single user, our help iscompletely free, just ask or email us and we will respond toyou.Please note the IP Mode Usually it takes between 30-60 secondsto pre buffer, On lollipop devices this is much longer and couldtake over a minute to complete buffering, Donot use the app untillthe led status lights are scanning , Touching buttons can result ina crash or freeze up, Its best to tap the button once and leave itbe,Once running the device will not suffer any lag or issues likethe AppyDroid spirit box did, And works with lollipop devices fineonce it playsProviding no buttons are pressed during pre buffering the appshould be stableRemember press only once!!!
PROXAIR PA-1 Quad sensor tool 1.5 APK
PLEASE NOTE: Requires proximity sensor ondevice and gyroscopePROXAIR Is designed by the creators of the AppyDroid spirit box,AD-II Spirit box and EVP Recorder which are widely used across theworld by over 690,000 collective downloads over our most popularghost hunting apps.New feature:MAGNETIC FLUX= A Compass is placed on the lower screen, It reactsto magnetic fields and device Movements. It will rotate or shakedepending on what is messing with the sensors. This sensory programis very sensitive and reacts to even slight magnetic field changesaround the proximity of the device, You can test the function byplacing a magnet near the device, The pentagram should move.. Thismay be used to detect EMF Changes as its said Spirits have aelectro magnetic energy. Usually EMF Detectors will light up in thepresence of paranormal activity.PROXAIR Is a "PROXIMITY, EMF,GYROSCOPIC,TOUCH" alert too whichcan detect movement within 8-12 cm from your device purely byutilizing the proximity sensor which uses IR Technology on yourdevice, Its the first Quad sensor app for the paranormal field.Before use: Set the screen time out to always on or for maximumon time to prevent screen time out and device entering sleepmode.To use:1. Find a flat spot to place the device down in the area of yoursessions.2. Activate Gyro sensor if needed, or just leave it as is.. 3sensors are active as default.3. if the alarm sounds or pentagram moves, this may indicateparanormal activityIts a simple set and forget app. No setup required, just pop itdown and monitor it for changes..For best results use it in conjunction with other paranormalinvestigation equipment.