1 / August 5, 2016
(4.9/5) ()


Bomba es un juego multijugador depalabrascontrarreloj para dos o más jugadores en español. Aprendera jugares muy sencillo y con un solo móvil pueden jugar tantosjugadorescomo quieran.

Como Jugar

Al comienzo del juego uno de los jugadores (el quequiera)escribe un castigo que deberá cumplir el jugador quepierda.Después se ajusta el número de rondas que habrá, así comoladuración de esas rondas.

En cada ronda surgirá un tema totalmente aleatorio ylosjugadores tendrán que nombrar en voz alta ejemplos de ese tema.Haymás de 2.000 temas y además se pueden añadir temas nuevos desdelapantalla de opciones.

Si a los jugadores no les gusta el tema que ha salido se pulsaelbotón "Pasar tema" hasta que salga uno que les guste. Entoncessepulsa el botón ¡Bomba!, lo cual activa una cuenta atrás y marcaelcomienzo de la ronda.

Los jugadores deberán ir por turnos en el sentido de lasagujasdel reloj nombrando en voz alta ejemplos del tema que hasalido.Cuando la bomba explote, el jugador que estuviera en suturno selleva un punto, completando esa ronda. Al final de lapartida,aquel jugador que tenga más puntos deberá cumplir elcastigo.

Importante: leer las instrucciones que vienen dentro del juegoyque detallan paso a paso como jugar.


-Más de 2.000 temas ya incluidos
-Posibilidad de incluir temas personalizados
-Dos o más jugadores
-Duración de las partidas ajustable
-Solo requiere de un móvil

Descarga gratis el juego y juega con tus amigos, ¡la risa yaldiversión están aseguradas!

Si quieres proponer nuevos temas para futuras versiones otienesalguna duda o pregunta escríbenos aperitastudio@gmail.com

Bomba is amultiplayerword game trial for two or more players in Spanish.Learning toplay is very simple and with a single mobile can play asmanyplayers as they want.

How to play

At the beginning of the game one player (who wants) writesapunishment that must meet the player loses. After the numberofrounds that will be, and the duration of these rounds is set.

In each round will emerge a completely random subject andplayerswill have to name aloud examples of that topic. There areover 2,000topics and also can add new themes from the optionsscreen.

If players do not like the issue that has emerged pressthebutton "Skip theme" until it is one they like. Bomb !, buttonwhichactivates a countdown and marks the beginning of the round isthenpressed.

Players must go in shifts in the direction of clockwisenamingaloud examples of the issue that has emerged. When thebombexplodes, the player who was in turn takes a point, completingtheround. At the end of the game, the player who has more pointsshallcomply punishment.

Important: read the instructions that come in the gameanddetailing step by step how to play.


-More Than 2,000 issues already included
-Ability To include custom themes
Two or more players
-Duration Of adjustable items
It requires a mobile -only

free download the game and play with your friends, laughterandfun are guaranteed!

If you want to propose new topics for future versions or haveanyquestions or write us ask peritastudio@gmail.com

App Information Bomba, Multijugador Palabras

  • App Name
    Bomba, Multijugador Palabras
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    August 5, 2016
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 2.3 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
    Perita Studio
  • 安装
    10 - 50
  • 价钱
  • 分类
  • 开发者
  • Google Play Link

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Squid Test 1.2 APK
Perita Studio
The Squid Test is designed to put yourskillsto the limits and measure your reaction time, patienceandconcentration. The longer you survive the better your scorewillbe, so try to reach your limits! But we have to warn you, thistestlooks easy but is really really hard. Only 1% of the gamersarecapable to pass the test, so don´t get frustrated if youdon´tfinish it. Also, the squid´s appearance will change dependingonyour grade. Be brave, be patient and good luck!This game needs Android 4.0.3 or higherControls:-Press the right part of the screen to make the squid go upandrelease to the squid go down.-Press the left side of the screen to change the squid´s color.Ifthe squid has the same color as an obstacle he can pass throughitwithout dying.Credits:All the songs are fromAudionautix.com:http://audionautix.com/Chip is not a superhero, he will not save the world orthehumanity but this squid can save his tribe. Conquer theimpossiblecave in this difficult FREE TEST. Enjoy a competitive 2Darcaderunner where you have to use all your concentration. Chip isamaster in the strategy, speed and camouflage. He can changehiscolor and walk through power crystals. Do not fight, run evenifit's difficult!Play with your favorite character, complete the test andenjoyover 25 objects 2D cartoon. Swords, axes, arrows, bows,maces,hammers, sabers lights,VR glasses (virtual reality),crowns,scythes, bandages, patches, gas mask, robot, yellowsubmarine,fairy, octopus, UFO, bandages, blood , scar, band aid.Which willmake many more dynamic!!Have fun,enjoy and experience the thrill of thecompetitionagainst your friends thanks to the facebook scores tableof thisdifficult test, become in the super squid and be the hero ofthetribe. Challenge your friends in this incredibly difficult testandcompete for the highest score and the best category inthecompetitive ranking.Be the best player in an arcade runner, if you get up to 100%andmake the test you will be the true hero of the tribe of thesewatercreatures.This difficult test runner arcade 2D cartoon have notpaymentsinside the app, so you can play as long as you like everyday freeof charge.Game Features:- Charismatics 2D cartoon graphics.- More than 25 bonus items cartoon.- A finite stage but very difficult to complete!- Final test score.- Random Combos obstacles.- Total immersion thanks to a necessary game-flow.- HD Sound.-Short and dynamic plays, ideal for any situationandanywhere.- Leaderboard where you can see your friends test scores.- Share your score on Facebook and Twitter.-Incredibles physics carefully adjusted to the millimeter ,willmake it very difficult.Prove you can avoid the difficult obstacles with skill and thankstoour squid hero, enjoy the speed and the adrenaline withthisdifficult 2D Cartoon test runner where you’ll need themaximumconcentration and flow. Get to be the champion intoyourfriends.If you get a high score in this difficult test you can just mailusor use twitter or facebook and We will show your best score inoursocial networks. Don’t miss the opportunity to try this testandprove your gamer skills. Show that you have necessary theskill,speed and the agility to pass this test with a 100%!!!
El Rey Borracho 1.3 APK
Perita Studio
¿Estás buscando un juego para emborrachartecon tus amigos mientras echáis unas risas? No busques más, el ReyBorracho es un juego diseñado por fiesteros profesionales, perfectopara fiestas, bares, cumpleaños o cualquier reunión donde hayaamigos y alcohol. Todo totalmente gratis y sin que tengas quegastar ni un euro.Como se juega:Los jugadores dejan el móvil sobre una mesa y van jugador porturnos en el orden de la agujas del reloj. En cada turno, aljugador que le toque pulsa el botón siguiente y lee en voz alta lacarta que ha salido. La base del juego son preguntas curiosas deverdadero o falso, en las todo el mundo (incluyendo el jugador quetiene el turno) debe hacer una predicción sobre si cree que esverdadera o falsa. Una vez que todo el mundo haya hecho su apuesta,se pulsa el botón respuesta y aquellos hayan acertado se libran debeber y los que hayan fallado beben. El juego incluye más de 1.000preguntas divertidas de verdadero o falso, así que la fiesta estáasegurada.El juego también incluye otros tipos de carta como:-Yo nunca: el jugador que tiene el turno debe decir una fraseque comience por “yo nunca he …” seguido de una acción. Losjugadores que hayan hecho lo que se ha descrito beben, y los que nolo hayan hecho se libran de beber.-Reto: el jugador que tiene el turno deberá cumplir el retodescrito o beber doble. Si es un reto grupal, entonces todo elgrupo deberá cumplir el reto o beber doble.-Eventos: los eventos se aplican a todos los jugadores. Quienescumplan las condiciones descritas en el evento beben.-Personajes: el jugador que tiene el turno se convierte en elpersonaje que describe la carta, lo cual le otorga un poderespecial que dura hasta que a otro jugador le salga la carta de esepersonaje.Personajes de la Corte del Rey Borracho:*El Rey Borracho: pone una regla y quien la incumple bebe*La Reina: todo el mundo debe llamarla su Alteza Real o beben*El Inquisidor: hace preguntas a los demás y si respondenbeben*El Clérigo: si alguien dice un insulto o habla de sexo lo mandabeber*El Bufón: si hace contacto visual con un jugador y le guiñabebe*Gran Maestre: cada vez que levante la mano todos deben hacerlo yel último en hacerlo bebe.Características del Juego:-Más de 1.000 preguntas curiosas de verdadero o falso-Retos individuales y grupales-Eventos-Preguntas de yo nunca-6 Personajes que otorgan poderes especiales-Número ilimitado de jugadores-Puedes jugar en cualquier parteNo lo dudes y descarga ya El Rey Borracho, eso sí, recuerda quese debe beber con moderación.Si quieres hacernos una sugerencia o tienes algún problematécnico escríbenos a peritastudio@gmail.com.Are you looking for agame to get drunk with your friends while you're missing a fewlaughs? Look no further, King Borracho is a game designed byprofessionals, perfect for parties, bars, birthday or any gatheringwhere revelers have friends and spirit. All completely free andwithout you having to spend a single euro.How to play:Players leave the mobile on a table and go player turns in orderclockwise. On each turn, the player whose turn it hit the nextbutton and read aloud the letter he left. The basis of the game arecurious questions true or false, in all the world (including theplayer whose turn) must make a prediction about whether you thinkit is true or false. Once everyone has made their bets, the answerbutton is pressed and those have waged successful drinking andthose who have failed drink. The game includes over 1,000 funquestions true or false, so the party is assured.The game also includes other card types such as:-I never: the player who has the turn must say a sentencestarting with "I've never ..." followed by an action. Players whohave done what has been described drink, and those who have notdone so get rid of drinking.-Reto: The player who has the turn must meet the challengedescribed or drinking double. If it is a group challenge then thewhole group must meet the challenge or drinking double.-Events: Events apply to all players. Who meet the conditionsdescribed in the drink event.-Characters: The player whose turn becomes the character whodescribes the letter, which gives it a special power that lastsuntil another player will leave the letter of that character.Characters of the Court of King Borracho:* King Borracho: put a ruler and who fails drinks* The Queen: everyone should call His Royal Highness or drink* The Inquisitor asks questions to others and if they responddrink* The Cleric: if someone tells an insult or talk about sex sendsdrink* The Jester: If you make eye contact with a player and winksdrinks* Grand Master: every time you raise your hand all must do and thelast to do baby.Game Features:-More Than 1,000 curious questions true or falseindividual and group -Challenges-Events-Questions Of never-6 Characters that grant special powers-Number of players unlimited-You Can play anywhereDo not hesitate and download and King Borracho, yes, rememberthat you should drink in moderation.If you want to make a suggestion or have any technical problemplease write to peritastudio@gmail.com.
2-4 Players Speed Duel 1 APK
Perita Studio
2-4 Players Speed Duel is a multiplayer gameofvisual speed for two or four players where the players competetosee who is the fastest, in real time and with only onedevice.Learning how to play is really easy and takes less than oneminute!How to PlayGeometric shapes will appear in the center of the screen allthetime. In order to earn points the players must press theirbuttonwhen two shapes with the same aspect or the same color appearoneafter the other. For example, the players must press the buttonsifa green square and a blue square are displayed one after theother(same aspect) or a red circle and a red diamond (samecolor).Be careful, only the fastest player earn the point. If youpressthe button in the wrong moment you will lose a point. Thefirstplayer who reach three points wins. You can change the numberofpoints and the speed in the options menu. During the game,pressthe center of the screen to pause the game.Features:-Fast rounds (less than 3 minutes)-2 Players duel mode-4 Players duel mode-Customizable speed and number of points-For all agesDownload now 2-4 Players Speed Duel for free and challengeyourfriends to see who is the fastest and have a lot of fun!If you have any doubt or suggestion write ustoperitastudio@gmail.com
Bomba, Multijugador Palabras 1 APK
Perita Studio
Bomba es un juego multijugador depalabrascontrarreloj para dos o más jugadores en español. Aprendera jugares muy sencillo y con un solo móvil pueden jugar tantosjugadorescomo quieran.Como JugarAl comienzo del juego uno de los jugadores (el quequiera)escribe un castigo que deberá cumplir el jugador quepierda.Después se ajusta el número de rondas que habrá, así comoladuración de esas rondas.En cada ronda surgirá un tema totalmente aleatorio ylosjugadores tendrán que nombrar en voz alta ejemplos de ese tema.Haymás de 2.000 temas y además se pueden añadir temas nuevos desdelapantalla de opciones.Si a los jugadores no les gusta el tema que ha salido se pulsaelbotón "Pasar tema" hasta que salga uno que les guste. Entoncessepulsa el botón ¡Bomba!, lo cual activa una cuenta atrás y marcaelcomienzo de la ronda.Los jugadores deberán ir por turnos en el sentido de lasagujasdel reloj nombrando en voz alta ejemplos del tema que hasalido.Cuando la bomba explote, el jugador que estuviera en suturno selleva un punto, completando esa ronda. Al final de lapartida,aquel jugador que tenga más puntos deberá cumplir elcastigo.Importante: leer las instrucciones que vienen dentro del juegoyque detallan paso a paso como jugar.Características-Más de 2.000 temas ya incluidos-Posibilidad de incluir temas personalizados-Dos o más jugadores-Duración de las partidas ajustable-Solo requiere de un móvilDescarga gratis el juego y juega con tus amigos, ¡la risa yaldiversión están aseguradas!Si quieres proponer nuevos temas para futuras versiones otienesalguna duda o pregunta escríbenos aperitastudio@gmail.comBomba is amultiplayerword game trial for two or more players in Spanish.Learning toplay is very simple and with a single mobile can play asmanyplayers as they want.How to playAt the beginning of the game one player (who wants) writesapunishment that must meet the player loses. After the numberofrounds that will be, and the duration of these rounds is set.In each round will emerge a completely random subject andplayerswill have to name aloud examples of that topic. There areover 2,000topics and also can add new themes from the optionsscreen.If players do not like the issue that has emerged pressthebutton "Skip theme" until it is one they like. Bomb !, buttonwhichactivates a countdown and marks the beginning of the round isthenpressed.Players must go in shifts in the direction of clockwisenamingaloud examples of the issue that has emerged. When thebombexplodes, the player who was in turn takes a point, completingtheround. At the end of the game, the player who has more pointsshallcomply punishment.Important: read the instructions that come in the gameanddetailing step by step how to play.characteristics-More Than 2,000 issues already included-Ability To include custom themesTwo or more players-Duration Of adjustable itemsIt requires a mobile -onlyfree download the game and play with your friends, laughterandfun are guaranteed!If you want to propose new topics for future versions or haveanyquestions or write us ask peritastudio@gmail.com