/ August 4, 2014
(3.9/5) (187)


It's Wonder Bunny time! Join Wonder Bunny andhis cute friends as they explore a fun-filled race for carrots!Wonder Bunny ABC Race is an entertaining and captivating learninggame, which introduces your child to the fundamental conceptsbehind the English alphabet. It’s time for Wonder Bunny ABC Race;Ready, Steady, Go!


The star of Wonder Bunny ABC Race is a cute bunny and hisfriends. They love carrots, as all bunnies do, and they are racingto get more carrots. But there are funny surprises and alphabetrelated challenges on the race tracks. Can you help your pet bunnynavigate through the race track and win massive loads of carrots?Customize your favorite Bunny, and get ready for a fun actionpacked adventure!

Key Features:
*Different alphabet learning tasks for 3-8 years old kids
*Child-friendly, easy to play interface: all you need to do is totap!
*Cute, colorful and cartoonish game environment, with lots of funtasks!
*Play in beautiful Candyland and magical Polar Heroes gameworlds!
*Additional levels and premium bunnies with in-app purchases

Developed by Fantastec, an educational games developer fromFinland. For more exciting and fun learning games and adventures,visit http://www.fantastec.fi/

Test also Polarheroes educational online adventure game world atwww.polarheroes.com

More fun Wonder Bunny games coming soon!
For more information follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygame

Follow Wonder Bunny on Twitter:https://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGame

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Wonder Bunny ABC Race APK
Fantastec Oy
It's Wonder Bunny time! Join Wonder Bunny andhis cute friends as they explore a fun-filled race for carrots!Wonder Bunny ABC Race is an entertaining and captivating learninggame, which introduces your child to the fundamental conceptsbehind the English alphabet. It’s time for Wonder Bunny ABC Race;Ready, Steady, Go!Trailer:http://fantastec.fi/wonder_bunny_abc_race_trailer/The star of Wonder Bunny ABC Race is a cute bunny and hisfriends. They love carrots, as all bunnies do, and they are racingto get more carrots. But there are funny surprises and alphabetrelated challenges on the race tracks. Can you help your pet bunnynavigate through the race track and win massive loads of carrots?Customize your favorite Bunny, and get ready for a fun actionpacked adventure!Key Features:*Different alphabet learning tasks for 3-8 years old kids*Child-friendly, easy to play interface: all you need to do is totap!*Cute, colorful and cartoonish game environment, with lots of funtasks!*Play in beautiful Candyland and magical Polar Heroes gameworlds!*Free-to-play*Additional levels and premium bunnies with in-app purchasesDeveloped by Fantastec, an educational games developer fromFinland. For more exciting and fun learning games and adventures,visit http://www.fantastec.fi/Test also Polarheroes educational online adventure game world atwww.polarheroes.comMore fun Wonder Bunny games coming soon!For more information follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygameFollow Wonder Bunny on Twitter:https://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGame
Wonder Bunny Math: Pre School APK
Fantastec Oy
Perfect math learning app for preschool,kindergarten and families! Aligned to most math curriculums, thiseducation game makes learning numbers and math operations likeaddition and subtraction super fun and easy for children. On yourmarks - get set – play & learn now!GAME IDEA:Brave little Wonder Bunny needs your help! The mean Bunnisher hasstolen the carrots and wacky vehicles from the Wonder Village. Canyou help Wonder Bunny to get them back on a race track? WonderBunny is fast, but there are surprises and math learning challengeson the track. Join Wonder Bunny and his cute friends in a fun racefor carrots and wacky vehicles!EDUCATIONAL VALUEFollowing most curriculums like Common Core learning standards,this app combines mathematics with fun gameplay. The game alsoprovides a comprehensive learning analytics tool to monitor child’sprogress and learning – with detailed information of mastered mathskills and skills to improve.Praised by the players & professionals:-EAS: perfect 5 star rating! Educational App Store has awardedWonder Bunny Math a perfect 5 star rating for excellent learningvalue.- Winner of e-learning competition eEemeli 2015 (Finland)"Excellent math learning game. Wonder Bunny games combinetop-notch graphics, fun gameplay and excellent learning value.Definitely one of the best kids learning games. (Teacher,Finland)“This is a great game. My daughter loves it and enjoys thegames. It has been able to improve her math while keeping it fun.”(Dad, USA)”Our test player children love this colorful and cartoonishgame. Wonder Bunnies cute looks and hilarious vehicles areappealing for kids. As parents we appreciate progress analyzing andreporting features. Cute and very educational game.” (Viihdevintiötkids blog, Finland)“Let Bunny and his friends help your children practice math withcute, colorful, rabbity racing fun.” (Smart Apps for Kids)"Different levels of difficulty make it fun for both younger andolder kids.” (Real Mom Reviews)KEY FEATURES-Customize your favorite Bunny and ride wacky vehicles-Play in beautiful Candyland and magical Polar World racetracks-30 visually impressive, colorful and cartoonish levels, thousandsof math exercises-Easy to play interface: all you need to do is to tap on thescreen!-Child-friendly and SAFE: No advertisements, no third-party links,no violence – just fun playing and learning.-Free to download and playPLEASE NOTE! This game is free to download and test: first 3levels are free, and the rest of 30 levels, some game items (likewacky vehicles) and full mathematics learning report can bepurchased for real money (in-app purchases).EDUCATIONAL FEATURES-Designed by teachers-Different math-learning tasks for 3-7 years old preschool andkindergarten kids-Thousands of math exercises following Common Core learningstandards for preschools and kindergarten-Helps kids to learn numbers, counting, addition andsubtraction-Several operators with mixed questions-Comprehensive learning and progress report with skill summary -including detailed information of mastered math skills and skillsto improve-Quick links for specific mathematics learning subject helpsteachers to link the game and their teaching-Fun learning rewards like wacky vehicles and costumes-This game is suitable for families, schools &homeschoolsStart the adventure NOW!Watch game trailer here: http://fantastec.fi/wonder_bunny_math_race_trailer/Get updates and news first! Follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook& Twitter:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygamehttps://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameDEVELOPERFantastec ltd. is an award-winning developer of kids’ educationalgames based in Finland. Our mission & passion is to boost kids’happiness and create great value for parents with visuallyimpressive and fun learning games. For more fun learning gamesvisit http://www.wonderbunnygame.com/Wonder Bunny games: Not tested on animals – tested onchildren.
Wonder Bunny & Animal Friends APK
Fantastec Oy
It's Wonder Bunny time! Join Wonder Bunny andhis cute friends and learn about animals with this fun-filled game!Wonder Bunny & Animal Friends is an entertaining andcaptivating learning game, which introduces your children toseveral beautiful environments and exotic animals.The stars of Wonder Bunny & Animal Friends are a cute bunnyand his friends. The game includes several different game types andmore than 30 levels of fun & educational content about natureand animals.Features:- No Head, No Tail: fun game where you can mix different animalfeatures- Photoshoot: take pictures of animals according toinstructions; for example, do you know which Savannah inhabitant isthe heaviest? Which one is the quickest?- Memory Game: Can you find the pairs for different animals?This is a classic kids’ memory game, but it includes a twist – thecards “explode”!- Customize your favourite Bunny, and start a fun action-packedanimal adventure!- Different nature and animal related learning tasks for 3-8years old kids- Child-friendly, easy to play interface: all you need to do isto tap or slide!- Beautiful, colourful and cartoonish game environment, withlots of fun tasks!- Play in majestic Savannah, beautiful Coral Reef and exoticJungle environments- Free-to-play- Additional levels with In-App PurchasesTrailer:http://fantastec.fi/wonder_bunny_animal_friends_trailer/Developed by Fantastec, an educational games developer fromFinland. For more exciting and fun learning games and adventures,visit:www.fantastec.fi/For more information follow Wonder Bunny on Facebook:www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygameFollow Wonder Bunny on Twitter:www.twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameTest also Polar Heroes educational online adventure game worldat: www.polarheroes.comMore fun Wonder Bunny games coming soon! Check them outhere:http://www.fantastec.fi/products.php
Kymppi - Ihmepupun kuntorata 3 APK
Fantastec Oy
Täydellinen matematiikan oppimispelikouluilleja perheille! Ihmepupu-pelit tekevät numeroiden jalaskutoimitustenoppimisesta hauskaa ja helppoa. Hauska tapa oppia -kokeile heti!PELI-IDEAPieni, urhea Ihmepupu tarvitsee apuasi! Ilkeä Puputtaja onvienytkaikki porkkanat ja ajoneuvot Ihmekylästä! Rohkea Ihmepupuonpäättänyt hankkia ne takaisin haastamalla Puputtajankilpailuun,mutta hän tarvitsee sinun apuasi. Voitko auttaaIhmepupuaohittamaan esteet radalla? Aloita vauhdikas seikkailu jaopimatematiikan salat!PERUSTUU OPETUSSUUNNITELMAANKymppi - Ihmepupun Kuntorata 3. luokka on valloittava javauhdikasmatematiikkapeli lapsille. Pelin toteutuksestavastaavatyhteistyössä Fantastec Oy ja SanomaPro. Peli perustuuSanomanKymppi-kirjasarjaan ja Suomen opetussuunnitelmaan.Visuaalisestinäyttävä peli on pedagogisesti suunniteltu innostamaanlastamatematiikan maailmaan. Vanhemmat ja opettajat voivatseuratalapsen kehittymistä kattavan oppimisraportin kautta.Mitä pelaajat sanovat Ihmepupusta?“Hieno peli! Peli onnistuu olemaan hauska ja samallaparantamaantyttäreni matematiikan taitoja.” (Isä & 7-vuotiastytär)“Tyttäreni rakastavat tätä peliä. He ovat lopettaneetMinecraftinpelaamisen Ihmepupun takia. Paras oppimispeli, jota heovatpelanneet” (Äiti ja 6 & 8-vuotiaat tytöt)Mitä asiantuntijat sanovat Ihmepupusta?- Täydelliset viisi tähteä Educational App Storenarvostelussa(UK)- Ylivoimainen yleisön suosikki e-oppimiskilpailueEemelissä2015”Testitenava rakastui oitis ”karkkien väriseen”pelimaailmaan.Jänöjen suloisen vitsikäs ulkonäkö ja niidenkäyttämätmielikuvitukselliset kulkuneuvot ovatkin pelin hauskintaantia.Vanhempien iloksi sovelluksessa on osio, josta voi seuratalapsentaitojen karttumista. Kotimainen, söpö jaopettavainen.”(Viihdevintiöt-blogi)“Erinomainen matematiikan oppimispeli. Ihmepupu-peleissäyhdistyyhienolla tavalla kauniit grafiikat, hauska pelimekanismisekäopetussuunnitelman mukainen oppiminen. Ehdottomasti yksimaailmanparhaita lasten matikkapelejä. (opettaja, Suomi)KESKEINEN SISÄLTÖ:-oman pelihahmon muokkaus: valitse pupulle mieluisa väri,iloisiapukuja ja jänniä liikkumisvälineitä kuten lentävä mattojarakettimoottori-oppimisen edistyessä hauskoja palkintoja, kutenvekkuleitavekottimia omalle pelihahmolle-150 visuaalisesti näyttävää pelikenttää-tuhansia Suomen 3. luokan opetussuunnitelmaanperustuviatehtäviä-auttaa lasta oppimaan numerot sekä keskeisetmatemaattisetoperaatiot-kattava oppimisen analytiikka ja yksityiskohtainenraporttiarvosanoineen auttaa seuraamaan lapsen kehittymistä-pikalinkit yksittäisiin tehtäviin (esim. vähennyslaskuluvuilla1-10) auttavat opettajia linkittämään pelinopetukseensa-helppo pelata: pelaajan tarvitsee vain painaa oikeavaihtoehtoruudulla-lapsiystävällinen ja turvallinen: ei mainoksia, ei väkivaltaa–vain hauskaa pelaamista ja oppimisen iloa!-peli on suomalaisten opettajien suunnittelema-oiva oppimisen apu sekä perheille että kouluille (kouluillevolumepurchasing –alennus)-ja paljon muuta, pelaa ja ihastu!Ihmepupun esittelyvideo löytyy Youtubesta tästä linkistä:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGvPu-0YrloIhmepupu Facebookissa ja Twitterissä:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygamehttps://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameKEHITTÄJÄT:Pelin toteutuksesta vastaavat yhteistyössä Fantastec OyjaSanomaPro.SanomaPro on Suomen johtava oppimateriaalien tuottaja. PeliperustuuSanomaPro:n Kymppi-matematiikkakirjasarjaan.Fantastec Oy on palkittu, suomalainen lastenoppimispelienkehittäjä. Fantastecin “mission & passion” ontarjota lapsilleoppimisen iloa ja vanhemmille sekä kouluillepedagogisestilaadukkaita ja opetussuunnitelmaan perustuviapelejä.Lisätietoaoppimispeleistämme:http://www.wonderbunnygame.com/Wonder Bunny games: Not tested on animals – testedonchildren.Perfect for mathlearninggame for schools and families! Wonderland Rabbit games makethenumbers and calculations learning fun and easy. A fun way tolearn- try it now!GAME IDEASmall, brave Wonderland Rabbit needs your help! Evil Puputtajahastaken all the carrots and vehicles Wonderland Village!CourageousWonderland Rabbit has decided to purchase them back bychallengingPuputtajan competition, but he needs your help. Can youhelpIhmepupua away from obstacles on the track? Start anaction-packedadventure and learn the secrets of mathematics!BASED EDUCATION PLANTen - Ihmepupun Track Condition Class 3 is a captivatingandaction-packed math game for kids. The game executed bytheco-Fantastec Ltd and SanomaPro. The game is based on themessageKymppi-book series and the Finnish curriculum. Visuallystrikinggame is pedagogically designed to inspire children to theworld ofmathematics. Parents and teachers can monitor thechild'sdevelopment of a comprehensive learning through thereport.What players say Ihmepupusta?"A great game! The game manages to be fun and at the same timetoimprove my daughter's math skills. "(Father &7-year-olddaughter)"My daughter will love this game. They have stoppedplayingMinecraft Ihmepupun due. Best learning game that they haveplayed"(Mother and 6 & 8-year-old girls)What the experts say Ihmepupusta?- A full five stars Educational App Store Rating (UK)- The overwhelming crowd favorite e-learning competitioneEemeli2015"Testitenava fell in love right away," candy-colored, "therealm.The midpoints of the sweet witty appearance and their meansoftransport are used by the imaginative game in the funniestthing.Parents delight application has a section where you can keeptrackof the child's skills gap. Domestic, cute andeducational."(Viihdevintiöt blog)"Excellent math learning game. Wonderland bunny games,combinesperfectly with the beautiful graphics, fun game mechanism,as wellas curricular learning. Definitely one of the most bestchildren'smath games. (Teacher, Finland)MAIN FEATURES:-oman game character editing: select pupulle pleasing color,happycostumes and exciting mobility equipment, such as a magiccarpetand a rocket enginelearning of proceeds of fun prizes, such as the wacky gadgetstoyour game character-150 Visually impressive game fieldmillennia Finland 3rd grade curriculum-based tasksHelps the child to learn numbers and the mainmathematicaloperations-Comprehensive learning analytics and detailed report theirgradesto help monitor the child's developmentquick links to specific tasks (eg. subtraction of numbers 1-10)canhelp teachers to link the teaching of the game-easy to play: the player only needs to press the right optiononthe screen-lapsiystävällinen and safe: no ads, no violence - just a lot offunto play and the joy of learning!game is designed by Finnish teachers-oiva learning assistance for families and schools (schoolswithvolume purchasing Discount)-And much more, play and fall in love!Ihmepupun demo video can be found on YouTube at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGvPu-0YrloWonderland Rabbit on Facebook and Twitter:https://www.facebook.com/wonderbunnygamehttps://twitter.com/WonderBunnyGameDEVELOPERS:The game executed by the co-Fantastec Ltd and SanomaPro.SanomaPro is Finland's leading producer of educationalmaterials.The game is based SanomaPro's Kymppikioski math bookseries.Fantastec Ltd is an award-winning, Finnish children's learninggamesdeveloper. Fantastec "Mission & passion" is to offerchildrenthe joy of learning and parents as well as schools andpedagogicalquality curriculum-based games.More informationoppimispeleistämme:http://www.wonderbunnygame.com/Wonder Bunny games: animals is Not tested - testedhavechildren.