15.5.19 / May 20, 2015
(4.1/5) (8)


"Where am I" helps you to find yourcurrentlocation on map , wherever you are lost and you need to knowyourlocation just open "Where am I" and it will automaticallydetectyour location.
The app is ultimately light , once you open it , it providesyouwith a marker of your location.

App Information Where Am I

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Phone Arena 15.6.6 APK
Phone Arena brings you the biggest databaseofmobile phones that have been available in over the last 15years.It unleashes the power of GSMArena.com on to your cell phonesandtablets, with a user interface that will adapt to whicheverscreensize your device has.Phone Arena needs no lengthy introduction. It is like the IMDborWikipedia of mobile phones. GSMArena.com maintains adetaileddatabase of almost all phones and tablets (not restrictedto GSMdevices, despite the name) and is your number one sourceforspecification or spec lookup on any mobile device. Thebiggestadvantage of Phone Arena is that, it allows you to comparethefeatures of 2 phones / tablets side by side, and decidewhichdevice is more suitable for you.Features include:- Detailed specification of phones and tablets- Compare 2 devices side by side- App2SD enabled (you can move the app to memory card)So what kind of device specification data is available?Imagineyou are outside and you being the tech expert, a friend popsone ofthese questions before choosing a device:- What is the processor speed of Samsung Galaxy S III (S3)?- Is Google Galaxy Nexus, a CDMA (Verizon / Sprint) or GSM(AT&T/ T-Mobile) device?- What is the weight of a Motorola Droid Razr phone?- Does HTC One X feature a front facing camera as well?- Is T-Mobile G2X just the carrier branded version of LG Optimus2Xor do they differ in specifications as well?- How much internal memory does Sony Ericsson Xperia S, have?- When did Verizon release the first Droid phone developedbyMotorola?- What are the differences between Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1andGalaxy Note 10.1?- Is Apple iPhone 4S just the 4th iPhone or is it 4G ready?- When is Blackberry Torch 2 coming?- How is Nokia Lumia 710 different from Nokia Lumia 800,despitehaving the same Windows Phone OS?Disclaimer:-Phone Arena is in no way affiliated to GSMArena.com. We are fansofGSMArena who believe the site should be convenientlyaccessiblefrom every single mobile device, regardless of it'sscreen size orresolution. This app is only the tip of this icebergcalledGSMArena. Always visit www.gsmarena.com directly whenever youareon a PC, because Phone Genie shows only a portion of thewebsite.There are still tons of awesome features available on thewebsitethat cannot be integrated to a small screen device. And whenyoufinally decide to buy a phone, always check with the sellerthatthe specifications of the phone match your expectations.
Where Am I 15.5.19 APK
"Where am I" helps you to find yourcurrentlocation on map , wherever you are lost and you need to knowyourlocation just open "Where am I" and it will automaticallydetectyour location.The app is ultimately light , once you open it , it providesyouwith a marker of your location.
Super Runner 16.07.22 APK
Make your way through the random objectsthatappear in your way. You can't stop the running, if you stoptherunning you loose. The Endless Runner game doesn'tknowstopping.
Calories Calculator 15.6.10 APK
The Calories Calculator can be used toestimate the calories you need to consume each day. This calculatorcan also provide some simple guideline if you want to gain or loseweight.To accurately determine your daily calorie amount: Enter yourcurrent weight, age, height, and gender into the calculator. Doyour best estimate of how much exercise you will be doing.The results will show how many calories you may eat in order tomaintain or lose weight. You don't need to adjust this depending onyour exercise rate - that is factored into the equation. Themaintenance value is the same as what some people call Total DailyEnergy Expenditure (TDEE).Calories for Fat LossScience tells us that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories,so a daily calorie deficit of 500 should result in 1 pound per weekfat loss.In reality things don't quite work that efficiently!Generally, a person's energy expenditure becomes less as theyget lighter - meaning that you will inevitably plateau. The amountof food intake that once resulted in weight loss, will now onlymaintain2.Over time our bodies adapt to the lowered calorie level.Our body becomes more efficient at using energy (loweredmetabolism), and therefore burns less fat. This is why most of usreach a weight loss plateau.At this point, the only option is to boost metabolism:increased cardio,weight training,'cheat' meals (i.e. occasional high-calorie meals),cycling (or zig-zagging) calories,even manipulating macro-nutrient ratios can all help to do this(don't forget adequate sleep and hydration).You often find that the nearer you get to your goal weight (or bodyfat percentage) - the harder things get!Continually dropping calories only serves to lower metabolismeven further - the moment you return to 'normal' eating - theweight comes back on.
Danboard Stories 16.07.23 APK
"Danboard Stories" brings you cutewallpapersfor your phone that will win your heart in a second! Thiscutecardboard robot called Danbo or Danboard!Enjoy watching these tiny Danboard people on your phonescreenand you won't feel lonely ever again! They will be sendingyoutheir love with dozens of hearts flying across their stories!-beautiful Danbo love images- the cardboard box doll willembellishyour tablet or phone screen!- Danbo is waiting for you, give him home and shelter, andhewill pay you back with tons of hearts and"unconditionallove"!- Get this "cartoon character app" and know his story – DanboforAndroid now!No one is immune to Danboard, a "box man" that first appearedina Japanese cartoon ''Yotsuba&!'' and won the hearts ofmillionsof people around the planet! Boys, girls, teen girls, kidsoradults – everyone likes Danboard! Wouldn't you like to play withaDanbo paper toy? Don't worry, you don't have to know how tomakeDanbo robot - you can always know and enjoy his story from ourapp:).
أسعار الذهب 16.07.18 APK
يعتبرتطبيق اسعار الذهب اليوم مرصدا يوميالمعرفةالتغيرات الأولية في اسعار الذهب حول العالم العربي وفق ماتراهالبورصات المختلفة فى العالم ووفق كل عملة خاصّة بالبلدالمرادالاستعلام عن سعر الذهب فيها, ويعد تطبيقاً متميزا يعنى بالذهبوكل مايتعلق به أنواع وأسماء ومراحل تطور الذهب فى العالم.هذا تطبيق اسعار الذهب من أفضل المراصد ومراجع الاطلاع علياسعارالذهب اليوم فى العالم العربي وعلى الرغم من حدثية هذا الموقع فىظلوجود مواقع عالمية قديمة معنية بهذا الأمر إلا أنه دخل إلىساحةالمنافسة سريعا نظرا لتميز مادّته وقوتها.التطبيق تم تصميمه وإعداده بشكل يجعله مرجعا لكل المهتمينبالذهباليوم في العالم العربي .اسعار الذهب اليوم فى العالم العربي يقوم الموقع بتحديثها طوالايامالاسبوع حتى يجعلون الباحث عن اسعار الذهب على المعلومات التىيريدهابشكل دقيق وسهل.يحتوي التطبيق علي تقرير دوري ومتجدد بأسعار معدن الذهب فيالدولالعربية بالعملة الوطنية وأيضا الدولار الأمريكي.يشمل التقرير أسعار المعدن بجميع عياراته (عيار 24, 22, 18, 14,12).وتحتوي أيضا علي مخطط بمعدل الارتفاع والانخفاض فى اسعار الذهبفيالأيام السابقة في السوق المحلي.حيث يتم متابعة أسعار الذهب مرة كل 12 ساعة يوميا وذلك حسبالتوقيتالمحلي.Iatberttbaiq GoldPricesToday observatory day to see the initial changes in the priceofgold on the Arab world at the discretion of the variousstockexchanges in the world, according to each particular currencyofthe country you want to inquire about the price of gold which,isthe application of a privileged means gold and all relatedtypesand names of the stages of gold development in the world .This application of the price of gold from the bestobservatoriesand references available on the price of gold todayin the Arabworld and in spite of Hdtah this site in the presenceofInternational Sites old involved in this, but that he hadenteredinto an arena of competition quickly due to distinguishsubstanceand strength.The application was designed and set it up it makes it a pointofreference for all those interested in gold today in theArabworld.Gold prices today in the Arab world, the site updatesthroughoutthe week so make researcher for the price of gold ontheinformation they want accurate and easy.Application to contain League and renewed self-metal goldpricesin the Arab states in the national currency and also theUSdollar.The report includes metal prices of all Aaarath (caliber24.22,18 and 14.12).The scheme also includes the rate of rise and fall in goldpricesin the past few days in the local market.Follow-up visits are where the price of gold every 12 hoursaday, according to local time.