2.0 / April 28, 2015
(4.5/5) (43)


Thirukkural is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of1330couplets or Kurals.It was authored by Thiruvalluvar.TheThirukkural is one of the most important works in theTamillanguage. This is reflected in some of the other names bywhich thetext is given by such as Tamil marai (Tamil Vedas);poyyamozhi(words that never fail); and Deiva nool (divine text).Thebook isconsidered to precede Manimekalai and Silapathikaram sincetheyboth acknowledge the Kural text. Thirukkural is structured into133chapters, each containing 10 couplets, for a total of1330couplets. The 133 chapters are grouped into three sections:(Arathupaal ) righteousness ( Porutpaal ) wealth ( Kamathupaal)love

App Information Thirukkural with audio


Quran Tafsir 1.0 APK
This is Complete Offline Tafsir (Commentary) of Quran Karim by IbnKathir In English Language. This app comes with very usefulbuilt-in features. It is our duty to learn and understand QuranKarim with its proper meanings. So this App is a good opportunityfor Muslims to understand Islam by downloading such useful IslamicApps for smartphone (Android). You must be able to speak English tounderstand this book properly.
Indian Temples 2.0 APK
Hindu temples come in many styles,diverselocations, deploy different construction methods and areadapted todifferent deities and regional beliefs. Yet, almost allHindutemples share certain core ideas, symbolism and themes. Theyarefound in South Asia particularly India and Nepal, insoutheastAsian countries.This application provides information about variousindiantemples, their pictures and architecture and many moredetails.
Tamil Hadith 1.0 APK
Hadith Sahih Bukhari in Tamil Sahih al-Bukhari, is one of the Kutubal-Sittah (six major hadith collections) of Sunni Islam. Theseprophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the PersianMuslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted orallyfor generations. Sunni Muslims view this as one of the three mosttrusted collections of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and MuwattaImam Malik. In some circles, it is considered the most authenticbook after the Quran. Hadith in religious use is often translatedas 'tradition', meaning a report of the deeds and sayings ofMuhammad. The hadith literature does not qualify as primary sourcematerial as it was compiled from oral reports that were present insociety around the time of their compilation, well after the deathof the Prophet Muhammad. Bukhari's collection which is consideredby many traditional religious scholars as the most 'reliable' wascompiled two centuries after the death of the Prophet
Multi-language Dictionary 1.0 APK
Multi-language dictionary is collection of words from so manyindian languages likeTamil,Hindi,Telugu,Malayalam,Kannada,Punjabi,Gujarati and manymore. You can find meanings and related close words for a givenword in English to the above listed languages and its vice-versa.
Puzzles 1.0 APK
A puzzle is a game, problem, or toy that tests a person'singenuity.Puzzles are often devised as a form of entertainment butthey canalso arise from serious mathematical or logisticalproblems. In suchcases, their solution may be a significantcontribution tomathematical research. This app consists ofdifferent categoriessuch as number puzzles,missing wordpuzzles,logical puzzles,clockpuzzles etc. You will find a widerange of puzzles . Some are easy,some are hard, but hopefully mostare interesting and a little bitfun. Some of the puzzles aretricks, or Gotchas, some require alittle bit of head scratching,some of which could keep you thinkinglong into the night. All ofthe puzzles also have explanation tohelp you along.So, don't waitanymore.
Rasi Palan 2.0 APK
Rasi Palan is a Tamil astrology appprovidingdaily,weekly,monthly,yearly predictions.Based on theplanetarypositions and transits of important planets , we providedetailedpredictions for all the twelve rasis of the zodiacfordaily,weekly,monthly and also yearly, based on Tamil astrology.
Thirumana Porutham 3.0 APK
Marriage is considered and celebrated as important traditionandculture in India. Marriage is made to make a bond andgoodrelationship between man and woman. In ancient period to followthevirtue the marriage has been made by our ancestors.Marriagematching horoscope in India are made between wedlock manand womanwhich makes them a best couple to make love, to bringunity in thefamily, to follow the tradition, to develop goodgeneration, toimprove financial status and to make a healthy life.Marriagematching and marriage tradition are made by matchingbirthhoroscopes which is now-a-days termed as marriagematchinghoroscope. According to the basis of ancestor’s lifeenvironment,marriage matching horoscopes are made to bring betterlife for thewedded couple till the end. Life of wedded couples whohas got goodmarriage matching was better according to that Indianmarriagematching tradition. There is a proverb saying that“Marriages aremade in heaven”. This proverb indirectly says us tomake thewedding life, a heaven. In general, to make a better lifemarriagematching is made on the basis of stars between man andwoman. Thematching on the basis of stars between man and woman istermed as“star matching”. Lagna marriage matching is calculated onthe basisof lagna of man and woman. This app provides you easy wayto makegood marriage matching in online for free.
Thirukkural with audio 2.0 APK
Thirukkural is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of1330couplets or Kurals.It was authored by Thiruvalluvar.TheThirukkural is one of the most important works in theTamillanguage. This is reflected in some of the other names bywhich thetext is given by such as Tamil marai (Tamil Vedas);poyyamozhi(words that never fail); and Deiva nool (divine text).Thebook isconsidered to precede Manimekalai and Silapathikaram sincetheyboth acknowledge the Kural text. Thirukkural is structured into133chapters, each containing 10 couplets, for a total of1330couplets. The 133 chapters are grouped into three sections:(Arathupaal ) righteousness ( Porutpaal ) wealth ( Kamathupaal)love