1.2.6 / Mar 12, 2019
(3.8/5) (147)


Gain control over physiological and psychological responses tostress

App Information Tactical Breather

  • App Name
    Tactical Breather
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Mar 12, 2019
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 5.0
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Positive Activity Jackpot APK
PAJ uses a behavioral therapy called pleasantevent scheduling (PES), which is used to overcome depression andbuild resilience. This app features augmented reality technology tohelp users find nearby enjoyable activities and makes activitysuggestions with local options and the ability to invite friends.If you cannot make up your mind which fun thing to do, “pull thelever” and let the app’s jackpot function make the choice for you.While this app does not require clinical training to use, it shouldnot be used as a substitute for treatment by a therapist.
PE Coach APK
If you are a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine or Veteranexperiencing difficulties due to a traumaticexperience (for example, combat, deployment experience, or sexualassault), the PE Coach mobileapplication (app) may be part of the solution. PE Coach is designedto be used during psychotherapyprovided by a behavioral health professional who is trained inProlonged Exposure (PE) therapy. Byitself this smartphone app is not sufficient to treat posttraumaticstress disorder (PTSD). PE Coach isnot a self-help tool. However, military Veterans, Service members,and others with symptoms of PTSDwho are receiving PE treatment can work together with theirtherapist to use the tools in this appduring PE therapy to process the traumatic experience and reduceanxiety and fear.The app will guide you through the exercises assigned by yourtherapist and allows you to track andrecord your progress in treatment. In addition, the app providesyou with techniques such as controlledbreathing that will help you tolerate and decrease your distress.PE Coach will help you remember andtrack your upcoming therapy sessions. You and your therapist willbe able to audio record your sessionsdirectly onto your phone so that you can review them later as partof your treatment.This app is based on the Oxford University Press treatmentworkbook for PE, “Reclaiming your LifeFrom a Traumatic Experience”. The app was designed with militaryService members in mind but will beuseful to any trauma survivor participating in PE treatment.External Links: The appearance of external hyperlinks does notconstitute endorsement by the UnitedStates Department of Defense (DoD) or Department of VeteransAffairs (VA) of the linked websites, orthe information, products or services contained therein. The DoD/VAdoes not exercise any editorialcontrol over the information you may find at these locations. Alllinks are provided consistent with thestated purpose of these DoD/VA products.
T2 Mood Tracker APK
T2 Mood Tracker is designed to help you trackyour emotional experience over time and to provide you with a toolto share this information with your health care provider.This app comes with six pre-loaded issues: anxiety, depression,general well-being, head injury, post-traumatic stress, and stress.You can also add customized scales on any topic (e.g., a painscale). You use simple sliders to rate yourself on these behavioralcategories and the app automatically graphs your inputs. You canalso make notes describing things that happened during the day thatmay have affected your moods. This provides you and your healthcare provider with a complete tool to help you uncover patterns inhow you are feeling. It may also help you to evaluate the impact ofdaily events or the effects of treatment on your mood.T2 Mood Tracker was developed by the National Center for Telehealth& Technology (T2), the Defense Department’s primary agency forapplying innovative technology to issues of psychological healthand traumatic brain injury• Report generator makes sharing results simple! Generate PDF orCSV reports to print or email to your health care provider.• Backup database saves all your data on the SD card. Easily moveyour T2 Mood Tracker results to a new phone or save a backupoff-phone, so you don’t lose your data if you lose yourphone.• Locate psychological health support in your area via the OutreachCenter link.• Program the reminder to update your moods as often as you like -weekly to several times a day.• Pre-loaded with six common issues. Customize with ANY feeling orissue you want to track.• Results display in easy to read color graphs with pinch zoom,customizable symbols, and options to display as much or as littledata you desire.
Virtual Hope Box APK
The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is a smartphoneapplication designed for use by patients and their behavioralhealth providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB containssimple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction,and positive thinking. Patients and providers can work together topersonalize the VHB content on the patient's own smartphoneaccording to the patient's specific needs. The patient can then usethe VHB away from clinic, continuing to add or change content asneeded.Patients can use the VHB to store a variety of rich multimediacontent that they find personally supportive in times of need. Forexample, a patient can include family photos, videos and recordedmessages from loved ones, inspirational quotes, music they findespecially soothing, reminders of previous successes, positive lifeexperiences and future aspirations, and affirmations of their worthin their VHB. A patient can also collaborate with their provider tocreate coping cards to use in response to personal problem areasthey experience. Finally, the VHB provides the patient withpositive activity planning, distraction tools, and interactiverelaxation exercises including guided imagery, controlled breathingand muscle relaxation.
CBT-i Coach 1.2 APK
CBT-i Coach is for people who are engaged inCognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with a health provider,or who have experienced symptoms of insomnia and would like toimprove their sleep habits. The app will guide users through theprocess of learning about sleep, developing positive sleeproutines, and improving their sleep environments. It provides astructured program that teaches strategies proven to improve sleepand help alleviate symptoms of insomnia.CBT-i Coach is intended to augment face-to-face care with ahealthcare professional. It can be used on its own, but it is notintended to replace therapy for those who need it.CBT-i Coach is based on the therapy manual, Cognitive BehavioralTherapy for Insomnia in Veterans, by Rachel Manber, Ph.D., LeahFriedman, Ph.D., Colleen Carney, Ph.D., Jack Edinger, Ph.D., DanaEpstein, Ph.D., Patricia Haynes, Ph.D., Wilfred Pigeon, Ph.D. andAllison Siebern, Ph.D. CBT-i has been shown to be efficacious forinsomnia for both Veterans and civilians.CBT-i Coach was a collaborative effort between VA’s NationalCenter for PTSD, Stanford School of Medicine, and DoD’s NationalCenter for Telehealth and Technology.
Breathe2Relax APK
Breathe2Relax is a portable stress managementtool which provides detailed information on the effects of stresson the body and instructions and practice exercises to help userslearn the stress management skill called diaphragmaticbreathing.Breathing exercises have been documented to decrease thebody’s ‘fight-or-flight’ (stress) response, and help with moodstabilization, anger control, and anxiety management. Breathe2Relaxcan be used as a stand-alone stress reduction tool, or can be usedin tandem with clinical care directed by a healthcare worker.
LifeArmor 3.0.0 APK
LifeArmor is a comprehensive learning and self-management tool toassist members of the military community with common mental healthconcerns. Designed for your Android device, LifeArmor is portableand provides information and assistance at the touch of a button.Touch-screen technology allows the user to browse information on 17topics, including sleep, depression, relationship issues, andpost-traumatic stress. Brief self-assessments help the user measureand track their symptoms, and tools are available to assist withmanaging specific problems. After selecting a topic area,information is organized into three main menu items: Learn:Comprehensive information on the causes, characteristics, andpotential solutions to emotional, relationship, and other commonmental health problems that face the military community. Assess:Brief self-assessment tools to help the user measure and tracksymptoms relevant to the topic area. Tools: Information andguidance on techniques to self-manage problems relevant to thetopic area.
Provider Resilience APK
The fast pace of military operations andfrequent deployments affect the entire military community. Forhealth care providers treating military personnel, the intensedemands on their time and personal resources can lead to burnout,compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress. Throughpsychoeducation and self-assessments, Provider Resilience givesfrontline providers tools to keep themselves productive andemotionally healthy as they help our nation’s service members,veterans, and their families.The Provider Resilience home screen gives a quick snapshot ofthe user’s overall resilience rating – generated through userself-assessments – and a reminder clock showing how long since theuser last took a day off. Compassion fatigue, burnout, andsecondary traumatic stress ratings can also be viewed inautomatically generated graphs, allowing users to monitor theirprofessional quality of life over time.Provider Resilience also features stress-busting and compassionsatisfaction-building tools. Videos by service members describingthe positive impact health care providers had in their battles withstigma, depression and other issues help users remember why they dowhat they do. Stretches, daily reflection cards, and Dilbert comicsgive users a break from daily stress.Provider Resilience was developed by psychologists at theNational Center for Telehealth & Technology, the DefenseDepartment’s primary agency for applying innovative technology toissues of psychological health and traumatic brain injury.