1.1 / December 16, 2015
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    December 16, 2015
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    Android 4.1 and up
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DREAM LAND - Under the sea 1.0 APK
Dreamland是為3至7歲學齡前孩童及父母所設計的互動教學軟體,包含數學、科學、觀測和文化四大類,更依據學習程度分成三個等級。讓小朋友在家長的協助下,可以一步一步培養觀察、邏輯、基礎知識等能力。ElephantLa-La則是利用生動活潑的卡通角色-小象拉拉,帶著小朋友經由一篇篇的小故事培養小朋友建立健康積極的態度和個性。Dreamland is 3-7 yearsoldpreschool children and their parents designed interactivelearningsoftware, includingMath, science, observation and cultural four categories, basedondegree of learning more divided into three levels. Let thechildrenof parents with the help of step by step trainingobservation,logic, basic knowledge capabilities. Elephant La-La isthe use of alively cartoon characters - baby elephant Lara, takingthe childrenthrough a chapter of the story cultivate childrendevelop a healthypositive attitude and personality.
澳洲通 2.0 APK
No. 1澳洲萬用生活APP,適合留遊學生、背包客和旅居澳洲之華人使用。澳洲通整合了新手到澳洲需要的資訊,如申請稅號、開戶、簽證、交通等資訊,更可即時查詢租房資訊、工作、活動、打折情報、旅遊、優惠課程、各州交通、航空公司、澳洲郵局、各地天氣、UV指數、匯率、生活英文、節日、急難救助、駐澳使館、QRCode和影片。需要在澳洲進修的同學也可以透過APP內的諮詢服務表格與傑瑞斯連繫,我們將提供專屬您的課程規劃。澳洲通是傑瑞斯精心為旅澳朋友設計的澳洲生活資訊平台,不必再下載一些無用的APP。如有任何建議或想新增的功能,歡迎來信。app@JRIS.com傑瑞斯澳洲國際教育中心http://www.JRIS.comhttp://www.StudyEnglish.com.twNo. 1 Australian wildcardlife the APP, suitable for stay amusement students, backpackers andChinese living in Australia.Australia through integration novice to the information you needin Australia, such as the application of tariff lines, accounts,visas, transportation and other information, but also real-timequery rental information, work, activities, discount information,travel, discount programs, state transportation, airlines,Australia post office, local weather, UV index, exchange rate, lifeEnglish, festivals, emergency assistance, Embassy in Australia,QRCode and movies.Education students in Australia can also through the form ofconsulting services within the APP with Croke links, we willprovide your curriculum planning.The Australia through Croke well-the Australian lifestyleinformation platform design for the trip Macao friend, you do nothave to download some useless APP. If you have any suggestions orwant to add, please email. app@JRIS.comThe Croke Australia Center for International Educationhttp://www.JRIS.comhttp://www.StudyEnglish.com.tw
兩株番茄 1.0 APK
內容簡介:花園裡種了兩株番茄,雖然主人施給這兩株番茄相同的養份和水,但是他們卻長得很不一樣,高番茄因此常常嘲笑矮番茄。經過一段時間,主人來到菜園裡收成,卻發現了意想不到的結果。作者簡介:林梅枝 Maggie Mitchell台灣高雄人,台北輔大家政系幼兒教育組畢業從事四年幼教工作後,到美國進修,1993年得到Regent大學的教育碩士學位。目前林梅枝和她的先生王天祺,以及女兒王曉睿住在美國維吉尼亞州。除了專心照顧家庭之外,她也從事中文媒體工作和兒童故事寫作。繪者簡介:冉瑞菁 Ran Ruei Jin自由插畫工作者,中國文化大學美術系畢業大四那年開始接觸插畫,畢業後專心創作兒童插畫。
DreamLand - The weather 1.0 APK
DreamLand is a learning app for 3 to 7yearsold preschool kids and their parents. There are three levelsinfour categories, including Math, Science, Observation andCulture.Under the assistance of Parents, Kids can learn and playstep bystep in order to meet their needs of observation, logic andmentaldevelopment. The Elephant La-La in Culture category is abrand newseries of stories for building healthy and positiveattitudes andpersonalities.
27種常見疾病深層溝通法 1.0.5 APK
「深層溝通」是心靈大師林顯宗老師潛心研究廿多年來的心得,透過溝通師與學員的雙向引導,找出埋藏在生命中的罣礙、負擔,以便能夠化解、改善生命。每一個心靈深層中都會因為生命過程的不愉快而留下殘影,或稱為種子;這些殘影或種子,會在心中發展而成形。我們所遭遇的問題或養成的習氣,多半是這些種子所成長的結果。每次忙於解決問題,只是治標而沒有治本,也就是針對發生的結果來救火,卻沒有針對導致的原因來預防。「疾病」的表現,也正是心靈種子在因緣具足的情況下,透過肉身表現出的「果」。若沒有就「因」的根治,不多時疾病還是會重蹈覆轍、一再復發。因此,林老師從疾病看出生命的訊息,思考解決的方式,以改變生命的景象。這解決之道,不採用任何藥物,而是透過「深層溝通」來正視心靈中的殘影,或是消除原先埋藏的種子。只要能處理內在的問題,藉由引導、內觀,穿越內心被壓抑或扭曲的殘影,心念一轉自然生命豁然開朗、陽光普照,不再受到陰鬱所蒙蔽。你相信感冒的症狀是來自於對感情的不能釋懷 ? 出生一個月的小嬰孩,可以因為感受到母親的真心關懷,在高燒的情況下迅速好轉 ?這些他人奇妙的經驗,在後續的引導和溝通中,留待各位自身來體驗。"Deep communication" isthe spiritual master Lin Xianzong teacher twenty years ofpainstaking research experience, through two-way communicationbetween teacher and student guide, find buried in their lives 罣礙burden to be able to resolve and improve lives. Deep in the heartof each one will be unhappy because life processes while leavingblur, otherwise known as seeds; these blur or seeds in the heartsof the development and shaping. We encountered a problem or develophabits, mostly a result of these seeds grow. Every busy solving theproblem, only the symptoms and not the root cause, which isfighting for the result to happen, but not for the reason toprevent it."Disease" of performance, it is also spiritual seeds in case thesituation right through the flesh exhibit "fruit." If you did not"cause" the cure, the disease is still a little while to repeat itagain and again relapse. Thus, seen from the disease Lin message oflife, thinking to solve a way to change the scene of life. Thissolution does not use any drugs, but through "deep communication"to face the heart of the blur, or the elimination of previouslyburied seeds. Just be able to handle the inherent problem byguiding, Vipassana, repressed or distorted through the heart ofblur, natural life suddenly changing your mind, sunny, no longerblinded by the gloom.Do you believe that the symptoms of the common cold from thefeelings are not relieved? Little baby was born a month, becauseyou can really feel the mother's care, in the case of high feverimproved quickly? Wonderful experience of these others, insubsequent guidance and communication , and leave it to themselvesto experience.
全民資安書城 2.0.0 APK
DreamLand - Sorting 1.0 APK
DreamLand is a learning app for 3 to 7 yearsold preschool kids and their parents. There are three levels infour categories, including Math, Science, Observation and Culture.Under the assistance of Parents, Kids can learn and play step bystep in order to meet their needs of observation, logic and mentaldevelopment. The Elephant La-La in Culture category is a brand newseries of stories for building healthy and positive attitudes andpersonalities.
創櫃板GISA 1.0.0 APK
厚植我國經濟未來發展之基石、利於國家未來產業發展櫃買中心在主管機關支持下籌設「創櫃板」。「創櫃板」主要係取其「創意櫃檯」之意涵為命名,係定位為提供具創新、創意構想之非公開發行微型企業「創業輔導籌資機制」,提供「股權籌資」功能但不具交易功能。「創櫃板」係採差異化管理及統籌輔導策略,以戮力協助扶植我國微型創新企業之成長茁壯,俾厚植我國經濟未來發展之基石、利於國家未來產業發展,達成政策目標,創造多贏局面。Houzhi cornerstone of thefuture development of China's economy, which will help futureindustrial development of the countryGTSM Choushe in support of the competent authorities "hitcounter board." "Chong cabinet board" meaning whichever mainly of"creative counter" as the name, the Department of positioning toprovide innovative, creative idea of ​​a non-public offering ofmicro-enterprise "business counseling financing mechanisms" toprovide "equity financing" feature, but not a transactionfunction."Chong cabinet board" determined based on differences betweenmanagement and coordination of counseling strategies to do my bestto help foster the growth of micro-enterprise innovation thrive, toserve Houzhi cornerstone of the future development of China'seconomy, which will help future industrial development of thecountry, to achieve policy goals, and create more winsituation.