/ April 28, 2015
(3.8/5) (3880)


We hear you. Weight loss isn’t easy. That’s why we created aweight-loss system for your body and a support system for yourbrain. The Weight Watchers Mobile app brings our world-renownedprogram to your fingertips so you can lose weight, stay motivatedand on track, wherever life takes you. We’ve got your back. With**24/7 Chat** you can now talk to a Weight Watchers Coach to getadditional support and tips whenever and wherever you need.

Our eTools and Online subscriptions bring you:


· Weight Watchers Works. Period. Our certified experts have morethan 45 years’ experience in helping real people reach theirgoals
· Our **PointsPlus** method eliminates tedious calorie counting soyou can eat the foods you love and still lose weight


· Easily track your food, activity, and weight (Weight Tracker,Food Tracker, and Activity Tracker)
· Track multiple foods at once with our multi-add feature (FoodTracker)
· Search thousands of foods, meals, restaurants and recipes thatfit your lifestyle
· Scan barcodes to find the **PointsPlus** Value of your favoritefoods before they go in your grocery cart
· Add custom meals or recipes using our **PointsPlus** calculator(meal planner)
· Play with our fun interactive cheat sheets to find the best betson the menu, including pizza, pasta, salad dishes and cocktailchoices
· Get bonus **PointsPlus** Values for exercise and browse healthand fitness content
· Keep tabs on your weight-loss progress and stay motivated withour interactive chart


· Get support from a Weight Watchers Coach whenever and whereveryou need with **24/7 Chat** right from the app
· Create a shopping list to simplify your grocery trip
· Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area 

App Information Weight Watchers® Canada Mobile

Weight Watchers International, Inc. Show More...

Weight Watchers Mobile DE APK
Auch beim Abnehmen gilt: Jeder is(s)t anders!Deshalb haben wir ein System entwickelt, mit dem Sie ganz nachIhren Vorlieben und Ihren Geschmack abnehmen können. Und die WeightWatchers App ist immer dabei – Ihr Programm im Taschenformat!Nutzen Sie die App, um Zugriff auf unsere besten Tools wie dasTagebuch, die neuesten Rezepte, interessante Artikel und vielesmehr zu erhalten.Das bietet die App für Abonnenten (Online, MonatsPass,@ssistent):Für Ihren Erfolg• Mit Weight Watchers können Sie weiter alles essen, was Sie mögenund trotzdem abnehmen! In den letzten 50 Jahren haben Millionen vonMenschen mit uns abgenommen – und das sehr erfolgreich.• Die Verwendung von ProPoints® Werten macht das Programm sehrgenau, denn es bezieht dadurch Informationen über das gesamteLebensmittel mit ein.Die besten Tools für Ihre Abnahme• Anklicken, speichern, fertig – so einfach ist das Eintragen vonLebensmitteln, Aktivitäten und Ihrem Gewicht.• Mit der neuen „multi-add“ Funktion können Sie mehrereLebensmittel auf einmal speichern.• Finden Sie über 50.000 Lebensmittel, Mahlzeiten und Rezepte ausunserer Datenbank.• Speichern und finden Sie so ganz schnell und einfach IhreFavoriten sowie zuletzt hinzugefügte Artikel.• Berechnen Sie selbst ProPoints® Werte für Lebensmittel undAktivitäten mit dem Calculator.• Überprüfen Sie Ihren Gewichtsverlauf in einer interaktivenGrafik.• Nutzen Sie die interaktiven „Drag & Drop“ Tools, um bessereEntscheidungen in Restaurant & Co. zu treffen.• Sie haben Zugriff auf die aktuellsten Rezepte und können diesedirekt in einer Einkaufsliste speichern.• Lassen Sie sich von unseren Erfolgsgeschichten motivieren undfinden Sie viele hilfreiche Tipps & Tricks in unserenArtikeln.Praktische Tipps & Tricks• Erstellen Sie eine Einkaufsliste, so wird Shoppen zumKinderspiel.• Finden Sie ein Weight Watchers Treffen in Ihrer Nähe.Also when removing ruleeach is (s) t different! Therefore, we have developed a system thatallows you to lose weight according to your preferences and yourtaste. And the Weight Watchers app is always with you - yourprogram in your pocket!Use the app to get access to our best tools like the diary, thelatest recipes, interesting articles and much more.This offers the app for subscribers (online, Monthly Pass,eTools):For your success• With Weight Watchers, you can continue to eat whatever you likeand still lose weight! Over the past 50 years, millions of peoplehave taken with us - and very successful.• The use of ProPoints® values ​​makes the program very closelybecause it relates, data about the entire food with a.The best tools for your loss• Click Save to finish - it's that simple entries of food,activities and your weight.• The new "multi-add" function allows you to save multiple foods atonce.• Find. Over 50,000 foods, meals and recipes from ourdatabase• Save and you will find so quick and easy favorites, My last addeditem.• Calculate. ProPoints® even values ​​for foods and activities withthe Calculator• Check. Your weight history in an interactive graphic• Use to make the interactive "drag and drop" tools betterdecisions Restaurant & Co..• You have access to the latest recipes and save them directly intoa shopping list.• Get motivated and you will find many helpful tips and tricks inour articles of our success stories.Practical Tips & Tricks• Create a shopping list, so shopping is a breeze.• Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area.
Weight Watchers Mobile NL APK
Het Weight Watchers programma helpt je bij hetbereiken van je streefgewicht. Dankzij de Weight Watchers App hebje 24/7 toegang tot het programma en onze handige tools. Hierdoorblijf je op koers, waar je ook bent!Let op: de Weight Watchers App werkt niet (optimaal) op alletablets.Wat heeft Weight Watchers Online of de Combi Pas jou te bieden?BEWEZEN SUCCES• We hebben jarenlange ervaring in het begeleiden van mensen bijhet bereiken van een gezond gewicht.• We maken gebruik van het ProPoints®-systeem: je hoeft hierbijgeen calorieën te tellen, je kunt nog steeds genieten van lekkereten, én je verliest gewicht.EENVOUDIGE METHODE• Je kunt snel en makkelijk je voeding, activiteiten en gewichtbijhouden.• Voeg meerdere voedingsmiddelen in één keer toe aan je ProPointsdagboek.• Je hebt toegang tot onze database met duizenden voedingsmiddelen,maaltijden en recepten.• Bereken zelf de ProPoints waarde met behulp van deCalculator.• Gebruik onze Mix & Match voor het maken van goedekeuzes.• Verdien Active ProPoints waarden met beweging en wissel deze invoor eten of drinken.• In het Gewichtsverloop zie je in één oogopslag jouwvooruitgang.EXTRA HULPMIDDELEN• Vind een cursus in de buurt.• Plan je maaltijden in je dagboek en zet alles meteen op jeboodschappenlijst in de app.The Weight Watchersprogram helps you to achieve your goal weight. Thanks to WeightWatchers App you have 24/7 access to the program and our tools.This will keep you on course, wherever you are!Note: Weight Watchers app does not work (optimal) on all tablets.What Weight Watchers Online or the Combi Pass offer you?PROVEN SUCCESS• We have years of experience in helping people to achieve ahealthy weight.• We use the ProPoints® system: here you do not need to countcalories, you can still enjoy good food, and you lose weight.SIMPLE METHOD• You can quickly and easily track your diet, activity andweight.• Add multiple foods at once add to your ProPoints diary.• You have access to our database of thousands of foods, meals andrecipes.• Calculate the PointsPlus value using the Calculator.• Use our Mix and Match to make good choices.• Earn Active PointsPlus values ​​with movement and exchange themfor food or drinks.• The Weight Tracker you see at a glance your progress.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES• Find a course near.• Plan your meals in your journal and put everything right on yourshopping list in the app.
Weight Watchers Mobile UK APK
We've simplified weight loss! The WeightWatchers mobile app brings our world-renowned program to yourfingertips so you can stay motivated and on track, wherever lifetakes you.We’ve got your back. With Connect to an Expert you can now talkto a Weight Watchers expert to get additional support and tipswhenever and wherever you need.Your Weight Watchers membership gives you:PROVEN SUCCESS· Weight Watchers Works. Our certified experts have more than 50years experience in helping real people reach their goals· Our ProPoints system allows you to eat the foods you love andstill lose weightEASY TRACKING• Easily track your food, activity, and weight (Click. Track.Done.)• Track multiple foods at once with our multi-add feature• Search thousands of foods, meals and recipes• Scan barcodes to find the ProPoints value of your favourite foodsbefore they go in your grocery basket• Add custom meals or recipes using our ProPoints calculator• Play with our interactive cheat sheets to find the best bets onthe menu, including pizza, salad dishes and cocktail choices• Automatically track activity ProPoints values by connecting youractivity monitor• Keep tabs on your weight-loss progress and stay motivated withour interactive chartCONVENIENT SUPPORT• Get support from a Weight Watchers expert from your mobileapp• Create a shopping list to simplify your grocery trip• Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area 
What’s New In Version 3.5• Get support from a Weight Watchers expert with Connect to anExpert• Minor bug fixes
Weight Watchers Mobile FR APK
Parce que chaque personne est différente faceà la perte de poids, le programme Weight Watchers s'adapte à touset à toutes les envies.Et grace à l'appli Weight Watchers Mobile, le programme vousaccompagne partout, 24h sur 24, pour vous permettre de garder lecap en toutes circonstances.Que peuvent vous apporter Pass Lib ou Weight Watchers Online?UN SUCCÈS ÉPROUVÉ• Le programme Weight Watchers fonctionne. Et ce n'est pasnouveau ! Depuis plus de 45 ans, nos équipes accompagnent despersonnes comme vous (et nous) pour les aider à perdre dupoids.• Notre système ProPointsvous permet de perdre du poids sans voussoucier des calories tout en continuant à manger ce que vousaimez.UNE MÉTHODE SIMPLE• Enregistrez facilement vos aliments, vos activité ou votrepoids (pour faire simple : cliquez, enregistrez, c'est fait!).• Ajoutez en une seule fois plusieurs aliments à votre journal debord ProPoints.• Accédez à une base de données riche de plus de 18 000 aliments,repas et recettes.• Calculez vous-même la valeur en unités ProPoints au moyen duCalculateur ProPoints virtuel.• Utilisez nos antisèches pour faire les meilleurs choix.• Gagnez des unités ProPoints activité en bougeant davantage, etutilisez-les pour compléter votre Budget ProPoints (ou pas!).• Découvrez votre progression à l'aide de la courbe du Suivi depoids.Because each person isdifferent at the loss of weight, the Weight Watchers program adaptsto each and everyone.And thanks to the Weight Watchers Mobile app, the programaccompanies you everywhere, 24 24, to allow you to stay focused atall times.What can you bring Lib Pass or Weight Watchers Online?A PROVEN SUCCESS• The Weight Watchers program works. And it is not new! For over45 years our teams support people like you (and us) to help themlose weight.• Our ProPointsvous system can lose weight without worrying aboutcalories and still eat what you like.A SIMPLE METHOD• Easily record your food, your business or your weight (to makesimple click, save, done!).• Add once more foods to your ProPoints logbook.• Access a rich database of over 18,000 foods, meals andrecipes.• Calculate yourself the value in ProPoints values ​​using thevirtual ProPoints Calculator.• Use our cribs to make the best choice.• Earn activity PointsPlus values ​​by moving more, and use them tocomplete your ProPoints budget (or not!).• Check your progress with the curve of the Weight Tracker.
Weight Watchers Mobile AU APK
We've simplified weight loss! The WeightWatchers mobile app brings our world-renowned program to yourfingertips so you can stay motivated and on track, wherever lifetakes you.We’ve got your back! With Live Chat you can talk to a WeightWatchers Coach for support whenever and wherever you need it.Your Weight Watchers membership gives you:PROVEN SUCCESS· Weight Watchers Works. Our certified experts have more than 50years experience in helping real people reach their goals· Our ProPoints system allows you to eat the foods you love andstill lose weightEASY TRACKING• Easily track your food, activity, and weight (Click. Track.Done.)• Track multiple foods at once with our multi-add feature• Search thousands of foods, meals and recipes• Add custom meals or recipes using our ProPoints calculator• Play with our interactive cheat sheets to find the best bets onthe menu, including pizza, salad dishes and cocktail choices• Automatically track activity ProPoints values by connecting youractivity monitor• Keep tabs on your weight-loss progress and stay motivated withour interactive chartCONVENIENT SUPPORT• Get support from a Weight Watchers Coach from your mobileapp• Create a shopping list to simplify your grocery trip• Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area 

Weight Watchers Mobile NB APK
Het Weight Watchers programma helpt je bij hetbereiken van je streefgewicht. Dankzij de Weight Watchers App hebje 24/7 toegang tot het programma en onze handige tools. Hierdoorblijf je op koers, waar je ook bent!Let op: de Weight Watchers App werkt niet (optimaal) op alletablets.Wat heeft Weight Watchers Online of de Combi Pas jou tebieden?BEWEZEN SUCCES• We hebben jarenlange ervaring in het begeleiden van mensen bijhet bereiken van een gezond gewicht.• We maken gebruik van het ProPoints®-systeem: je hoeft hierbijgeen calorieën te tellen, je kunt nog steeds genieten van lekkereten, én je verliest gewicht.EENVOUDIGE METHODE• Je kunt snel en makkelijk je voeding, activiteiten en gewichtbijhouden.• Voeg meerdere voedingsmiddelen in één keer toe aan je ProPointsdagboek.• Je hebt toegang tot onze database met duizenden voedingsmiddelen,maaltijden en recepten.• Bereken zelf de ProPoints waarde met behulp van deCalculator.• Gebruik onze Mix & Match voor het maken van goedekeuzes.• Verdien Active ProPoints waarden met beweging en wissel deze invoor eten of drinken.• In het Gewichtsverloop zie je in één oogopslag jouwvooruitgang.EXTRA HULPMIDDELEN• Vind een cursus in de buurt.• Plan je maaltijden in je dagboek en zet alles meteen op jeboodschappenlijst in de app.The Weight Watchersprogram helps you to achieve your goal weight. Thanks to WeightWatchers App you have 24/7 access to the program and our tools.This will keep you on course, wherever you are!Note: Weight Watchers app does not work (optimal) on alltablets.What Weight Watchers Online or the Combi Pass offer you?PROVEN SUCCESS• We have years of experience in helping people to achieve ahealthy weight.• We use the ProPoints® system: here you do not need to countcalories, you can still enjoy good food, and you lose weight.SIMPLE METHOD• You can quickly and easily track your diet, activity andweight.• Add multiple foods at once add to your ProPoints diary.• You have access to our database of thousands of foods, meals andrecipes.• Calculate the PointsPlus value using the Calculator.• Use our Mix and Match to make good choices.• Earn Active PointsPlus values ​​with movement and exchange themfor food or drinks.• The Weight Tracker you see at a glance your progress.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES• Find a course near.• Plan your meals in your journal and put everything right on yourshopping list in the app.
Weight Watchers® Canada Mobile APK
We hear you. Weight loss isn’t easy. That’s why we created aweight-loss system for your body and a support system for yourbrain. The Weight Watchers Mobile app brings our world-renownedprogram to your fingertips so you can lose weight, stay motivatedand on track, wherever life takes you. We’ve got your back. With**24/7 Chat** you can now talk to a Weight Watchers Coach to getadditional support and tips whenever and wherever you need.Our eTools and Online subscriptions bring you:PROVEN SUCCESS· Weight Watchers Works. Period. Our certified experts have morethan 45 years’ experience in helping real people reach theirgoals· Our **PointsPlus** method eliminates tedious calorie counting soyou can eat the foods you love and still lose weightEASY TRACKING· Easily track your food, activity, and weight (Weight Tracker,Food Tracker, and Activity Tracker)· Track multiple foods at once with our multi-add feature (FoodTracker)· Search thousands of foods, meals, restaurants and recipes thatfit your lifestyle· Scan barcodes to find the **PointsPlus** Value of your favoritefoods before they go in your grocery cart· Add custom meals or recipes using our **PointsPlus** calculator(meal planner)· Play with our fun interactive cheat sheets to find the best betson the menu, including pizza, pasta, salad dishes and cocktailchoices· Get bonus **PointsPlus** Values for exercise and browse healthand fitness content· Keep tabs on your weight-loss progress and stay motivated withour interactive chartCONVENIENT SUPPORT· Get support from a Weight Watchers Coach whenever and whereveryou need with **24/7 Chat** right from the app· Create a shopping list to simplify your grocery trip· Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area 

FitBreak 1.0.294 APK
What’s FitBreak, and why do you want to tryit? This is a different kind of fitness app – FitBreak makes sureyou get some exercise in every day, without hauling it to the gymor even throwing on a DVD at home. All you need is your phone andthe desire to turn your “down time” into “up time”. With FitBreak,you get:- Instant one-minute activity recommendations from certifiedtrainers and Weight Watchers Leaders.- Mini workouts wherever you are – your kitchen, your desk, thepark…really, anywhere!- Focused moves for whatever muscle group you feel likeworking.- Detailed, instructional videos from real people – nothing flashy,intimidating, or obnoxious.- A log of how many FitBreaks you’ve performed in one day.Watch your FitBreaks turn into something amazing – a more activeyou! Happy Breaking!