1.0 / November 6, 2014
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Have other people complained that you'realways complaining?

Do you suspect that perhaps complaining has become a habit foryou rather than a reasonable response to what's wrong in life?

The British are very bad at complaining. It's in the nationalcharacter to look on the bright side. When you ask them how theyare, you'll often get the response, "Mustn't grumble!" And theydon't grumble. The trouble is, not grumbling can lead to someonetaking advantage. Shoddy products, poor service, unpleasantbehavior, official incompetency, etc all persist because peopledon't complain enough.

On the other hand, if you take up arms against everything that'swrong with the world (and there's plenty wrong with the world,let's face it), you can find yourself doing nothing but complain.Pointing out what's wrong and demanding that it be put right is aperfectly appropriate response in certain contexts. But if you doit all the time there are some unfortunate consequences.

The consequences of excessive complaining

You've probably noticed these already. It can make you feelpretty down, for example. There is just so much that's wrong,everywhere, and no matter how much you complain, it just isn'tpossible to get it all put right. It becomes harder to appreciateall the good things that are also out there. And too muchcomplaining can make people shun you. Never mind that you're right,you're just not fun to be with.

Complaining can become a habit

The thing is, making a complaint when you perceive thatsomething is wrong can become a habit without you noticing. Whenyou made your first complaints, you carefully chose what to protestabout, and to whom, and how, in order to get very specific results.But you probably no longer do that. You have an 'auto-complainer'that comes out with your criticisms to whoever is withinearshot.

What's the best way to switch off an 'auto-complainer'?

Use hypnosis.

Hypnosis can help you easily stop complaining so much

Stop complaining is an audio hypnosis session created byexperienced psychologists that will help you easily and quicklytransform your 'auto-complainer' into a fully manually controlled'risk/benefit analyzer'.

It won't turn you into an unbearable Pollyanna-type who refusesto see anything wrong anywhere in the best of all possible worlds.But it will enable you once again to consciously choose yourbattles and to relax with the imperfections of life at othertimes.

After relaxing to this download a few times, you'll noticethat

you feel much calmer and less stressed generally
interactions with other people are more relaxed and fun
little things no longer irritate you so much
you have more energy to devote to what's important to you

Download Stop complaining and enjoy a more balanced view oflife.

App Information Stop Complaining

  • App Name
    Stop Complaining
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 6, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
    Email a18671680331@gmail.com
    1642 w. 27th st san bernardino, CA 92407 United States
  • Google Play Link

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Midlife Crisis 1.0 APK
Where's my life going? There's still so much Ihaven't done! Life is passing me by! I'm not as young as I used tobe. I'm not going to be around forever. What's the point?Does any of that sound familiar?These sentiments often plague us as we enter middle age. Theyare so common they've been given their own name: MidlifeCrisis.During a midlife crisis, people often yearn to feel young againinstead of 'middle aged', 'stuck' or 'in a rut'. We live inage-obsessed times and 'the cult of youth' has never been sostrong. People often feel that they haven't lived up to their ownexpectations. Or they may be conscious of social pressure whichtells them that 'by now I should be married… be rich… have a house…have travelled the world…' and so on.Overcome Midlife Crisis addresses the anxiety or feelings ofrising panic associated with these sort of thoughts.A midlife crisis is really a signal that something needschanging in your life or your perspective. Dissatisfaction can bethe first step to positive change and life enhancement. Boredom,disillusionment and an awareness that we all have limited timeavailable are powerful motivators to seize the moment and beginliving life more productively and satisfyingly.Overcome Midlife Crisis deals with these issues and gets youfeeling more relaxed, optimistic and energetic about thefuture.Download Overcome Midlife Crisis below and start feeling excitedabout your life again.
Manage ADHD 1.0 APK
Living with Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder (ADHD) can be hard. People can think you are beingdeliberately annoying when really, you are just being you.ADHD means hyperactivity; the feeling of needing to move orchange your focus of attention often. The overwhelming desire forphysical action can lead to feelings of restlessness and boredomwhen other people want you to focus and concentrate for longperiods.ADHD makes you impulsiveHaving ADHD is also characterized by impulsivity which can meanacting before thinking sometimes. ADHD may sometimes seem to stopyou considering consequences to actions. Having ADHD can mean youtake risks where others don't.But you may have noticed that sometimes you can really focus andconcentrate on something that absorbs your attention so it's nottrue that ADHD stops you concentrating on everything. If somethingdoes grab your attention then you can focus on it for hours!ADHD on the increaseIt seems that more and more people especially young boys arebeing diagnosed with ADHD. Whether this is due to increaseddiagnosis of ADHD, the fact that children are spending more time infront of TV and computer screens with their fast cutting or just toan increase in labeling is still undecided. Regardless of whetherthe diagnosis is real, the symptoms are, and this session will helpyou manage them.Hunters in a farmer's worldSome researchers have even questioned whether ADHD is actually adisorder. They suggest that to experience ADHD is to be a hunter ina farmer's world. People with ADHD actually have talents andpositive attributes that used in the right way and in the rightplace would be highly beneficial. Thom Hartman who wrote 'AttentionDeficit Disorder - a Different Perception' talks about people withADHD as follows: [People with 'ADHD' are] 'hunters totally focusedon movement, constantly monitoring their environment and exhibitingincredible bursts of energy. Correctly approached thesecharacteristics can be harnessed for positive outcomes.'But people with ADHD find themselves in a sitting down worldfull of non-ADHD sufferers or 'farmers' who are slower, steadierand more cautious.ADHD may have its usesSometimes it is useful, even essential, to be energetic, fastmoving and taking calculated risks. Many great sports people andincredibly successful entertainers and entrepreneurs have becomesuccessful and fulfilled partly because of their hyperactivity, notdespite it.So ADHD may be something that needs to be reigned in andmastered rather than cured or got rid of.The way forwardThere are times when ADHD energy will be great for you but alsotimes when you need to relax, slow down and experience reality withmore stillness and focus. It's like having a super power but beingable to choose more when it us used rather than it happening allthe time.This session doesn't claim or aim to 'cure' ADHD but it willteach you how to be still and achieve more balance when it isrequired.Download Manage ADHD and gain more control.
Heroin Addiction Treatment 1.0 APK
When you look back on how you came to behooked on heroin, you may be shocked at how such a seemingly funactivity, which once promised you the best of good times, hasbecome your destroyer. Now that you want to quit using heroin - itseems it won't let you go.You may have started using 'for a laugh', or because 'everybody'was doing it, or because there was 'nothing to do round here', orbecause you wanted a way out of some troubles of your own. Butwhatever got you hooked, it feels like now you're sunk. Every timeyou resolve not to touch it again, something comes along to scupperyou. It's hard to stay motivated.But there is hope.The more you try to quit, the more successful you will beYou've probably tried several times already to stop using, andeach time you slip back you feel like a failure. However, researchshows that the more often someone has tried to break a habit, themore likely they are to be successful eventually. So don't giveup.Understanding the 'cycle of change' can help you quit heroinsuccessfully'Change' happens in a cyclical pattern. Before the cycle beginsis the 'pre-contemplation' phase. In this phase you don't think youhave 'a problem' or that you need to do anything about it. Thefirst stage of change is 'contemplation'. Now you are aware thereis a problem, and you wonder what on earth you can do about it.Then comes 'decision'. You make up your mind to stop being aheroin user. And you quickly move to 'action' - finding ways tohelp yourself stop. Once stopped, you have to stay stopped - the'maintenance' stage. This is the trickiest stage for most people.Lapses may occur, and you need to be equipped to cope with them,and overcome them, or you may find yourself back at the beginninginstead of moving on to a better life.
Exercise Addiction 1.0 APK
Has your commitment to fitness become anexercise addiction?Have you begun to realize that you're overdoing it, and yourbody and mind are paying the price?All around the world, health organizations are worried aboutrapidly rising obesity levels and lecturing us all on the problemsthat arise from not having enough physical activity in your life.At the same time, increasing numbers of people seem to be running(note that word) into the very opposite difficulty. They have toomuch activity in their lives.We're not talking about people being forced into hard laborhere. We're talking about people who voluntarily increase, by alarge margin, the amount of muscle work that their bodies do on aregular basis.How can too much exercise be a bad thing?On the face of it, it looks like a good thing. The benefits offitness and regular activities like walking, running,weight-training, swimming and participating in sports are wellknown and well publicized. It all seems like just the antidote thehealth organizations are looking for, and you're not alone if youfeel pretty virtuous when you go down to the gym.And you are.But most people are not sports health scientists. And evensports trainers, who might know all the latest techniques forbody-building, shaping, toning and endurance training, may notalways fully appreciate what can happen if you work those musclesfor too long, too hard, too frequently. Not just in a singlesession (they know that's a bad thing), but in session aftersession after session.Exercise plus rest = fitnessThe missing understanding concerns the role of rest. Rest isjust as important as activity. "But I sleep really well everynight!" Excellent. Keep it up. But if you are engaged in regularhigh-intensity fitness activity, and you want to avoid long termdamage to your bones and muscles and other body tissues, you needmore than just a good nightly sleep.You need carefully balanced periods of low-intensity activityand even total inactivity to off-set the high-intensity stuff andgive your body the time it needs for muscle and tissue repair. Ifyou keep working it again, at the same high levels, before tissuerepair is complete, deterioration will inevitably eventually setin. And your health will suffer.Why it feels like you can't stop exercisingThe trouble is, even when you do appreciate the importance ofnot exercising quite so much, it can be hard to take your foot offthe gas (so to speak). Because somehow compulsion has crept ontothe scene. That endorphin 'high' is really nice. It feels likeyou've got to have it. Your life has started to run (there's thatword again) around getting it. Even at the expense of other thingsthat are important to you.What can you do?Hypnosis can help you beat exercise addictionOvercome exercise addiction is an audio hypnosis sessiondeveloped by sports psychologist with a deep understanding ofaddictive patterns and how to break them.When you take time out to repeatedly relax and listen to yourdownload, you willenjoy a regular half hour of deep relaxation as part of your'rest' programunconsciously absorb powerful transformative hypnotic suggestionsthat will break the grip of compulsionbe able to tune in and respond more effectively to what your ownbody is telling youdevelop a more suitable and balanced training programfeel much healthier and happierDownload Overcome exercise addiction and live well in your ownbody.
Caffeine Addiction 1.0 APK
How can you tell if you are suffering fromcaffeine addiction? Read our signs and symptoms checklist to see ifyou a coffee addict.Do you:consume more than two cups of coffee, tea, cola or chocolate aday? (these all contain caffeine)feel fatigued on and off during the day?experience extreme emotional mood swings during the day?suffer from frequent headaches?suffer from acidity or heartburn?suffer from a burning sensation, fatigue and heaviness in theeyes?suffer from premenstrual syndrome? (for women)have difficulty falling sleep?wake up in the morning feeling dead tired?get irritated easily?suffer from irregular or rapid heartbeats?often feel dizzy?have high blood pressure problems apart from anxietyproblems?have problems concentrating without your regular cup ofcoffee?find your hands trembling?feel dehydrated?If you answered 'yes' to even some of the above you may have beenabusing caffeine - or perhaps I should say 'it has been abusingyou' !Don't get me wrong - many of us use caffeine to little illeffect. Coffee is great in the same way as sunbathing - inmoderation!Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world and it's nocoincidence that its use has increased alongside longer workinghours. For most healthy adults 200-300 milligrams a day (about twocups of coffee) is fine .But too much caffeine (three cups of strong coffee or more) canlead to insomnia, anxiety osteoporosis, diabetes, ulcers, PMS,stroke, heart disease and may be linked to certain types ofcancer.Other common symptoms are migraines and exhaustion, as caffeinedehydrates and overstimulates your adrenal glands. This leads to aninevitable 'energy crash' - which you may have wrongly interpretedas a cue for another cup! Caffeine abusers say they often feel'exhausted but edgy' at the same time. Caffeine can simultaneouslyprevent you getting rest - compounding the effect.Overcoming Caffeine Addiction will help wean you off thecaffeine habit slowly and steadily. If you have had a chronicproblem with caffeine addiction, the help of a dietician will alsobe invaluable.As with any drug, you may experience withdrawal symptoms as youcut down, so it is important to cut back gradually. If in doubtconsult a doctor or nutritionist.Overcome Caffeine Addiction will enable you to do all the thingsyou used to feel couldn't be done without coffee - such as taking abreak or getting down to work. When your unconscious mind gets themessage that your body really doesn't need - or want - another cupof coffee, then you'll find it easy to cut down or even to stopentirely.Overcome caffeine addiction will focus on freeing you from theviscious cycle of excess caffeine and give you the sense that youcan take or leave it.Download your Overcome Caffeine Addiction session now and startfeeling better today!
Expect The Best 1.0 APK
We'd all love to have a crystal ball whichwould tell us for sure how things are going to turn out. We don'thave one, so we guess - things are either going to go well orbadly. If you've had a few bad experiences in life - been cheated,let down, injured, and so on - it makes sense that you tend tothink things are going to turn out badly.If you expect the worst, and it doesn't happen, that's amiracle. And if the worst actually does happen, you will have thesatisfaction of being right - the pessimist's comfort zone.Why pessimism is bad for youAdopting a view that things are likely to turn out badly moreoften than they turn out well, has been shown to measurablyincrease the number of bad outcomes experienced. You could say thisperson is just 'unlucky', and that the bad outcome was somehow outof their control. The link between control and a bad outcome istrue in some instances, but research tells a different story about'luck'.Research shows 'lucky' people generate their own good fortuneResearch carried out by Professor Richard Wiseman, apsychologist at the University of Hertfordshire, has uncovered thereal explanation why 'lucky' people (who naturally expect thebest), get more out of life, and 'unlucky' people (who naturallyexpect the worst) have such a hard time of it.Wiseman discovered that 'lucky' people generate their own goodfortune via four basic principles:they are skilled at creating and noticing chanceopportunitiesthey make lucky decisions by listening to their intuitionthey create self-fulfilling prophesies via positiveexpectationsthey adopt a resilient attitude to life that transforms bad luckinto good.Wiseman's fascinating research showed that pessimistic people, whoexpected things not to go well for them, consistently miss positiveopportunities, even when these are put in front of them in the mostdramatic way possible. It is as if they become 'blind' toopportunities.Fortunately, even if you've developed a pessimistic attitude tolife, in response to your experiences, or perhaps influenced by theculture of cynicism and skepticism around you, it is still possibleto cultivate a new optimism, and actually learn to expect the best.And the easiest way to overcome ingrained attitudes and outmodedbehavior patterns is to avail of the power of hypnosis to changeyour mind.Open your eyes to the opportunities around youExpect the best is an audio hypnosis session which will enableyou to discover how to really open your eyes to the opportunitiesaround you. Through deep relaxation, Expect the best will firstallow you to establish an optimum learning state in your mind andbrain. You will discover a new and positive use for your carefullyhoned skills of skepticism.When you listen to Expect the best, you will find yourselfnaturally developing your own creative and intuitive skills in waysthat will amaze you and transform your life.Download Expect the best - and prepare for lift off!
Escape Emotional Abuse 1.0 APK
Use hypnosis to help you escape from emotionalabuse by building up your resources to resist - and recoverAre you or have you been on the receiving end of constant cruelput downs and belittlement?Have you been made to feel that you are always in the wrong, sothat you begin to really doubt your own judgment?It's sadly common for some people, and even some groups ofpeople, to exert power and control over others by using veryunpleasant tactics such as:criticizing every little thing you do, no matter howinnocentbad mouthing you to othersconstantly mocking and belittling youtelling you you're stupid and don't know what's whatthreatening you with violence or abandonmenttelling you you're so hopeless you'd never manage on your ownThis is emotional abuse. And it's wrong. Very wrong.The emotional impact of emotional abuseIf you've been subjected to such treatment, whether from oneperson or a group, you will have experienced some seriouspsychological damage. Your self-confidence may have gone throughthe floor. You may even have begun to wonder if the awful thingsbeing said about you, and to you, are true. You may have become toofrightened and full of doubt to do anything. And you may feeldeeply, painfully, indescribably wounded.Your reading this page now indicates two things. One - that youhave already realized that your experiences are abusive and wrong.Two - that you are looking for the way out and/or the way torecover.What to do when you realize you have been subjected to emotionalabuseIt might be that the abuse is still ongoing and you still haveto find a way to deal with the person or people responsible. Itmight be that it happened in the past, and you have already managedto leave the situation in which it occurred and are trying to dealwith personal fallout. There may be many difficult practical stepsyou need to take, and you may need to seek help from friends,family, or professional counselors and advisers.But to address those issues effectively, or make the most ofchanges you've already made, you need more than anything to freeyourself from the emotional grip of the abusive relationship. Thismeans building up your core identity and gathering the innerresources to either cut free or change the ground rules, andbeginning the work of healing the wounds so that the rest of yourlife will not be forever blighted by what happened.Hypnosis can help you escape and recover from emotionalabuseWhen you are in the pit of despair and self-doubt, that maysound like an awfully tall order. When you've been treated likeyou're nobody and you feel like you are nobody, how on earth areyou going to 'recover your core identity'? This is where hypnosiscan help you.Escape emotional abuse is an audio hypnosis session developed bypsychologists with wide experience of helping the emotionallyabused that focuses specifically on what is happening inside you asyou attempt to respond to what has happened to you from theoutside.This session will help you in several ways. It will allow you toexperience profound effortless relaxation (something you may nothave experienced for a very long time). This in itself bringspowerful healing to body and mind. And it will take you through atransforming process that will restore you to yourself and equipyou with the emotional tools to do whatever you need to do as wellas protect yourself in future.
First Time Hypnosis 1.0 APK
Many people feel nervous about tryinghypnosisfor themselves. At least as many think it's all 'bunkum'andwouldn't try it if you paid them. Neither group can be blamedfortheir attitude. But such misplaced fears and skepticism meanthatthey exclude themselves from the benefits that hypnosis canbringthem. And the potential benefits available to those who learnhowto utilize hypnosis are many.Why there is so much misunderstanding about hypnosisYou can hardly have escaped hypnosis hype if you've everwatchedTV or been to the movies. Hypnosis is a popular theme inmanythrillers, horror movies and science fiction. In suchscenarios,one or more characters is portrayed being 'hypnotized'into doingbad or dangerous things - seemingly unwittingly. Thingsthey wouldnever dream of doing or dare to do of their own accord.So thestory would have you believe.Fictional though such representations are, theirfrequentrecurrence spreads the notion that hypnosis is somethingthat canbe 'done' to you without you being aware of it. And thathypnosiscan make you do things which are against your nature oryour moralbeliefs. Such notions are fine in fantasy fiction - butthey arenothing to do with real life.Hypnosis stage shows also mislead people about hypnosisAnother source of misconceptions about hypnosis is thehypnosisstage show. Typically, the hypnotist invites volunteersfrom theaudience and then demonstrates a number of hypnotictechniques. Ina stage show, 'entertainment value' is all important.So thehypnotist is at pains to make it look as if they have'control'over the subjects, and to get them to do bizarre thingswhich willmake the audience laugh.So, all in all, it's not surprising that many people feelnervous- or totally skeptical - about the idea of hypnosis.No smoke without a fire? The kernel of truth about hypnosisAs is often the case in life, these muddled notionsandmisconceptions contain within them a grain of truth. Actually,it'smore than a grain. It's a gold nugget of truth. It is truethathypnosis can help you do things that you believe (or fear)youcannot do. Things that you will be totally amazed to find thatyoucan do, easily and effortlessly. Like feeling totallycomfortablestanding up and talking to a crowd of people.Hypnosis allows you to reprogram instinctive behaviorHypnosis allows you to directly access your imaginationandchange your own instinctive behaviours. So that those spiders(ordogs, or moths, or whatever) that used to cause your heart toraceand your palms to sweat no longer have any effect at all onyou.Through hypnosis, you can bring about real measurablephysicalchanges - such as lowering your blood pressure, and healingfasterafter illness or surgery.Learning how to use hypnosis can dramatically changeyourlifeModern life is full of challenges, with stressful situationsanddifficulties at every step. Learning hypnosis will enable youtorelax deeply and handle stress effectively. In addition tothehealth benefits from this, you can use hypnosis tocreateprofoundly strong good feelings of confidence, motivation,andexhilaration which you can take with you into your life. Peoplewhoknow how to self-hypnotise simply have more options.Where to begin learning hypnosisYou might still feel nervous about trying hypnosis withahypnotherapist. First Time Hypnosis offers you a safe and easywayto put your toe in the water. This audio session explainsandexplores the basic steps of entering and utilizing hypnotictrancefor your own benefit.When you listen to First Time Hypnosis you will broadenyourknowledge and understanding of how hypnosis works and howyouyourself can begin to use it. You will quickly learn how torelaxyourself deeply and activate the powers of your imagination.FirstTime Hypnosis addresses all the questions that arise in themind ofthe first time hypnotee and sets your mind at rest.